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Blazblue Continuum Shift II



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god, the new atomic collider input is 214D?

So much tager bs there.

Atomic collider SHOULD be harder to do. I would have totally supported if it was changed to 632146(C or D)

Also, I already found a meterless midscreen to corner 8K combo for lambda.

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god, the new atomic collider input is 214D?

So much tager bs there.

Atomic collider SHOULD be harder to do. I would have totally supported if it was changed to 632146(C or D)

Also, I already found a meterless midscreen to corner 8K combo for lambda.

I stated that wrong I meant his move where he charges his electric gauge which apparently I just remembered which was 421B to 214D now, AC is still 623C.

Edited by Generic Officer
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And despite any of the changes.

"Tager is never losing. He just isn't. He loses, but he is NEVER "losing". The second you say he's "losing" you eat a 720 to the face"

Btw, Platinum's English voice... is eww. It's too mature for the "Magical girl" thing.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Against tager you have to get from "Behind" to an 8K combo...otherwise its a 720.

And I'm pretty sure that ESR and Dagron aren't all this forum has to offer as a sacrifice. Both have fallen to my lambda...every time.

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HEY! I'm just horribly out of practice and I'm still adjusting to the new and more stylish Ragna.

I still haven't heard Platinum's English voice too much. The cute JP voice is very misleading. Luna is so rude...

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*Weeps tears of joy*

YES!! I can still do my Lambda 2DD>6C Wall Bounce Loop!



I think I'm gonna host unlimited rooms from now on.

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And I'm pretty sure that ESR and Dagron aren't all this forum has to offer as a sacrifice. Both have fallen to my lambda...every time.

I doubt you'll find me a challenge then, EVEN if PS3s had CS2 and were able to play Xbox360s. I'm about their skill level.

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Anyways, some of the new mission modes are pretty and easy if you used the character often, some are rather trivial to learn like in one of Noels Mission it want you to do 5B->5C->j.236236D->63216D. Also might work on Rachel as a sub since she stands a chance now with everyone damage nerf and has some pretty nice looking combos. And also because shes voiced by Kana Ueda

I doubt you'll find me a challenge then, EVEN if PS3s had CS2 and were able to play Xbox360s. I'm about their skill level.

いいえ SFの中であなたは一番だと思ういます。上会員のラムダはままだです。

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Everyone sucks at CS2.

THAT lambda of mine, that TERRIBLE lambda, is undefeated in CS2 so far.

You have inspired me. But I never really got 'Rapid Cancel' down.

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You have inspired me. But I never really got 'Rapid Cancel' down.

I use burst to RC~Drive.

Because its A-B-C and then D also for the attack. Its much faster.

I also set RB on my controller to Rapid Cancel (Higher button overwrites lower button buffers, Button Comboes overwrite attack buffers, Higher button combos overwrite lower button combo buffers) Now My burst lets me RC into a drive attack, and my RB lets be grab, grab reject, and RC into C attacks. I wanna stop posting in here now. I don't wanna lose my miccy badge.

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Well, other things for Tager are basically this, aside from the one poster who listed some changes.

-2B has Super Armor I believe. Well, I probably shouldn't be saying like command movements. Basically the headstomping move. While it's not as useful a super-armor move to just throw out, it's a pretty good reversal for when you're still standing.

-I'm not 100% positive these broke Guard Primers before, mainly because I never seen Tager try this sort of thing in CS1. Spark Bolt-2A-5B or C (the one where he ducks and juts his fists out against your shins) is basically 3 primers down in 1 blockstring. If a character did a burst, most of the cast is in danger of guard breaking against this, and will have to resort to Barrier. Magna-Tech Wheel also kills 2 Primers. As another note, if you're magnetized and he breaks your guard, it doesn't matter if you're a full screen away. He can pull you in for a 720 all the same before you can recover from it.

-I believe his 360 got a bit of a damage nerf.

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I've been experimenting with Ragna lately and I'm obviously missing something.

I can't seem to connect his 3C after wall bounding my opponent with Inferno Divider to 22C/Hell's Fang them. REALLY annoying. I should probably just look up some videos and see what those players do.

Still haven't practiced with Platinum though. I keep seeing people do a different combo after the player traps they opponent in the bubble after a 2C in the corner when there's another combo they can do to maximize their damage.

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Everyone sucks at CS2.

THAT lambda of mine, that TERRIBLE lambda, is undefeated in CS2 so far.

Ein, why weren't you milking his multi-hit C moves for heat with perfect blocks? When you block one during hitstun, just mash back, but be sure not to backstep >_>;

And that's because you have never played me. :awesome:

Meh. I'm a jack of all trades, so I DO NOT claim to be the best at ANYTHING. XD

I'd like to think I'm decent in the stuff I do though.

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Ein, why weren't you milking his multi-hit C moves for heat with perfect blocks? When you block one during hitstun, just mash back, but be sure not to backstep >_>;

I was trying to Instant Block but I can never do it online.

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I was trying to Instant Block but I can never do it online.

Understandable. lol

Considering he got blue combos on you where you could have teched.

How was the input lag with those things considered?

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The lag was terrible.

Just yesterday, I dropped my kune curse loop and carl sandwiches so many times. Its not like the lag is bad, Its just inconsistent. And thanks to that inconsistent lag, Trollzama is god.

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Another 2 of my matches with ESR

4:30-4:40, now that is what I call an excellent pick-up. Your Lambda's actually not too shabby.

When you do the distortion that basically shoots a million sword at the enemy, do remember you got a command dash. Dashing normally doesn't really do anything for ya.

Really, that's how you play Lambda? Mash D all day full screen, then rush up and mash C in the corner? Be a real man and play Mu (Speaking as a Tager player).


Not enough thrust kicks as Ragna man. If you got your opponent about mid-screen and they're clearly panicking, throw it out there and blow them up. The B button is your friend.

If someone's succeeding against your Ragna blockstrings, finish off with a Dead Spike just as pressure for primer killing. Least you could do is threaten some guard breaks if they burst.

So much meter, not enough use of it (though it IS Ragna, he can't just carnage scissor all day). Be more liberal with Hell's Fang Rapids to keep pressure on and keep trying to mix them up, or fix botched IDs.

I dunno shit about Platinum, I just know that the move where she rides the heart forward should be used less to close the distance, but rather to stuff stupidity.

I also noticed with Platinum, you used like...0 of her zoning tools, aside from the cat hammer. I would suggest using those tools, they can be very annoying.

You also seem to have trouble with Lambda rushing you down, and especially getting you in the corner, as you just seem to tech into her mashed C combo, which as you can see, lead you to a never-ending pain train. The way you're teching is what leaves you vulnerable in those cases. I'm supposing from the looks of it that teching against Lamba cornering you is easier said than done from the looks of it, but not as impossible as the video makes it seem. If you do manage to tech right and block it, barrier to push her away from you a bit, and the pressure will feel significantly less existent.


@Esau: HAZAMAAAAAAAAAAA~ *tears hair out, collapses in depression and despair*

Edited by Grandjackal
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Yeah, I'm not doing many of the things you mentioned even though I know I should. My blockstrings I pretty horrible so I should work on those somehow.

Funny thing is that I don't remember playing Platinum with that color and yesterday was the first time I used her ever.

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Yeah, I'm not doing many of the things you mentioned even though I know I should. My blockstrings I pretty horrible so I should work on those somehow.

Funny thing is that I don't remember playing Platinum with that color and yesterday was the first time I used her ever.

That was the match you were playing against me. The only matches yesterday I saved were 3 of ours. JinVRagna, CarlVRagna, and LambdaVPlat. I know because I just checked my replay theater and it said that was you.

And that is the result of me not giving a F*** about real comboing and just messing around. That and I was playing like the shit I nearly stepped in on my last run.

When I actually play my hardest, I will throw in 4Bs, more TKs, and not run around like a wuss. And I actually try to do drive BnBs then.

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Yeah, I'm not doing many of the things you mentioned even though I know I should. My blockstrings I pretty horrible so I should work on those somehow.

Here's a simple string that you know at least half of from watching the vid.

B->C->6C->Hell's Fang/Dead Spike

And remember, you can Rapid the Hell's Fang, so you can repeat this, and you can mix up at any point during these moments.

During B, you could do crouching As, then link to combo as you see fit.

During C, you can do a grab, or go right to 6C.

During 6C, a 6D (which I believe is an overhead...if not, use his overhead, whatever it is.) can get you a tidbit of health back, but it resets the situation to neutral. You can also on occasion throw out Gauntlet Hades like you seemed to do as an overhead, but I don't like it cause if your opponent blocks, you'll get blown up for it, and you can't capitalize on it too greatly.

You can also initialize this by jumping C on approach. You can see that pressure's one of Ragna's better tools, considering the serious kind of approach he has.

Funny thing is that I don't remember playing Platinum with that color and yesterday was the first time I used her ever.

Well, if you're playing Ragna more seriously, then Platinum's not a good transition at all. Try someone else with aggression, like Jin, or something if you really want a secondary. That or...Just learn Platinum better.

EDIT: As for the post that made it above mine, I suppose I'll take your word for it, considering how excellent that pickup was in the vid.

Edited by Grandjackal
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