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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 3 and 4 (surprise)


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But as long as you're in here, whatever it is you're worried about probably won't come calling," he said evenly. "Just breathe for a second, yeah? Let it pass."

Gideon was right. And as she'd calmed down a bit, she realized she had to get a hold of herself. She couldn't keep freaking out like this the entire time, especially if they were to leave eventually. She'd get left behind, and the one thing she didn't want happening would be losing all of these new friends. She took another deep breath, and closed her eyes, just letting her body calm down first. The shaking stopped, but she remained cuddled up to her knees, not sure if she wanted to sit down normally.

"Hey, Amera. What was it that you said to me before? Something about, 'if I can go through my life without this huge want for revenge on my mind, you should be able to'? What has happened has happened, and there's nothing you can do to change it. So let bygones be bygones, and just get over whatever it is that happened out there. I can tell you it won't happen again. I'll tell you this outright."

She sighed. "I... never should've said that. It's not that easy for me. And while I'm not saying what happened to me was worse than what happened to you, I don't think I can just forget about it... and it's not what happened out there. That... just triggered it." She spoke quietly, but hoped he'd heard her. She felt bad for saying what she did. How could she expect someone to actually get over a huge life problem as quickly as that? And like she was one to talk, this had been haunting her for years. She finally let her legs slip off of the edge of the cot, and sat normally, hoping this episode of hers was over.

"Sorry about changing the subject, but you were more lucid during the fight. Did I drop my axe out there? Do you remember?"

Back in the land of reality, she now had a question to answer. "Your axe? I think so... You threw it at one of the men coming after me... I think." That was all she could remember from the ordeal, not wanting to press further lest something less than enjoyable popped up in her mind.

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"I... never should've said that. It's not that easy for me. And while I'm not saying what happened to me was worse than what happened to you, I don't think I can just forget about it... and it's not what happened out there. That... just triggered it."

That caught Ormis off guard. And, being entirely honest, that made him a little mad, seeing as she'd clobbered him over that. He'd been entirely expecting her to snap at him, or something. This... this just went against everything he'd come to expect from her.

"Well, I can't say I disagree with you there. I won't press it further if you don't want it to, but just remember this." He grinned. "If you're so scared about... whatever happening again, I'll just have to kill whoever might cause it next time."

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As she calmed down, Gideon felt a bit better. Something about having a hysterical girl in front of you wasn't terribly appealing...He listened in silence as she replied to Ormis, a bit surprised at their exchange. Did everyone in this group have a problem this severe? Had Gideon joined the madhouse without knowing it? "If you're so scared about... whatever happening again, I'll just have to kill whoever might cause it next time." the kid said with a stupid grin on his face. Such an optimist. It seemed smarter to just drop it.

"Your axe? I think so... You threw it at one of the men coming after me... I think." No, no, the other one! Damn it... She didn't seem to know. No sense in pressing the subject; he'd just have to buy a new one.

He shrugged and shook his head. "It's probably gone, then." For the first time in a while, Gideon felt like raging. Just straight-out wanton raging. That was the first weapon he'd ever had. It had saved his life countless times, and now he lost it because he was a fucking moron. Of all the things I could lose...! Strangely enough, his words from a moment ago rang in his head. "Just breathe for a second, yeah? Let it pass." Taking a deep breath, he looked her over, his eyes falling on her arm. It still seemed pretty bad. "How's your arm?" he asked, moving a bit closer to her. "Can you move it yet?"

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Swallowing the lump in her throat, Carrion nodded. After all, they both survived, right? It's a good thing, and now she'd just have to steel herself for the future. She wasn't concerned with her mana being blocked from her at this point, her only priority on making sure both of them recovered fully, so she went back after patting his head and started resting again, actually looking forward to what tomorrow had in store for them both. She let exhaustion overcome her, almost eerily content with how everything was going.


"Autograph? No, I just wanna talk to him, maybe get the guy a drink! Is that really so bad?" He threw his hands up in the air in defeat, not really giving up so much as just stopping talking to the evil and mean man. Aiduen gave an awkward smile and apologized to Aurelio profusely, afterwards going back to Arcen and smacking him upside the head again. He took it like a man, used to her reactions but not really ignoring them either.

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"I don't know why, but I feel like the east is where we should go. I agree with you."

That made things easier, he had a strange feeling telling him to head east too. He was pretty much ready to go, hopefully she was as well. The sooner they could get away from the loudmouth the better, they hadn't gotten anywhere for a good part of the day.

"Autograph? No, I just wanna talk to him, maybe get the guy a drink! Is that really so bad?"

This guy was seriously annoying, he just wouldn't take no for an answer. Aurelio was just ready to punch him in the face when the other guy walked away. It was a shame, he'd have quite liked to give him a good beating.

"Talk to him? Heh, you'd probably just annoy him. You seem pretty good at that."

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"And you seem good at asking for fight, bub." He prodded. If the guy wanted to be an ass about meeting some 'hero', Arcen was going to be an ass right back. He looked at Aurelio, sizing him up. He... honestly couldn't tell if the guy was actually competent or not, but he never cared enough to actually try and learn from mistakes outside of his own ability. If he wants to fight, she'd back me up... right? He thought, giving her a sideways glance, only to see her shaking her head.

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"If you're so scared about... whatever happening again, I'll just have to kill whoever might cause it next time."

She forced a half smile at him, not sure if he really meant it, but she appreciated the thought. You're still a kid, Ormis. So am I, but... it's not that simple. She sighed, long and loud; felt more like a groan, and fell back against the cot. "Gotta sleeeeeeeeeep" she whined, shoving Ormis off with her feet and stealing the whole thing. "How's your arm?" Oh, yeah, my arm's still broken. "Can you move it yet?" She lifted it lazily, a small tinge of pain moving through it, but she could still move the arm as a whole. Her hand was quite numb, but it felt better than before. "It'll be fine, just gotta let it heal. I refuse to let that priest near me with magic, and I'm not gonna get into why right now." She rolled over, facing the wall, and closed her eyes. "Just gonna sleep it off..."


Thanks, Carrion. You'll be alright. The priest came by, after Carrion had walked off, and Adrian felt the same calming sensation flow over his body. He sighed, surprised that he could now, but he was too tired to speak. Carrion collapsed onto another cot, and Adrian decided it was the best plan of action. It wasn't hard for him to fall back asleep, either, so he let it come over him.

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"Gotta sleeeeeeeeeep"


Ormis complained as he was shoved off the bed, but only in principle. In actuality he was glad of it. At least this meant that Amera was feeling better. Then he landed on his broken arm, which had not been healing nearly as fast as Amera's. He hissed, trying not to yell while the entire thing went numb, then climbed up onto another cot and grimaced.

"Ugh... wake me up if anything happens while I'm out..."

Then he was unconscious, replaying the fight that had changed his life in his dreams.

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"Gotta sleeeeeeeeeep" she groaned, lying on the bed and kicking Ormis off. Gideon couldn't help but grin at that. The girl knew what was hers - he liked that. "It'll be fine, just gotta let it heal. I refuse to let that priest near me with magic, and I'm not gonna get into why right now. Just gonna sleep it off..." It was pretty late, so he saw no reason to press her for details. Besides, he hadn't healed either, so he needed sleep, too.

"Suit yourself," he told her, yawning and turning to move to his cot. "I should probably be asleep, too." He pointed to the bandage on his head. "Not really all here right now." It was intended to be a joke, but it came out a bit remorseful. He was dumb for getting the wound at all, but he didn't think it weighed that heavily on him. "Anyway, see you tomorrow," he said as he moved to his cot and lay down on it. His head was pounding, but eventually it stopped bothering him and he was able to sleep. Whether his snoring kept the others in the infirmary from sleep, he wasn't sure - it was hardly an issue to his subconscious.

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"And you seem good at asking for fight, bub."

This guy was seriously asking for it, the others could wait a little longer. He wouldn't need much more than a couple of minutes.

"Bring it, punk. I haven't had a good fight since the Snow Chameleons. You better ask your nanny for permission first."

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Arcen got up and started walking to Aurelio. "Oh yeah? You wanna go you a- ACK!" Suddenly he was pulled on by his collar, his sister angry. "No, you're not doing this again, last time this happened we had to work our butts off to pay for all the stuff you broke, and if you do that again, I'm gone." Arcen softened his stance, trying to play it cool but failing miserably. "Fine..." was the snappiest comeback he could think of, Aiduen shaking her head at her brother. "Come on, Arc, we've wasted enough time as it is here. Maybe if we go fast enough, we can get work before the tournaments take place and then you can actually enter, OK?" And with that, Arcen's face lit up. He got all his belongings and was out the door waiting for Aiduen to come out. She instead smiled shyly to Aurelio, "Again, I can't apologize enough for his behavior, but... he's not bad he's just... so childish at times." She went and started packing her own stuff up as well, deliberately taking as long as possible to make Arcen wait longer.

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"Heh, thought as much." he sniggered. "Lucretia, let's go! Who knows how many idiots we'll meet before we get out of here!"

He took Lucretia by the arm and began their journey east. He felt a little awkward doing so, still not quite sure why.

(Sorry Julius, but we need to go go go!)

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Well, she was back here, in Lazarynth. She'd first come here when she was 7, following her mother on a visit to a friend's. No... shut those thoughts out... She needed new clothes now, maybe cut her hair a bit, continue to prevent others from seeing her. She didn't have very much gold, though.

The inn will hold something better, I guess...


Now, I'm the one being ignored. "I'll be going out for a bit, get some new weapons!" He didn't think anyone heard him, but it didn't matter. He'd be back before midnight anyway. He ran out into town and with all his remaining money, purchased a new stallion, 20 arrows and a few tonics, in case anything like this happened again. As he returned to the inn, he realised exactly how late it was getting, and climbed into the cot meant for him, not showing the priest the few scrapes he'd picked up. It wasn't anything serious, and everyone else needed help more than he did.

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'Wee hee…'

She grins a bit, rubbing her side and not really feeling much. They'd seemed so sad, all of them and she wasn't really factoring in too much on their well being. She knows she'll heal fast so she leaves them, left them to walk into the church and heading elsewhere. Where is... not too important at present. Maybe she can stay at an inn. She grins again, very, very light headed. She feels something drip once or twice. Maybe she shoulda stayed at the church..?

...Nahhhhh... they all seem fine without her... yeah.

She wobbles off with a torn cape, covered in red along her gloves and side, smiling dizzily and sword sheathed at her back. She doesn't feel too bad…

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The travelers slept, recovering from their wounds while they rested. The sun set, and night swallowed the city, a few lights amongst the houses and patrolmen keeping the city from complete darkness.

The next day

The next morning came all too quickly for Carrion as she tossed an turned in her cot which grew increasingly more uncomfortable as the night went by. She didn't openly complain about it though, as she didn't want there to be any bitching when she was so hurt. She sat up in her cot, bored out of her mind and still relatively tired. She examined her newly made scar, grimacing as she touched it, noting the burned in marks around it. This is gonna take forever to get rid of... she thought. She honestly didn't even know if she could get rid of it by herself. Carrion regretted thinking of it, but she may have to go to a Lusian for help. The witch sighed aloud, simply sitting there, wondering what kind of shit life was going to throw at her next.


Grant lay very still on his bed, the only movement from the occasional inhaling of breath, his body trying its best to rejuvenate his leg, a slightly larger stump than the day before.

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"Aaaahhhhh..." Amera groaned, the sun shining through a small window straight onto her eye. She rolled, but there wasn't enough bed for her to roll onto, falling onto the floor. "Ah!" She said with a thud, waking up in a less than pleasant way. "Rrrrrr..." A small growl, climbing back onto the cot. She didn't want to wake up, she wanted to sleep, and as she tried to get comfortable on the cot once again, that same ray of light kept her away. "Oh, fine, world. I won't sleep anymore." The rest of them seemed to still be sleeping, as she sat up on the cot. Everyone except Carrion, at the other end of the room. Wonder how she's doing.


Adrian had slept surprisingly well, though his wake up wasn't pleasant at all, waking up to the disgruntled, unpleasing sound of Amera hitting the floor in an equally unpleasing manner. "Wha--?" He opened an eye as she climbed back into her bed, sitting up himself. His entire body hurt and he could feel his hands now, but barely. His fingers felt like they were still asleep. Finally taking notice of why, he noticed that his hands were entirely wrapped in bandages. It was frightening, for a moment, as he couldn't remember what had happened. Carrion was awake though. Might as well ask her what's going on... "Uh... Carrion?" His voice was still raspy, but he could speak now. "What... what happened?"

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"Uh... Carrion? What... what happened?"

Her head slowly faced Adrian, her gaze going to the floor trying to remember exactly what happened in the fight, "I got... got stabbed and you got burned... and then when I woke up we were in this place, I think it's the Church from before." She ended with a cough, apparently some blood still in her lung. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and smiled at Adrian lazily. "How're you doing? Your hands got any feeling in em by chance...?"

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Gideon was stirred a bit by someone's noisy awakening. At first, though, he didn't realize what it was that was waking him. The thump of her hitting the floor startled him, and he opened one eye, his expression the pinnacle of grumpy. "The hell's going on?" he mumbled irritably as he buried his face in his pillow. If he had to keep sharing rooms with these people, they would have to mind the sleeping habits of others. Or they could shut up - that was okay too.

Everyone else seemed to be asleep, save that Anri girl...Amera? That sounded right. Why was she making so much noise, though? Hopefully she'd stop; his head was throbbing painfully, and he didn't much feel like moving.

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Ken had spent the entire night asleep on the floor, it had certainly been an uncomfortable night. Lucinda hadn't moved at all during the night, so it looked like another day of prayer. He awoke in the early morning, making a quick dash to his wagon for bread and candles. Thankfully, nobody had stolen his supplies. Returning a couple of minutes later, he set up the candles around the room. If they were set up in a circle around his master, it would strengthen his prayers -whether or not they worked, he'd never questioned. Still munching on his roll, he returned to kneeling stance, continuing his prayers.

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Langley grips her side and she wakens from half sleep, morning light hitting her eyes and her offer of a low growl returned to the awakening beams. She sits up but falls back down with a wide eyed wince, sighing as she feels for the wound along her dresses side seam. The cut is still there but smaller, something she is thankful for. But with the sticky feeling of her clothing, her forehead feeling like a fog occupies it's inner space, she gathers with a sigh she is sick or something close to that. She mumbles once or twice in frustration, knowing that maybe moving away from the church wasn't her most dashing movement.



Carrie rubs her head and she wakens from a deep sleep, morning light dancing across her vision which she returns with an offer of a deep yawn, otherwise relatively happy. She sits up but falls back down, smiling brightly as she lets her tiredness slip away from her, too happy to mind at the moment. She is changed into a light nightgown, gentle purple in colour and she grins warmly to herself, quite content with how the day before and day today has gone. What will today bring, she wonders, as she hugs her blanket?



Obelia grips her forehead and shakes a bit, far too wobbly to care much about a headache. She has been walking for some time, northwards and she finds her steps across the mountain ledge far too precarious. She glances back with hazed vision to the distant town of Varthas. She stays still and thinks on the woman she left in sleep… something, close to it. She wonders silently what to do. If what she is doing is the right thing or if, in the pursuit of her father, she is pushing another who could help for the sake of helping, aside. She shifts silently in snow-clad armour and the stains of red across it's dark tones faded. Her eyes are slightly closed, the red confused and angry.

She stays there for an awful long time.

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Teis rolled over, muttering, "Oh, shut up, let me sleep," and remained unconscious for a few more minutes before he realized it was morning. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and realized his wounds were mostly healed.

"Huh... what time is it...?"

His head throbbed, and his muscles were a lot more sore than usual. Then the previous day's events came rushing back to him. He slumped back, exhausted.


He reached down, and lifted his axe up onto the bed. His armor had been neatly put away, though his crushed-in chestplate was just as destroyed as ever. He sighed, and started polishing the weapon. It was a bit of a comfort thing.


Ormis was instantly alert when the THUMP sounded through the room. He hid this fact, however, by laying still and trying to see what had caused the noise. This was a habit he'd picked up while traveling with mercenaries who liked to play a joke on him, then laugh as he got pissed. Once he realized it was only Amera falling off her bed, he relaxed and sat up, swinging his legs off the cot. His arm seemed to be mostly healed though it was still slightly stiff.

"So, where to next?" he asked, not really caring that there might be other people still sleeping.

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She was newly decked out, thankfully. She hadn't slept the previous night, choosing to stay up so she wouldn't be recognised in the inn. Just like... No, Elune, stop! A new day would hopefully bring more assignments. Maybe proper mercenary work would do this time.


A light sleeper, he'd woken up when Amera had fallen off the cot. He didn't really need much preparation, but he was fully awake well before most of the rest.

"So, where to next?"

"We don't have much money on us, do we? Before travelling, we need to think of food, and we shouldn't trouble the priest here too much." He stretched once more and asked, "How about some good old mercenary work?"

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"I got... got stabbed and you got burned..."

The memory of her getting stabbed came back to him, but he couldn't remember how he'd gotten burned. Though, neither were things he'd really wanted to remember. Looking down at his hands again, or rather the bandages that encompassed them, whatever had burned him must have been bad. He almost wished he didn't remember, because it was probably something horrific. "How're you doing? Your hands got any feeling in em by chance...?" "I... I could be better, heh." He coughed along with the laugh, clearing his throat out a bit. "And I can feel them, but, barely. Don't think I'll be using them for a while..." He felt bad, knowing that he'd mentioned helping her learn how to use a sword, and was now unable to do as such. "Sorry... I won't be able to teach you. Maybe Teis can help you?" He'd rather not resort to someone else, especially another man, but it would be better than waiting around for his hands to heal.


"So, where to next?"

"Raaaaaaaah, back to sleep!" A roaring groan from Amera, still tired and not wanting to wake up. She dove under the sheet on the bed and hid herself from the ridiculous awakening ray of light. She, of course, popped her head up once she realized how futile this was, and sighed. "I don't know. Maybe we can see if there's anything to do at the guild? I think there's one in town..." It would be better than sitting around and doing nothing, she mused in her mind. She wasn't going to leave the sheets unless everyone else woke up, though. The cot was too comfortable for that.

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She felt herself being tugged by Aurelio out of the inn, after he almost got into a fight with the annoying kid.

"He certainly was hotheaded." She said, almost arrogantly. "He didn't know when to quit." She lowered her guard a bit, assuming the kid wouldn't follow them any further.

"Let's keep going, Aurelio. We need to find everyone else."

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"Well, I guess there's nothing wrong with mercenary work. I think I had some friends from a while back who ended up over here. Dunno if they're still here or not, but I guess there's no harm in looking."

Ormis shook his arm, moving it, clenching his fingers, dashing away the stiffness.

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