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Battlestar Galactica strategy game


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Okay, so my rant disappeared. Whatever. As it is, Kevin? I don't like being accused on a bullshit basis. I explained my thought process in a game none of us have ever played before. Being suspicious of me is one thing. Being suspicious of me for not approaching this game like I would a mafia game (which, newsflash, this isn't one) is an entirely different thing. Is it something I would post in a mafia game? No, probably not. Is it harmful? Unless the Cylons are clueless and I explained possibilities they hadn't considered, no. Is it helpful? Well, I wanted it to be, and it clearly went unwanted. But I tried to explain what I was doing the best I could without breaking secrecy rules.

Maybe I shouldn't try and be helpful, then. ;/

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I'm just going to announce now that I intend to brig Wen next month, as from my perspective he's the most likely suspect.

Edited by Ceadeus
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One last thing (not technically a rules update this time!): The skills you draw and whatever won't go out until the end of the action phase. So if it looks like I've ignored your action, I haven't, I'm just waiting on the end of the phase for the sake of fairness.

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Guest Wen Yang

Haze, allow me to present my analysis. I will not deny your points that I am one of the people with the highest potential for playing that Tac-5 card.

Of course, you and Rein are equally suspicious in this case, you slightly more than rein, since we all have the chance to draw that card.

In my perspective, I have to say you're the most likely suspect in retrospect, with Rein following.

Gaeta and Leoben passed, which they HAVE to do since otherwise they'd just be sabotaging us. nothing unusual there.

Note however, that there are two LEA-4s in play.

Assuming that we can only get skills up to our skill level at max, these people can play those:



Rein (Piloting)


If we take the possibility that people might be able to get a card 1 higher than their power lists, then it increases that possibility even further, since anyone with a LEA card can possibly have a LEA-4.

There are 8 people who can play a LEA Card. All 8 played a card.

I think this round is mostly unlucky in our part, what with so many people drawing low-power skills, and the damned Cylon playing JUST enough to cause us to fail.

Haze, may I suggest that before we sling accusations around (and I do suspect you, about as much as you suspect me, I guess, although I also suspect rein as the only other natural suspect), that we get together and discuss things with the rest first? The way I see it, if we just went and tried to brig each other it could lead to a split town and I don't think it'll be beneficial to us.

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It's a good analysis and I'm more or less taking it into account that RD could also be a cylon now IET told us that skill rating is not the max skill points you can get on a skill. The problem with this analysis is, though, is that I can safely assume the chance of drawing above your skill rating is very small. So statistically speaking, RD/Kat is the least suspicious of all.

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The forums are lagging right now. I'll post my analysis of this mess a tad later, but first. . .

. . .crap. How are we supposed to get rid of these stupid things without shooting ourselves in the foot?

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Guest Wen Yang

Excellen, I'm not suspecting RD at all. I think he's actually the one with the best chance to be clear, since he cannot be the cylon (cannot play TAC) and has a good chance to actually be one of those that played that LEA-4

One issue at hand though:

We cannot prove/disprove who plays what card due to all of us losing our hand and getting those TRE cards. The Cylon one-upped us in that aspect. dry.gif

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1. We know that JB and WoMC didn't play that TAC card.

2. If I'm reading the roles right, Kevin, Excellen, and RD didn't play it.

3. I know I helped with this crisis, even though it wasn't enough.

4. So the moron who went and screwed us up is one of Haze, Wen Yang, BK-201, and Queen.

We might have failed the mission, but one of the four above played that TAC card. Keep those four in mind, Excellen. I'm not entirely comfortable with a 25% shot of hitting scum, but if you think it's worth the risk. . .

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Guest Wen Yang

Excellen we get to see what hands everyone has next round, then it'd be obvious who played the TAC card I think, since then Haze/me would still have our LEA card in hand, and if not the two of us, it'd be automatically Rein.

On the other hand, now that we all lose 2 cards from our hands (our ENTIRE hand for those that played a card) we cannot even tell anymore.

And eclipse, good point. I forgot that BK-201 has a 4-TAC rating and can potentially get a 5.

Also, I CAN discard my TRE cards fortunately, and am doing just that. What's the point of having an ability if it's not getting used? wink.gif

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If I'm reading the roles right, everyone who had a LEA skill only got one of it, so whoever the other Cylon is either threw theirs into the pot, or idled (but I don't want to suspect JB or WoMC yet, because they haven't really had a chance to do anything).

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I'm going to quote something Balcerzak said about that in IP chat:

  • Balcerzak You are told who draws cards and how many of which type, yes.
  • Balcerzak Overall totals of number of cards will be revealed, but after month one, their types will not be told explicitly
  • Balcerzak If I remember right what Tables and I decided.

We got lucky this phase because only 2 people passed and had to decide which card to discard. Means we will know the hand of the majority after they've drawn.

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Guest Wen Yang

Ah, I missed that IP chat. I was assuming that we get a rundown on the card types people have.

at least though, we should know the exact type of hand everyone has with the exception of those who had to choose which cards to discard and those that had to choose which cards to draw.

On a side note: Next month I should only have two cards in my hand. I'm making use of my ability to get rid of these freaking TRE cards.

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Hmmm. . .Wen, if you don't mind cooperating with RD, then RD can give the TRE skills to Wen, who can then discard them with his ability.

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