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Before promotion, whats the best Roy you've ever had?


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We all know about Roy's average to mediocre stats before promotion, getting really balanced stats that don't really shine. But once in a blue moon, a great one comes along that ends up capping a stat or two after promotion. Whats your best?

Mine would have to be off the import I got from playasia.com, coming in with great stats and became one of my best fighters.

Lvl 20

Hp: 40 (Angelic Robe used)

Str: 16

Skl: 16 (Secret Book used)

Spd: 16

Luck 19

Def: 14

Res: 5

The real shocker is that he went on to cap Hp, Str, Spd, and Def. I took a picture of it from my camera when I had it on my Gameboy player, which I will put up soon.

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z0mg... Those are very nice stats for Roy. The RNG seems to hate me pre-promotion, but loves me [LOVES ME] after.

Lvl 20

Hp: 29

Str: 19

Skl: 9

Spd: 8

Luck 4

Def: 16

Res: 8

I'm choosing this Roy purely because his Str and both his defenses aren't uber suckage, like all of my other Roy's. Spd/Skl are very disapointing, however...

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Heres the picture I took a few years ago when I got this great Roy. This is off my TV, so thank god for the gameboy player. Stats are a little off, but meh, I don't care.


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Was something like...

HP: 33

Str: Capped

Skl: Capped

Spd: 19

Luck: 13

Def: 16

Res: 14

I actually cried when he hit level 20 and got no stats, which would have probably capped his speed. xDDD

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Was something like...

HP: 33

Str: Capped

Skl: Capped

Spd: 19

Luck: 13

Def: 16

Res: 14

I actually cried when he hit level 20 and got no stats, which would have probably capped his speed. xDDD

...O_O Holy shit, that's a pimped out Roy.

Though, his HP seems lowish for some reason, and his luck looks kinda disappointing.

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He probly didn't use an Angelic Robe, otherwise it would be about as high as mine, which is 35 without the stat boost.

I didn't use any stat boosters. He never dropped below 20 HP after level 15 either. He dodged that much.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Personal experience ftl. Roy is the worst lord ever.

Personal Experience means nothing. It's a phrase thats been around with almost all serious FE debate forums for quite sometime. It's to show that just because something happened to you doesn't mean it should hold any weight in a real debate. Usually, only actual character averages count.

For instance, I have a nearly maxed out Roy at 20/20 Master Lord with no stat boosters whatsoever(believe it or not) other than a Boot and a Body Ring. You have any idea how rare that is to see that? I could just argue and say that Roy is the greatest Lord in the game but since it happened once through personal experience, it doesn't mean a thing to other people.


And like I said, usually only stat averages matter for ranking characters statistically. FE is governed completely by mathematics and probability. All stat growths can be determined exactly, and they're easily comparable between characters.

Average stats

The purpose of this site is to show how they turn out average more than any specific order. That's why they're called "averages". It's also unlikely to have every single stat hit the exact percent, chances are at least a few will land, and it all comes down to average. Thus, it's good to have any guarantees in order to prevent any RNG screw-overs through any gameplays. Even for beginners.

You cannot argue if Roy is the worst lord in the game judging your personal experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And playing skill, I don't think you get that from statistics, but then again what do I know <_< You can rely on averages to play the game, but this is unwise because your characters will not follow the averages. This is where skill, formed from personal experience comes in.

Regardless, on-topic Roy ended up with 15-20 in every stat for me once, with about 35 HP.

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  • 1 month later...

After finding my GBA and SoS here is my Roy, before the promotion.

Hp 42

STR 20*

Skill 13

Spd 16

Luck 21

Def 16

Res 16

Move 5

Con 6

Aids 5

WTF on Res. I have a feeling I gave my Roy steroids last year and forgot.

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