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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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It's because Anouleth hasn't crossed out paperblades name. Or well, hadn't until I made this post.

It's 4 maf vs 5 town.



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I. . .just tried my FETO bet. It was nasty.

That means we've got at least one more night result, and one more guaranteed lynch (I hope). My apologies for not being faster on my feet.

##Vote: Psych

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Psych and Bizz claim Doctor. One is Mafia.

Sho and JB claim Cop. Sho claims to have an innocent on me and Weapons, while JB claims to have an innocent on eclipse and a guilty on Psych. One is Mafia.

2 of Weapons, eclipse, Kevin and Lightning (well, and myself but I know I'm Town) are Mafia.

I've been leaning on JB as being the real Cop since Day One, but I want to know how Weapons knew to lynch Psych before JB posted.

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Bizz, why'd you claim?

People need to speak up.

I actually did this at CARA recently, when the SK claimed vigilante and I was really vigilante.

I kind of feel bad, but it's just what I do, I guess. I used to not claim when someone counterclaimed me and I'd get yelled at for it

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If someone's going to run around telling people they're the Doctor, the real Doctor should counterclaim and get them lynched. So don't feel bad, Bizz.

Edit: I'm still waiting to hear from Weapons before casting my vote.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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When doc claim doesn't die the next night, it's like, duh.

Well, there is WIFOM. Why kill someone who'll be lynched the next day if you'll leave them alive?

Regardless, ##Vote: Psych.

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Well, TBH, I think a lot of people called Psych as mafia

I dunno, Weapons always seems that sure of himself

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How do I defend myself when you all think I'm mafia?

You know you're Town, and as such know that if you're lynched you lose. You need to do everything in your power to convince us of that.

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If Anouleth wants this post edited out later I will do so, but while I'm still in I feel obligated to help as much as I feel I can.

If we assume Sho is the real Cop:

JB is Mafia, me and Weapons are Town. Bizz is more likely to be Mafia, since busing is pointless and detrimental when the Town's at lylo. Psych's Town and likely the real Doctor. This still leaves 2 of eclipse, Kevin and Lightning as Mafia, though.

If we assume JB is the real Cop:

Sho and Psych are Mafia, eclipse and Bizz are Town (Bizz is likely the real Doctor). This still leaves 2 of me, Weapons, Kevin and Lightning as Mafia. Weapons would probably be Town, since again there's little point to draw attention to your scumbuddies when the Town's at lylo.

We have the least information on Lightning and Kevin, although it's worth pointing out that there's about a 66% chance each is Mafia in either scenario.

Unfortunately, I can't draw any opinions from this information. I don't feel comfortable stating any more than facts at this point.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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