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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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The leader of the group looked about the carnage he was in the middle of. He could only growl and fume at the incompetence of his allies, apparently unable to use tactics. "We had them easily outnumbered and yet you get swarmed by them... Pitiful, you're not worth the time and our world has no need of such miserable failure..." He said more to himself since he was the only one standing who wasn't a complete idiot in his eyes. A sudden surge of mana caught his attention though. A pink haired woman was charging right at him, her fists engulfed in flame. He laughed at her foolishness but admired her bravado all the same. When she was about twenty paces away from him she threw both flames at the man, a simple maneuver. However, he didn't expect them to explode before they even got near him, and the actual blast seemed to be quite powerful to begin with. His training protected him, though, his body resisting the burns he would have taken had he not been so magically inclined. However, he was more clever than the girl thought. He played dead, the burning of the robes only mildly irritating him as a whole, but making the ruse all the more believable. It wasn't until he was on the ground and on fire that he realized who he was dealing with. The hair, the raw power, of all the legends and stories he heard, she was the one. "The Crimson Witch..." he whispered to himself as she approached him, holding her hand out to blast him again, point blank in the face...

Carrion smiled, she liked the thrill of taking down another mage, especially ones who thought they could best her. "You bastards have no idea how much fucking pain and misery you've caused me... But it doesn't matter anymore, because I'm now one step closer to ridding your goddamn face from this world!" At this, the man suddenly jumped up, pulling out a knife he had concealed as he was lying on the ground. The action left Carrion at a loss, but the burning man knew exactly what to do. Raising the knife high above him, he brought it crashing down, right into Carrion's chest, causing a bloodcurdling scream to erupt from her throat. "You think you're above us, you pathetic witch?! Look at what your arrogance has brought you, and WALLOW IN IT!" He withdrew the knife, letting Carrion fall to the ground, clutching her wound for dear life. The man laughed and then actually started licking the knife, as if it were some delicious treat to be savored. To him, it was. It was the blood of their 'savior'. As the blood was licked away, all who saw the knife could see that it had carvings in it.

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"Are you hungry now?"

Seilynda looked over at Grant and blushed a bit. He has a really nice smile... "Food sounds great," she replied, returning what she hoped was sweet smile, pulled up a chair, and sat down. "Um... do you remember who Lady Lucinda is? If not, we can pay her a visit after our meal." She ate sparingly, letting him have the lion's share.

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Teis swung his axe again, and all four men were dead, cleaved cleanly in two. Then he heard the yell.

"Look at what your arrogance has brought you, and WALLOW IN IT!"

Teis looked. What he saw was a man, standing above what looked to be Carrion's dead body... and he was dressed in robes, robes decorated with bright, orange flames.

No... It... it can't be...

His axe fell from his trembling fingers. That laugh... no. That wasn't him. But... The sight of those flames had changed something in Teis. Before, this battle was nothing, simply an annoyance, another obstacle to be surpassed before he could find his father's killer. Now, it was certain. These men were in alliance with the caster from before. The orange flames danced in his vision.

One man, noticing the knight drop his axe, decided to take advantage of the foolish warrior's distraction and attack him. However, before he could strike, the man was stopped dead from the sound coming from the knight's throat. It was... laughter.

"Alright... which one of you was it... Come on... I know you're there... Come out... COME OUT! COME OUT SO I CAN KILL YOU!"

The man decided to take his chances and attack. Bad decision. Before the man could even swing his sword, three were in his chest, taken from the bodies of his companions. The knight kept laughing, jeering, taunting the cultists, daring them to try his might. He stooped, picked up his axe, and pointed it at the next group. There was a new light in the man's eyes. The light of insanity.

"Your turn."


Ormis backpedaled furiously, trying to stay out of reach from that murderous broadsword. His opponent, a heavy, thickset man with a face that had never smiled, walked forward, slowly.

"Oh come on, runt. Don't tell me you haven't improved one bit since that day. Come, show me what you've learned."

With that, he took out a smaller sword, the one Ormis originally used in his first days at the guild, and threw it at him. "There. It's the same as before. No interruptions. Just you and I, just like then. Show me what you've got."

Ormis picked up the sword, wincing. His other arm was definitely broken, but his sword arm was still good. A crowd had formed, watching this man, a huge mercenary with a giant's strength, pummel the child who had dared to challenge them. Ormis swallowed his fear and grinned.

"Alright then, Tiran. If that's how things stand. I think I owe you somethin'. I think I owe you THIS!"

He leaped. Tiran made no effort to stop him. Ormis was about to slice the man through when a huge fist met his stomach, throwing him back a good five feet.

Then he heard Teis yell. He would have reacted, but his momentary distraction was enough for the mercenary to close the distance.

"Never show your opponent your back! Keep your eyes on me!"

Tiran swung his sword, catching Ormis unawares. He went flying another seven feet, landing hard. The crowd cheered. Ormis was about to jump up and counterattack when he spotted his sword lying a few feet away from him, on the floor. Then a cultist in the crowd kicked it away.

Well. Shit.

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Gideon was proud of himself. His timing was very heroic. Even if he wasn't the hero type, who wouldn't appreciate that? "I... I'm fine. Thanks, really. You... saved my life," came the girl's voice as she stood up. She seemed alright. Not too hard to look at, either...Why is she so far away? he wondered idly, swaying a bit. He saw red in his left periphery. "Never mind me, what about you?! Your head's bleeding!" she cried, reminding him where that red was coming from.

"What, this?" he asked, pointing a shaky hand to his head. "Don't worry, I'm...had worse." He stammered a bit, trying to regain his footing, and his hand touched his cheek. When he pulled it away, he saw blood. Lots of it. His face turned pale, partly from his shock, partly from his blood loss. But he couldn't show her how much it scared him. She was probably in worse shape, so he had to be strong. "I just need to sleep it off..." He tried to move towards her, his feet knocking against one another, causing him to stumble a bit. "What about your arm?"

His eyes shot wide open when a scream pierced the air. "Was that Carrion?" he asked, dreading the answer as his hand tightened around his axe.

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"Don't worry, I'm...had worse."

She wasn't buying it, and there would be more mercs upon them within moments. "Listen, buddy, you're bleeding really heavily. We've gotta get you out of here; I don't care how gung ho you are about fighting!" She began to drag him off the battlefield, not getting much resistance since he was completely trippy, and almost out of it.

"What about your arm?"

This is going to suck, this is going to suck, this is going to... She grabbed her arm, and snapped the out of place bone back to where it should be, a large, intense jolt of pain shooting all the way up her arm. She fell to one knee for a moment, gasping for breath. "All, that's left... is to wait for the broken bone to heal... alright? Let's go." She continued to drag the man with her one good arm, until a curdling scream was heard. Everyone's eyes seemed to dart to where it had came from, and Amera paled. "Carrion... no."


Adrian had done his best to keep up with the witch through the mob. He felt like a useless piece of trash the entire time. He'd hide behind her when someone came running, or stay out of their sight to make sure he didn't get targeted. He was like a civilian without a sword. The entire time he'd kept wishing he had some way of doing something. Of course, the one thing he did do was warn Carrion when she got up to the man throwing fire around the place. "Carrion, listen, I really don't think that's the best of ideas!" Of course, she ignored Adrian, and went up to him "You bastards have no idea how much fucking pain and misery you've caused me... But it doesn't matter anymore, because I'm now one step closer to ridding your goddamn face from this world!" "Carrion, come on--"

The mage rose up from the ground as is possessed by some greater power. The scream heard by everyone else fell onto deaf ears, as Adrian watched in silence. Time slowed down for him, his eyes widening as the single thing he cared about, now, fell to the ground, lifeless. Everything played by in slow motion, except for the words of the man, which rang in his ears over and over, "You think you're above us, you pathetic witch?! Look at what your arrogance has brought you, and WALLOW IN IT!" No... no. No, no, no, no!

"Ha... ha ha..." A certain feeling came over him. He'd felt something similar when fighting against the beasts on the mountain top; something he'd enjoyed whilst he'd felt it. But it was so mixed with sadness, anger, and guilt, that he couldn't quite pick it out. "Ha ha ha ha..." It began to fill up his body, and he started to finally realize what the feeling was. "Haaaa, ha ha ha ha!" It was happiness. Amongst all of the depressing emotions that were floating in his mind, happiness spread through his body. He looked at the man, laughing as he had been the whole time. He didn't say anything, all he did was laugh.

He didn't know how, and he didn't truly care, but within moments, he was right next to the man. The man who was still covered in flames, but Adrian didn't feel a thing. His hands were wrapped tightly around this man's throat, and they were burning, but he couldn't stop; it was an impulse he couldn't control. He began to cry in response to the pain, and his own sadness, but he didn't stop laughing. "HA HA HA HA HA!!" The man tried desperately to remove the boy's hands from his neck, going as far as stabbing Adrian with the dagger. Alas, the man's strength was already leaving him, and the dagger barely left a noticeable wound. Whilst Adrian himself wasn't feeling a thing, his body was. His body was feeling the heat, the pain, and it was starting to shut down. He kept choking the man, though; even though he was dead, hands squeezed tightly around his throat. He was enjoying this, but not for long. Adrian's laughing died out soon after, as he blacked out, beginning to be engulfed in the flames still raging on the man's cloak.

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"Listen, buddy, you're bleeding really heavily. We've gotta get you out of here; I don't care how gung ho you are about fighting!" Her voice was a blur at this point. He moved with her like a lemming, barely keeping his eyes open and using all of his waking energy to cling to his weapons. They were all he had...When he heard her arm crack, he winced - that had to hurt. "All, that's left... is to wait for the broken bone to heal... alright? Let's go." Did she really just do that? Whoa. She had to be one hell of a woman...er, cat...it was awesome that she had done that.

She heard the scream too. He straightened up, trying to compose himself, and took her by her good wrist, dragging her further away. "We don't have time," he said, his voice softer and less coherent than he'd like. "We have to keep going..." His normally sharp blue eyes were dull, glazed, reflecting just how exhausted he was. Can you bleed out from the head? he wondered has he trudged forward, every step a desperate plea to his body not to give out. "Come on. We just have to..." He trailed off, and his fingers went limp, dropping his axe to the ground with a clank. It barely registered with him; he was dropping too, and he could barely hear anything outside the throbbing of his head.

Of all the fucking people to work with, I had to pick the Crimson Witch...

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"Oi-- hey-- stop!" This man pulled her along like she'd been pulling him for the moment, but, she wanted to help Carrion and Adrian. She could hear him laughing from across the field, and she needed to help, but this man's grip, as tired as he was, was steadfast and strong. He began to lose it even further, and that only worried her further. "Come on, we seriously need you to-- ah!" He collapsed, pulling her down with him. Her arm got stuck under his body, as it hit the ground. "Agh, dammit! This is not what I need right now!" The mercs seemed to be held up with Ormis, and it seemed like he was fighting someone. "Come on! Please, please, just get up! If you don't get up, we're both going to die here, you know?!" She was hysterical at this point, surprised that none of the mercs had noticed her screams. Yet.

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She sounded panicked. Really panicked. But she was injured, and so was he - they couldn't go back in there. "We have to leave," he said softly. "We have to get to safety." His sudden eloquence surprised even him; perhaps bloodletting made one lucid? "If we go back in there, we'll die for sure," he said calmly. "Your arm's still broken, and I'm still losing blood. Don't throw your life away." With some effort, he staggered to his feet and looked down at the battlefield. They were fairly far away, and the mercs near them were too wounded to give chase. Those mercs that were still alive seemed to be on the back foot, but he couldn't tell for sure.

His breathing was ragged, and he couldn't keep from swaying; he was so tired. Too tired to keep up like this. His arm shot out to support him, finding a tree's trunk, much to his relief. He leaned a fair portion of his weight on it and just watched. "I'm tired..." he mumbled, his vision going blurry again as his arm buckled, causing him to fall against the tree. He'd be humiliated if he wasn't so disoriented.

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Ormis stood up warily, and reached for the hunting knife on his belt. ((It may interest you to know that he did in fact have one, he just never used it))

Tiran laughed. According to the members of the guild, he rarely laughed, and when he did, it meant someone was about to die. Ormis had a sinking feeling that he knew who would die next.

"So, you did have some other weapon on ya'. Well, that just means that I have to break that, too. But come now, why would you use a knife instead of a sword?"

"Yeah, well, I figured I'd do something to level the playing field a bit."

Ormis grinned again, with all the bravado he could muster. "Why do you think I need a sword to beat you? That's why I let you blindside me like that~"

Then he rushed in with surprising speed, scoring a few cuts on the man's arm and leg before darting away again. Tiran made no move to stop him, only shifting his feet a bit so Ormis wouldn't hit anything major.

No... too shallow. I need that sword!

He lunged for it, but was met by a vicious kick to his ribs, flinging him back. Ormis felt something hot and wet drip down his chest.

...Is this it?

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"We have to leave," he said softly. "We have to get to safety." His sudden eloquence surprised even him; perhaps bloodletting made one lucid? "If we go back in there, we'll die for sure," he said calmly. "Your arm's still broken, and I'm still losing blood. Don't throw your life away."

He'd gotten off her arm, and she didn't care what he said. She could still run, and, broken arm or not, she wasn't going to leave Adrian and Carrion there to just die. "I'm sorry, but I can't! I have to try and help them!" She turned and ran towards them, attracting the attention of some of the half alive mercs. They tried to get up and chase her, but they were in about the same state as Gideon.

Adrian was on fire as she reached him, but not entirely. She pulled him off the man, groaning the entire time since she could only use one arm, and almost dropped him, with a gasp. The mage's face was one of terror, like he'd seen a devil of some sort. The flames on Adrian died as soon as he was pulled off of the man, thankfully, but his hands were a burned mess, the skin peeling and some of his bone showing. She laid him down, the boy obviously not going to wake up for a while, and focused her attention on Carrion. "Come on, Carrion, come on! You're supposed to be the Crimson Witch, you can't let some knife stop you!" She shook the girl with her one good arm, noticing one of the mercenaries get up, the one she'd kicked earlier. He stumbled, but he saw her, and he smiled. "Shit... Carrion, please! Wake up!" Hysterical now, either Carrion woke up, or Amera would have to try and fight this man off on her own.

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"I'm sorry, but I can't! I have to try and help them!" she cried as she ran off. Her arm, though...He groaned and dropped his heavier axe, picking up the light one and moving after her. If he gave out on the battlefield, fine. But he wasn't about to let this idiot throw her life away just to cry over a corpse.

His steps were uneven, and his vision poor due to the blood in his eyes, but Gideon forced himself to keep going. His head was pounding, and it took all of his stubborn resolve not to let it shake him. He could make out a few silhouettes. Two were motionless, and one knelt beside them. Judging by where her voice was coming from, the kneeling figure had to be the Anri. He looked to his right and saw a cultist staggering in her direction. In her condition, she couldn't fight...maybe if he distracted her, she could land a lucky hit on him.

"Oi!" he barked in the cultist's direction, his voice echoing over the pained moans of his still-living enemies. Or friends. He couldn't tell anymore. "Oi! If you don't start running now, I'll snap your neck, you rat bastard!" He pointed his axe in the man's direction, his arm aching with the weight of his axe - fuck, he was tired. If this bluff didn't work, he'd be in some deep shit. "Come on, you miserable prick! What's it gonna be?!"

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Carrion barely moved, coughing up blood in spurts. Her mind was reeling, unable to comprehend anything going on around her due to the intense pain in her chest. But she also felt something different, like she was slipping uncontrollably, her mana pouring out of her seemingly. "N...N-...oo..." She managed to say through gurgles of blood. "Adri...annn..." She lost consciousness, unable to hear the battle and the screaming going on. She almost looked peaceful in her current state.


"I... only really know her about as much as you do. I met her at the inn in Reinaldt, and then we left and then bam, we're right here." He said between mouthfuls of food glorious food. "I mean, I should definitely pay my respects to her, should probably offer a prayer of sorts, ya know? She deserves far more than that from me, but what can I do...?"

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"You... you're kidding me, right? Heh... heh heh... This..." And yet, Amera held the unconscious girl with her hand, and even though she'd managed a word, she wasn't moving anymore. Amera started crying, having been there the entire time, unable to stop it all from unfolding. And her inability to do anything was making her mad. The only target being the half alive merc that was stumbling towards her. Gideon yelled from behind him, but Amera only saw one thing in her eyes: an outlet for all of her anger and feelings of inadequacy. She jumped at this merc, knocking him down and landing on top of him, bashing his smug face in with her one good hand. Only until his blood started splattering against her own face did she realize she was beating a gooey mush of what used to be a head. Frightened, she turned to Gideon. The man wasn't looking any better, but what could she expect? "W-We -ccan't... can't l-leave them, w-we, c-c-can't!" She stuttered through her crying. She of course meant Adrian and Carrion, and she didn't care how hurt they were, she was determined to take them with her.

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Seilynda giggled a bit and downed some more food. "I think she'd like the prayers. Maybe they'll help out or something for real? You should slow down, eating too fast will cause indigestion, and you don't wanna choke, do you?" She laughed again, remembering the time Papa was so excited, he nearly inhaled a sparerib during the Goddess' Day one year and Pap-pap, may he rest in peace, had to give him a good ol' whack to get him back up to snuff.

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What Gideon saw next shocked him. Despite her limping before, despite her broken arm and exhaustion, she pounced on the merc and tore him apart. As he stared at the spectacle, his vision cleared up and he saw her face, painted only with rage and streaming tears. He barely saw it coming, and it actually scared him a bit; was this the same girl who didn't seem to have any troubles as they were walking before the battle?

His head throbbed, interrupting his train of thought, and he winced in pain. When he reopened his eyes, his vision was hazy again, but he could still clearly make out the Anri's silhouette. She was sobbing, and her voice was shaking as she tried to speak. "W-We -ccan't... can't l-leave them, w-we, c-c-can't!" she choked out, her terrified expression striking a chord in Gideon. He was tired. Really tired. Hell, he was having trouble standing. But if he could stand and carry his axe, he could carry a wounded girl.

"Then we won't," he said matter-of-factly, tying his axe to the back of his belt. His fingers fumbled a bit, but it was second nature to fasten his weapon at this point, so he did it without much fuss. Then he knelt down in front of one of the silhouettes on the ground, squinting to see who it was. Its hair was decidedly red; that meant it was Carrion. He stood up and put a hand on Amera's shoulder, his expression resolute despite his fatigue. "I need you to calm down," he told her, trying to sound calm. Having two dying people at his feet was unsettling, but now wasn't the time to show that. "If I take Carrion, can you get the other one? Can your arm handle the weight?" Even if he got close, he doubted he'd be able to figure out who it was. Besides, he didn't really know their names. He didn't even know this Anri's name...she was just the resident Anri to him. Maybe this little adventure would fix that.

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Teis was covered in blood. Quite literally every part of his armor had some amount of blood staining it. His axe was almost completely red. And still his vision blazed, looking for more. The only ones he saw, though, were in a little knot, some two or three of them. And they were fighting. A boy in a red cape and black armor. A huge man, with a sword to match. Teis slowly walked towards them.

Ormis lay flat. Only five seconds before, he had been trying to find some way to get to his sword, which lay behind his opponent. However, Tiran had countered every attempt, and this time had knocked him sprawling with the flat of his blade.

"What's this, runt? Giving up already?"

Ormis spoke through bloody lips.

"Nah, just giving you a little time to catch your breath."

Teis spoke one sentence, and all of them froze.

"Was it you?"

And then he was upon them. A maddening rain of blood, and one, two, three were dead. Ormis and Tiran backed up together. Teis was still muttering, speaking words in a tone that made Ormis's blood run cold.


Then he attacked. Tiran shoved Ormis at the crazed knight and walked away, saying nothing but, "We'll finish this later, when we can get some actual peace and quiet. Then you can show me what you've really got."

Ormis picked up his sword and sheathed it. Teis was still walking towards him.

"Was it you?"

"No, it wasn't me. I swear to god it wasn't me."

"You lie."

Teis swung. Ormis moved. It was like everything was in slow motion. Suddenly Ormis was moving much faster than he had ever before. Still not as fast as Amera, but a damn sight close to it. Then he struck Teis in the stomach, hard. The sword was sheathed and so wouldn't cut, but would still sting like the dickens.

The light seemed to fade from Teis's eyes. He blinked.


Then he looked at himself, and at his axe. His mouth opened to ask a question, but he stopped it when he saw Gideon and Amera struggling to carry Carrion and Adrian, both unconscious. Ormis and Teis shared a glance, then ran over to help relieve the two of their burdens. Ormis ran to Amera, Teis ran to Gideon.


"Gideon." One word, hopefully enough to alert the man to the knight's presence. Then Teis started taking Carrion's inert body from him, as he looked to be in no state for heroics.


Ormis ran straight for Amera, who was carrying Adrian. He took one look at her arm and let out one cry of surprise.

"Wh-what happened to you?"

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"Gideon." One word, hopefully enough to alert the man to the knight's presence. Then Teis started taking Carrion's inert body from him, as he looked to be in no state for heroics.

Gideon nodded, forcing half a grin when he heard Teis. "Good timing," he said tiredly, extending his arms to give Carrion to him. "Take her. I can't." He was glad Teis had shown up; forming plans was something he wasn't terribly good at, and he just hated having to take charge. That was why they had Carrion, right? He wiped some more blood from his face, his vision clearing up a bit when he did, though not by much. "Camp. Where?" At this point, sentences were too strenuous for him. He needed all the air he could get.

"Wh-what happened to you?" came the kid's voice from Gideon's flank. He was never more happy to hear that punk's voice.

"Take him," he said in the direction of the voice. "Her arm's broken." He swayed a bit and took a step forward, just to stabilize himself. "Is she...are you okay?" He couldn't see her. He saw a few blurs; that was it. "Where..." Losing his balance, he leaned far to his right and staggered over, falling to one knee. Dammit...keep it together. He tried desperately to stand up, but his legs buckled under him and he fell again. After a few tries, he cursed softly, his trembling hands balled into fists. Why couldn't he just fucking stand?

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Teis spoke in a tone placing himself as the current leader.

"Well, I should say we move somewhere away from all these corpses, then set up there. Right now, none of us are in any shape for fighting." He took Carrion's body and started walking along the lakefront, then stopped to catch Gideon who seemed to be dizzy from bloodloss.

"Here, take my shoulder. We need to get those wounds patched up quick or you might not make it."

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Amera, trembling, did what she needed to do to calm herself down, and that was give the man a small hug. She wasn't completely calm from it, but she wasn't a sobbing mess either. "I-I'll manage," she got out, stringing Adrian over her shoulder. Of course, as luck would have it, Ormis showed up within moments of their walking. She started to tear up again. "Wh-what happened to you?" At which point she began to sob, falling to her knees next to Ormis, and clutching at the shirt poking out from beneath his armor. She wasn't balling her eyes out from sadness, though. She was just to happy to see him alright. She didn't hesitate to let Ormis rake Adrian from her, mumbling through her tears, "m-make sure you... watch his h-hands..." Her attention shifted once again as the tall man fell to his knees. Please don't die. Please...

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"Here, take my shoulder. We need to get those wounds patched up quick or you might not make it." With childlike complacency, Gideon obliged, leaning into Teis. He was too tired to argue image with the knight now. Still, the fact that the Anri seemed to still be a wreck bothered him. Not that he cared how she felt - she was bawling over stuff that didn't deserve such a dramatic reaction. People got wounded on the battlefield. Sometimes gravely. That was just how these things went...she could at least stop crying, though.

"Hey," he said, trying to get her attention as they walked. He couldn't think of anything else to say. Between the throbbing of his head and the darkening of his periphery, he couldn't focus on small talk, or anything else for that matter. He opened his mouth to speak again, but nothing came out, and his eyes began to drift shut. Damn it...come on, wake up...

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"Wh-whoa-!?" Ormis barely caught Adrian. Except he didn't. His sword arm kind of held Adrian's torso enough so that he wouldn't smash his head, but his broken arm was kind of useless.

"m-make sure you... warch his h-hands..."

"Y-yeah... what the hell happened here?" Ormis was at a complete loss for words. He tried to pull her up, to make her back into the strong girl who had pummeled him earlier that day. "He-hey, I can't hold him by myself. My arm's broken, and from what I can see, so is yours. We're going to have to hold him together somehow, okay? Pull it together."

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"He-hey, I can't hold him by myself. My arm's broken, and from what I can see, so is yours. We're going to have to hold him together somehow, okay? Pull it together."

Amera could feel the welcome tug of Ormis's hand, urging her to stand, as well hear his words, urging her to hold on. She wasn't about to stop crying and suddenly be fine, but she stood, taking half of Adrian's weight onto her okay arm. "L-Let's go." She was still crying. She was still stuttering. But she was going to keep walking. "T-Teis!" she called ahead, "w-why don't we s-set up some..." she paused to sniffle her nose, "camp n-near those woods?" The same woods the other Anri had come out from. It was better than nothing.


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"T-Teis! W-why don't we s-set up some... camp n-near those woods?"

That sounded like a good idea. Teis immediately turned and started carrying Carrion and Gideon to the woods indicated. Hopefully Amera and Ormis were following.

All that and I still didn't get him...


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Amera followed Teis's lead, not going to ignore him and run off on her own in this condition.

((Why's he mad, bro? Also, I think this calls for a TS, until camp is set up. Oui ou non?))

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Gideon tried to pull away from Teis in an attempt to ease his burden. He was already holding Carrion - he didn't need more baggage. Besides, Gideon could walk...He staggered a bit, then stood up again. Okay, maybe not, but he would try.

As they walked, the only sound that stuck out in his mind was the Anri's sniffling. She was a bit loud...usually that got on his nerves. But she was young. Maybe the fight was just traumatic for her. If he got the chance, he'd approach her about it, but for now he would leave it alone. Besides...He winced as his head throbbed. "Fucking..." he grumbled, trying to maintain his pace. "Where are we stopping?" he asked Teis. He needed a nap...

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