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Sacred Stones No-Seth Tier List

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I have a 20/1 Neimi by chapter 9.

I mean, if you're not using her, yes, the bolt is better sold. But again, she's not fighting with someone over it.

I don't know why you would use her and then sell the bolt. That makes no sense!

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Because the goal of the list is to complete the chapters as quickly as possible with your given team, and unless this is the .001% of playthroughs where people choose to use Amelia, Ewan, Neimi, Gilliam, and Artur only by around this time, I'd be surprised if promoting Neimi actually helped.

So, Kyle and Forde to the top of top on Ephraim's route was brought up. Did you mean the top of HIGH tier? And why just Ephraim's?

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Because the goal of the list is to complete the chapters as quickly as possible with your given team, and unless this is the .001% of playthroughs where people choose to use Amelia, Ewan, Neimi, Gilliam, and Artur only by around this time, I'd be surprised if promoting Neimi actually helped.

A keen master of the obvious. You are correct that promoting Neimi only helps when we use Neimi. I don't really see what Amelia, Ewan, Gilliam, and Artur have to do with it, though.

So, Kyle and Forde to the top of top on Ephraim's route was brought up. Did you mean the top of HIGH tier?

Yeah, my mistake.

And why just Ephraim's?

I don't really care about the Eirika Route list.

Edited by Anouleth
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A keen master of the obvious. You are correct that promoting Neimi only helps when we use Neimi. I don't really see what Amelia, Ewan, Gilliam, and Artur have to do with it, though.

I'm saying that I doubt that it would be worth promoting Neimi in chapter 11 at level 10 unless you have a really crappy team.

Yeah, my mistake.

I don't really care about the Eirika Route list.

Okay. I can see that. Anyone disagree with Kyle/Forde to the top of high?


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Well, I think Kyle and Forde in Eirika's list should move as follows:











And in Ephraim's list Kyle and Forde should move as follows:











Even if Gerik and Cormag have a later joining time than Kyle and Forde, it's not that bad for Gerik in Eirika's route and Cormag in Ephraim's route. Besides, those two have strong combat, great bases and good growths so it's not like they're Ests in terms of being hard to raise. Gerik and Cormag also come ready to promote (almost ready to promote in Ephraim's route for Cormag), but they're strong enough to not require it (Gerik in Eirika's route and Cormag in Ephraim's route, vice versa I'll admit their inferior to Kyle and Forde). In addition, both Gerik and Cormag are probably some of your best walling characters in an efficient playthrough, due to both their strong base defense and good defense growth, something that Kyle and Forde are only average at compared to those two.

Gerik and Cormag also don't really have anyone that outclasses them in their roles (I'm not sure if the tier list considers this, so if it doesn't, ignore this point). Besides Garcia which most people argue doesn't have much late game use, Gerik is probably one of your best axe users since he has such high CON. Sure, Great Knights can use axes, but they're get slowed down by the heavier axes while Gerik can wield practically all of them with no penalty. He can also use Blades, and is the only one that can do so without AS loss. Because of his high attack power and defense (and decent speed), Gerik probably has one of the best overall performances when it comes to physical units. However, with his somewhat late joining time, he should probably stay below Eirika. As for Cormag, he's probably the only flier you get that will have fighting utility, since Vanessa is too hard to raise efficiently. His bases and growths ensure he will be a good combat unit, plus he also has flier utility so he can visit villages and rescue and drop off people. Sure, Kyle and Forde can do that too, but not without getting hindered by terrain. Kyle and Forde get outclassed by Franz, especially with his earlier join time and they both don't have anything to offer that Franz can't do (except for maybe Kyle's 1 extra con).

...drat, Nintendo E3 2011 is on now (well, no, not drat, seeing how I've been looking forward to it for so long). I'll finish this later.

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I'm saying that I doubt that it would be worth promoting Neimi in chapter 11 at level 10 unless you have a really crappy team.

Uh, why? +2 move, D Swords, and good stat boosts across the board. Certainly it's better than spending the money in the Secret Shop.

Even if Gerik and Cormag have a later joining time than Kyle and Forde, it's not that bad for Gerik in Eirika's route and Cormag in Ephraim's route. Besides, those two have strong combat, great bases and good growths so it's not like they're Ests in terms of being hard to raise. Gerik and Cormag also come ready to promote (almost ready to promote in Ephraim's route for Cormag), but they're strong enough to not require it (Gerik in Eirika's route and Cormag in Ephraim's route, vice versa I'll admit their inferior to Kyle and Forde). In addition, both Gerik and Cormag are probably some of your best walling characters in an efficient playthrough, due to both their strong base defense and good defense growth, something that Kyle and Forde are only average at compared to those two.

I don't think there's any reason to hold up Gerik's promotion. There's no need to chain him to swordlock and 5 move past the first turn of his existence. If anything, Gerik is too strong to remain unpromoted (because he doesn't need to grow to rock and roll through midgame). Cormag might want to grow some strength and speed, however.

Gerik and Cormag also don't really have anyone that outclasses them in their roles (I'm not sure if the tier list considers this, so if it doesn't, ignore this point). Besides Garcia which most people argue doesn't have much late game use, Gerik is probably one of your best axe users since he has such high CON. Sure, Great Knights can use axes, but they're get slowed down by the heavier axes while Gerik can wield practically all of them with no penalty.

Duessel is not slowed down by any axes except Devil and Brave because he has 15CON. In addition, Great Knights have a good 13CON, which is enough to use all but Steel Axes without AS loss. Since the main 'appeal' of Axes is Hand Axes, it's not an issue.

And Gerik being one of the few decent axe users is not really an asset. Javelins do the same job as Hand Axes with only slightly less ATK (and more hit). The only time where you really 'need' an Axe user is to use Garm, but there is no chance of Gerik reaching S Axes (it's tough even getting him to S Swords).

He can also use Blades, and is the only one that can do so without AS loss.

The MT bonus of Blades is actually pretty overkill and not really needed. In addition, your assertion that he is the only one who can do this is wrong. Kyle can wield Iron Blades with no AS loss post-promotion, and as a Great Knight can do the same with Steel Blades. Duessel can also do this. And there are characters that are fast enough that they don't mind the AS loss, such as Franz or Joshua.

Because of his high attack power and defense (and decent speed), Gerik probably has one of the best overall performances when it comes to physical units. However, with his somewhat late joining time, he should probably stay below Eirika. As for Cormag, he's probably the only flier you get that will have fighting utility, since Vanessa is too hard to raise efficiently. His bases and growths ensure he will be a good combat unit, plus he also has flier utility so he can visit villages and rescue and drop off people. Sure, Kyle and Forde can do that too, but not without getting hindered by terrain. Kyle and Forde get outclassed by Franz, especially with his earlier join time and they both don't have anything to offer that Franz can't do (except for maybe Kyle's 1 extra con).

Gerik not being outclassed is not really an asset. Lute is clearly the best Mage Knight, but we would be insane to move her into High Tier.

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Also, consider Eirika!Gerik above Eirika? Mostly because he can take the Crest immediately (and he comes with it, lol) and either get 7 MOV or Axes, either of which he can use well. And he'll still turn out all right because of that broken HP/STR growth he has. Eirika has forced promotion and mono-swords, neither of which helps her in the long run against Pallies and Generals.

Bringing this back up for discussion?

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I don't think there's any reason to hold up Gerik's promotion. There's no need to chain him to swordlock and 5 move past the first turn of his existence. If anything, Gerik is too strong to remain unpromoted (because he doesn't need to grow to rock and roll through midgame). Cormag might want to grow some strength and speed, however.

Yeah, you got a point there. I've always been the kind of player that maxes characters out at level 20 before promotion, so I didn't know that Gerik was still that good when immediately promoted. Though since he's that strong, that means that letting him grow more is still an option, right? I'll admit that he may not grow enough stats before promotion to cut down turn count (and might even add to it), but on the flipside, he might get good enough stat gains and be able to shave off more turns as a result. Or are his base stats really that solid to the point where anything more he gains from level ups is overkill?

Duessel is not slowed down by any axes except Devil and Brave because he has 15CON. In addition, Great Knights have a good 13CON, which is enough to use all but Steel Axes without AS loss. Since the main 'appeal' of Axes is Hand Axes, it's not an issue.

And Gerik being one of the few decent axe users is not really an asset. Javelins do the same job as Hand Axes with only slightly less ATK (and more hit). The only time where you really 'need' an Axe user is to use Garm, but there is no chance of Gerik reaching S Axes (it's tough even getting him to S Swords).

I completely forgot about Duessel. You got me good there. And having an axe user can help cut down turn count with WTA (plus given how durable Gerik is, he won't need to worry about counterattacks and dying from them as much as other units), especially when facing lance using promoted units and/or bosses (Valter comes to mind, especially since bows aren't good against him due to the Fili Shield. Yeah, it can be stolen from him, but that wouldn't be efficient in turn count and Colm and Rennac would likely be getting treasure in the desert).

The MT bonus of Blades is actually pretty overkill and not really needed. In addition, your assertion that he is the only one who can do this is wrong. Kyle can wield Iron Blades with no AS loss post-promotion, and as a Great Knight can do the same with Steel Blades. Duessel can also do this. And there are characters that are fast enough that they don't mind the AS loss, such as Franz or Joshua.

I probably should've been more specific and said that Gerik can wield all blades after promotion without AS loss. Your Duessel point still holds true though. I guess you're right about the might of Blades being overkill, though it helps when you want WTA and a weapon that has enough might to defeat the enemy in one round, seeing how not killing off an enemy blocking your way (due to not having enough might to kill them in one round or missing from having WTD) may cost you more turns.

Gerik not being outclassed is not really an asset. Lute is clearly the best Mage Knight, but we would be insane to move her into High Tier.

I didn't mean outclassed in terms of specific unit type such as Great Knight, Paladin, or Hero. I was referring more to general unit type such as foot units or fliers (such as Gerik and Cormag, respectively) or axe users or lance users.

...yeah, sorry if my arguments sound noobish, but this is my first time participating in a tier list discussion.

And since I have your attention, what is your opinion on Artur going above Lute?

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Yeah, you got a point there. I've always been the kind of player that maxes characters out at level 20 before promotion, so I didn't know that Gerik was still that good when immediately promoted. Though since he's that strong, that means that letting him grow more is still an option, right? I'll admit that he may not grow enough stats before promotion to cut down turn count (and might even add to it), but on the flipside, he might get good enough stat gains and be able to shave off more turns as a result. Or are his base stats really that solid to the point where anything more he gains from level ups is overkill?

Gerik's main, in fact, only asset is his midgame. After Chapter 15, he is simply not very good because he lacks a mount for the larger chapters. I consider it highly unlikely that Gerik is blessed enough to become a viable Boots canditate over Duessel (who has Canto and fast Garm access), or that the small benefit of having a better Gerik later on is worth him being quite mediocre in midgame.

I completely forgot about Duessel. You got me good there. And having an axe user can help cut down turn count with WTA (plus given how durable Gerik is, he won't need to worry about counterattacks and dying from them as much as other units), especially when facing lance using promoted units and/or bosses (Valter comes to mind, especially since bows aren't good against him due to the Fili Shield. Yeah, it can be stolen from him, but that wouldn't be efficient in turn count and Colm and Rennac would likely be getting treasure in the desert).

WTA is nice but not really necessary. The Paladins do not really have offensive or defensive issues if you use stat boosters, and I don't think they even need them (mine did, but my Paladins always end up stat-screwed).

I probably should've been more specific and said that Gerik can wield all blades after promotion without AS loss. Your Duessel point still holds true though. I guess you're right about the might of Blades being overkill, though it helps when you want WTA and a weapon that has enough might to defeat the enemy in one round, seeing how not killing off an enemy blocking your way (due to not having enough might to kill them in one round or missing from having WTD) may cost you more turns.

Generally, 8MT Steel Swords are strong enough to kill most unpromoted Fighters in the hands of even relatively weak Paladins such as Forde or Franz. While that level of attack is obviously insufficient for promoted Warriors, they are not very common on Ephraim Route (there's one in Chapter 16, and like, zero you actually need to fight in Chapter 19), and even with a Steel Blade they probably still wouldn't ORKO. What's more difficult is ORKOing Wyverns in Chapter 15, but even then they can always use the Dragonspear, which usually OHKOes.

I didn't mean outclassed in terms of specific unit type such as Great Knight, Paladin, or Hero. I was referring more to general unit type such as foot units or fliers (such as Gerik and Cormag, respectively) or axe users or lance users.

...yeah, sorry if my arguments sound noobish, but this is my first time participating in a tier list discussion.

I understood, but beyond Garm access there isn't really much value to 'being one of the few Axe users'. Obviously, Axes are a good weapon, but they're a means to an end, and if other units can ORKO and not die perfectly fine with Lances, then it doesn't matter if they can't use Axes.

And since I have your attention, what is your opinion on Artur going above Lute?

I'm not sure. Lute has a mount post-promotion and slightly better combat, Artur has C instead of D Staves. Both of these are useful assets.

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Syrene seems way too low for my taste, she can grab the Silver lance or the brave lance or killer lance to help her combat and flight is always useful. I also think Tana is too low.

Rennac is a special character his combat may be lackluster but his thievery is always useful, and he doesn't cost a promotion item like Colm does which is why I think Rennac belongs a tier above. Knoll is also a special character like Rennac, he'll need a guiding ring but that summoning skill can be very helpful.

Ross needs the hatchet or else he's useless and like Neimi he needs attack ranged. I'm not sure he belongs above her or she belongs above him, but she does not compete for promotion items at least.

It bothers me to see Marisa in the same tier as Amelia and Ewan, because unlike them she at least doubles right off the bat and doesn't get 1rounded like they do.

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Garcia needs to rise. I can see him going over Gilliam, Eir!Innes and maybe Eph!Eirika. Garcia's earlygame is pretty boss, as he's probably the only guy who can ORKO Soldiers, and can deal substantial damage to Fighters and Knights. He also has massive HP and can sponge many hits.

Garcia's mid and lategame blow chunks, since his crappy Speed catches up to him, and he has to compete for Hero Crests with Joshua and Gerik. Still, he should be over Gilliam as the latter has non-existent offense and movement, and his durability isn't as helpful as Garcia's offence.

Garcia has earlygame over Eir!Innes, and his earlygame solidly places him over Eir!Innes meh midgame and lategame. Garcia is better than Eph!Eirika from the time he joins. Eirika's performance in lategame isn't stellar, but it might give her the edge over Garcia.

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Syrene seems way too low for my taste, she can grab the Silver lance or the brave lance or killer lance to help her combat and flight is always useful. I also think Tana is too low.

These have been brought up, I think, but no one has discussed exactly where they should go.

Rennac is a special character his combat may be lackluster but his thievery is always useful, and he doesn't cost a promotion item like Colm does which is why I think Rennac belongs a tier above. Knoll is also a special character like Rennac, he'll need a guiding ring but that summoning skill can be very helpful.

Rennac has, like, desert items to his name, though, and really nothing else.

Knoll is already at the top of Low. Do you think he could go higher? Now, admittedly most of the arguments were regarding whether or not he could get a promotion, and at this point it's pretty well established that he will, I think. Ephraim's route he can get one of the 293472983479238 Guiding Rings, and on Eirika's he can grab the Master Seal immediately.

Ross needs the hatchet or else he's useless and like Neimi he needs attack ranged. I'm not sure he belongs above her or she belongs above him, but she does not compete for promotion items at least.

I think it has been basically decided that Neimi needs to go to low. They start basically the same, but Ross gets as much experience for a hit as she does for a kill. Edit: Not to mention having an enemy phase much sooner and having 1-2 range options and doing more damage on EP.

It bothers me to see Marisa in the same tier as Amelia and Ewan, because unlike them she at least doubles right off the bat and doesn't get 1rounded like they do.

Her combat is still utter garbage compared to theirs (IIRC she like 5HKOs a lot of stuff unless she uses a sword heavy enough to stop her from doubling) and she has no way to work around her terrible durability. Amelia can chip with a javelin (terribly, but she can) and Ewan is designed to chip from range. And then her growths don't really help, either. 30 for STR and 15 for DEF means that she forever has bad defenses and bad offense. IIRC, RFoF showed once that Marisa is 4HKOing even by chapter 15. So we have a unit who isn't mounted, has bad offense with no ranged options, and isn't durable. We can feed her high quality weapons, I guess, but that's expensive at the rate she could go through them.

Garcia needs to rise. I can see him going over Gilliam, Eir!Innes and maybe Eph!Eirika. Garcia's earlygame is pretty boss, as he's probably the only guy who can ORKO Soldiers, and can deal substantial damage to Fighters and Knights. He also has massive HP and can sponge many hits.

Garcia's mid and lategame blow chunks, since his crappy Speed catches up to him, and he has to compete for Hero Crests with Joshua and Gerik. Still, he should be over Gilliam as the latter has non-existent offense and movement, and his durability isn't as helpful as Garcia's offence.

Garcia has earlygame over Eir!Innes, and his earlygame solidly places him over Eir!Innes meh midgame and lategame. Garcia is better than Eph!Eirika from the time he joins. Eirika's performance in lategame isn't stellar, but it might give her the edge over Garcia.

Well, him>Gilliam is pretty well established. Gilliam should drop a lot, but where to? I could see him over Eir.Innes, myself, but I don't know about Eph.Eirika. She is also contributing a ton earlygame, and is then forced lategame with a PRF weapon that is effective against monsters and a horse.

Edited by Rewjeo
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Garcia needs to rise. I can see him going over Gilliam, Eir!Innes and maybe Eph!Eirika. Garcia's earlygame is pretty boss, as he's probably the only guy who can ORKO Soldiers, and can deal substantial damage to Fighters and Knights. He also has massive HP and can sponge many hits.

Franz can also ORKO Soldiers.

Garcia's mid and lategame blow chunks, since his crappy Speed catches up to him, and he has to compete for Hero Crests with Joshua and Gerik. Still, he should be over Gilliam as the latter has non-existent offense and movement, and his durability isn't as helpful as Garcia's offence.

His lategame isn't that bad. He has Garm access, and Hero promotion helps ameliorate his speed issues.

Garcia has earlygame over Eir!Innes, and his earlygame solidly places him over Eir!Innes meh midgame and lategame. Garcia is better than Eph!Eirika from the time he joins. Eirika's performance in lategame isn't stellar, but it might give her the edge over Garcia.

Eirika doubles. She can usually edge him out in damage against enemies that he doesn't double and is much better against Cavaliers.

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Just out of curiosity, what are the chances of Garcia getting a Speedwings? He's pretty solid aside from his speed, and the boost should propel him into doubling territory. He does compete with Kyle (and Duessel if we're going with Ephraim), though.

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Just out of curiosity, what are the chances of Garcia getting a Speedwings? He's pretty solid aside from his speed, and the boost should propel him into doubling territory. He does compete with Kyle (and Duessel if we're going with Ephraim), though.

If he can reach 14 speed with it, then he can replace Duessel in killing Morva in Chapter 20.

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Just checked, and unfortunately there's only Amelia's Speedwings until chapter 19 (unless you steal the wing in Chapter 13 Ephraim's route). And Garcia needs it to reach 14 speed in a reasonable timeframe (he doesn't get it until 20/10 otherwise).

As for Kyle... His speed is more salvageable due to having double the growth (although 40% isn't spectacular), but he will still probably need it to double early on. Is it worth it to train Garcia if he won't have decent offense (without Garm, at least) until Chapter 19? Probably not.

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I agree on Marisa. Her combat is obviously bad, but doubling enemies and getting 2RKOd > not doubling anything and getting ORKOd. She's at least sort of close to promotion, unlike the trainees. She shouldn't be above anyone else, but I think there's a significant performance gap.

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I agree on Marisa. Her combat is obviously bad, but doubling enemies and getting 2RKOd > not doubling anything and getting ORKOd. She's at least sort of close to promotion, unlike the trainees. She shouldn't be above anyone else, but I think there's a significant performance gap.

Marisa also has pretty much sole claim on the Shamshir. I still don't think that Marisa has any business being touched in an efficient playthrough, however. Her combat is poor and she has a horrible class, with no 2-range access and low movement.

Quite frankly, it's staggering that Syrene is still in bottom tier. Her 3 chapters of use are not inconsiderable when you consider that many of the people above her have at most one chapter of use (such as L'arachel, Rennac, Eph. Innes). I would probably put her above Eph. Route Saleh, in fact.

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Marisa also has pretty much sole claim on the Shamshir.

Joshua and Eir!Eirika say hi, considering they can use it much better than her. Especially Josh, who has the offense and defense that seems to repel off of Marisa.

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Marisa also has pretty much sole claim on the Shamshir. I still don't think that Marisa has any business being touched in an efficient playthrough, however. Her combat is poor and she has a horrible class, with no 2-range access and low movement.

Quite frankly, it's staggering that Syrene is still in bottom tier. Her 3 chapters of use are not inconsiderable when you consider that many of the people above her have at most one chapter of use (such as L'arachel, Rennac, Eph. Innes). I would probably put her above Eph. Route Saleh, in fact.

Well in a really efficient playthrough we wouldn't waste our time recruiting her. But when you get down that low, it's more of "which unit hurts me the least?" and Marisa is less painful than Amelia (particularly on Eir. route).

I guess I could see Syrene above Eph Saleh/Innes and probably above like...Eir route Knoll or something.

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Joshua and Eir!Eirika say hi, considering they can use it much better than her. Especially Josh, who has the offense and defense that seems to repel off of Marisa.

I was talking about Ephraim Route, in which Eirika does not exist as much.

I really don't see how Joshua uses it better. Joshua can 1-round enemies without the Shamshir. Thus, giving him the Shamshir makes no appreciable difference in his performance, it does nothing. While Marisa really struggles to kill enemies with Iron or Steel. Thus, giving her the Shamshir makes a huge difference. I think that you misunderstand how resources are applied. We do not give resources to the units that are already good, we give resources to weaker units on which it makes a difference.

Well in a really efficient playthrough we wouldn't waste our time recruiting her. But when you get down that low, it's more of "which unit hurts me the least?" and Marisa is less painful than Amelia (particularly on Eir. route).

Marisa is apparently recruited automatically if she and Ewan are alive at the end of Chapter 12. In addition, I don't really like to rank units based on which one is 'less bad', I prefer to rank them on how they actually contribute, and Amelia/Marisa/Ewan are all contributing a grand total of zero. I'm happy to use 'which is less painful' as a tiebreaker, but it really is assuming a lot of inefficiency on the part of the player.

I guess I could see Syrene above Eph Saleh/Innes and probably above like...Eir route Knoll or something.

There is no appreciable difference between Eirika Route and Ephraim Route Knoll, unless you think he can do something amazing in the first two turns of Chapter 15.

Edited by Anouleth
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I agree on Marisa. Her combat is obviously bad, but doubling enemies and getting 2RKOd > not doubling anything and getting ORKOd. She's at least sort of close to promotion, unlike the trainees. She shouldn't be above anyone else, but I think there's a significant performance gap.

Yes thank you very much

I'd also like to mention in Marisa's favor on either chapter she has weapon triangle to her favor since many of the nearby enemies on both routes are axe users, and having D rank in swords while not being great grants her access to horselaying, armorslaying swords, and the shamshir which is more to say than Ewan or Amelia.

I support being a tier difference between Marisa and Ewan/Amelia theres no way she'd take as much effort as they do.

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Yes thank you very much

I'd also like to mention in Marisa's favor on either chapter she has weapon triangle to her favor since many of the nearby enemies on both routes are axe users, and having D rank in swords while not being great grants her access to horselaying, armorslaying swords, and the shamshir which is more to say than Ewan or Amelia.

I support being a tier difference between Marisa and Ewan/Amelia theres no way she'd take as much effort as they do.

Actually, in both cases, you'd have to kill some of those enemies to get to Marisa. And in Eph route, you'd have to lure her in. Also, the effective weapons slow Marisa down a ton.

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Actually, in both cases, you'd have to kill some of those enemies to get to Marisa. And in Eph route, you'd have to lure her in. Also, the effective weapons slow Marisa down a ton.

These weapons allow her to do more damage to enemies which is more than can be said for Ewan and Amelia, especially Amelia who is dealing like 1damage on base.

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