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Great Board Game Idea

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I've been thinking about a board game based around a period that as far as I can tell has been pretty ignored in gaming generally. It will be called Aliyah: 1882 and will be centered around the waves of immigration of Jews into Israel/Palestine up to the fifth aliyah. Game mechanics would be centered around land agreements between Israelis and Palestinians, which would at some point come to be regulated by the British. In other words, the number of factions would vary based on the period, for instance at least the first two waves would have a strong concentration on class warfare between palestinian workers, jewish workers and jewish landowners, and later other non-agricultural industries, so in some phases the goal of both labor factions would be to expand their size, while the jewish landowners would be favoring arab workers due to their cheaper working costs except when jewish laborers managed to impose monopolistic rents on certain kinds of labor. I would probably want terrorist groups on the Israeli and Palestinian sides to be non player controlled, since I don't want this game to have a strong military focus, though acts of terrorism would be a factor. More thinking has to be done, and I'd want to research post 2nd Aliyah history more in depth outside of the railroad industry which I know a little about, but I think this would be FUN. I don't think it would be worth having Ottomans as a faction, from what I know their role in governing Palestine in the earlier years was rather minor.

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Longer = better. Don't you have something you need to compensate for? However, I wouldn't likely link all the aliyot together, it would be different board games for each wave!

Edited by SeverIan
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You could totally make it, but the large question is, will anybody buy it?

Now, people would totally buy a game where you get to operate on some kinky catgirl (or wolfboy, I guess).

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You could totally make it, but the large question is, will anybody buy it?

Now, people would totally buy a game where you get to operate on some kinky catgirl (or wolfboy, I guess).

Y naut a game where one team is doing an operation where a catgirl was getting an operation to become a wolfboy, and another team is doing an operation where a wolfboy is becoming a catgirl, and you see which team manages to finish first.

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