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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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And I hate it when players call other players useless. If someone at least TRIES to contribute, they aren't useless at all. I was called useless once, and it can be hurtful. This was long ago...

While I do feel I went too far saying Ulki is useless, it's no good trying to contribute if you only contribute negatively.

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From what I read, it was mostly RD pushing a bit because "omg RANDOM LYNCH IN THIS SETUP IS BAD" and telling Ulki that he was useless regardless and Ulki fruitlessly attempted to defend himself

That may be partially my fault, Rein put a pressure vote on Ulki, and when RD asked why I responded that people who aren't talking are worthless. However, Ulki then started talking so ;/

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While I do feel I went too far saying Ulki is useless, it's no good trying to contribute if you only contribute negatively.

at least he tried

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Rein and Kaoz's votes were pressure votes that were never removed.

Oh, RD OMGUS'd ulki, and then had a bunch of pressure votes put on him (Ulki's vote was random). Kevin suggested the doctor should out (the fuck?) and got Levity on his ass.

JB votes Jhen because he dislikes random lynches, and eclipse pretty much sheeps.

The conversation is kind of irrelevant (Sho bitching about the voting). RD is glad he's not lynched due to ulki and kevin

And then Sho sheeps. In response to JB's post. The fuck?

Levity calls everyone idiots for lynching Ulki. Psych's response? To sheep on Ulki.

Ulki attempts to defend himself against JB's accusation (since JB is literally the only person that provides a real reason). Kevin and RD argue against Ulki

So vote order on Jhen seems to be

Rein - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573014

Kaoz - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&st=40&p=1572867entry1572867

RD - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573123

JB - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573624

eclipse - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573696

Sho - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573702

Psych - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573956

RD and Kevin look really bad for getting in Slayer's grill (Kevin also said that the random lynch was just one of the reason Ulki was being lynched. Bullshit, it was the *only* one).

Sho for scum 2012

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Sadly, you're dealing with someone who stinks at NOC. I do thank you, however, for ensuring that I won't be killed right away.

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Kevin suggested the doctor should out (the fuck?)

I said the doctor should out ONLY IF he's about to be lynched.

RD and Kevin look really bad for getting in Slayer's grill (Kevin also said that the random lynch was just one of the reason Ulki was being lynched. Bullshit, it was the *only* one).

Getting in his grill? I didn't vote for him and never agreed with it in the first place: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573018

I thought he was also being lycnhed because he was being inactive and lurking.

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I said the doctor should out ONLY IF he's about to be lynched.

Right, my bad.

Getting in his grill? I didn't vote for him and never agreed with it in the first place: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26320&view=findpost&p=1573018

I thought he was also being lycnhed because he was being inactive and lurking.

If you didn't agree with it, why did you argue with him =/

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Well, I'm the only other one online, I think, and I haven't got much to say. Tomorrow we nl anyway though, for mylo.

If I had to guess maf, I would probably say RD/eclipse/JB/?(maybe psych/rein, but they look more stupid than maf).

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Well, I'm mostly looking for discussion from Rein and Kaoz, and maybe some cop discussion although that can wait til we see the reports.

I don't have much time at the moment, so I'll give some input later. If there's anything specific anyone wants me to adress, feel free to say so.

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Also fuckers should talk, just because it's night phase doesn't mean we can't have discussion.

There's not a lot to talk about though, aside from guessing who's going to get killed. Actually, if Sho is the real Cop, I'm probably dying tonight.

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