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Blazblue Continuum Shift II



13 members have voted

  1. 1. Main(s)?

    • Ragna
    • Jin
    • Noel
    • Rachel
    • Taokaka
    • Carl
    • Litchi
    • Arakune
    • Tager
    • Bang
    • Lambda
    • Hakumen
    • Hazama
    • Tsubaki
    • Makoto
    • Valkenhayn
    • Platinum

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Alright. I'll keep your advice in mind.

I really don't like many of the other characters play style. Only other characters play style I kind of like is Hazama's but there's way too much zoning game for my tastes. So far I'm liking Platinum but I gotta practice with her some more and get used to her moves and such.

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Alright. I'll keep your advice in mind.

Another form of mix-up you can do with that blockstring is Primer Pressure. Basically you just do B->C->Dead Spike, basically catch them blocking to break primers, then Dash->B->C->Dead Spike again because Dead Spike stopped sucking, and basically you just keep this pressuring on mixing up between the normal block string and mix-ups and the occasional Primer Pressure. You'll eventually nab him in a mix up, a grab, or you'll break his guard.

Ragna is maddeningly aggressive.

I really don't like many of the other characters play style. Only other characters play style I kind of like is Hazama's but there's way too much zoning game for my tastes. So far I'm liking Platinum but I gotta practice with her some more and get used to her moves and such.

Feel free to practice Platinum, but I think if you're getting familiar with Ragna, some transitions to other characters might be easier through what you learned from him, such as Jin or Taokaka (though Taokaka takes some getting used to, due to how her drives work in her combos, and how much air game you gotta get used to).

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On another note, I'm also playing Carl, Jin, Arakune, and Hazama.

With hazama, I can't seem to bait a slow attack for a 3C CH so I play trollzama style :awesome: . (Chain Spam)

Arakune, I can' think of any approach other than partybug+2C or j.5B, but when I do land my 2C, well, I can bait a counter for 5D>j.5D>6A>5D>Wheel Loop>Laser Ender. j.5Bs can only go into 5A Mash>6B>j.6D>3C for a bit of curse.

Carl, well, I suck with, but I am determined to second him.

Jin, well, I have a resettable 3.5K midscreen,


but I mostly run around shooting ice swords.

Edited by someonewhodied
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With hazama, I can't seem to bait a slow attack for a 3C CH so I play trollzama style :awesome: . (Chain Spam)

So you're playing normal Hazama?



Arakune, I can' think of any approach other than partybug+2C or j.5B,

Well there's your problem, you think you actually have to approach with Arakune. Just do what Arakune and Hazama do best and just run away.


*Atomic Colliders over and over and over and over and over and over and-*

but when I do land my 2C, well, I can bait a counter for 5D>j.5D>6A>5D>Wheel Loop>Laser Ender. j.5Bs can only go into 5A Mash>6B>j.6D>3C for the cheese kill.



I hate Arakune so much...

Carl, well, I suck with, but I am determined to second him.

Well, in fairness, Carl's not just a character you can pick up and just be immediately good with. He's not Arakune or Hazama...



Jin, well, I have a resettable 3.5K midscreen,


but I mostly run around shooting ice swords.

A great strat...for me to Sledge on! BAAhahahahahaa!! *360s all day* Wheeeee!!

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I've been playing Carl for weeks now. I can do sandwich comboes and BnB>Allagretto>Another BnBs but thats it.

And you can't sledge a 2C Fatal against Jin :awesome: And in the corner, well, big damage for me.

With arakune, I hardly ever use clouds, because if I curse with a cloud, I have to pick up a C or D bug to wheel loop instead of adding it to an instacurse combo.

And with hazama, well, yeah, normal hazama.

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FINALLY, after a while I finally updated my PS3 and got the patch. Etc.

Messing around with it, it feels... ehh... XD


I just pretty much looked at them, and... they're all still CS1 mode basically. They can't do any of their CS2 as far as I can tell. No wall bounding or whatever for Noel on 6C.

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Well there's your problem, you think you actually have to approach with Arakune. Just do what Arakune and Hazama do best and just run away.

I literally had to let my friends win a few times, or simply never use Hazama's chains, otherwise they would complain that I was just being a whore and standing back. It irritated me and also made me feel like a badass. Though it would hurt my chances in winning online the few times I got to play it in between the millenia of waiting time, since they actually, you know, properly blocked and punished.

Man, and I was amazing in CT. Was magnificent with Jin. But they changed his BnB I got so used to coasting into, and I was never able to adapt. Had to use that instant-super-jump, and fuck that noise.

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Just picked up the game a few weeks ago and I'm loving it. Ragna and Noel seem to fit my playstyle the most, but Makoto looks like a tempting purchase. Also hoping to get a new monitor soon, because I know my combo execution isn't that inconsistent. :/

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Just picked up the game a few weeks ago and I'm loving it. Ragna and Noel seem to fit my playstyle the most, but Makoto looks like a tempting purchase. Also hoping to get a new monitor soon, because I know my combo execution isn't that inconsistent. :/

XB360 or PS3? If you are on XB360, shoot me a friend request (My gamertag is someonewhodied) and you will be able to join ESR, Dagron, and me when we play.

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And you can't sledge a 2C Fatal against Jin :awesome: And in the corner, well, big damage for me.

Oh, that 2C, awww, c'mere Jin...*2As* Give Tager a hug...BITCH!

*Decides to watch some CS2 videos*

Is it just me, or can you just not escape or out-zone valkenhayn? He is insanely mobile. He makes Bang look free.

Edited by Grandjackal
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XB360 or PS3? If you are on XB360, shoot me a friend request (My gamertag is someonewhodied) and you will be able to join ESR, Dagron, and me when we play.

I'm on PS3 unfortunately. :(

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oh right, what is that attack where tager jumps into the air spinning?

That's a whiffed air grab, a stupid idea against Hazama considering you would have to catch him mid chain-leap, or some stupid reason think you can yomi him to stop his chain early of it eating your face.

Jumping C?

Plowed that fool.

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lol, same situation. And I suck at CS2.

Believe me, I'm probably nowhere near good enough to compete with you guys. But Ragna is easy enough to get used to so hopefully I can catch up.

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You may also wanna play Noel, Platinum, and Hakumen too. I mean, They, and ragna, are the autodrive characters of this game.

Hate Noel with a passion, don't currently have the points for Platinum (though I am interested, cause using her just FEELS trollish as I would imagine), and doing some of Hakumen's fancy stuff requires hand agility that only crack addicts are tuned for, or has a fucking weird rythymn I can't get used to at all.

My Ragna's leveling up quite a bit. Nearly beat a damn good Valk player one round by being tricky with my timings and running away from wolf charges using Gauntlet Hades (note: The second hit of Hades stuffs any wolf shenanigans in the air, so if you have the opportunity, do it. In the least, it'll put Valk closer to the corner). I only knew basic combos though, cause I'm still recovering from CS1. Dash cancel into Dead Spike takes some time to get used to when you're used to just dashing and mashing D like a moron. I almost beat him a round...But he bodied me for failing those new combos, and fucked me up the next round.

I can't help but..Like the new Ragna. In CS1, he felt kinda braindead, and the fact that CS1 was basically combo videos all day since you could sneeze and hit your opponent from a full screen away, Ragna's gotta be a bit trickier now. That, and due to some characters having significantly less damage midscreen unless they got meter, it feels like Ragna's health absorbing feels more significant, since with his midscreen, he can at least recoveras well with his damage, and can help negate midscreen damage. Ragna takes a brain now, and he feels rewarding and cool for it. Still easy to learn too. Just gotta get used to actually using them Dead Spikes. Also, them naked Carnage Scissors. I am damn good at them.

My Hazama is leveling up slowly, in which I mean how to play proper spacing with his chains, and do some tricky laming like chain in, throw knives then run back to have the enemy charge stupidly into my knee. However, I'm still a ways away, cause I still gotta get used to his new combos. They were significantly easier in CS1, since all you really had to do was mash C and you would see half their life bar vanish. Also, gotta get used to Jayako not being so godlike, along with Hungry Serpents super. One thing I DID learn with Hazama is that Hakumen will not stand for Hazama's shit: If Hakumen sees a chain, he knows just to hit 6D, and proceed to laugh at Hazama;'s face. Hazama vs Hakumen for Hazama is about as fun as castration.

Believe me, I'm probably nowhere near good enough to compete with you guys. But Ragna is easy enough to get used to so hopefully I can catch up.

Believe me, if you think I'm good, I'm not. I'm actually pretty bad. I know combo stuff on paper, but executing it while playing a real opponent is vastly different, along with executing spacing, rapids, blockstrings, etc.. I'm actually pretty jittery, and with the change to CS2 from CS1, I'm still mashing a bit too much. I also can't defend for shit, so I always have like no meter. I think that's actually the most significant thing: If you can't learn to do stuff like IB and Barrier, you feel powerless in Blazblue because that's how you get most of your meter.

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I get most of my meter from taking out guard primers from a full screen away. 5DD>2DD>214C>214D~C>236D~C>214D~C>>236D~C>236C>Dash(Before last hit of 236D~C)>6C>2B>2C>5CxN>3C>214D.

I gain like 25 meter even if you block it, and you can't mash A out of it.

And you can't get out of it if the first 214D~C is blocked. The only way out of losing 4 guard primers is letting the 214D~C hit letting you tech out.

Well, you can jump the 2nd 214D~C but you don't have enough time to jump high enough even with a high jump because of the 236D~C. And the second 236D~C lets me use a 236C without being able to be punished. (I'd keep spike/sickle pressuring but gravity seed runs out then)

And the last 214D must be blocked no matter what because 3C makes you tech right as spike chaser comes out, making you block, and blocking 3C leaves you too far to hit me, giving me time to use spike chaser as you run towards/away from me or jump.

I feel like such a nerd for having figured that out all by messing around.

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Believe me, if you think I'm good, I'm not. I'm actually pretty bad. I know combo stuff on paper, but executing it while playing a real opponent is vastly different, along with executing spacing, rapids, blockstrings, etc.. I'm actually pretty jittery, and with the change to CS2 from CS1, I'm still mashing a bit too much. I also can't defend for shit, so I always have like no meter. I think that's actually the most significant thing: If you can't learn to do stuff like IB and Barrier, you feel powerless in Blazblue because that's how you get most of your meter.

Yeah, all the defensive options are tough to get used to. IB in particular is a pain, because failing means you're in for some punishment.

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