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Advice for a rather confused newb

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Hey everyone, I just got this game and it is pretty cool so far. I'm at Ch. 4 right now, and have just gotten access to reclassing. I kinda understand the mechanics behind it, but I don't know if I should reclass now or keep everyone on their default class. Any tips? It seems that Ogma, Barst, Frey, and Abel are turning out pretty well for me so far, and Caeda isn't bad either. Thanks, and btw I've played and beaten every other US FE game so I'm not a noob to the series.

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Experiment with everyone first. Get a feel for what you like and don't like. Check how class growths and personal growths work, then use reclassing as you see fit.

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You shouldn't worry too much about reclass. The characters you mentioned will have decent stats in their current classes, and since they've been building weapon rank, they should probably stay put. In Normal Mode, you shouldn't really feel pressured to reclass your units.

Post promotion, you might want to think about reclassing Barst to Hero for more movement and speed (plus he can keep his good Axe rank). Similarly, Cain/Abel/Frey can be reclassed to Dracoknight and keep their lance rank, and Shiida can be reclassed to Paladin.

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Really, the only things you should be concerned about with reclassing are:

- weapon ranks

- if reclassed units would still have good enough stats to reach important offensive benchmarks

- movement and flying

On NM, it really doesn't make a difference whether you reclass or not.

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I'd personally recommend reclassing one of the Altean cavaliers or Katua/Paola to Swordmaster/Sniper once they promote; they have the best bases and growths to really be effective in those classes. Reclassing Sedgar to a General is a great idea, though it kind of breaks the game in Normal Mode especially.

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Thanks for all the help guys. I just beat chapter 5 and got Wolf and Sedger and the rest of those blokes. I heard that Wolf and Sedger are really great, but their bases are pitiful. Are they just a case of super amazing growths with terrible bases, or am I missing something?

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Thanks for all the help guys. I just beat chapter 5 and got Wolf and Sedger and the rest of those blokes. I heard that Wolf and Sedger are really great, but their bases are pitiful. Are they just a case of super amazing growths with terrible bases, or am I missing something?

Just reclass them to anything except Sorcerer or Horseman (Their starting class is kind of weak) and give them a few levels. They'll start to tank nearly instantly.

The problem is that they level slowly, being pre-promoted and stuff.

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I've personally always used Wolf as a Berserker on H1, but that's just me. His hitrate is always really dicey before he gets his first few levels.

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My experience with Wolf/Segdar: You need to be a little careful, as they level up slowly. You don't want your other characters getting screwed over in the EXP department, especially this early on.

I find they do get decent EXP from pre-promo enemies. (basically, Horsemen. There's a chapter coming up [8] where several spew out of forts, with makes it good for abusing if you're into that) Of course, they give absurd anmounts of EXP to unpromoted characrters, so do what you will.

You can try using the arena with them, in NM it's farely tame for them, once they've gained some stats. Keep a save point handy just in case though. I've found General Sedgar can make you a HUGE amount of Gold this way, as he's pretty much immune to everything there except mages. (GET OUT if you see one of them!)

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. . .or you can reclass to Sorcerer so they get guaranteed experience with staff healing, then reclass them to something with better growths when they get close to leveling.

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Now for something completely unrelated to Sedgar and Wolf: if you want to make use of the Dark Mage, reclass Cord into one. Then again, I could be favouring him *looks at my forum name*, but he has always been the prime choice for me.

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Now for something completely unrelated to Sedgar and Wolf: if you want to make use of the Dark Mage, reclass Cord into one. Then again, I could be favouring him *looks at my forum name*, but he has always been the prime choice for me.

Just be careful of his HP growth. I prefer Caeser as a DM if I have one.

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I would say no, Dark Mages are not worth it. You're better off with people who are already mages, like Merric. In general, it's a bad idea to switch a physical fighter to a magic user. This is because they usually won't have enough Mag to deal good damage with magic. Of course, most enemies have 0 Res, but still.....

The only purpose to reclassing to a magic unit is if you want to try and gain some Res for your units, since the vast majority of units have 0% Res growth in their default classes.

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1. Dark Mage/Sorcerer is the only magic class for Class B units.

2. I use it as a cheap way of gaining experience for Wolf/Sedgar (for the first couple of levels).

3. Since most enemies have low RES, if you have a really fast mage, you're hitting for painful amounts of damage.

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Could some one say why Sedgar is always the general and Wolf is the Hero?

No matter how I look at it they seems to have growths better suited for General!Wolf and Hero!Sedgar. Am I really the only one who thinks 95%Atk 90%Def General and 80%Atk 85%Def Hero is superior to 75%Atk 110%Def General and 100%Atk 65%Def Hero. The former has much better balance.

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Maybe it's because with the 110% Def General you have a chance, even if it is a slight one, of getting +2 Def on a level up. Anyway, when I used Wolf and Sedgar I actually did make Wolf the General and Sedgar the Hero. I honestly don't think it matters which one you make which class, their growths are so superb they will turn out fine anyway.

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Wolf and Sedgar are rather interchangeable, it doesn't really matter which one of the two you pick. You don't really need to use both of them, especially not on NM. On NM, I would recommend going Hero right away. The durability of General is rather superfluous on this mode, and the extra movement and AS is always useful.

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That said, the extra DEF makes them instantly invincible, IIRC.

Invincibility isn't that useful if you can't reach enemies and when you do you can't damage them. Hero Wolf and Sedgar and they'll probably double and have much better move and have enough durability that they won't die if you're not stupid with them.

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Well, I'm on chapter 13 now. I've already promoted Lena and reclassed her to Sage, and am doing pretty well. I gave my General Sedger the Boots from chapter 12 to make him RAPE WITH SPEED! And that is working out pretty well :)

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