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[FE8] Sacred Stones Command Draft


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So I hear Give, Take and Drop are not in this list, meaning whoever has Rescue is in trouble!

They're with Rescue just because there's really no use in making them separate other than to inconvenience the person who takes Rescue and even then it's a wasted pick.

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Looks like I'll take Trade and Dance, then.

I'll also probably start since whatever I get last will likely be something like Summon or Pick that I doubt I'll use.

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I decided to start.

Prologue 2 turns

My Eirika critted the boss, I have never had this happen before.

Chapter 1 5 turns

Eirika moved forward onto the fort. Gilliam chipped and killed units as did Franz. Eirika criticaled the boss again and the gate was seized on turn 5

Chapter 2 7 turns

Vanessa Rescued Ross. I was about to heal him with Moulder then I realized that is cheating. Ross and Garcia stayed as NPCs. I got the Red Gem and Elixer village. Moulder rescued Ross to keep him out of battle.

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Why is Door free in Chapter 8? The only thing you have to pass through is one door or one breakable wall, which is Attack. It shouldn't be free.

Walls are Break. You need to have at least one or the other. gg

I get Summon then. Which I won't be using.

Anyways first post updated and I'll start up soon. :D

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Okay so there's a couple of issues I ran into on Chapter 3. I probably should've double checked, but there is no Break command. Or maybe it's only for snags. idk. I'm still counting it as that. Issue number two is Colm doesn't open the second door by himself. This is naturally a bit of a problem. So instead of being able to do nothing, I'm going to allow Talk to Colm + Door for a combined 5 turn penalty as to not totally screw things up.

That said, 15 turns so far (3/5/7). Will be restarting Ch 3 since I just waited for Colm for a while to see if he'd do anything ;/

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Yeah, but I thought wall breaking was a different command from attack, and that'd kind of be unfair to take that away after someone picked it ;/

I guess that's just something to keep in mind for the future.

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  • 4 months later...

So, I decided to take over for Rein. Yay me? I'm assuming Wall Breaking = Using the Attack Command.

Chapter P


Straightforward. Eirika critted like a boss.

Chapter 1


The annoying thing about not having Item is that until Moulder arrives you need to use forts.

Chapter 2


And now Moulder exists! :D

Chapter 3


The Rapier broke.

Chapter 4


Yay for Franz. And trade. And Artur.

Chapter 5


No Guiding Ring. :(

Chapter 5x


Once again, not having Item sucks. Forde retreated.

Chapter 6


Franz and Joshua died. That’s too bad for them.

Edited by Komatsu
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