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Team Fortress 2 Mini-Mafia


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4. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "lynch USER" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (lynch votes will not count if they're not in the correct format!), and if you change your vote, you MUST edit the bolded text out of the old post if you post with a new vote. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period of 3 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. If there's a tie, both users with the highest amount of votes will be lynched, but no lynch will take place the next day. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Day 1. If it seems necessary, I may extend the day period to give more opportunity to talk and vote.

If these were to be read to the point both ##Vote and ##Unvote would be completely ignored in vote counting and thus ~85% of votes disqualified

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No this is why people should read the rules.

If it werent for my niceness I could have just demanded to disqualify every single vote in ##Vote format leaving with just my vote, or demand ignoring ##Unvote and get Kaoz killed-

Then again me demanding JB lynch would be favour to town because issue with fake cop would have ceased to exist

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You can't control it, now? You noticed jack shit about technical terms before this mafia game.

I know Sho's scum (unless he's a second townie claiming cop, which is retarded beyond belief). Still, since we aren't getting at him today, ##Jhen Moran for now. I get extremely pissed when someone suggests a RL in a dangerous case like this, and it's really, really stupid.

also, can we has votals?

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I think this will go better if I list my thoughts out person-by-person, since JB finally got around to saying stuff. . .note that this is in no particular order, save the cops.

- Sho and JB get lumped into "I'm a cop", and I'm not lynching either of them until at least one night has passed. . .but that rule 4 shit is irritating. . .

- RD, you're a good player because you're damn good at talking your way out of things. I haven't quite decided where you go yet.

- Psych is Psych, who is. . .not being as retarded as people make him out to be.

- Kevin has some seriously headache-inducing fakeclaim logic, but I'll let that logic slide, for now

- Kaoz spits out numbers

- WoMC doesn't like me sitting down and thinking about this. Normally, I'd take offense to that, but I think this is normal? Anyway, a nice poke at the end phase time will usually get my brain working.

- Rein did a pressure vote

- Paper makes snarky comments

- Levity makes amusing comments

- eclipse can't make up her damn mind

- Slayer tried to explain things, but kinda missed a bunch of posts

So after reading through this stupid topic twice. . .

##Gentle poke: Paperblade

You somehow said less than I did over the course of the topic.

(I'll probably change my mind again)

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Oh, hi eclipse ;/

I personally think Sho is more likely to be mafia at the moment because he seems to be arguing about something totally irrelevant (nitpicking about the way people are voting) rather than trying to find the scum. This obviously has a negative impact on the town since it prevents us from finding scum.

There's also the possibility that he's doing this because he's Sho and everything that goes with that, but as was pointed out he hasn't done something like this before.

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