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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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Oh, and I demand the roles for EVERYONE be posted. The role PMs are too good to waste.

Here's mine:

Sniper Adrian

You don't know what you were thinking this morning. Maybe it was the lack of coffee, but you don't like to blame that. All you know is that when you smelt the delicious scent of roasted coffee beans drifting across 2fort, you couldn't help but pick up your Kukri and make a valiant attempt to reach it.

At least you got to taste some highly-caffeinated RED blood, right?

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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This is what I meant by the role PMs were too good to pass up:

Engineer Harold

Nobody can blame you for what happened. Every Engineer has done it once or twice... and even for non-Engineer's, the prospect is tempting. It just looked so... inviting. The brilliant sheen of it's metal casing. The way it spat out bullets like... some sort of gun. So you rode your sentry like a mechanical bull, and who cares if everyone saw you, and who cares if a Demoman blew it up from beneath you in your moment of distraction. For twenty glorious seconds, you lived.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

I was alive for all of twenty seconds. Bite me.

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By request:


Dear Reinfleche, you are

Agent Louis

A notorious womanizer, you have had so many conquests in the boudoir you are almost beginning to lose track. Almost.

An agent of the RED team, you have been sent into the BLU base in order to steal their intelligence. You win when the RED team is as large as or larger than the BLU team.

Dear JBWCK, you are

Agent Pierre

A skilled sapper, you are especially adept at destroying the various machines in the BLU base. You never get tired of hearing those Engineers cry.

An agent of the RED team, you have been sent into the BLU base in order to steal their intelligence. You win when the RED team is as large as or larger than the BLU team.

Dear Levity, you are

Agent Cristophe

To you, the Ambassador handgun is more than a gun, it is your friend, your craft, and your survival. It's a good thing you are a crackshot with it.

An agent of the RED team, you have been sent into the BLU base in order to steal their intelligence. You win when the RED team is as large as or larger than the BLU team.


Dear Paperblade, you are

Comrade Nicolai

Sick of having to fight leetle babies, you decided that today you would give a fair fight, and all you carry is your trusted Sandvich. However, things sooned turned for the worse on the battlefield, with your trusty Medic missing, your Sandvich was stolen and scoffed by an unpleasant Scout, and worst of all, Sasha is missing.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Kaoz, you are

Sergeant Bradley

Today hasn't been good for you. First, you accidentally rocketjumped a bit too high and went flying face first into a Sentry. Despite issuing fine commands to the other troops, they stubbornly remained dead. It was eventually up to you to lead a valiant charge into one of the RED blind spots, and then nobly advance back through the sewers to your own base to regroup.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Jhen Mohran, you are

Comrade Ivan

Admittedly, things could have gone better. You could have remembered to bring a Sandvich. You could have asked to borrow Vladimir's Sandvich. And you certainly could have not propped Sasha on a windowframe, set to full auto, and gone and looked for one, only to return and find an enterprising Engineer had stolen it.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Kevin, you are

Agent Eric

France has had a noble and storied military tradition and fought many successful wars, and while there have been defeats, they have maintained their status as a proud nation. Until you, that is. Bullets never quite agreed with you, and knives weren't your strong suit either, but when you heard about the ability to turn invisible, you were ecstatic. You almost hid in a corner for the entire match, but now, you're out of metal.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear WoMC, you are

Scout Chad

You know you're the best. They know you're the best. Obviously, you are the best. Yet even for the best things go wrong. Your Scattergun running out of ammo. That Heavy launching you across the map with one punch. That wall getting in your way right after your last can of Bonk!. Bad luck? Of course. You're the best.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Radiant Dragon, you are

Sniper Adrian

You don't know what you were thinking this morning. Maybe it was the lack of coffee, but you don't like to blame that. All you know is that when you smelt the delicious scent of roasted coffee beans drifting across 2fort, you couldn't help but pick up your Kukri and make a valiant attempt to reach it.

At least you got to taste some highly-caffeinated RED blood, right?

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Eclipse, you are

Engineer Harold

Nobody can blame you for what happened. Every Engineer has done it once or twice... and even for non-Engineer's, the prospect is tempting. It just looked so... inviting. The brilliant sheen of it's metal casing. The way it spat out bullets like... some sort of gun. So you rode your sentry like a mechanical bull, and who cares if everyone saw you, and who cares if a Demoman blew it up from beneath you in your moment of distraction. For twenty glorious seconds, you lived.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Sho, you are


(Unintellible mumbling)

Each Night, you may reply to your post with "Night X - Spy-check on USER". You will give USER a quick blast of your trusty Backburner. If they are BLU, it will be akin to a pleasant warm breeze against their skin, but a RED spy will be set ablaze (it doesn't kill them).

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

Dear Psych, you are

Herr Hermann

Ordinarily, being a medic is a piece of cake. Sit behind the Heavy and leave a paperweight on your MOUSE1 button. However, the dummkopf managed to get himself lost, and now you don't know who's what. Most disturbingly, your Medigun seems to not be working properly.

Each Night, you may reply to your post with "Night X - Ubercharge USER". USER will be Ubercharged for the night, protecting them from all injury. Since your Medigun is malfunctioning, you are not protected by this.

A proud member of the BLU team, you must protect the intelligence from the dastardly REDs! You win when all of the RED Spies are dead.

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