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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Luca was still a bit nervous, but things seemed to be going well somehow. Nadya was healing the damage and winning over the man's trust, so he probably wouldn't shoot the both of them, but still ...

"So you're not a knight, huh? Wasn't my first guess anyway. Speaking of pickpockets, that kid was one of'em." he explained.

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"Oh, so that's why he was running away so quickly...and why you were chasing after him. Well, guess I should stop running my mouth and let you chase after him then if you want your money back. Nice meeting you, I'm Nadya by the way, not that it's too terribly likely we'll meet again," she said, grabbing Luca's reins and guiding him out of the man's path.

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"Then you lie in wait, take your time to line up the shot, and hit with your first strike before your prey can even have a chance to react. Hide, ambush, and win. I would assume you have done that already though and what you need is not the ranged skill of a hunter, but the melee prowess and speed of a thief? Or maybe I give you too much credit." chided Robin before sighing deeply.

"When will she return? Staying here is boring."

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"Actually the Ursentius guards haven't had an encounter with the killer yet. He's only engaged a lot of well trained personal guards, most of them armed with specialized equipment, like swords and firearms. The only reason we're even considering an operation is because we might have a way to anticipate his next move." Lyra explained. "I don't think any one unit is going to take down the killer though. Ranged, or melee, both have proven useless thus far. We're likely going to need overwhelming numbers to beat box him in and capture or kill him."

"Why do I feel like cannon fodder all of a sudden?" Bron muttered.

"The Major General will be finished shortly, I think. We probably won't be walking anyway so just wait for the carriage to get here." Lyra said answering Robin.

Not The Same Streets

"Nadya. Huh, easy to remember. I'm Gabriel. Take care now." the man replied before jogging off in the direction the thief had run. Let's see, kid, late teens, barely fit, definitely tired by now. If I had that kind of body, I wouldn't be trying to increase the distance between myself and my victim anymore. I would be hiding until the heat died down. Not near any crowds either because if I do happen to get caught, I'll be seen holding the item I stole along with the accuser ... ... yeah, he's definitely one of these back alleys. Gabriel thought to himself.

Elsewhere a young man was sitting up against a wall in an alley panting loudly while holding a small bag in his hand. "Oh man! That was close! I can't believe I robbed a guy who can run that fast. If not for the crowds, he probably would have caught me right off the bat! Dang! Oh right, let's see what I've got in here!" the thief said before going into the small bag. "Huh? gun pellets? Whoa, steel ones. Those are really expensive. That guy must be loaded."

"No, but my piece is." Gabriel said holding a gun to the thief's head.

"Holy crap! Where did you come from?!" the thief blurted out in surprise.

"Mind giving that back now?"

"Sure, just ... wait ... you're bluffing." he said suddenly getting confident.


"You wouldn't shoot someone just for stealing from you, only crazy lunatics like bandits or pirates would do something like that. I'm just a hungry kid, and you know it!"

Wow, I've ... never seen this strategy used by a thief before. Gabriel thought to himself, still holding the gun there though not being as attentive all of a sudden.

"You won't shoot. You would have done so by now, so I say, you're bluffing." the kid said standing up and pocketing the bag. "You won't catch me this time!" he shouted before running over to the wall, heading up it and grabbing a window sill. He began trying to climb up but Gabriel just stood there watching for a moment. Once the kid was high up enough to be stunned by a fall, he fired a shot that barely missed the kid's hand. The shot still startled him though and he fell about twenty-five feet down onto the ground.

"Aaaaagh ... uuuuuugh." he moaned. "You bastard!"

Gabriel then pointed his other pistol at the thief. "You should consider taking some psychology lessons. So did you break anything? I know a great healer probably still around." he said mockingly.

"Screw you, man! Ack! Urrrgh." he shot back gripping his ankle. I ... I can't run on this foot!

"So how about it? Return my pouch, and I'll bring you to a healer. I'll even pay whatever her fee turns out to be."

A minute later Gabriel was back to where he had met Nadya. The thief was on his back, and giving his carrier the meanest look. Gabriel soon spotted the troubadour and her horse still in the area and freed one of his hands to wave. "Hey there! You've got a customer, Nadya!"

"Customer my foot. You shot me." the kid muttered quietly.

"I did nooot." Gabriel shot back rolling his eyes.

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Nadya was a bit surprised to see Gabriel return with the man she supposed was the pickpocket in tow, but the mention of customer eclipsed any questions she might have. She went over and examined the guy Gabriel was holding.

"Well I don't see any bullet wounds...looks like it's just a sprained ankle. I can fix that up pretty cheap, just 10 gold. Small price to pay for the freedom to move I think."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Sounds reasonable." Gabriel said reaching into his coat and pulling out a small bag of money.

Ohhh so that's where it was. Hmm ... wait, no there's no way I'd get away this time. Urgh.

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"Because we are Bron. We are slaves. Even if they care about our lives and do not wish us to die, we are expendable. What is a cannon anyways? I understand fodder, but cannon?"

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"All right, here we go," Nadya said, ripping off some of the clothing near the pickpocket's foot and applying her staff to the inflamed area. The swelling reduced and the ankle looked fairly normal. "That should fix you right up. I would run on it for a little while though," she advised.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Cannon Fodder

"A cannon is like a pistol, only much larger." Bron said carefully taking out his pistol. "Like this, just no handle or trigger, and set on a cart usually."

"Gaugh! P-please put that away." Lyra said quickly. "In fact, hand over any firearms and explosives you might have. You're not being arrested but it's a precaution."

"Why not take our blades too then?" Olga asked.

"Hand them over first, please." she demanded politely, to which Bron and Liza complied. "Now as for why I don't need to carry around all of your weapons; I can defeat any of you if we're only using regular weapons, but I'm not going to take any chances with guns or bombs." she explained.

"I wouldn't be betting on you in a gun fight either, Lyra. No pick up yet, I see." Patricia muttered, having come back outside. "Great." she added as she crossed her arms and began tapping her foot.

A Chat To Be Had

After paying Nadya and watching the healing take place, he turned to the thief. "Alright, now we get to have a little chat."

"Chat? Hey wait, what about?!" the thief yelled before being grabbed, having an arm thrown over his shoulder and being walked off in a rather suspicious way. "Thanks for the help, Nadya. See ya around." "Hey wait! Don't let him take me away, he's packing some serious heat here! Help!" "Oh you joker you!" "Auuuugh!"

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A thin smile crossed Robin's face at the demand to turn over the firearms. Not having any of the weapons herself, she remained at full and optimal firepower while the others would each take a hit. A small surge of pride shot through her mind at the accomplishment of this feat. Sighing happily, she took her own stone knife out, lightly stroking the blade of her own handiwork with minor joy.

"I assume that we will be walking soon then? Please say yes; the corpse is starting to smell."

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"See ya Gabriel," Nadya said to him, ignoring the pickpocket's pleas. "Messing with guys carrying guns isn't such a smart idea," she said to Luca before leading him along somewhere else. She had left the market area at least and had arrived back in front of the expensive hotel the group was arguing in front of before. She didn't see any of them though. Either they're inside and I won't be allowed in, or they went somewhere else entirely. Guess I'll just wait out here...

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Chelsea raised an eyebrow at Shadrak's request. "What exactly do you mean by that? Well I don't haven't made any arrangements with anyone else.....and it seems like you want to ask me something important...."- Chelsea pondered on this thought for a moment. On one hand, Shadrak was a guy. But on the other, if he tried anything.....well.... let's just say people will think the serial killer's next target would be Shadrak. And the fact that he wanted to ask her something important.

"Yeah I'm free, you?"

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"Would I ask if I wasn't?" Shadrak said with a light giggle, his worries easing slightly. So she doesn't have a room-mate already, that's nice... I highly doubt it's 'her' though, i haven't seen any of 'them' in an age, and even if it isn't 'her', she's probably not the worst person to be rooming with. "Think we should inform Raquel?" he asked, feeling a little more comfortable with the entire situation. He really was getting concerned with who he was getting stuck with, anyone he knew he didn't mind seemed to already be taken, leaving either new people (which isn't bad... but still) or less-than-desirables... and he'd rather atleast have someone he knew would get along with.

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"Yeah, sure. Let's go see the Lady."- Chelsea told Shadrak with a small giggle of her own then began to count the people in the group, as to find out how many rooms would be used. "At least 7 to 8 rooms should be used, I guess Amon is lucky this time."

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Shadrak smiled and walked over to Raquel, his new Worm Tome at his side as he smiled merrily, Chelsea naturally following him. "Hey Raquel," He began. "Me and Chelsea will be sharing a room... if that's ok?" He half stated, half asked, idly flipping his new tome once or twice as he waited for her to respond.

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Raquel had been leaning up against the wagon with Amon standing nearby feeling like he was in trouble or something of the sort, when Ranyin approached and informed her he would be sharing a room with John. She nodded saying "Okay, ... Ranyin and John." Next Shadrak and Chelsea approached, and she had a good idea of what was coming before anything was said. Raising an eyebrow after he informed her that they would be sharing a room, she muttered "You two are sharing a room? Tell me, Shadrak, was this her idea or yours?" It doesn't really matter either way. He might be taking advantage of her kindness, or she might be ... naive? She could also be the mischievous one here. I'm not sure but I'm not really comfortable with this.

Weyland Enterprises

"Gabbie ... get going, would you? I'll take Connor to the hotel." Craig demanded again.

"Urgh. Foine. Take my bag too, will ya? All I need ta be carryin' around on a run-n-grab is a weapon." She said handing over her bag to the man whom nodded in response. "I'll see ya later tonoight or early tomorrow, Connor. Don't stay up too late, now." she said before rushing off with her lance.

"She should consider pants. I have no idea why she fights in such a revealing get up." Craig muttered to himself. Then he looked to Connor. "If you're ready to go, just give the word, and we'll head to the hotel." he said, sounding like he was on a mission. He always seemed to be on a mission ....

Outside the Office

"No we aren't walking, it's quite a ways, and we'll be stuck moving through crowds for hours." Patricia said, still waiting around. "They'll be here." It would be another ten minutes before the carriage arrived. It clearly belonged to the military, being more secure than luxurious, well armored, and more spacious than one would expect, even though it was clearly meant to fit at least six people. "Alright, get in." Patricia ordered.

Lyra simply stood around. The six seats were already accounted for, and though she would normally be one of the seated ones, she decided to simply use her natural flying ability to follow along. She wasn't too eager to get any attention out on the streets though.

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As both the troubador and the dark made tried to ask Raquel, it seemed like the young woman already knew what they we're going to say and thus raised an eyebrow. "Woah, easy there Boss. There's no cause for alarm, he just wanted to ask me a long series of questions in private. This is Shade's idea but I'm part of it as well. And Besides...."- Chelsea paused as she took the dagger Raquel gave her long ago and handed it to her. "There we go, I think we forgot about that thing, you need me to pay for it or somethin? Anyways, Shade's try anything funny...... let's just say the report back to the professor would include, that one of the serial killer's victims was our little dark mage, and leave it at that. Okay?"

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“Let’s wait until Raquel finds out how many rooms they have. We may have to stay somewhere else,” Synthia replied to Gytha, still sitting on the cart. She hopped down once Raquel returned and pulled her things from the back, then walked over to the merchant to inform her of their rooming arrangements.

She first glanced suspiciously at Shadrak and Chelsea, wondering what they were up to, but decided it’d probably be best if she didn’t know. “Gytha and I are rooming together,” she said simply, then, rushing off towards the inn, “Hurry Gytha, before the best ones are taken!”

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Seeing Synthia speed off as soon as she told Raquel that she was sharing a room with Gytha confused Ranyin. He had the impression that they were to wait on Raquel to do all the arrangements for them as she was the leader of this band, but Synthia's action had him wondering if he should do the same. Then again, how much different can the rooms be, wondered Ranyin.

Before he could take any unnecessary actions, Ranyin asked John, "John, are we supposed to go pick our own rooms? I recall the last time we stayed at that university, we were given them instead of having the freedom to choose."

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Is she implying that I would... take advantage of someone? As Shadrak spoke a rather heavy blush formed over his face. "If you're implying what I think you're implying, I wouldn't dare!" He said, flusterred. "I may be a rather lonely guy, but I'm not low enough to take advantage of someone... especially on this matter." Has this been an issue before in this group? That seems rather spontanious from her... Yes Chelseas nice enough, but I don't know her well enough to even dare attempt anything funny.

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"There's all sorts of people, Shadrak, so yeah, you can't really be surprised people would suspect, can you? Anyway, Raquel? I can room with the new kid if you'd like. He's a bit of a nuisance-"

"Hey!" the archer whined.

"-so I'll just keep an eye on him for the group, keep him out of trouble." Sammy's face was the worst, but he said nothing for fear of swift and powerful retribution from the man.

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"HAHARR! Aye, aye!" Gytha laughed as she retrieved her dufflebag and hurried off after Synthia. She chose the right roommate indeed.


Norbert glided above the countryside, having left the suberbs for a short while now. Yes, this was his jurisdiction: the wilderness: where bandits traversed, regrouped and made their homes, claiming hollows and hilltops upon which to build their bases. Norbert himself generally lurked the wilds as well and due to his experience in bandit-hunting and -robbing, he had his ways of finding them. Sure enough, the pegasus-rider from the north sighted the tell-tale signs of brigandry at rest: a bunch of rough-looking individuals milling about with their rather crude-looking weapons lying about while one was working on starting a fire off to the side. It was a small bunch of bandits so these were likely a small-time bunch. Still, bandits knew bandits and even small-timers had a cache somewhere.

Bert smiled to himsef as he thought They should learn to keep their eyes on the skies. As he did so, he began his descent, landing Rizen and himself right in their midst. Looking around at the four or so bandits he'd surrounded himself with -- firestarter not included -- he smiled, asking, "So, I'll get right to it: which set of bandits are you and where is your base? I'd also like to know anything you can tell me about the location of the Farsider base."

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''I believe so.'' John answered Ranyin's question. ''Back in the University we were guests. I suppose we should get going as well and take a room.''

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Just say the serial killer got him? That jokes just a little too close to home for it to be appropriate right now. I mean if we have to face him, we could end up with some serious casualties on our end. He might actually kill Shadrak and Truth knows who else before we finally-ugh, thinking too much. I guess I'll just let them for now. It's not like I'm governing every aspect of their lives or anything. "I guess you can just go ahead and share a room then." Just remember there's TWO beds people. she thought to herself.

Nanahm sharing with Sammy, that seemed fine to Raquel. "Sure thing." Next, seeing that Synthia and Gytha had made a mad rush for the inn, possibly to get first dibs on rooms, Raquel spoke up saying "By the way, I'm not in charge of picking rooms or anything. If you've got a person to share with, just let me know and then head on inside."

"Who are you sharing a room with, Raquel?" Amon asked.

"I'm too distracted by counting up our bill to really care right now, Amon." she replied.


The party had apparently settled at an inn out in the suburbs, at least that was what she had heard. Getting there was going to take awhile, and it was getting closer and closer to sunset. Craig was right, they were running out of time. If they didn't intercept the assassin tonight, they would have to wait a whole other day to try again, assuming the situation didn't change overall.

Meeting up with Ringo right outside the building, she hopped onto the saddle-less wyvern placing her feet on his knees like pseudo stirrups and while riding somewhat standing, she took off.


"Huh? Piss off, kid, or do ya got a death wish or somethin'?" One of the bandits said to Bert. Couple of others were already closing in with their weapons at the ready. Beat the living crap out of the pegasus rider, tie up or kill the pegasus if it gave them too much trouble, interrogate the rider, find any valuables on him, then kill him. Seemed simple enough.

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