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What people think about Superbus is irrelevant, can we please drop it?

Regardless of debt, what would be the point in going to a university and getting a BA in something JUST to turn around and go back to school so you could get a DIFFERENT education just to secure a job for yourself? If you were THAT worried about a job, why didn't you just study something else the first time around? Going to community college right after graduating from a university is not only a poor decision financially, but it also is a significant waste of time. This is why I said he should go ahead and try and go for a doctorate. Sure, grad school WILL be more expensive and will actually take longer, but he will still be able to study in the field that he likes. More job opportunities will arise from having the doctorate, as well.

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What people think about Superbus is irrelevant, can we please drop it?

Get the hell out of Fftf, we discuss whatever we feel like within this section of the forum n00b.

Jk jk. I just realized I WASNT IN FFTF CUZ I'M A MORON MORMON so yes I'll drop it. But superbus brought up his own credentials first, BTW, offering himself up for attack.

Regardless of debt, what would be the point in going to a university and getting a BA in something JUST to turn around and go back to school so you could get a DIFFERENT education just to secure a job for yourself? If you were THAT worried about a job, why didn't you just study something else the first time around? Going to community college right after graduating from a university is not only a poor decision financially, but it also is a significant waste of time. This is why I said he should go ahead and try and go for a doctorate. Sure, grad school WILL be more expensive and will actually take longer, but he will still be able to study in the field that he likes. More job opportunities will arise from having the doctorate, as well.

Sometimes you need an intermediate step. My econ prof studied calc at a local school before doing grad at amherst because he knew amherst was likely to be so tough that it was worth getting some preparation before going instead of just trying to eat a horse in one sitting. Or so I would interpret his story today.

It is situational, I don't see why people are bashing little steps (AKA community college) as an option. Obviously, it depends a ton on what the guy in question wants to be.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Personally I went to a community college, took all the undergrad requirements available, and transferred to a 4-year university... where I basically have no reason to be here while I wait for grad school. I'm making up units that just have to be satisfied for the sake of reaching a unit count--and these courses offer nothing new from my community college courses other than an increased work load and less time to cover everything in.

It's an inexpensive option that, when you have a good one, will cover you a lot of money you'd be spending errantly anyways on pre-grad school. Mine covered so much that I'm pretty much forced to take on a minor in something simply because there's nothing else to do with all those units needing to be fulfilled.

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I looked at this thread, saw the title, and thought "Wow, this topic title sucks. I wonder what kind of dummy made this thread."

Then I realized that I made this thread.

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I looked at this thread, saw the title, and thought "Wow, this topic title sucks. I wonder what kind of dummy made this thread."

Then I realized that I made this thread.

Nestling :wub:

Your threads will always be chic and fashionable.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Well aaaaaaaaaaanywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

My brother wants to be in a band, but my dad said if he wanted to study music for that, then he should make that his minor, and major in something where he's more likely to find work for and succeed in. It may have to be the same for you. Maybe major in music and minor in something else that you may be interested in could work so that if music doesn't work (pun originally not intended but now it is) when you try to find a job, then you can have a backup plan.

Or idk, could he major in music and minor in something else? Or should it be the other way around?

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I wouldn't go into music. My school orchestra teacher made into Julliard for both violin and piano and had to choose which to go into. Now she's a high school music teacher. This is a dilemma I've had to deal with, myself, wanting to go into either music or theatre but knowing that neither is very practical.

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Well aaaaaaaaaaanywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

My brother wants to be in a band, but my dad said if he wanted to study music for that, then he should make that his minor, and major in something where he's more likely to find work for and succeed in. It may have to be the same for you. Maybe major in music and minor in something else that you may be interested in could work so that if music doesn't work (pun originally not intended but now it is) when you try to find a job, then you can have a backup plan.

Or idk, could he major in music and minor in something else? Or should it be the other way around?

When looking to hire somebody, nobody gives a crap about minors. For example, you could be a minor in Astrophysics if you wanted to, but if your major was in Art History then you pretty much won't be getting any job in a science field. That's just the way it goes.

The only exception would be if you also had a teaching certificate and had an endorsement in your minor field, but that in and of itself is entirely different and varies on your location.

EDIT: All in all, you should do what you love. Life is too short to be living it in accordance to other people's wishes. If your bro wants to major in music, then he should major in music. Fuck everybody else.

Edited by 1st Mate Bob
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EDIT: All in all, you should do what you love. Life is too short to be living it in accordance to other people's wishes. If your bro wants to major in music, then he should major in music. Fuck everybody else.

My dad just doesn't want him to fail in what he wants because after that he'll be poor and working in low-paying jobs, just like my him. He doesn't want his son to end up like him. Don't you go judging my dad like that. In the music industry, it's risky business.

My brother just wants to be in a band anyway so he doesn't need to go to college for that. I suppose that was also what my dad was worrying about. He thought my brother wouldn't even try too hard to go to college.

But then I suppose Nestling's situation is just different. If what he wants needs a major, then sure he can go for it.

Edited by Agnaktor
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EDIT: All in all, you should do what you love. Life is too short to be living it in accordance to other people's wishes. If your bro wants to major in music, then he should major in music. Fuck everybody else.

I disagree, because living in accordance to other people's wishes can be what you love. It is, in fact, what you are actually doing quite frequently due to the intervention of conscious higher powers, even if you wish to convince yourself otherwise. (Or so I believe)

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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My dad just doesn't want him to fail in what he wants because after that he'll be poor and working in low-paying jobs, just like my him. He doesn't want his son to end up like him. Don't you go judging my dad like that. In the music industry, it's risky business.

My brother just wants to be in a band anyway so he doesn't need to go to college for that. I suppose that was also what my dad was worrying about. He thought my brother wouldn't even try too hard to go to college.

But then I suppose Nestling's situation is just different. If what he wants needs a major, then sure he can go for it.

I wasn't "judging" your father. I was merely stating my own personal opinion on how to approach picking an academic major. For example, I'm willing to scrape by with low paying jobs in order to achieve my Japanese BA and work on MY career as a musician, fully aware of the consequences. It's about being your own person.

I disagree, because living in accordance to other people's wishes can be what you love. It is, in fact, what you are actually doing quite frequently due to the intervention of conscious higher powers, even if you wish to convince yourself otherwise. (Or so I believe)

Well, OBVIOUSLY if that's what you love, then go for it. Don't go picking apart my statement just for the sake of making an argument. My comment was mainly for situations like "Oh, my parents want me to major in science to secure a job, however I don't really like it, I prefer history."

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Well, OBVIOUSLY if that's what you love, then go for it. Don't go picking apart my statement just for the sake of making an argument. My comment was mainly for situations like "Oh, my parents want me to major in science to secure a job, however I don't really like it, I prefer history."

It wasn't just for the sake of making an argument, I took it somewhat personally even though it wasn't aimed at me. I agree, you should never do something just because your parents think it's a good idea, though you should discuss it with them and be honest about why you like history over the sciences IMO.

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