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LHM + HNM Run.


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I'm a casual FE Gamer. I want to play FE7 on my Android Phone, but recently I lost my save. I was on chapter 19xx on HHM, so you can see how annoyed I was at this loss. Even worse, I tried some workarounds but I have no way of getting another save to start HHM-ing again, due to issues with the emulator I use there.

As such, I will have to start everything anew. I already did LNM + ENM, with a team given by some folks from the forum: Eliwood, Lyn, Isadora, Lowen (what a BEAST), Priscilla (could only use Anima after promoting), Serra, Lucius (what a BEAST), Bartre, Dorcas, Pent, Nino, Wallace, and Heath. I enjoyed the challenge immensly, which is why I would like to ask again for members for my LHM + HNM team. Hopefully, with some different members. I would like you guys to pick up to 12 characters out for me.

I hope to hear from you soon! ;)

#1 Lyn

#2 Hector

#3 Rath

#4 Karla (Bartre until level 5 Warrior)

#5 Fiora

#6 Dorcas

#7 Erk

#8 Canas (After promotion, use only for healing)

#9 Louise

#10 Pent

#11 Isadora

#12 Florina

#13 Kent


Edited by Blues003
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^Ouch! Thats a lot of resources into one unit whos prepromoted no less. Whatever blows yer skirt up, mate.

Pent is pretty great for a casual run.

It is indeed. But it's either that, or quite the horrible unit. I feel like I can rely on the others without items, but not on her. :P

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It is indeed. But it's either that, or quite the horrible unit. I feel like I can rely on the others without items, but not on her. :P

Isadora really only needs the Angelic Robe she comes with and maybe a Body Ring. She's actually pretty good. Definitely not a 'horrible unit'.

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