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(FE10) Standard Penalties Draft

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My Part One is going to be interesting...

You have 2/3 perfectly usable characters with favoritism (which is pretty much what happens in a draft) for part 1. Then there is meg, which is a bearable unit. Fiona is still crap and i'll weep for whoever gets her. Oh and leo, but he is kinda tough to use because of 2 range.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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You have 2/3 perfectly usable characters with favoritism (which is pretty much what happens in a draft) for part 1. Then there is meg, which is a bearable unit. Fiona is still crap and i'll weep for whoever gets her.

With a stat booster dump in NM, Fiona is not too bad to start and should turn out to actually be pretty good. You just need to give her attention and be smart.

I actually find it interesting that the first 5 picks are all from part 1. Sure, there's no Haar, but people like Titania are still around...

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With a stat booster dump in NM, Fiona is not too bad to start and should turn out to actually be pretty good. You just need to give her attention and be smart.

I actually find it interesting that the first 5 picks are all from part 1. Sure, there's no Haar, but people like Titania are still around...

I always think it's safe to cover Part 1 first, considering it's where turncounts take most impact.

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I always think it's safe to cover Part 1 first, considering it's where turncounts take most impact.

What do you mean by that? Part 3 is longer and Ike definitely can't handle early maps as well as Sothe and Micaiah can. Both are pretty equally important.

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I'm gonna refrain from commenting on my picks in public since the last time there was a ton of discussion about picks like every pick I wanted was taken from me like right before my pick ._.

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Could we have a list in tier form? I find it easier to check which units are left that way... and it seems more organized IMO...

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Could we have a list in tier form? I find it easier to check which units are left that way... and it seems more organized IMO...

Does anyone else have a problem with the list in order of join time? Because that makes more sense to me, honestly.

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