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Bull(crap) Mafia


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A furious fight broke out in the center of the town, Obviam holding a knife on one side with Kiku-Ichimonji and a steel bat on the other. The crowd roared and closed in on the two fighters. Then one went down and people mobbed the scene.

You ran to the bulletin board to avoid getting hurt from the fight and to check out the casualties.

Kevin has reappeared in the town, looking quite shaken. GET HIMMMMMMMMMMM!
Earl Cole has been killed by a secret service. MI6 claims that they haven't done shit even though the murderer wrote MI6 in big red letters on the side of the wall.
Dear <USER>, you are Trekkie Monster.

You are Trekkie Monster, a porn addict. Not that it bothers you... in fact, it doesn't. At least you don't have to listen to Kate Monster's incessant yapping all day long since you're too busy tugging on your thang. Guess it does come in handy sometimes.

Since you enjoy so much porn, the Latter-day Renaissance Men have welcomed you with open arms since they feel you are the true essence of a Renaissance Man. But in truth, you are too insane to join them and will work as a spy instead. You also know that your own faction is being moled so be careful when talking to your allies.

Dear <USER>, you are Trekkie Monster.

You are Trekkie Monster, a porn addict. Not that it bothers you... in fact, it doesn't. At least you don't have to listen to Kate Monster's incessant yapping all day long since you're too busy tugging on your thang. Guess it does come in handy sometimes.

Once during the game, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Make computer crash" in the message. Your computer will then crash when someone attempts to access it and will explode five seconds later, killing yourself and everyone who targeted you that day.


You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Earl Cole.

You are allied with the Latter-day Renaissance Men. You win if your faction is the last one standing.


You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Earl Cole.

You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

You see that this is the only death of the day but it seems that Obviam won the fight. Kiku-Ichimonji lays on the ground, motionless. That's what happens when you take up too much bandwidth, bitch.

Dear Kiku-Ichimonji, you are Sexy Babe Petrova.

You married a rich american through an online "Marry a killer Russian" agency and he got exactly what he payed for, death. Unfortunately for you, like all good Americans he didn't save shit and didn't have life insurance either so you were reduced to a crack whore in no time.

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Lure <USER> into my cage" in your message. With your sexy body as bait, you will lure <USER> into a cage and then lock <USER> up in it for the following phase. <USER> may not talk about the game and not use any abilities during the phase.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Show <USER> my great body" in your message. You will perform a striptease in front of <USER> and he will be so mesmerized he accidentally performs his night action on you instead of his intended target.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Shane Powers.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

You then head off to sleep... until you hear the Party Rock Anthem coming over the loudspeakers. And then...



The next morning, you wake up. You're sitting in front of your computer, naked, and there is porn on the screen. You cannot remember what happened last night but all you know is that it is day and another person must be lynched.

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 12:30 PMT on July 10th. Night 3 has effectively come and gone. Get lynching.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Phase canceller.



O stay and hear! your true-love's coming

That can moo both high and low;

Trip no further, pretty sweeting,

Journey's end in lovers' meeting--

Every wise man's son doth know.##vote:Obviam

Such are my considerations.

Oh hi.

And just in case quoting that actually counts;


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Guest Wen Yang

Same as yesterday...

Or not<br><br>#Vote:Paperblade<br><br>and LOL phase canceller.

Edited by Wen Yang
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Well I'll be over there fapping since that's the whole extent of my "sex life", if anyone wants to whine at me to fix their computers for them again or if your name is Eclipse, call me.

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Mistake in the flavour. Earl Cole's way of death was wrong because I looked at the wrong name on the spreadsheet. My bad.

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There actually isn't now, since Haze just sort of proved he's not a mole.

Anyway, ##Vote: Psych.


The kill sort of helped.

##Vote: Psych

For Science.

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Whee, it's daytime again.

##Invoke the powers of Palestine on: Kitty Admiral

You know why I'm doing this. (in other words, it's yet another joke vote)

##Tying up the lynch with: Obviam

I'd rather have a no lynch than a stupid one.

Edited by Clipseykitty
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I feel like I'm missing something with this Life lynch.

Also since I'm in quarantine, I can't talk to you chaps outside of the thread (so stop harassing me on IRC, Obviam)

Not that it matters, because someone decided to hit my alias, outing me (we should still lynch Obviam though because it would amuse me)


[12:07] <Paperblade> Hey Life, you said I could give my info if my alias died, right?

[12:07] <Life> Yep

[12:07] <Life> Your alias bit the dust

[12:07] <Paperblade> so I can post the link to my spreadsheet and just add my team to it?

[12:07] <Life> Pretty badly too

[12:07] <Life> Yeeah

[12:07] <Paperblade> mmkay

For my beloved team, my mole spreadsheet (and it's private, so fuck you, other teams)


I'll add you guys to the sheet, and tell you about the hilarity when this day ends.

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"oh hey let's lynch the guy in the faction I'm moling, that won't completely destroy them or anything"

##Vote Paperblade even harder

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I feel like I'm missing something with this Life lynch.

Yes, you are.

For my beloved team, my mole spreadsheet (and it's private, so fuck you, other teams)

Add me to your sheet, and I'll tell you why I'm lynching Life~!

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I'm confused, I'm spamming requests as psychology@hotmail.com, but I'm not getting i- Oh, there we go.


Thanks Paperbrad.

I prefer Papermole. Or maybe Moleblade...

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