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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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"Alright, here's our angle, Amon. Other, ye stay back here and don't be seen unless Amon or I can protect ye, savvy? I'm watchin' ye, Amon. Go on and attack that guy with th' axe right near us," whispered Gytha to her team, readying herself and her blade to protect her quicker teammate.

Gytha defends Amon!


"Huh? Nah, I'm fine," the pegasus rider reassured the winged woman. Seeing Ranyin's attack, he was somewhat disappointed...and confused. "...Birds?" Well, those birds were enough to upset the axe-user, so Bert stepped in to deal with him. "I can't let you get near my firend over here," he told his fellow axe-user as he walked towards him. Then, his serious calm shifted to aggression as he rushed forward and told the man, "Your target is ME!"

(3+5)-6 = 2 = hit!

(4+1)-4 = 1 damage!

The white-haired enemy was quicker than anticiapated, and was able to partially block Norbert's attack, only recieving a minor scratch. That in and of its self stunned Bert for a moment. Un...believable... ... THAT WAS LESS EFFECTIVE THAN WHAN THAT STREET KID ATTACKED ME!! URGH!!! OKAY! NO ONE IS EVER HEARING ABOUT THIS! EVER! The artificial human quickly retaliated.


(4+4)-3 = 5 damage!

Bert was knocked back by his opponent's blow: a horizontal swing of his axe, cutting into Bert's right collarbone and making a long, dark red line across the right half of his chest and the fore of his shoulder. He hissed in pain and stood up as quickly as possible, holding his axe at the ready and keeping between his adversary and his allies, not holding the majority of his axe's weight in his left hand rather than his right. "Don't think you'll get any closer!" These guys are kind of tough...

AH-axe C 8/9

Bert 5/15

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Veronika noticed that John and Axel were talking about something or other, but she couldn't hear them over the din of the battle and so decided to ignore it. She ran up to the artificial human that John was fighting and swung her sword, promptly decapitating him.

(5,6,6)= Crit! 11-5=6x2= 12 damage Sword D is dead. +5 points Axel, Veronika, John

Nadya looked around the battlefield, a bit disoriented without Luca to ride on. Everyone seemed ok, until some guy with axes took a nasty shot. She touched him with his healing staff, mending at least part of the wound from the lance (+5 HP Bert 10/15) +2 EXP Nadya +2 EXP Gabbie +5 EXP for duo

In the distance she saw someone familiar. It was that Gabriel guy from earlier, suprisingly enough. He looked to be doing pretty well, even though he was fighting the three leaders, but Nadya figured she should watch out for him just in case. She made sure to stick nearby the girl with the lance and no pants though, Nadya wasn't in the mood to become skewered.

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The Fighting Continues

Amon nodded and as soon as the fighting drew the enemy's attention just a bit, he lunged forth and managed to get almost a decent strike in. Amon rolls 4,1,6



-2 hp

Still the opponent had good reaction time and only suffered a minor gash! The artificial attacked next, but Gytha was right there to cover Amon's withdrawl from range! Rolls 4,2,3



-3 hp

Gytha quickly struck back rolling 1,1,2



-2 hp

Amon hp 9/9

Gytha hp 15/18

AH-Axe E hp 5/9

Gabbie meanwhile continued fighting with her opponent. Rolls 3,6,4



-6 hp

In turn for the painful stab wounds she added, he launched another attack of his own! Rolls 2,2,6



Gabbie hp 15/15

AH-Sword B hp 1/9


AH Sword A attacks Gabbie! Rolls 2,6,3



AH Axe A attacks Robin! Rolls 5,1,2



-3 hp

Nathaniel attacks Gabriel! Rolls 1,5,4



Azrael attacks Gabriel! Rolls 6,5,6



-13 hp

Uziel attacks Gabriel! Rolls 6,5,1



Both Robin and Gabbie were attacked yet again, and neither was defeated. Instead Gabbie parried yet again, and Robin was able to take far less of a blow from her opponent. Meanwhile Nathaniel gave a cue to Azrael and Uziel. He had a plan this time. The two quickly broke off to flank Gabriel again. This time Nathaniel simply waited. When they drew close, Nathaniel fired a shot over Gabriel's head that blasted the ceiling above him raining down debris all over the place. Deciding to get out of the way, Gabriel leaped back only to be pounced on by both Azrael and Uziel! Taking him to the ground, Azrael said "Yes! This is it! This is just how I wanted to do it, too! You pinned on the ground like a helpless little boy! HAHAHAHAH!!!

Gabriel quickly kicked Uziel and Azrael off, but before he could get up, Azrael slashed his arm rather deeply with his axe, and Uziel followed up with a swing from his killing edge, which Gabriel promptly dodged. "That's it?! You should have killed me when you had the chance!"


Anticipation 2 Active!

Gabriel attacks Nathaniel with Dread! Rolls 6,1,2



-13 hp

Gabriel attacks Nathaniel with Despair! Rolls 1,2,4



-14 hp



Gabriel 13/24

Within the span of half a second, Gabriel had shot Nathaniel through both of his eyes, killing him instantly! Azrael and Uziel were shocked to see Nathaniel taken from them in an instant. "Nathaniel! Y- ... you ... Y-you ... you monster! Why did you aim for him?! I was the one that attacked you! Oh gooood it should've been meeeeeheeeeheeeeee! You'll pay for this, GA-briel ... do you hear me? You'll pay!"

"Oh I've still got something special for you two ..." he began reloading his pistols. "I just wanted to get rid of the wise guy first. You two are up next unless you're not feeling up to it. I'd understand if you didn't. I mean without him, I doubt the two of you could even tie your shoelaces."

Meanwhile Joanna reached out to heal Shadrak, who seemed to be the most injured at the time.

Shadrak 12/12

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 24/24 (Aggressive) Hand Axe

Uziel 15/15 (Aggressive) Killing Edge


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 6/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 3/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 3/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe E 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


Gabriel 13/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


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As Xavier and the lancer circled one another, waiting for a chance to strike, Xavier saw it, and swung his uninjured leg out in a sweep. The lancer moved back promptly, evading the kick, only to have it's eyes widen in terror as it witnessed the axe aimed for it's skull. With no more room to maneuver, the lancer fell to the ground, brain matter coating the walls as though the skull were naught more than a smashed watermelon.

Xavier(3,2,4) 11 hit - 6 evd, hit! 8 Mt - 4 def, 4 Damage!

Lance E KO'd!Roll

+5 points(KO)

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Veronika slashed at one of the nearby axe wielders, injuring his shoulder. (4,1,1)= Crit! 6-4=2 x 2= 4 damage. He swung back at her, but missed. (3,5,4)

AH-Axe D= 5/9 HP

Nadya saw Gabriel blow one of the bosses' heads off, but take an axe wound in the process. "Stay sharp in there Gabriel," she said to him, managing to apply a staff to his wounds while he reloaded his pistols. She noticed his wounds were healing a bit by themselves, just like the artificial humans. Hmm, this Gabriel probably has an interesting story, but for now all I need to know is that he's fighting them and not us.

Gabriel +5 HP 18/24

Nadya +2 exp Gabbie +2 exp

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"That didn't work as well as I'd hoped... Alright, new plan: we charge'em," Gytha dacided before running straight at the axe fighter from before.

((4+2)+2)-6 = 2 = hit!

(5+1)-4 = 2 damage!

Gytha only managed to nick her target, which was somewhat annoying. "Huh. Amon, do yer best," she instructed her teammate, forgetting that she'd just left herself open to attack.

((5-2)+2)-7 = miss!

She wound up stepping out of the way of his axe-swing, having completely forgotten he could hit back.

Gytha 15/18

AH-Axe E 5/9


A woman with a staff came by and healed him, but left before he could thank her. Shrugging off the residual ache, he focussed on the enemies before him. "Ranyin, I'm counting on you to finish this guy off! Don't let him near Jo!" Bert told his teammate before attacking a target better-suited to his capabilities: the lanceman next to the axeman.

((3+2)+3)-6 = 2 = hit!

(4+6)-4 = 6 damage!

Bert successfully made a deep cut in his opponent's arm, nearly disabling him...but not quite.

((5-2)+2)-6 = miss!

Norbert simply redirected the lancer's attack away from him with his axe, smiling with satisfaction at how this round went. It's up to Ranyin now.

AH-lance C 3/9

Norbert 10/15

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Shadrak looked over to Joanne with a smile. "Thanks!" He called back before turning to his fire little friend. "Now, back to business..."

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3067302/ 5/2/6!


5+4-6=3 hit!


(8+2+2)-4=8 Damage

Fire A: 0/9 KO!

Shadrak chuckled again, this time it grew to small laugh as he held out his hand open hand, the mage stared back at him, confused at what Shadrak thought was so funny. "Die" Was all the he utterred as a wave of dark energy was released from his hand, nailing the Artificial Mage in the chest. It sent him sprawling to the ground in a heap, gasping for with futility air as he coughed up blood by the mouthful. Shadrak smiled with his work and took a couple steps back to analyze the situation again. The one in the back, the one he wanted to challenge, was now an eyeless corpse. Such a pity, he looked like he might of been actually fun to fight. Shadrak thought as he carefully chose his next victim...

+10 for Shadrak!

+10 for Chelsea!

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The Battle Wages On

Gabbie struck back yet again! Rolls 3,5,4



-5 hp


+5 points for Gabbie and Nadya

Gabbie hp 15/15

AH-Sword B hp 0/9

This time Gabbie had worn her opponent down enough to strike a killing blow and impaled him through his throat! Yanking her lance back out forced him to the ground flat on his face, where he lied there clinching his neck. "Foina-fuckin-ly! Okay-who's next?!" she said with a grin.

Amon followed up Gytha's attack with one of his own. Amon rolls 2,5,4



-6 hp

AH-Axe E rolls 3,4,3



-7 hp

Amon doubles! Rolls 5,6,4



-7 hp


Amon hp 5/12

AH-Axe E hp 0/9

+5 points for Amon, Gytha, and Synthia

"Ow ... ugh. I got'em, Gytha!" Amon called over as he stepped away from his fallen opponent and wiped his knife clean. His arm had taken another bad hit again. Damn, I did it again! Oh well ...

Elsewhere, Azrael and Uziel were looking for an opening, but Gabriel had himself fully covered and they didn't have much chance of pulling off another attack. When Gabriel suddenly found his wounds healing even faster than normal, he looked over to the person calling to him and spotted Nadya. "Oh hey there! Thanks for the patch up, Nadya!"

Gabbie was obviously surprised. "Wait, you know this guy?"

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 24/24 (Aggressive) Hand Axe

Uziel 15/15 (Aggressive) Killing Edge


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 18/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)

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"Aye, ye did well. ... Now get yerself healed," Gytha replied, unable to be entirely upset with him since he did kinda kill their target, instead picking the man up and setting him down next to Synthia. She, herself, stood by, keeping a lookout in case anyone tried to attack her vulnerable team.

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The axe fighter Robin was engaged with was no simple pushover. As her arrow sank into the shoulder of the artificial humanoid, the monsters only response was to open its mouth at Robin. A scream? A yell? Something that was one or the other as it barreled towards Robin. It smashed into her, knocking her to the ground with its weight and swinging its axe. Robin could see the flesh of her shoulder being cut in to, only to have it be healed up a second later by someone she could not see. As swiftly as she could, she drew her stone knife and swung at the man, its blade gouging into his knees.

The AH screamed in pain, but was not deterred. He brought his axe down upon Robin, hard, cutting into the flesh of her body. She could hear herself screaming in pain, the blood flowing forth as she rolled onto her side. The human grinned, seeing her as downed for good, and hurried off. He was not wrong. Robin looked down at her own blood, the horror of the corpses surrounding her starting to sink in as pain blasted through her body. She screamed in fear and pain before the world about her started to become black. A moment later she was passed out, not dead, but unable to continue for sure.

Robin attacks Axe-wielder A.

Robin rolls a 6, 3, 3.

Robin's hit: 14 (8 base + 6 Roll). Enemies Avoid: Do I even need to bother?


Critical hit for 6 damage!( (4 + 3 - 5) X3)

Axe A is at 3 HP and, long story short, Robin is KO'ed

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An archer nearby seemed to be having trouble with an enemy, but Xavier had no time to worry about it at the moment. The avian circling and healing the party was a blessing. Xavier had never laid eyes on an avian before, and her presence was mystifying.

Xavier felt a strange feeling about her, he didn't know why, but he felt compelled to ask.

"Hey, you, flying there? You're on our side, right? I dunno why, but I feel like you can do this... would you be able to help me out in this fight? These guys are tough... if I could just take a bit less damage from those attacks, I should be okay... I mean, you avians are powerful, right? Then again, you probably can't do that... what am I even thinking?" Xavier corrected himself, yet he couldn't help but look at Joanna hopefully, a feeling in his mind telling him he wasn't wrong.

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As the battle raged on, Chelsea hung back and scanned for anyone who needed any medical attention. Thankfully Nadya and Joanna, newcomers were able to heal many wounds. And it looked the group had gotten even stronger than before. Noticing Amon was hurt pretty bad, she decided to signal to Ucollas that she would go to Amon's aid. "Ucollas! I'll help Amon so follow me."- she told him and before he could follow, the mount-less troubador had already raced to a spot where she could heal Amon, with some distance between them of course.

"Hang in there Amon."

Chelsea healed Amon for 4 HP

Amon 9/12

Chelsea and Shadrak gained 3 points

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Meanwhile, outside the building, Norbert's pegasus was grunting and snorting, trying to pull away from Raquel's wagon. Bert had secured his pegasus before, though, so the knight he'd tied was holding fast. With a frusterated neigh, Rizen began flapping her wings, trying to fly away, using every possible angle she could to escape...and to no avail. From rearing, using her weight to yank at her reigns, to kicking the wagon she was tied to, to this airborne method, to simply trying to yank herself free, she tried everything. However, nothing worked. Riz's loud vocalizations let anyone and everyone in the area know she was an unhappy pegasus, too.

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Snowy: The bow wielding effect is based on enemy combat teams, not allied ones.

When using a bow, the first attack against an enemy combat team is not countered against. After that, any attacks on that enemy team get countered like normal. Attacking a new enemy combat team that hasn't been fought yet allows the first attack to not be countered as well.


Luca had been standing around keeping an eye on things like was told, but eventually things became difficult when the restrained winged mare began throwing a big fuss. Rocking the wagon and putting dents in its frame was causing Sandrock and Riley to get upset too, but being up front, they couldn't really do more than whinny back at Riz trying to get her to calm down. Luca taking matters into his own hands stomped over and snorted loudly at Riz telling her to stop struggling. He'd never seen a horse become so riled up over being hitched before. Her partner was obviously going someplace where she shouldn't follow and couldn't trust her to stay put.

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 24/24 (Aggressive) Hand Axe

Uziel 15/15 (Aggressive) Killing Edge


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 3/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 3/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 5/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 18/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


AH-Sword A attacks Amon! Rolls 2,6,3



AH-Axe A attacks Robin! Rolls 1,4,1



-6 hp


OOC: This is the counter you didn't roll during player phase, courtesy of anonymous rper


Azrael attacks Gabriel! Rolls 3,1,1



Uziel attacks Gabriel! Rolls 5,6,2




Gabriel attacks Azrael with Dread! Rolls 6,2,3



-15 hp

Gabriel attacks Uziel with Despair! Rolls 1,2,3



-15 hp


Azrael and Uziel charged at Gabriel with all abandon only for him to shoot the both of them at the same time. Both were headshots, but Azrael rose back up slowly but surely. "Heheh ... no so easy, is it, Gabriel? Ya see, I'm not gonna let myself be taken out so easily. Heheh."

"Okay ... I'll aim for the brain stem next time." Gabriel commented casually.


Gabriel hp 20/24

Whil Joanna began to fret over who to heal next in the fast pace chaos, Xavier called out to her for help ... with the enemies? "Oh, I think I can help a little with that. Don't move!" she said as she thrust her hand forth in his direction and a feint rush of light shot straight into his body.

Xavier +3 def

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 9/24 (Aggressive) SwordSlayer Axe

Uziel 0/15 (Down) Killing Edge ... because dead or not, you don't let go of it


AH-Sword A 9/9 (Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 5/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 9/9 (Defending AH Fire C) Fire Tome

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 5/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 20/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


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Feeling filled with vigor from the magic, Xavier readied himself.

"Hah... I feel like I could take on anyone... thanks avian! Err... I never got your name..." Xavier noted sheepishly, before shaking his head slightly. The warrior was still standing, and the one fighting him seemed to be the strongest one here.

"I dunno why they are fighting eachother, but if I can free up that gunman, we'll probably be way better off." Xavier said quickly, readying his axe, as he rushed towards Azrael.

Shearing the warrior's arm clean off with a well placed blow, Xavier did not take a whole lot of damage from the counterstrike. he assumed a mix of the strike being one handed and the avian's gift were at work, but it was not of much matter.

Turning to Gabriel, Xavier pointed towards the other enemies.

"I got this guy. You look like you'd be a lot of help with them mobs, though." Xavier suggested, hoping Gabriel would listen.

Xavier(4,6,4) Autohit! 12 mt - 5 def, 7 damage!

Azrael(6,1,4) 11 hit - 6 evd, hit! 9 mt - 6 def, 3 Damage!

Azrael 2/24

Xavier 11/18


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Looking around, John spotted another swordsman. For yet another time he was quick to ran up to attack.

Target: AH-Sword A



Hit: 5+3+2(WTA)=10 > 6 HIT

Damage: 5+5=10 - 4 = 6

One more the blow was sever, though it still left him in risk of a counter, to which he put his shield in front once more.

Target: John



Hit: 5+3-2(WTD)=6 > 5 HIT

Damage: 4+3=7 - 6 = 1

Another scratch, another wound. John stepped back, looking at the new injury. 'Is this becoming a routine or what?' He thought. 'That's the third time in a row!'

[Remaining HP:

AH-Sword A 3/9

John 14/18]

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"Well if any of them had any sense, they would be running, too! They're twice our number," Axel snapped back at John, just as Nika came and went. It was ignored, of course. Otherwise, the wyvern rider would be turning away from the horde of artificial humans, not rushing right into the midst of them. With a sigh, the lancer rushed in after him, taking out another swordsman who he had left alive.

"I'll have to just get you two out alive, then," he said, ripping his lance out of the defeated foe.


[5,4,2] = 8-4 = 4 Points of damage! Sword AH A is defeated!

Axel 12/12

Team Skotiabank gains 10 points.

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"Amon, Synthia, keep safe here. I'm gonna see what all that's about out there," Gytha informed her teammates before rushing off to assist the look-alike ally and the axe-user who were ganging up on one of the enemies who was using an axe. "Ahoy!" Gytha cheerfully greeted. With that opening, she focussed herself and lunged foreward, aiming to make a noninsignificant strike to her opponent's neck.

Mercenary skill active! -2HP, +1mt, +1hit


((5+2)+1)-8 = miss!

Unfortunately, Gytha's introduction served as a good warning that she was attacking and the artifical human was able to move out of the way. The mariner turned around to face her enemy as he counterattacked.


Swordslayer bonus!

((10-2)+5)-7 = 6 = hit!

(12+5)-3 = 14 damage!

His axe-strike was havy, nearly cutting off Gytha's swordarm as she was blown backwards at the other two who were fighting him. Gytha cringed, holding her arm on as best she could. I...really would rather not die inland...


Norbert continued to attack his enemy, only just now noticing that he'd healed somewhat. What? They can healthemselves? This is going to be harder than I'd hoped...

((3+2)+4)-6 = 3 = hit!

(4+1)-4 = 1 damage!

Unfortunately, the lanceman was able to step back enough that he was only scratched by Bert's attack while Norbert himself was left open. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!


(4+6)-3 = 7 damage!

The pikeman swung his lance, hitting Bert's earlier wound in his side and knocking him down. The pegasus knight gasped in pain as the blow hit, then shouted as his other injurred side hit the ground. Gah... That..hurts..!! In spite of the pain, Bert rose up again. I can still fight! He'll pay for that!

AH-lance C 4/9

Bert 3/15

Edited by Mercakete
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Shadrak noticed another band of casters deeper in the battle-field. Behind them he saw what looked like to be some form of avian and... a not AH digging themselves out of a pile of rubble. They probably needed some help, but he had a few more people to plast through. "We got survivors Chel, other-wise I'd help ya, I'll start clearing a path!" He called to her as she ran off, before he turned and ran full sprint at the first mage in his path.


2/3/3 Critical!!!!

4+2-6=0 Hit!



Double Overkill!

Fire D: -9/9

The mage was astonished to see a caster running torwards him at full speed, and he began fumbling with his tome as Shadrak rushed him. Shadrak clenched his fist with a chuckle, dark energy slowly emenating from it. "Prepare to die!" Shadrak shouted to the mage as he leapt into the air and brought his magic-infused punch into the enemies chest, a wave of dark energy exploding from his hand which sent the straight into the groun with Shadrak over him, his fist embedded in the victims chest. "There is no hope for you..." he said with a chuckle as he stood up, flicking some of the blood off his hand unto the expressionless face of his victim.

+10 For Shadrak!

+10 For Chelsea!

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Rushing directly into melee of the axe user Ranyin's earlier spell had failed to produce any good effect, he unleashed a large wide wall of wind at point blank range. Its width was so immense that all but the most evasive could avoid it. At this range, I can't miss, thought Ranyin. He drew deeply into himself, reaching into his future, the power of misfortune burning as fuel, empowering his magic. The results he got for such a risk was nothing short astonishing...the wall of wind suddenly wrapped itself around his foe, crushing it with more force than Ranyin intended to.

In the sheer moment of joy, Ranyin called out to Bert partially covered in his compressed foe's blood, "DID YOU SEE THAT?!!!"


Activate Mage abbility, -3 luck +3 mag.

6,1,1 (CRIT!) my first ~<3

6+4 = 10 > 6

[(6+3+1) - 4] x 2 = 12 damage KO

9/9 Ranyin

-3/9 AH-Axe C

Valter, Bert and Ranyin +10 Points

Edited by Rothene
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"Well, if you'd like to play with'em a little, I won't stop you, but try to make it quick, would ya?" Gabriel said to Xavier before walking off. Walking up to the unmounted troubadour and the pantless lancer, he waved, and took out a pouch with some gold. "It was ten gold per heal you said, right?"

For some reason, he didn't know why, others had stepped in to try and take over for Gabriel. "B-back off! All of youuu! What fresh'ell is this?! Gaaaaaugh ... God! Ugh!" he collapsed to one knee. "Gabriel's the one I'm after ... n-not ... either of you! Dammit ta'ell!"

Amon ignoring the maimed Azrael rushed to Gytha's side. "Gytha! Are you alright?!" was pretty much all he could manage.

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 2/24 (Aggressive) SwordSlayer Axe

Uziel 0/15 (Down) Killing Edge ... because dead or not, you don't let go of it


AH-Sword A 0/9 (Retired) dropped

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 5/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 0/9 (Crit'd) nada

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 5/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 0/9 (lingering agitation) dropped


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 20/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)

Edited by Phoenix
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"I ran my horse into him earlier, I can tell you all about it later," she said to the pantsless lancer. "No problem Gabriel," Nadya said. "You can pay me after the fight all right?" Pretty confident...though I would be too if I were that good at shooting people in the head.

Gabriel proceeded to shoot the two other artificial humans, some of which stopped moving. The other though, sunk his axe deep into Gytha's arm.

"Woah, your arm almost came off!" Nadya remarked attempting to patch her up (Raise ability on Gytha--> 1/18) +2 points Nadya, Gabbie

Veronika saw the man she had hit before appear almost as good as new. What are these things..? she thought to herself briefly, before noticing that Gytha was having trouble with the man with the large axe. With him distracted by the mariner, Veronika came up and easily bisected him from behind.

(3,4,3) Autohit! 9-5= 4 damage. Azrael dead. +10 points Veronika, John, Axel

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Yer still hurt too, Amon," was Gytha's reply before a woman stated the obvious about her arm and stopped the bleeding enough that she'd live and maybe even fight a bit more. Giving a nod of thanks to the woman, she also thanked her with her words, "Thank ye. Didn't feel like dyin' on land."


Bert didn't reply to Ranyin. He preferred to save his breath for breathing. I'm not doing so well...

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"Gabriel! Gaugh! Get over here so I we can FINISH thiiiis! HURK-" he flinched as Veronika cut him down from behind! "Gaugh ... by a bloody ... woman too ... that's just ... not roight ...." he sighed heavily as his body collapsed on the ground dead. Gabriel gave a small clap as the overwhelming violence continued.

This guy looks pretty similar to them. He must be an artificial too ... ahhh hell. Gabbie thought to herself looking at Gabriel. I'm not sure what's worse ...


AH-Axe A attacks Veronika! Rolls 6,5,1



-8 hp

Veronika 4/12

AH-Axe A hp 5/9 *regens* 7/9


Joanna heals Veronika! +9 hp.

Veronika 12/12

Gabriel crosses his arms and idles! *regens* 22/24

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 0/24 (Owned) dropped all his stuff

Uziel 0/15 (Down) Killing Edge ... because dead or not, you don't let go of it


AH-Sword A 0/9 (Retired) dropped

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 7/9 (Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark A) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 0/9 (Crit'd) nada

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 0/9 (lingering agitation) dropped


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 22/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)


Gabbie attacks AH-Sword C! Rolls 4,3,6



-3 hp

AH-Sword C rolls 5,2,1



-2 hp

Gabbie hp 13/15

AH-Sword C hp 6/9

Amon attacks AH-Axe A! Rolls 5,3,6



-4 hp

AH-Axe A rolls 3,5,6



Amon doubles! Rolls 5,2,6



-3 hp


Amon hp 9/12

AH-Axe A hp 0/9

+5 points for Amon, Gytha, and Synthia

While Gabbie found someone else to pick on, Amon finally recognized that the only actively hostile enemy remaining was the axe user that had just tried to kill Veronika. Gytha was in good hands for the moment, so Amon flanked him the same way Veronika flanked Azrael. Amon stabbed him in the back once, yanked his knife out, and ducked under the artificial's back swing, and then stabbed him in the chest ending him once and for all. As the body fell, several magic users stepped forward ready to fight as well.

"Well this can't be good ..." he muttered.

Nathaniel 0/21 (KIA) twitching fingers

Azrael 0/24 (Owned) dropped all his stuff

Uziel 0/15 (Down) Killing Edge ... because dead or not, you don't let go of it


AH-Sword A 0/9 (Retired) dropped

AH-Lance A 0/9 (Not Aggressive) Nothing

AH-Axe A 0/9 (Stabb'd) dropped


AH-Fire A 0/9 (done) gone

AH-Dark A 9/9 (Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire B 0/9 (Dead) Open hands

AH-Dark B 9/9 (Aggressive) Dark Tome


AH-Sword B 0/9 (Gabb'd to death) butter fingers

AH-Lance B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire D 0/9 (Crit'd) nada

AH-Dark D 9/9 (Defending AH Dark C) Dark Tome


AH-Sword C 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Sword

AH-Lance C 7/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe C 0/9 (lingering agitation) dropped


AH-Fire E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark E 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire F 9/9 (Defending AH Fire E) Fire Tome

AH-Dark F 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark E) Dark Tome


AH-Sword D 0/9 (Not feelin' it) da swohd

AH-Lance D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Lance

AH-Axe D 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Iron Axe


AH-Fire G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Fire Tome

AH-Dark G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) Dark Tome

AH-Fire H 9/9 (Defending AH-Fire G) Fire Tome

AH-Dark H 9/9 (Defending AH-Dark G) Dark Tome


AH-Sword E 0/9 (Neutralized) kind of gripping the sword still

AH-Lance E 0/9 (The Brain on the wall) probably droppd it

AH-Axe E 0/9 (Knives hurt) too much to keep holding this axe


Gabriel 22/24 (Erratic)


Joanna 12/12 (Erratic)

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