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Girls are nuts.


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Not only girls, but moody teenage kids too (like me in high school, laud that's all I can say). At one moment, you want to seem like you're the winner in this breakup, then later, you try to get attention by acting mad, then you realize, your ex is going to find someone else and you're going to be alone and truly the loser in the breakup, so you try to get them back subtly.

If you can't tell, I had a lulzy high school career, thank God that's behind me. xD

Really I thought the standard procedure was to order a lot of penis-enlargement pills over the internet and let them know just what they'll be missing by showing you them your 4 inch whopper

Edited by mikethfc
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Really I thought the standard procedure was to order a lot of penis-enlargement pills over the internet and let them know just what they'll be missing by showing you them your 4 inch whopper

Doesn't work if you're a 5'4" kid without any signs of facial hair to come. -_-

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Here is how girls at a mediocre state school's minds work: if you get them an A on a test in a class they are failing, they will sleep with u.

This reminds me of one of the best jokes I've heard in a while.

"A blonde, who's failing her psychology class in college, walks up to her professor.

'I'd do anything to pass this class!' She leans in and fixes him with a meaningful stare. 'Anything...'

'Anything, you say?' The professor leans in and says in a very quiet whisper. 'Would you... Study?'"

Anyway, back on topic, not all girls are nuts. They, like guys--most of them are /at least/ decent when you get to know them. Because both genders are people when you get past the biology and certain personality quirks (on both sides, mind you!).

Now, the girl in question that you speak of... yeah, she's nuts.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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I'll assume due to the bolded that you are under age 17. Girls under age 17 make no sense ever. EVER. Ever.

I second this. In my experience they don't care about being treated well, or so it would seem.

And yet at the same time I've been hugged quite a ton in the past few days. IT MAKES NO SENSE!

(Look I know it's insignificant to be hugged, but I mean, come on... I used to be one of the most disliked guys in the school because I was "odd" and once I'm that much harder to find around here all of the sudden there are people going out of the way to try and find me)?

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(Look I know it's insignificant to be hugged, but I mean, come on... I used to be one of the most disliked guys in the school because I was "odd" and once I'm that much harder to find around here all of the sudden there are people going out of the way to try and find me)?

Later on I expect this to turn into, "Why does everyone feel sorry for me just because was odd!?" or "I hate it when people take pity on others."
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Like just recently, someone I didn't even know asked me to prom, and quickly changed her mind when she found out I was younger:

other: You look kinda single. Will you go to prom with me?

Me: -_-' uh...do I know you?

other: Wait, are you a junior or senior?

Me: Sophomore... -_-' (Thinks: How do people mistake funsize me as someone any older than 16?)

other: oh. Nevermind then. *Walks away*

And this is why I bet you won't get laid within the next 10 years.

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