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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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I'll be happy to point out that an inspector might have been on my side and might have sent me all those delicious night results. As for me being tracker + watcher + inspector... LOL...

I never said you were all three. Your reports went wonky starting Day 4, when Weapons died. Coincidence?

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I also think not. I wonder what you're trying to do here.

Nothing really. The lines are drawn. :/

Also, I guess you are right. Night 1 results on me not visiting anything were off.

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Wow. . .some genius or other decided that it would be a better idea to NOT trust me, and kill me anyway? Good job.

Have fun dealing with the rest of this~!

To Raymond: I was about to make a funny comment regarding you, too~!

To <snip>: You will do fine. I know you will.

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...How odd. I just received a PM with someone's (I assume the sender's) night action. Thought you guys might be interested:

When you went to Snike/Eclipse/Anouleth/WeaponOfMassConstruction/Kay/Jhen Mohran/Excellen Browning/Rein/BK-201/Kevin/Raymond/Proto's place, you found yourself lost.

When you come to, you end up at Snike/Eclipse/Anouleth/WeaponOfMassConstruction/Kay/Jhen Mohran/Excellen Browning/Rein/BK-201/Kevin/Raymond/Proto's place instead, and found that you have been using your power on him.

Fat lot of good it did him though. He was Female/dead/healthy as a Goddess/brick/salad.

I'm clueless why he sent it to me, but I'll keep his identity a secret for now, out of the kindess of my heart.

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##Vote Snike

This is a grave mistake, my friend.

In other news

##Mentally Undressing: Excellen Browning

Potential Guro? YES.

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Guest Wen Yang

After a debate, the crowd moved at Snike.

They were notably pissed off.

Snike tried to fight back, he tossed a hammer at the crowd.

Someone in the crowd caught the hammer and used it to brain him instead.

Dear Snike,

You are Thor.

You are the god of thunder. You killed giants for a pastime, can eat a whole cow in one sitting, and pack a really mean hammer.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – It's Hammer time! Whack USER on the head!" You will throw your mighty hammer Mjollnir at USER, hitting them on the head so hard that they will be so confused that they end up using their night action on themselves.




You are allied with the Nordic Gods. You win when you have eliminated all other factions in the game.

Snike got lynched.

It is now Night 5. This phase will end at June 16th, 12:00 PM GMT +7

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Well, I had a nice long run in this mortal world, but off to Valhalla I go. To my brothers and sisters, good luck, and to my enemies, well, watch out.

The rest is silence.


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Guest Wen Yang

Slayer made the first wrong choice in his life.

It was also the last wrong choice he made.

Death came swiftly, mercilessly.

So close to his goal... and yet so far...

Dear Slayer,

You are an Invisible Pink Unicorn.

You are a Unicorn. You are Pink. You cannot be seen.


During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM With "Night X - Hide behind USER." You will do just that, and all night actions aimed your way will be redirected towards USER. However, if USER has targeted you for their night action, this will result in your death instead.


You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive the game. <SNIP>

SlayerX made a fatal mistake.

WoMC was heading at his victim's home, but he did not expect a prepared victim.

A massive fist smashed into the top of his head when he entered the room, driving him a full foot into the ground.

What follows was a pummeling more brutal than can be imagined.

It left only a mess of what used to be flesh and blood on the floor.

Dear WoMC,

You have returned from the land of the dead.


What has returned was not Osiris, but his evil brother, Set.

You are Set. You are evil, and want to kill people.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Sic a crazy hippo at USER." This will result in USER's death.



You are allied with yourself. You win if you have killed everyone else.

WoMC has died... Again.

It is now Day 6. this phase will end on June 18th, 12:00 PM GMT+7

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