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Who Would You Declare Your Greatest Enemy?

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1) loltypo

2) You bolded the wrong "to". Good job, smartass.

Ironic joke I've used this to try and worm myself out of so many dumb moments

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Sorry. I just meant that I respect you greatly, as greatly as I respect myself. Which is to say, I do not know whether you are more or less intelligent than I am, with intelligence meaning some sort of broad, encompassing understanding of the universe and what is best or worst for it.

Ya it's all bullshit, but I have good intentions.

As an American with almost no knowledge of Argentina

(All I know of is some aspects of the debt crisis and what Borges taught me, in terms of specifics)

I recommend that, if you have the time, you watch Historias Extraordinarias at some point.

You may already know of it, but it's an admittedly very long (probably not one sitting) film about three seemingly separated - and I believe actually separated, insofar as anything can be separated - plotlines. Each follows a young man, with an independent narrator telling most of the events. The trailers are just plain silly, therefore awesome. The movie is also quite silly, but manages moments of tragedy and more serious beauty quite frequently for the viewer with the right mindset.

It made me wish to watch more Argentine cinema, though I have not succeeded in doing so as of yet, and as a skilled internet pirate I am thinking of lowering my flag and stopping transgressions against laws of pirate freedom.

(But do not think anyone should be punished for copyright violation. Just thinking about lowering my own pirate flag and becoming an honest merchantman, ready to be pillaged by pirates and have my fingers cut off for the jewelry on them.)

To anyone interested:

It may be hard to find.... :( Like all brilliant things, it is very hard to find and also trapped within your mirror, waiting for you to gaze into its eyes.


Sometimes I like to think I have somewhat of an understanding of the universe. Then I remember I don't and go back to doing nothing.

No, I don't have a greater understanding of the universe. I am as confused as every one of us.

On a side note!

No I have not watched Historias Extraordinarias. I don't care much for Argentine cinema (or cinema in general), since usually it's just some shitty comedy/satire. However there have been a few jewels here and there.

Edited by Barioth
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On a side note!

No I have not watched Historias Extraordinarias. I don't care much for Argentine cinema (or cinema in general), since usually it's just some shitty comedy/satire. However there have been a few jewels here and there.

I believe that Historias is PROBABLY best defined as primarily silly comedy/satire with moments of extreme tragedy/beauty. But it is very long. So, it requires an attention span I do not have to approach something close to absolute appreciation of it.

As an outsider to Argentine culture, I loved it. An insider might hate it.

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I believe that Historias is PROBABLY best defined as primarily silly comedy/satire with moments of extreme tragedy/beauty. But it is very long. So, it requires an attention span I do not have to approach something close to absolute appreciation of it.

As an outsider to Argentine culture, I loved it. An insider might hate it.

Nah, I'd bet it's a great movie in its own right. I'm saying that usually comedies here are mindless and stupid.

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Nah, I'd bet it's a great movie in its own right. I'm saying that usually comedies here are mindless and stupid.

I would not describe the comedy as mindless and stupid, however I recently watched a great IRL argument and thought it was a mindless and stupid performance. So, it is in the eye of the beholder.

(To spoil something, one of the EARLY scenes which I like a lot involves an argument between city engineers over engineering projects, yet it manages to be very intense and funny at the same time, IMO. Sexy bureaucratic conversation at its best.)

If we keep talking about it I am just gonna spoil the whole thing, so at this point I surrender to you your freedom and say, "go watch it if you will, when you will."

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