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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Ranyin followed Valter and Joanna silently the whole time until they joined up with the gathering of the rest of the band. It seemed that his task was actually uneccessary. The atmosphere seemed to have become relatively peaceful until the whole group found themselves ending up in a basement...in time to encounter a crazy wyvern knight, a mad man and of all things, an earth dragon. In the heat of battle, Bert and Valter made a rather poor choice of target to fight from Ranyin's perspective. Anima magic had poor effects on those adept at wielding the dark magics. Sometimes, the anima magic don't even get through the magical defences of dark magic users.

They seem to be able to handle the feeble shaman, I better pick out something more vulnerable to my magic, thought Ranyin. Then the shaman from the group helped him choose his target. Hearing the shaman's words in Kigen, Ranyin quickly looked at the wyvern knight armed with a Rifle that looked primed and ready to kill anyone who its tube faced. Knowing the dangers of such a weapon after seeing it in action in the hand of the soldiers, Ranyin complied with the shaman's plan and ran swiftly alongside the shaman. His psychic senses no longer buzzing in wariness of the shaman as the situation meant they had to work together to deal with the foe.

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Valter sighed at Bert ‘s confused look as he was counterattacked by the artificial. “Magic, Bert, you’ve never seen it before?” He took aim at the clone a second time, surprised to see it healed again, but determined to at least impede movement this time.

Roll: 5, 4, 5

7 + 5 = 12 – 8 = HIT

3 + 4 = 7 – 4 = 3 DMG

The arrow struck the mage in the thigh, no doubt causing a large degree of pain. The shaman had been ready this time, though, and made sure to get off a counter.

Roll: 4, 1, 2

5 + 4 = 9 – 8 = HIT

5 + 1 = 6 – 3 = 3 DMG

The dark magic, though invisible, crashed through his barriers and struck his arm, leaving cuts and gashes along the sleeve.

Vatler’s HP: 9/12

AH Dark’s HP: 6/9


“Yeah, we’ll finish this later, just you wait!” The healer shouted after Shadrak, determined to at least get the last word. About to run after Amon, she stopped in her tracks as she witnessed Valter get hit. Dammit, she couldn’t just go over there and heal him, even if it was on the way to where she was going anyway. Alright, next best thing then. As she passed by she gave a quick heal to Bert, since he seemed to be helping Valter out. “Keep track of that bowman, he’ll try to take a shot for someone first chance he gets,” she warned, and continued trying to catch up with the thief.

+6 HP

Bert’s HP: 15/15

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Seeing the sole remaining guard get hit with an arrow shot, Xavier charged him, decapitating the man as he sank due to his injured leg.

"There's only the big ones left now... Wolfy, c'mere for a second, I've got a plan."

Xavier(3,6,1) 9 Hit - 6 evd, hit! 12 Mt - 4 def, 8 Damage!

AH Dark KO'd!


Xavier, Nadya, Gabbie +5 points

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Gabriel was in her sight, and she quickly raised her rifle to fire! Domovoi got in the way of the shot however and was struck in Gabriel's place!

Sabina rolls 1,5,1



-30 hp


Domovoi hp 0/15

Sabina hp 21/21

The dragon, seeing an active bunch nearby, unleashed a devastating quake that rocked not only them but the entire room!

Dragon attacks Gabbie, Xavier, and Nadya! Rolls 3,3,3!




Gabbie hp 0/15

Nadya hp 0/12

Xavier hp 0/18

Dragon hp 42/42

Dragon: Exposed! -5 def/res for the next two attacks against it!


"... urgh." was all Gabriel could say when the dragon brought Gabbie, Nadya, and Xavier all down at once. "Taking out his sword, he disappeared in a blur of speed, only becoming visible again at the moment before he struck the dragon's chest!

Gabriel rolls 2,6,3



-18 hp

Gabriel rolls 2,2,6



-10 hp

Dragon rolls 4,3,5



Gabriel hp 21/21

Dragon: 14/42

Joanna heals Valter! +9 hp!

Valter hp 12/12

Dolan (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Dynamic Dark Tome

AH-Sword (Dead) 0/9 Steel Sword

AH-Thunder (Dead) 0/9 El Thunder Tome


Dragon (Aggressive) 14/42 Quake

AH-Lance (dead) 0/9 Steel Lance

AH-Dark (Dead) 0/9 El Dark Tome


Sabina (Erratic/Semi-Focused) 21/21 Rifle


Gabriel (Erratic) 24/24 Xion


Joanna (Erratic) 12/12


The ground where they were standing for all intents and purposes exploded under them, and when Gabbie came to she found herself half buried under some rubble, and she already knew her leg was stuck. With little cuts and scratches everywhere, her lance just a few inches too far away to reach, and no sign of immediate help, she knew she couldn't do anything else for the moment. "Urrrrgh ... daaammiiit. There's nothin' more oironic than thiiis ..." she cursed under her breathe. She wanted to see if Xavier and Nadya were alright, but she couldn't see much of anything being pinned like she was.

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Just when Domovoi jumped in front of Gabriel, he heard a shot fired and felt a terrific burst of pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw his armor was pierced and blood oozing out from the wound.

"Urrghhhhhh!" he groaned and collapsed unconscious to the ground, clutching his chest and clenching his teeth.

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Closing in on his designated target, Ranyin drew deep into his fortunes once more. He started to feel confused, alomst as if he could not even percieve his next actions as if he could no longer predict outcomes of actions based on common sense. Casting all chances to the wind before him, Ranyin unleashed the wind from him outwards wildly as a large wall. It expanded and contracted erratically, making it extremely hard to predict and consequently evade, but unfortunately, the spell spread too thin and was just barely able to harm his foe thanks to him gambling away his fortune to empower his magic. The spell bashed into the wyvern knight with enough force to make her vomit her previous meal.


Mage abbility -4Luck, +4Mag




no counter

Ranyin 12/12

Sabina 13/21

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Chelsea decided to up the ante by making the gunner get off the ground, but before she did she spoke a few words. "Sorry, but you hurt my comrade, now I'm going to have to ask you to sleep for a while, mkay?"- The troubador told her opponent as she concentrated her magic energy to form a circle of light around Sabina. Said circle proceded to apply a much force to Sabina damaging her greatly and sending her airborne.

"Shadrak! Don't kill her, merely render her unconcious, if you do kill her....I'll do something."- she yelled quickly at the dark mage.


Chelsea attacks Sabina for 9 HP of damage. Roll: 5,6,1

Chelsea: 12/12 HP

Sabina 4/21 HP

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Amon rolls 5,2,5



-5 hp

Dolan rolls 2,3,6



Amon doubles! Rolls 1,4,5



-7 hp

Amon hp 12/12

Dolan hp 3/15

Dolan (Passive-Aggressive) 3/15 Dynamic Dark Tome

AH-Sword (Dead) 0/9 Steel Sword

AH-Thunder (Dead) 0/9 El Thunder Tome


Dragon (Aggressive) 0/42 Claw

AH-Lance (dead) 0/9 Steel Lance

AH-Dark (Dead) 0/9 El Dark Tome


Sabina (Down) 0/21 Rifle


Gabriel (Erratic) 24/24 Xion


Joanna (Erratic) 12/12

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"Fine!" Shadrak said, running forward with haste.


4/2/4 AUTOHIT!

10+2-3=9 Damage! KO!

He jumped into the air and brought his hands down in a mighty wave, forcing the Wyvern Rider back to the dirt with a mighty crash. She wasn't moving, but Shadrak though he could see her breathing. "I'm not sure if I killed her or not, but I held back..." He said, the regret in his voice very plain.

+20 points for Bert, Valter, and Ranyin.


Plus 10 points for the entire Party!

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It felt like a grenade had gone off directly in Xavier's face. His thought to surround the druid with Gabbie and take him out were lost in the sudden blast of earth, as Xavier's body was flung into a crumpled heap.

As his consciousness faded, Xavier's mind began playing back an image of his life at home...


"Honey? Xavier, are you awake?"

"Yes, I am, my love."

Eyes opened, vision aroused from the depths of the brain... Long, auburn hair tied back in a loose ponytail. A bright smile, empowered by deep chestnut eyes, filled with soul and life.

"Good, you're awake. Honey, you've been asleep for so very long. But even so, I was never worried... I know you are strong." A sweet voice to match her words, it felt like wondrous honey trickling through his ears, pleasuring his senses. The young woman, his wife, placed his head on her lap, gently moving her hands through his short brown hair.

"You have such faith in me? You are a better wife than any man could hope for." Xavier replied, a genuine smile reaching his lips.

"Yes... because you are my love... and my hero... my strong hero, slayer of artificial corruptions, survivor of dragonic might... and so much more... my hero, sung praises by bards of many lands... my hero... my love."

"What are you talking about? Lily?"

"Xavier, my love... just wake up... just wake up..."

"Just... wake... up-?"


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With the artificial finally down and himself healed, thanks to Joanna , Valter turned his bow on the one he hated most here, the man who seemed to have started this whole mess. “Those willing to spite the gods should expect the consequences…” he mumbled, and let his nocked arrow fly.

Roll: 5, 3, 4

7 + 5 = 12 – 8 = HIT

3 + 3 = 6 – 2 = 4 DMG

Valter smiled as he watched the druid’s form crumple to the ground, and arrow in his chest.



“Holy…” Synthia was definitely distracted. Instead of helping Amon like she was supposed to, she was too busy staring at the dragon that too out a whole combat team. That was it, Gytha or not, that thing needed to go down before they all died. She stared at it a moment, trying to think of what she could possibly do to help, then she had an idea. If anyone else attacked the thing they’d probably try to kill it, but if she could knock it out somehow it would protect the group without displeasing Gytha… Worst case scenario she failed entirely and Gytha would attack it herself if it came at her, she did promise to protect her after all.

Synthia took a deep breath and took out her tome, trying to figure out a way to make this work. Slicing it up would be no good, but maybe hitting it with enough force would work…


-4 speed + 4 mag

Roll: 1, 6, 1

5 + 1 = 6 – 6 = HIT

6 + 4 + 6 = 16 – 5 = 11 DMG

Dragon is exposed!

11 * 2 = 22 DMG


“Oh… wow.” Synthia stared at the wreckage she’d just caused in awe, and then horror. That… was not what she expected. Compared to the simple breezes she had created earlier, the typhoon she unleashed upon the dragon was a hell of a lot more powerful than she ever hoped to it to be. The dragon was sent flying into the closest wall, breaking through and landing in a pile of rubble, unconscious, but likely still alive, if the slow rise and fall of its chest was any indication.

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Nadya was just about to take care of the guy who got shot in the head instead of Gabriel when the dragon made a roaring sound and the basement began to collapse around her. She tugged on the reins to tell Luca to move out of the way...then she realized she wasn't holding any reins. Shit! was the only thought she managed to complete before the falling rocks rendered her unconscious as they fell on top of her.

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Robin had been resting calmly, away from the fight, letting her body recuperate from the stress of almost being split in half. She hated to admit it, but the blow had been possibly far more sever than she had thought originally and taken more of the fight out of her than she had wished. As the rest of the group went off to continue their fight, she stayed back, choosing to not get in the way. If she went, she was not sure she would be able to pull off accurate shots and could easily end up hitting one of them in the back. Though she disliked the Ursium members, accidentally killing them was not something she wanted to do right now. So she chose to wait, out of the way...

Until the basement started to collapse. Adrenaline shot through her body, letting her rise up with her full speed and agility as she quickly decided to get some distance between herself and the rest, let the guards recapture her if need-be, a cave-in was not some place to be!

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Unbelievable. John could only look in surprise that they made it through alive. Even the dragon was out of the fight. However, all the tremors and such had threatened them with a cave-in!

John was quick to place his shield over his head, and attempt to make it towards the exit, since he wasn't really sure the shield would be enough to protect him.

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The Bounty Hunter Falls

Sabina's shot hit Domovoi instead of Gabriel, and an entire strike team of mages countered her for it, quickly bringing her down under a torrent of magical attacks. When it was over, she couldn't move very much, and found herself coughing up blood. Her armor had been badly charred and her clothing burned or torn away in some places. This mission had failed. She could tell the moment she opened her eyes and saw the dragon and Dolan defeated ...

The Doctor Falls

Dolan didn't have much time to act, and Amon quickly rushed him, stabbing him in the shoulder with his knife, and then dodging an attack at point blank range before stabbing the shoulder again, this time cutting through everything that held the arm in place, other than bone. The doctor stumbled back crying out in pain right along with his ailing dragon. Amon backed off to not leave himself open again, and that was when an arrow came speeding by him and struck Dolan through the heart! "Whoa." Amon muttered.

"GUUUUYAAAAAAAGH!!! N-no ... why did it have to end ... like t-tt--t-t-t-t-thiiiiis-s-s ... L-lord T-ruth ... h-help me please ... " he collapsed onto his knees and held the arrow that had struck him dropping both tomes and even some research notes. Looking up at the man who had shot him, he barely managed to get out "A ... a thousand hells await you ... you ... y-you ...."

He fell onto his face jamming the arrow into his torso even further and died on the spot. Amon checked for a pulse, and confirmed that the good doctor was dead with a slight head shake.

The Dragon Falls

The dragon's torso had been badly slashed open and blood flowed in hideous amounts after Gabriel's retaliation, and to finish the job, Synthia unleashed an attack of brute magic force that forced the dragon down and rendered it completely unconscious.


Battle Average: 35

New Point Total: 242

Gabriel took a moment to pull the rubble off of Gabbie, and dig out Nadya and Xavier. Meanwhile, the cavalry arrived once again in the form of a firing squad, the same one that stormed the area last time. The first thing they spotted was the dragon and they charged in closer to confirm their fears. It was indeed a dragon. All of them raised up their weapons at the call of the squad leader and held their aim. "READYYYYY! ..."

Gabriel couldn't help but give them a glance. "I wonder why she spared him. These guys were going to kill anyone or ... anything we missed regardless ... ... I guess it's the thought that counts. At least he can die in his sleep." The order to fire however was belated longer than Gabriel thought made sense, and when he glanced over again he realized why.

"You, dark avian! Get away from there! Now!" the squad leader order, but to no avail. Joanna was kneeling by the dragon's head and seemed to be tearing up. "... someone get her outta the way ..." the squad leader said in a low unamused voice.

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Shadrak turned to Doctor Dolan, his face in sheer dis-belief. "Truth?" He rushed over to the body... faster than you thought Shadrak could move, to say the least. "This man creates False-hoods of life and he dares to say it's for the glory of Truth? What are your secrets old man...?" He asked as he began rummaging through the papers and notes, saving what he could from spilling blood.

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"Leave them alone!" Gytha demanded, rushing between Joanna and the firing squad (and luckily knowing better than to draw any weapons,) "The dragon won't do anyone anymore harm!" She turned her head to Joanna, quickly asking, "Can ye save it?"


What was it with healers and running away right after they helped him? Bert didn't even have time to ask what Synthia meant before she was off doing other things. Still, he couldn't supress the need to go speak to his teammates. "Valter, Ranyin, thanks for your help. Sorry I couldn't do much this time," he appologized. I should stick to bandits... Oh, yeah, I'll have to get on that hunt tomorrow. Hmm... "Bring friends..." ... Maybe Valter and Ranyin can help me out... There was some sort of commotion going on around the dragon, though. Curious, he walked a bit closer. There he saw the seafaring woman and Joanna. That's a weird combination...and with a dragon, no less... ... Ok, this group is crazy. I don't even know what's going on anymore. ... Maybe I've hit my head too many times... ... Or maybe they hit thier heads too many times. This is just beyond me...

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Well, all in all, they were safe now. Finally it was truly over. 'Phew...' John sighed in relief. 'Well, now to see what happens next.'

The arrival of the soldiers was surely a welcoming sight. Yep, everything was going to be fine... or so it looked like. The soldiers were ready to fire at the dragon, but it looked like the avian was in the way. And didn't seemed to be moving out of the way.

'Isn't she hearing him?' He wondered. 'I wonder what's wrong...?' Well, the leader had said so, so he figured he might as well comply.

Until he saw Gytha get in between. 'Huh? What is she trying to do?' He figured things may get ugly, so he went on and approached anyway.

''Hey!'' He called out, however, whatever he was about to say next got interrupted when he realized what she said. ''Huh? The dragon is still alive?''

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“Truth? This man creates those abominations and cries out to Truth, of all choices?” Valter said, the disdain very evident in his voice. He would never understand people like him. “If a thousand hells await me, I’m curious as to what awaits you, old man...” The guy was already dead by this point, but it was the thought that counted.

With the job finished he turned to check on Joanna only to find she was not there. A quick investigation revealed her to be over by the unconscious dragon… surrounded by men with rifles. “Woah, woah, don’t shoot!” he shouted, running to stand between them. “The beast is unconscious, you can wait a moment, can’t you?!” He was surprised when a woman who ran up beside him had the same exact idea and he gave her an odd look. He was trying to protect Joanna, what was her reason for this?


What were they doing?! She didn’t spare the dragon just so a firing squad could come down and execute it! Synthia walked closer trying not to do anything rash, there were other people defending the thing already anyway. She still kept her distance because of, you know, Valter, but she was close enough to easily hear and see whatever was happening.

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The Notes

When Amon saw the guards coming in into the room, and Shadrak trying to take the notes, something clicked in his head and he immediately reached out to grab Shadrak's arm. "Wait! We don't know what they'll do if they see you picking these up without permission." Amon exclaimed while keeping his voice low.

It was already too late though. A pair of the shocktroops were already on their way over and had a decent view of the fallen notes. "Hand those over, immediately. That's not a request, kids." he said as his partner began the motions of aiming at them without actually bringing the gun to either.

The Dragon

Joanna looked the dragon over from where she was sitting, ignoring the smell and the smoke still rising off of its body. Its thoughts had quieted to a blissful silence once Synthia had struck it with her attack, but now it was bleeding to death. "I ... I could ... I ... c-could save it from its injuries but ... I can't save it from them." That was all she could get out before collapsing onto the dragon's face and crying.

"Cleric, listen to us. That is a dragon. If you make any further attempt to stop us, it will be considered an act of treason, and you will be executed on the spot. If you understand what I'm telling you then, move your ass! You two! Get out of the way as well. Now!" the squad leader snapped.

"Well this isn't looking too good." Gabriel muttered while waiting for Nadya and Xavier to wake up. Gabbie was just sitting nearby with her legs crossed and cleaning her lance.

The General

Next down the steps was a very heavily armored man, Major General Patricia Belo, and Lyra. They were accompanied by too many soldiers to count from where everyone else was standing. It could have been fifty for all they knew. The man at the front of the group was none other than General Ridge Remus. The only general participating in the war against Neviskotia directly that had as great a reputation as him, was General Capaberra.

Walking up to the back of the firing squad, Remus gave them just enough time to notice him, and get out of his way. After that, he and Patricia continued walking forward a short ways and stopped when they reached Gytha and Valter. "A trio of the volunteers ... defending a dragon ... or is it the girl? Doesn't matter. Major General Belo, your firearm, please."

She knew where this was going. With a sigh, she handed over her shotgun, and crossed her arms before turning off to the side a bit. "After tonight, Capaberra will only be a couple of kills ahead of me it seems. As for you three, step aside." He aimed the gun right up to Gytha's chest and held it there. "The dragon will not last through the night. If you wish to suffer the same fate, just stand right there ..."

Amon tried to bolt on the spot when he saw this but the guard grabbed him, and threw him back. "Don't pull that again. Charging in the direction of a General with a knife. We would have lit you up from six different directions, kid."

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Nadya woke up to someone pulling the rubble off of her. Her head hurt something fierce and all she could hear that the dragon wouldn't do any harm. My body's kinda disagreeing with you there lady. she thought to herself, before she started stumbling around. She thought she saw the vague outline of a guy with white hair. "Gabriel right? Because if you're one of those other not-quite human guys I guess I'm pretty screwed," she said, her blurry vision not making much sense of what was going on.

Veronika watched the scene unfold between the dark avian, Gytha, John, the Ursian military...it was getting messy. She decided to stand back and let the situation unfold by itself for now. If they start firing at John and the others I'll have to intervene...but maybe they should get out of the way. Killing that creature may be more of a blessing than letting it suffer anyway. she thought to herself.

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Shadrak rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Here." He said handing the notes to the Soldiers. "Please inform the people that recieve these that this man used Truth's name as some form of justification or Sanction for what he did. I know not exactly, but it might prove useful. Now if you'll excuse me, I have wounded to tend to." He said calmly, standing up and jogging over to Domovoi. "Thanks for the help buddy..." He said as he held his staff over the man, mending his wounds.

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"Where were ye durrin' th' fight?" Gytha questioned, looking the general dead in the eye unflinchingly and doggedly, "We won here. We should be able t' decide what happens next."

"Valter, Jo, get out of there! It's just a dragon for Mercy's sake!" Bert ecouraged his friends, incedulous at how Gytha was behaving. Does she have a deathwish?! She's not taking those two down with her!

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Well, this looked bad, John noted. They were willing to shoot at them. An Gytha certainly wasn't helping. 'We have to comply, it's no use resisting if they can easily kill us without a second thought.' He thought.

''Gytha...?'' John began. ''I don't think that kind of reasoning will convince him of otherwise. We need to get out of the way, and I mean everyone. That dragon is going to die, with us in the way or not. At least lets not suffer the same fate.'' 'It may or may not work to change her mind.' He thought. 'But no harm done trying...'

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When Ranyin saw the general point his gun at Gytha, Ranyin was assailed by multiple sensations. Both horror and hope filled him. It was terrible to lose a team member, even for the removal of one as fearsome as Gytha, but it would at least make his life less filled with fear and perhaps, banish the nightmares that have recently been visiting him. Was such a noble sacrifice of the nomad neccessary?

With his breath held, Ranyin decided to watch the entire scenario unfold from a safe distance.

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