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I just started a new game of Radiant Dawn and I was wondering which units I should train. Do you have any recommendations? The character guides don't really help me that much. =P

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All the paladins, especially Fiona, all the knights, all the pegasus knights and all mages. Don't listen to what the others say, they have amazing growths and cap out their stats extremely quickly.

Don't use any Greil Mercenaries(except for mentioned classes), warriors and laguz royals. They have low growths and will never reach their caps.

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(Parentheses direct resource allocation)

Dawn Brigade:

Raise strike of Volug (Energy Drop) and choose one of Jill (Draco + Robe) or Nolan (Draco + Robe).

Give 2nd tier Micaiah staves.


Train no one long term.

Greil Mercs:

Use Ike, Haar (Speedwing, Crown) and Titania (Speedwing) definitely.

Use transfer Boyd and transfer Oscar definitely.

Otherwise train Mia (Forge, Adept, Ike support) and the Hawks (Strike).

Edited by incognito123
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Right, here's the deal, partially based on personal experience, but also based off the tier list and average stats.

Dawn Brigade:

Use: Miccy, Sothe, Volug and three of Eddie, Nolan, Jill, Zihark, or Aran. Also, Taur, Nailah, and BK when available.

Do not use: Everyone else

Crimean Royal Knights:

Use: Neph, Marcia, Kevin, Jeff

Do not use: Everyone else

Greil Mercs:

Use: Ike, Haar, Ranulf, and four of Tits, Soren(T), Shinon, Gatrie, Mia, Mordy, Janaff, Ulki, Boyd(T) or Oscar(T)

Do not use: Everyone else

Hope this helps.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Use whoever you want, and you can't go wrong. Unless you're aiming for lowest turncount or something, there are few truly unusable units.

General rule of thumb: If someone's performing well, keep using them. If they're not, drop them for someone that is.

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Well there's not much I can say that people already haven't said but here.

First things first, you want to use only two DB members seriously. Those two are, unsurprisingly, Nolan and Jill. Nolan is very good in 3-6, a chapter comprised entirely of Beast Laguz, because he's reasonably durable and with Beastfoe, can OHKO anything with Tarvos or a Crossbow. He also has 45%/70%/60% growths in Strength, Skill, and Speed respectively. Jill can fly and also has great growths and reasonable bases. She can take Paragon when it becomes available and uses the Brave Axe you get in 3-6 just fine.

You also shouldn't hesitate to use Sothe, Volug or the multitudes of powerful units you get throughout Part 1.

If you plan on using any Part 2 characters long term, good options are Kieran, Nephenee, Marcia, and Elincia, but Elincia, Nephenee, and Marcia do beat out Kieran by a good amount. Even then, I'd only use Elincia and Nephenee seriously. Of course all those pale to Haar, who's also available in nearly all of Part 3. He's the best character in the game and I recommend you use him.

Assuming no transfers, the Part 3 characters are pretty awesome. Haar, Titania, and Ike are no brainers of course. Mia is also very good, though you do need to give her Adept and a Crit forge to rock and roll. I also recommend Gatrie and the Hawks. Keep in mind Nephenee joins the GMs the same time as Haar and she's good, though she's an inferior version of Mia.

Now there are some things to remember:

1. Ilyana also joins the GMs the same time Haar and Neph join and she's in the DB in Part 1, so she can take any items from the DB to the GMs. This is a good thing and I recommend you transport the following:





-Brave Sword (This one's not really necessary)

-Blue Gem (You can again pass if you want to)

Marcia can also give Haar some items to transport to the GMs. The only two you really need or want would be the Hammer and the second speedwing.

I think that's it. Savior and Celerity are really good skills and if you get Haar to third tier, he has the capacity for both Savior and Celerity, so he's a VERY good ferry, which'll be helpful for lots of chapters.

2. The Laguz royals are incredibly awesome and should get deployment slots in the endgame.

3. Take Wildheart off Volug in Part 3. He's awesome with Grasses and Resolve. Once you build his strike levels up, he can pretty much destroy maps and he's not bad for early Part 4.

4. Titania and Haar should get speedwings and should be crowned when they cap speed. Ike can get one if he's sufficiently speed screwed and if you are using transfers, Boyd (T) is also an excellent speedwing candidate. Neph benefits from a Dracoshield or Angelic Robe. Same with Jill but moreso. Nolan does very well with a shield or a robe, though you can probably get by without using them on him. As for Gatrie, he's a good crown candidate.

Follow that advice and I'm sure you won't have too much difficulty in FE10.

Edited by Roro
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Why is everyone saying to only use 2 unpromoted units? He's obviously not going to be playing on Hard Mode, so he can easily get away with 3 or 4 unpromoted units.

Even on Normal Mode it's hard to train a lot so that they're usable until endgame.

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Even on Normal Mode it's hard to train a lot so that they're usable until endgame.

I think you need to man up. Even in Hard Mode, I can train three units. Clearly, the creator of this thread is not playing Hard Mode and is not going to be aiming for 'low turn counts', and I certainly wouldn't tell him that he shouldn't train three or more units. Even if he doesn't want to carry them all the way to Part 4, the extra manpower will be appreciated in Part 3, I'm certain.

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I think you need to man up. Even in Hard Mode, I can train three units. Clearly, the creator of this thread is not playing Hard Mode and is not going to be aiming for 'low turn counts', and I certainly wouldn't tell him that he shouldn't train three or more units. Even if he doesn't want to carry them all the way to Part 4, the extra manpower will be appreciated in Part 3, I'm certain.

The first time I played FE10 I used Jill, Nolan, and Aran in the DB. They helped (sort of) in the DB chapters and reached 2 promoted (third tier) in the end. By the time Part 4 rolled around they were immediately axed in favour of Haar, Boyd and Nephenee who had a good level lead on them.

Edited by Darros
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Use anyone you want ^_^ if its your first PT and you aren't going for efficiency or max efficiency use anyone that appeals to you. You should be ok as long as you have a few shields. I'd recommend using Edward, Elincia, Astrid, and Haar because they're among my favorites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is everyone saying to only use 2 unpromoted units? He's obviously not going to be playing on Hard Mode, so he can easily get away with 3 or 4 unpromoted units.

Yes, i just did jill/ilyana/fiona. Even though i need a shitload of Bexp it was not difficult at all. Zihark/volug also got some exp/wexp.

Even on Normal Mode it's hard to train a lot so that they're usable until endgame.

(I know I'm ignoring your other posts.) The goal is not so they're good for endgame, the goal is so they help for P3/4, endgame is not a big matter to worry about, You've got all the royals and hopefully SOME(at least like 4 lol) units with 2range.

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Even on Normal Mode it's hard to train a lot so that they're usable until endgame.

Like Anouleth said, it's actually pretty easy getting to train three or four DB units. In my normal NM run, I am using Nolan, Leo, Aran, Zihark and Volug. The first three are already promoted by 1-E and I didn't even have to waste my time boss-abusing.

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Like Anouleth said, it's actually pretty easy getting to train three or four DB units. In my normal NM run, I am using Nolan, Leo, Aran, Zihark and Volug. The first three are already promoted by 1-E and I didn't even have to waste my time boss-abusing.

That is if you try and kill every enemy on the map and most of the reinforcements. The exp you get in NM is quite a bit lower then EM so you must rely on the quantity of enemies for those levels. After getting Nolan/Edward/Leonardo to 20/1 the battle exp for them decreased dramatically. Have to turncoat Zihark now later on, oh well, they had no chance against perfect transferred Ike anyways.

The most powerful characters are the (personal opinion) marksmen + Haar. Mages are not too shabby either so I would recommend these characters.

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Who cares? ;) Let the kid have some fun with bolting/blizzard/meteor at endgame. I did not have to go the extra mile to get my characters to where they are, simply finishing the stage normally and taking my time without rushing to clear the objective. If we are talking about STATS then by all means I suggest using all the characters to finish the stages ASAP then dumping all the bexp on laguz royals and using only them for part 4 and endgame, statistically speaking that is. Do not forget to give Haar that hammer and a few levels in bexp so he can one shot Ludveck and smash that smug face of his.

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The most powerful characters are the (personal opinion) marksmen + Haar. Mages are not too shabby either so I would recommend these characters.

lol? Shinnon is the only good character out of any marksman/mage

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well he said personal opinion...

to the op: just pick stuff you think you'll like and play through it, the game's not that hard that it's almost impossible to play without favorites. Even on normal. Just don't use like Meg or Fiona or Lyre or etc and you'll be ok. I personally have a (much) easier time building up Boyd than Mia (way easier) so i mean... the "objective" tier list thing isn't everything.

I had a shitload of fun using Callil in my HM run. A shitload.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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That reminds me of my first HM run, where I had a crapload of fun using Danved, Makalov and Marcia packed together with transfers.

The person who made this topic asking for recommendations can use Meg perfectly fine if he decides to take his time tainig her. Same goes to Lyre. Eww, Fiona.

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Fiona's problem is that her offense is worse than base Edward's... except Edward is Level 4 and she's like Level 9. In fact, compare her bases to Nolan's they're the same level except Nolan's bases crush hers. Anyways Edward's not even that good a unit on HM past the first couple (literally the first 3) chapters. HM is considerably more selective, esp when you get into the Dawn Brigade, but NM and before allows for a ton of flexibility.

But then again the only Myrmidon i've liked in FE were the already-promoted Swordmasters or Rutger. And I guess Navarre (FE1/3) if he counts >_<

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I trained Fiona once and she turned out great. Her problem is that she's available only in a few chapters of the first part (only 2 or 3, i Think) and you should focus on training her in just these chapters (she also arrives at a very low level!); I think that it's pretty annoying, since she also has mov -2 in these chapters >_<

She has very nice growths and if you focus on training her she would be really nice. she was one of my top 5 units at the end! (Yep, I brought her in the Final chapters!)

I also use Edward EVERYTIME along with Mia (with data transfer); Right now I'm training Aran and he's turning out GREAT *_*, so you should definitely use him if you want someone that could tank for the others and only get 13 damage from Tiger Laguz units in 3-6 (if promoted, of course ^^)

For the others, you have to train Micaiah and Sothe anyway, so... =_= Oh, train Ilyana as well! I usually train Ilyana, Calill, Soren and Pelleas (awesome *_*) and bring them all in the final chapters: they're really useful!

User Haar if you want a unit that can do massive damage or Jill if you want a unit that can double. I usually train both and then bring only Jill (but right now I'm planning on bringing Haar... Because my Jill go screwed in defense °__°" well, even my Haar got quite screwed with Speed ._. I'm not so lucky ;www;) xD

Oh, you can use Oscar too. Get him to A support with Ike and watch them dodge everything they throw at them *_*

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