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Fire Emblem WiiU Possibilites


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Alright, so if you watched E3 you should know about the new WiiU. If you haven't watched E3 then... G4 has everything The WiiU looks pretty sick, and I instantly started wondering what Nintendo has in store in our favorite department: The Fire Emblem Department.

So here's my thoughts about what they could do with the new controller:

They showed off how the controller screen and the TV screen can work together like with Zelda, where it showed his inventory. So my thoughts would be something like that where things like options, conditions, tutorials, or other things showed up on the Controller screen so you could do both at once(like watch a tutorial on how to do something while simultaneously DOING IT in game). Another thought would be different map views, or possibility of clicking the attack ranges of different enemies on different screens, because I know I often find myself wanting to know different enemies at different times.

So those are my thoughts so far.... What about you guys.

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I started thinking about the exact same things to be honest. Like displaying unit stats on the controller screen and being able to flip through them, then flipping to the full map on the controller.

It's an extension of what I love about the second screen on the DS - not having to navigate or open menus to see information, you just have to glance down.

I'm really hoping a Fire Emblem Wii U happens.

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About the only use for it would be to display the stats of the unit the cursor is over on the controller. Or a minimap showing unit positions, current turn, how many units on each side, etc. To do anything else would be a frivolous waste of time and effort.

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One could say wasting the bottom screen for these data screens and minimaps is equally frivolous wastes of time and effort. Which is exactly what most people were saying during the early life of the DS, where virtually every game used the screen for the exact same time, every time, killing "limitless possibility" in an instant.

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One could say wasting the bottom screen for these data screens and minimaps is equally frivolous wastes of time and effort. Which is exactly what most people were saying during the early life of the DS, where virtually every game used the screen for the exact same time, every time, killing "limitless possibility" in an instant.

Hear, hear!

I mean, I wouldn't mind having such a feature, and I'd prefer it to innovation in a direction I'm not particularly interested in going in FE's case, but it's not really particularly exciting IMO.

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For those who haven't seen it, this video might give you a better perspective on what, exactly, the screen could/should be used for.

Or rather, what one of the two screens could/should be used for, since, hopefully, all games will be interchangeable in features where possible.

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