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SNES9x Technical Issues


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Apparently I am recording some videos via SNES9x, but unfortunately the audio gets messed up or disabled.

Got any tips? I'm using the AVI recording option by the way.

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For audio desynch, assuming the compression codec was selected at recording time:

Get Virtualdub. When you finish a recording, use Virtualdub to open up the AVI file and the go to

Video -> Frame Rate

Select "Change so video and audio durations match". If that doesn't work for whatever reason, just try again by picking the manual frame rate setting and type what is shown next to "Change so video and audio directions match). After that...

Video -> Direct stream copy.

Use Direct stream copy if you had selected the compression method/codec (Xvid's a nice one) when recording the video, this is so the conversion is just applied to the frame rate and you don't have to waste time fully processing something in the same codec. When all that's done, just go to file and hit "Save as AVI" to save the edited version.

As for the Audio disabled, I have no idea, maybe turn off all other applications while you're doing a recording.

Edited by Sirius
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Would switching to ZSnes help your problem? If not, I'm afraid I can't help without navigating Snes9x or google for answers myself.

I myself use ZSNES, but it doesn't have a self recording program.

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ZSNES then? Errr.... What's your recording programs of choice... I might wanna know in case.

I was asking to find out, in part, if ZSnes could help your problem. I don't even have a recording program on my Zsnes. The only thing I use to keep records on ZSnes is savestates and save files. I'm a gamer not an actor when it comes to playing games.

Though recently I made a playlog of my experiences playing cave story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

SNES9x is an overrated piece of shat.

So ignorant.

ZSNES has a good number of emulation bugs that it isn't funny. These bugs will not be noticed if all you play are popular SNES games, but when you get to the lesser-known titles (or even ROM hacks of popular games), you will notice them. I switched from ZSNES to Snes9x because ZSNES wouldn't load some ROM hacks and fan-translated games >_>

What's worse, ZSNES hasn't had an update in four years.

Snes9x still has bugs, although only like 2/3 of what ZSNES has. And that's just for 1.52 and earlier. 1.53 (which came out a few months ago) cleaned up half of those bugs, causing more games to be emulated accurately. And if the developers of Snes9x continue to do this for future releases, then it's GG ZSNES.

So keep your mouth shut, because, apparently, you don't know what makes an emulator good. Saying that ZSNES is superior to Snes9x in SNES emulation is like saying that No$GBA is superior to DeSmuMe in DS emulation.

Edited by BLS
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So ignorant.

ZSNES has a good number of emulation bugs that it isn't funny. These bugs will not be noticed if all you play are popular SNES games, but when you get to the lesser-known titles (or even ROM hacks of popular games), you will notice them. I switched from ZSNES to Snes9x because ZSNES wouldn't load some ROM hacks and fan-translated games >_>

What's worse, ZSNES hasn't had an update in four years.

Snes9x still has bugs, although only like 2/3 of what ZSNES has. And that's just for 1.52 and earlier. 1.53 (which came out a few months ago) cleaned up half of those bugs, causing more games to be emulated accurately. And if the developers of Snes9x continue to do this for future releases, then it's GG ZSNES.

So keep your mouth shut, because, apparently, you don't know what makes an emulator good. Saying that ZSNES is superior to Snes9x in SNES emulation is like saying that No$GBA is superior to DeSmuMe in DS emulation.

oh im sorry good emulation = needing a ton of plugins

emulator-zone says ZNES is the best so it is the best shut up

Edited by Saber
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oh im sorry good emulation = needing a ton of plugins

emulator-zone says ZNES is the best so it is the best shut up

You're talking about a site that thinks that No$GBA is superior to DeSmuMe.

You know what? I'm just gonna let you continue to believe what you want to believe.

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Put the yellow chord in the yellow hole. Put the Red chord in the red hole. Put the white chord in the white hole. Also, make sure it is plugged into an outlet in your wall. & that it's turned on by pressing the power button.

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Put the yellow chord in the yellow hole. Put the Red chord in the red hole. Put the white chord in the white hole. Also, make sure it is plugged into an outlet in your wall. & that it's turned on by pressing the power button.

I like putting the red chord in your hole.

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I put my White chord in your pink hole. ;)

I don't have pink holes.

And as a matter of fact, you don't have white cords. You have a colorful ribbon of paradoxes binding you, but no WHITE cords.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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I don't have pink holes.

And as a matter of fact, you don't have white cords. You have a colorful ribbon of paradoxes binding you, but no WHITE cords.



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I mean,

W/e soldier. If it would make you feel better...

I don't think it would though.

I'll kill you with it, the kill is always wonderful for my wolf motives!

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I'll kill you with it, the kill is always wonderful for my wolf motives!

You don't get to kill me. You kill Odin and then get killed by someone else. And I kill/get killed by Heimdall. Sorry dude. Just how fate works.

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You don't get to kill me. You kill Odin and then get killed by someone else. And I kill/get killed by Heimdall. Sorry dude. Just how fate works.

Thor kills me. Chains can't hold me back, NEITHER SHALL FATE!

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