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Integ Records Anew! Let's Play: Amnesia.


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That MOTHERFUCKER Psych called my bluff in the most epic way possible and straight bought me Amnesia. I started at my screen for a little while, basically going "are you fucking kidding me" and now I'm backed into a corner.



Also I'm putting it right here, right now:

Psych fucking owes me Terraria if/when I finish this LP.


Edited by Integrity
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I won't be. I hated this game so much not even Integrity can make it better.

It is a terrible thing.

why do you have to record two LPs in a row that I can't watch D:

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The wine cellar has the chemicals you need to mix in the laboratory. The key to the cellar is upstairs in the library type area, and you need the potion to burn that red web thing down the stairs. That one door you came to, I don't know where it leads.

Also, use more Tinderboxes and oil, you can't see shit otherwise. You get a lot more boxes. Oil is useful, but it's a bit rare, so use it but be conservative. You can afford to light more candles though, you get more boxes than oil. Also, watch out for monsters. And the self playing piano.

You're in Germany by the way if you were interested. Those stories were about Daniel being an archeologist. They lead him to like, a pyramid and he discovers these rare...orbs or something, but they don't seem to make sense. It's why he contacts Alexander in the first place I think. Try and listen more to the story parts and voice overs. It helps get you into the game and scare you more.

Monsters can't follow you through loading screens, just in case you ever need that.

That blue vision is your night vision to help you see, but you do need to light things every now and then.

That one note that talked about Agrippa, he's important later.

Listen to your sister more, she knows what she's talking about.

Edited by Psychic
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*is not at home right now*

But rest assured, I will be watching this in the dark.

I finished watching it, and now I'm dizzy. That house needs better lighting!

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It probably didn't help that Integ was preserving all his tinderboxes and nearly succumbing to insanity every now and then xD

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I don't know if I've ever said it before, but Spectakitty really has an angelic sounding voice.

Also, you physics-puzzled like a pro there with the boxes. I liked watching Marcus ORKO that beam support too.

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Oh, wow. o_o Thank you very much, Balcerzak! .w.

Marcus is amazing. I bet he can ORKO the stupid naked monster guy, if we can ever get them to meet.

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Marcus the barrel can't go through loading screens though.

And no. You can't kill monsters. You can just watch as they eat your flesh.

That blue light is when you advance through the story, and it'll reduce your panic and increase your sanity.

When you get to the Refinery, you'll have to fix an elevator first. It's really complicated and you probably will rage a lot, but you have to look for gears, and then fill it with coal, and then like, use plugs to start the electricity. And you have to go upstairs and find some papers and a dog murder room.

After the refinery....is....I can't remember, but you'll probably not make it that far in just one video.

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God damn man listen to your sister. The monsters are random. You never know where or when they will show up. They are not scripted.

You might want to tell Kitty that that purple blood was just the Amnesia potion so that Daniel would lose his memory. So, that wasn't blood.

Good job with the time puzzle by the way.

You actually do have to do drugs later. And by drugs, I mean inject yourself with blood from a corpse.

See, if you listen to her, you solve simple problems. :P

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God damn man listen to your sister. The monsters are random. You never know where or when they will show up. They are not scripted.

Actually I clarified that the one that showed up and killed my ass is, in fact, a scripted monster.


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You might want to tell Kitty that that purple blood was just the Amnesia potion so that Daniel would lose his memory. So, that wasn't blood.

Oh... it isn't?

I thought at the beginning of the game it was referred to as blood. >_> My bad. Ah well, so much for Dan having prettier blood than everyone else.

You actually do have to do drugs later. And by drugs, I mean inject yourself with blood from a corpse.

Sweet cuppin' cakes, really? That can't be healthy in the slightest.

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