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Multiple Lords, etc.


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Okay so basically at the moment I am hacking Fe8. My problem is not knowing how to set up a system that allows for multiple lords in the game.

Essentially, I wish to have main 4 characters (or just 2 even) that are all able to seize throne on seize-chapters, and of course - cause a Game-Over if any of them should die. All i need them to do is Seize throne and Game Over when they die.

How can I go about doing this, or what do I need to learn in order to write this myself if I have to?

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To make them game over when they die, change the pointer in the "death quote editor" to 0x02.

As for seizing, I *think* SoC made a patch that lets Eliwood, Hector and Lyn seize. But I dunno if it works beyond those three.

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Hopefully it is just as simple as that. I'll try those suggestions, however I am trying to get this to work in Fe8 and would like to have it so that ANY of my 4 characters can seize-throne at any time where applicable.

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Hopefully it is just as simple as that. I'll try those suggestions, however I am trying to get this to work in Fe8 and would like to have it so that ANY of my 4 characters can seize-throne at any time where applicable.

Pretty much the same thing I did in FE7 is what your goal is, am I correct?

You're gonna have to find where the function is in the ASM section of the FE8 ROM.

I REALLY HAVE NO IDEA how FE8 does it, considering I don't think the OTHER lord in whatever route you took can Seize as well. There must be a check for a character ID and the Perma Event ID of what you chose during the route split, but that's just me speculating >_>;

That's pretty much it. I don't think you can do it unless you know some ASM.

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YEP. Exactly what you've done SoC.

As for getting game over, I looked at one of the 2 or 3 'Death quote Editor' modules I had (as Camtech075 suggested), and one of them had Event IDs attached to it. I just copied the value for Ephraim and Eirika, onto Seth - which successfully caused a Game-Over when I made him die.

So as for the Seize function, it looks like I may well have to learn ASM or get lucky unless theres a tutorial or patch I can find.

Btw, Sorry but I cant figure out how the quote function works on this site. Otherwise I would quote you said like you did for what I wrote.

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How does the seize command differ on Crazed Beast (FE7 Hector ch25), since any unit can seize the three castles rather than just the lord unit? Might be something worth looking into at least.

Edited by Toothache
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