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I've made a new breakthrough.


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I've found out how to rant on the internet, without people trolling you.

You can write out all of your inner feelings, thoughts, and complains, and then when you're about to post it.


delete it. I just wrote about 2-3 pages of rant, and I did just that. I felt better :D.

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Or you can just post it.

I've found out how to rant on the internet, without people trolling you.

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without people trolling you.

There are two parts: the trolling and the trolled. Without one, there is no other. Now try as best you can to troll me and fail. I have trolled gamefaqs so hard I got a moderation overturned by trolling mods.

Edited by SeverIan
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[/b]There are two parts: the trolling and the trolled. Without one, there is no other. Now try as best you can to troll me and fail. I have trolled gamefaqs so hard I got a moderation overturned by trolling mods.

This, this is the breakthrough that I've realised...

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This, this is the breakthrough that I've realised...

Sadly, it's already quite old. It's just a reiteration of the argument regarding art, that

Art is simultaneously the product of the beholder and the beheld.

Also, if you keep it in mind, you will be no better at satisfying yourself than you are at satisfying others.....

You will be stuck in a pool of water, with grapes hanging above, and if you commit yourself too fully towards one, you will achieve neither.

Most people would be wise to begin simplifying from here in order to achieve happiness. I am fighting that simplification, but I have lost to it before, and in fact have already lost - I am already expressing preferences, and accepting some aspects of the universe more than others.

You must commit yourself as convincingly as you can to one, then switch to the other, and if you have a great deal of luck, you can get whatever your heart desires. Like your dog to sleep on a bed in utmost peace, and you will be able to listen to her soft breath as you continue to post on Serenes Forest or watch anime or whatever you want to do....


Be very, very quiet. I'm hunting rabbit. Why? It's rabbit season.


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Been doing this for quite a while. It actually became kind of a habit. I usually do it when i'm insulting someone in the message or want tosay something against the rules or something that is dumb.

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Been doing this for quite a while. It actually became kind of a habit. I usually do it when i'm insulting someone in the message or want tosay something against the rules or something that is dumb.

^^ Legitimate PRO

(which is to say he probably gets paid for doing this, or he should be paid. I am still an amateur. But remember that in Bali, many of the best artists are amateurs.)

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