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Minimal Turncounts.

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I was looking at a couple of tier lists, and I thought about what the absolute minimal turncounts were.

This doesn't include Seth skip or warp staves.

The first turncount is the normal run, the second is if you killed every enemy before hand and then moved Eirika.

The way that I am finding this out is maxing Eirika, and moving her toward the goal.

Her movement won't be changed, other units can help out.

This won't count recuritments or items.

Chapter 0: 2. Eirika moves -> and then V. She can clear solo.

Same. :/

Chapter 1: 4. Eirika moves towards the boss, she stops two spaces from him. Seth has to kill the boss in order to clear in four turns. You aren't killing all of the enemies.

Same. :/

Chapter 2: 5. Rout maps are kind of tricky. Seth has to help out in order to insure minimum turncount. It takes two turns to recruit Ross and Garcia.

Also the Same. :/ What I did was I killed everything with Seth, and then waited for the boss to come down from the mountain.

Chapter 3: 5. Seth has to break down walls for her, and kill the boss so she can claim it easily, as she again lands two spaces from him. >:/ You might not be able to get all three treaures, because by the time Colm kills the bandit, he's only got two maybe three turns left. Also, you aren't killing all of the enemies.

Still the same. :/

Chapter 4: 8. Rout maps are really tricky for this. There isn't a way to get a definite turn count. Seth recruited Lute on turn four, and killed the whole west side. The mogalls each take a turn to attack, because Eirika doesn't have two range. However, I Seth/ Eirika'd the whole chapter.

4! The first difference! Yay! It only took me four if I killed everything and moved Eirika to the boss.

Chapter 5: 5. If you have Eirika just rush through, and Seth kill the enemies that are in her way so she can't use her full move, she gets to Saar in five turns. HOWEVER, this isn't recruiting Joshua, or getting all of the villages. So...

Yea, it's still the same...

I'll do more later. Is this interesting?

I am doing this so that if somebody were to say, "I four turned cleared chapter 3 without rescuing Eirika!" We could all call BS. Or somehow it might help for something else.

Edited by Nyan
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I was looking at a couple of tier lists, and I thought about what the absolute minimal turncounts were.

This doesn't include Seth skip or warp staves.

The first turncount is the normal run, the second is if you killed every enemy before hand and then moved Eirika.

The way that I am finding this out is maxing Eirika, and moving her toward the goal.

Her movement won't be changed, other units can help out.

This won't count recuritments or items.

Chapter 0: 2. Eirika moves -> and then V. She can clear solo.

Same. :/

Chapter 1: 4. Eirika moves towards the boss, she stops two spaces from him. Seth has to kill the boss in order to clear in four turns. You aren't killing all of the enemies.

Same. :/

Chapter 2: 5. Rout maps are kind of tricky. Seth has to help out in order to insure minimum turncount. It takes two turns to recruit Ross and Garcia.

Also the Same. :/ What I did was I killed everything with Seth, and then waited for the boss to come down from the mountain.

Chapter 3: 5. Seth has to break down walls for her, and kill the boss so she can claim it easily, as she again lands two spaces from him. >:/ You might not be able to get all three treaures, because by the time Colm kills the bandit, he's only got two maybe three turns left. Also, you aren't killing all of the enemies.

Still the same. :/

Chapter 4: 8. Rout maps are really tricky for this. There isn't a way to get a definite turn count. Seth recruited Lute on turn four, and killed the whole west side. The mogalls each take a turn to attack, because Eirika doesn't have two range. However, I Seth/ Eirika'd the whole chapter.

4! The first difference! Yay! It only took me four if I killed everything and moved Eirika to the boss.

Chapter 5: 5. If you have Eirika just rush through, and Seth kill the enemies that are in her way so she can't use her full move, she gets to Saar in five turns. HOWEVER, this isn't recruiting Joshua, or getting all of the villages. So...

Yea, it's still the same...

I'll do more later. Is this interesting?

I am doing this so that if somebody were to say, "I four turned cleared chapter 3 without rescuing Eirika!" We could all call BS. Or somehow it might help for something else.

Don't Garcia and Ross auto-join if they survive the chapter, even without being recruited? That would save you the turns required to recruit them in-chapter.

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Well, you have to rescue Ross, and it doesn't take any extra turns to drop+talk to him. But yes, I avoid recruiting Garcia in-chapter and he joins.

You don't have to rescue Ross. You can block the bandit off with Vanessa (Ironically, if you crit, you one-round the bandit, but you don't have to attack.), which gives Ross time to chug a Vulnerary. He does roam, though Garcia takes care of the enemies near his starting position.

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Seems a bit like a TAS, only with turns instead of time (so using any RNG manipulation necessary to get the desired results).

I am doing this so that if somebody were to say, "I four turned cleared chapter 3 without rescuing Eirika!" We could all call BS. Or somehow it might help for something else.

However, you're not using Warp or manipulating Rescue to move Eirika forward faster. So it could very easily be the case that you legitimately complete a chapter in a shorter time.

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You don't have to rescue Ross. You can block the bandit off with Vanessa (Ironically, if you crit, you one-round the bandit, but you don't have to attack.), which gives Ross time to chug a Vulnerary. He does roam, though Garcia takes care of the enemies near his starting position.

I meant rescue as in save, not as in the action. I'm obviously not saying this just so that I'm not wrong.

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