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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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Carrion mused for a bit, thinking over her options, and the best one was already suggested by two people around her. "Yeah... I think getting some mercenary work would help us out, but..." She had nothing to contribute anymore and she did not want to admit it. All the others had some skill in the ways of combat right now, and she had nothing, not even basic swordplay. She froze, not wanting to finish her sentence and resumed staring at the floor. The best she could do would be to find a job in the city and work from there, and then she might be able to afford the price of an unsealing, if anyone would even bother to do it for her. Subconsciously her hand went over her wound again, as if feeling it would tell her what to do right now. "Sorry... I won't be able to teach you. Maybe Teis can help you?" Carrion looked up at the man, hesitating but in the end her want for self sustainable survival won out. "Would you, sir? If only for the time being..."

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"Hm... I'm definitely not the one to ask. I prefer an axe to a sword, and when I must use a sword, I prefer a heavy broadsword or a claymore to the kind I would assume you want. However, I suppose I can teach you as much as I may."

Teis really didn't know what to say to such a request. A sword, in his opinion, required too much finesse and form to be used properly.

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"So, where to next?"

Gideon sat up and glared at the kid. "You know, it's rude to wake people up," he growled from his cot, his expression just as grumpy as before. His headache hadn't subsided, and Ormis was making it worse. Even if he was up, this wasn't the way to do it. The sun was barely up...Yawning loudly, he rubbed his eyes, though it did nothing to clear the dark circles around them. He hated being woken like this. As he listened to the conversation, trying to wake himself a bit, Gideon looked over the rest of the group, and his scowl faded a bit. They were all pretty badly wounded...He raised a hand. "Um, not for nothing, but we're all pretty beaten up still. I don't think we're in any condition to waltz back into the fray, unless the next mercs we fight are invalids..." He tried to ignore the throbbing of his head - it would only continue for the next few days, so he would have to bear through it.

From Amera's grumpiness, Gideon figured she had to be doing a bit better. He made a mental note not to bring up her breakdown from the other night. Whatever she was repressing, it needed to stay down for now.

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The witch sighed, her hopes dashed as quickly as they rose. "No, I suppose you wouldn't like teaching swordplay or anything light like that..." She fell back down on her cot, laying on her side facing the wall. She wasn't trying to hide from the others, she just wanted time to seriously sort out her dilemma. The more she thought of it, the more she was sure of it. She couldn't do mercenary work in her current condition, so all that was left was a more domestic approach. She wasn't angry at this, just disappointed that she was so careless. If she had listened to Adrian for even a second, she wouldn't be so incapacitated as she was now. "The man's right" She said aloud, "You should all wait until you're feeling better before you hop into another life or death situation..."

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"The man's right" She said aloud, "You should all wait until you're feeling better before you hop into another life or death situation..."

Wait. Did she just take his advice? He just wanted an excuse to sleep some more...well, he got what he wanted, so why complain? "Well, my head's killing me, so if you don't mind, I'm going to lie down again." He turned around to look at the others, his eyes fixing on Ormis. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't make too much noise." With that, he lay back down, his head still pounding. "Wake me when we have to leave, okay?"

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Neither Teis nor Ormis was particularly excited by that statement. For Ormis, he was a very active person and hated being confined anywhere. In that regard, he was much like any other child his age. Restless and easily excitable. Teis, on the other hand, wanted to get back to mercenary work in hopes of finding more about this "cult". There was no way that the small band of maybe 20, 25 men who had ambushed them was all of it.

That being said... We took quite a bit of damage from this. Hm...

Ormis hopped off his bed and started walking about, burning off energy.

"Well, I can't really see what else we could do at this point. As you said," he responded, motioning towards the fancy guy, "we can't stay here much longer. Scar- Carrion and Adrian aside, we all should be pretty combat-worthy."

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Aurelio (Why do you taunt me so, Julius?)

The pair had spent the night traveling, both had agreed that they couldn't afford to fall behind any further. It was early morning when they arrived in Lazarynth, they could probably ask around, seeing if anyone had noticed the others. Aurelio was pretty sure that they wouldn't go by unnoticed. A good place to check would be the inn, it was one of the few places where they could have spent the night.

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"I suppose that anyone who can fight get ready in half an hour, because that's when we should get going. Also, my dear Carrion, if you would like I could teach you to use a bow when we return. Alternatively, later you could go into the town and look at the weapons - There should be something suitable for you there."

He walked outside for a while, breathing in some fresh air. He decided to take his new horse out for a ride, hopefully it would get used to him quickly.

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"The man's right" She said aloud, "You should all wait until you're feeling better before you hop into another life or death situation..."

This isn't like you, you know. You wouldn't want to relax, you'd want to get back to fighting. Maybe set a few people on fire to make yourself feel better about being stabbed... He struggled to move his legs out from under the sheets, finally managing to slip them over the edge of the bet and force himself to stand for a moment. Of course, he fell back into the bed within moments, unable to stand yet. His head felt woozy, and he did want to go back to sleep, but, he was worried about her. "Carrion..." ignoring everyone else for the moment, "What... what happened when you were stabbed? I don't think you'd normally give up the chance to have a fight..."


"I suppose that anyone who can fight get ready in half an hour, because that's when we should get going..."

"Rrrrr..." she wanted to laze away like Gideon was, but she knew her arm was already feeling better. It wasn't completely healed, but she figured they wouldn't want her just laying there if she could walk around. She could always try to get out of it, though. "My arm's not healed yet, I'm staying in bed." If Gideon was staying, so was she. She'd be too lazy to leave even if she was healed, either way. Falling back into bed, she curled up under the covers, trying to fall asleep once again.

Edited by seph1212
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"Well, Adrian..." She began, "These aren't normal circumstances... Just rest up already." She stayed facing the wall, not wanting to look him in the eye and tell him if he didn't know yet. She already hated accepting the fact that she was useless, why should she have to keep repeating herself? Her mind was now rationalizing her loss as a potentially good thing. I mean, if I don't have those damn powers then people won't want to kill me anymore. Maybe... this is my chance at a normal life? That thought bounced around in her head for a long while, Carrion losing track of time.

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"Well, Adrian..." She began, "These aren't normal circumstances... Just rest up already."

"I know there's something you're not telling me, but..." he sighed, not sure why she was being as secretive as she was, "I'm... not really in any position to try and get it out of you." The cot almost pulled him back into it as he lay down, still curious as they what was going on in that mind of hers. He'd have laid down next to her if he wasn't in such a state, and he might've been able to get something out of her then, but even as he thought about that, he felt himself falling asleep. Guess I'm not going to be helping for a while... grand.

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"Well, even if you aren't feeling well enough to come work with us, you can't stay here. If you can wait out the day, we could probably save up enough money to get you a few nights' stay at the inn, more than enough for you to recuperate."

Teis truly had no idea what was troubling her. Adrian was obviously not well enough to fight, but Amera looked combat worthy. And Carrion... earlier, he might have agreed that she was in no shape to be fighting. But...

I think that battle caused more ill than good.

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Teis spoke, and Amera knew she couldn't get away with sleeping the day, as much as she wanted to. The mention of an inn also made her feel a bit bad, because Adrian and Carrion really did need a proper place to stay. She burst out of bed, and growled again, shaking her head to wake herself up. "Alright, alright, you're right! Ormis, let's go do something!" She grabbed the poor boy by his not injured arm and dragged him out of the room quickly. She had no real plans, but if she looked like she was being active then no one would get upset at her. Dragging Ormis out of the front church doors, she leaned against the wall, and sighed. "Alright, Ormis, give me a suggestion here. I really have no idea what to do."

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Lucretia (whoo other perspective)

They arrived in Lazarynth quicker than expected. Standing at the edge of town, Lucretia looked around. It was fairly busy, with people all over. It wouldn't be easy. Aurelio had suggested the inn as a starting point in their search. As they headed in the general direction, Lucretia spotted two familiar figures walking out of the church. Is that...oh! It is!

"Aurelio, hurry! I see Ormis and Amera over there, by the church!" She quickened her pace towards the pair until she was close enough for them to notice her.

"Ormis! Amera! Hey!" She shouted in the hopes of getting their attention.



Adano arrived on the other side of town, tired but successful. He had made it to the other side of town. He decided to stop by the inn to get some rest before continuing his search.

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"Ormis! Amera! Hey!" She shouted in the hopes of getting their attention.

"Huh?" Amera looked in the direction of the shout, seeing someone she hadn't expected running towards them. Lucretia, of all people, had somehow managed to make her way to Lazarynth. Amera spotted Aurelio behind her, but, before paying too much attention to that, she smiled and bounded off in Lucretia's direction. "Lucy!" She yelled, before tackle hugging the girl to the ground. "Where have you been?! I lost you and Aurelio after crossing the mountain!"

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"Lucy!" She yelled, before tackle hugging the girl to the ground. "Where have you been?! I lost you and Aurelio after crossing the mountain!"

Lucretia was on the ground, slightly shocked from the tackle hug, but still excited to find one of her friends.

"It's good to see you too!" She replied, chuckling. "After we got to the inn I found my mother..." Her face darkened. "Then we fought, and I--I killed her." She just realized that she had never said it out loud before that she killed her mother. "Then I fell unconscious, but Aurelio helped me out, and we eventually decided to make our way here to look for all of you." She paused for a moment. "How is everyone?" She asked, in the hopes that everyone was all right.

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"It's good to see you too!" She replied, chuckling. "After we got to the inn I found my mother..." Her face darkened. "Then we fought, and I--I killed her."

"Y-You killed your mother?!" Amera gasped, astonished, and finally climbing off of the girl. "Wow... but, why did you have to fight her?" Amera was confused as to why a daughter would ever have to fight, and kill, her own mother. Though, that would have to wait, as Lucretia's question brought down her mood a bit. "Everyone's... well, they're not doing very good. Carrion's been stabbed, Adrian's been burned and mangled a bit, and Ghideon's got a pretty nasty head wound... Ormis and I both have broken arms. I think Teis is alright!" She finished with a smile, glad that at least one person was still healthy out of everyone in the group. Within her explaining, she'd completely forgotten that Lucretia didn't know who Carrion and Ghideon were.

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The horse was rather sturdy - strong, fast and intimidating, just what he wanted. He returned quickly, and saw some of the group already outside, as well as two other people he didn't recognise. One was another simple mercenary, the other was an absolutely stunning swordswoman.

He rode up to them and quickly asked, "Only two of you? And another two, I see. Hello there, ma'am."

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Ormis had no time to complain when he was dragged out of the room, nor did he have time to say anything before Lucretia and Aurelio appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Obviously they had been easy to follow. He stayed quiet for most of the reunion between Amera and the others, mostly hanging off to the side, on hand on his sword. For whatever reason, he was a bit on his guard today. If this cult was as far-reaching as he expected, there was no way the attack last night would go unretaliated.

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He didn't quite believe it but they had finally caught up to the others. It looks like there had been an addition or two to the group, but it didn't matter. From what he had heard from Amera, everyone was quite beat up. He spotted Ormis skulking around the edge of the conversation. He wasn't usually this moody.

"Hey, kid. What's that look on your face? How on earth did you get yourself maimed so easily?"

He yawned, he had been traveling all night, he'd manage as long as today was easy - he'd definitely need to sleep tonight.

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As they filed out, Gideon sighed and shook his head. He wouldn't have minded staying; he was tired, and his head hurt. Maybe his injury was worse than he thought. But he couldn't sleep all day, certainly not if he wanted to come back here for food later. Getting up slowly, he shouldered his axe, unused to the lightness of it, and trudged out after them, trying to ignore his headache.

He exited the church to see Amera hugging (or attacking - he couldn't really tell) another girl, with Ormis off to the side. A friend, probably; he didn't really care. It didn't occur to him at the time, but his headache was really making Gideon irritable...Not wanting to distract them, he moved to the other side of Ormis - and once he was past him, his stomach growled loudly. That's right. I haven't eaten in... "Oi, Amera," he said, his voice a bit raspier due to his recent waking-up. "We don't have any food, do we? I sort of...didn't eat yesterday." Or the day before, save a very light meal. It was kind of embarrassing to admit, but he was hungry, dammit.

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"What, this? Maybe you'd call it a wound, I call it a scratch."

Unlike Amera, Ormis's arm had been healed by the priest last night, and so was only slightly stiff. He yawned, and leaned back against the wall.

"When you can go up against two or three dozen guys and not get injured at all, call me, alright?"

In truth, that was a lie and everyone knew it. There were, at most, 20 people, and most of them had suicided on Teis and his mad laughter. The thought of it made Ormis shudder slightly. Teis seemed like such a self-contained person.


Teis walked outside, hefting his axe, testing the balance. He'd scavenged a hand-axe or two off of the dead cultists in case of emergency, but they'd only be used in emergencies. He also had a bag containing the remaining bits of his armor over one shoulder.

"Oh, hello Aurelio, Lucretia. Well met."

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"What, this? Maybe you'd call it a wound, I call it a scratch."

"You still look like a cat that's gone through a mangle. Two of three dozen? That's impressive. What were they? Gingerbread men?" he laughed. The kid may be alright for his age but Aurelio was no sucker. "Hey, pleasantries aside, what actually happened? You guys seem to have all the fun without me."

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Ormis wasn't about to rise to the bait. If Aurelio wanted to start something, he'd have to look elsewhere.

"Some cult of the Devourer was causing some trouble, so we went and kicked ass."

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"Some cult of the Devourer was causing some trouble..."

Aurelio smiled, funny how he didn't reply to the other part.

"So there's some cult going around? If they're causing some trouble I wouldn't mind bashing a few heads in." He noticed Teis, he seemed unscathed. He was sporting a bag of spoils, the odds were that he did a lot of the fighting.

"Anyway, hey, Teis. I'm guessing you saved the kid's skin?"

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