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Bull(crap) Mafia


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Okay. I realize that ending the phase earlier than expected may have screwed you out of your night action. To make up for this, you may still send in your night 8 action this phase, and I'll let it apply retroactively. Night 8 action updates will go along with the day 9 updates.

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Yet another day, yet another vote. Also time for another corpse hanging from the church.

Dear Shade of Shadow, you are Chuck Norris.

You are Chuck Norris. You eat rocks, piss excellence and shit rainbows. You have divided by 0... twice. You can go around the world in 80 days and still be back in time to roundhouse kick any non-believer. Why? Because you are Chuck motherfucking Norris.

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Shit lightning bolts on <USER>" in your message. You will then shit lightning bolts that will come close to hitting <USER>. <USER> will get so scared of your wrath that he will hide inside for the rest of the day and not complete his day action.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Talk to <USER>" in your message. You will then talk to <USER> who will be so amazed by your awesomeness that he will just volunteer up his faction to you.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Rob Cesternino.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

It is now Night 9. Phase ends in yet another 24 hours.

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Sorry, I had problem with a 12:30 AM update. See, I'm hitting the Israeli nightlife with my sister at this point.

That's more to Excellen.

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The number of participants has been continually decreasing. So for tonight you all decided to sleep together. Unfortunately it seems a lot of people have made good use of this opportunity. When you wake up in the morning, you find 3 dead bodies around you.

Someone seems to have been suffocated because there was a seriously large load of cookies jammed into all his bodily holes.

Dear <SNIP>, you are Duck Chaser.

You are the infamous Duck Chaser, Chaser of Ducks. Hillbilly, trailerpark trash that grew up in the swamps of Mexico.

Because you're a duck hunter protecting the galaxy against the villainous ducks, your vote for lynch will count as 1.5 votes.


You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Cirie Fields.

You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

It seems Laura Morrett got killed by a hit from Excalipoor. And here you thought that thing could never kill anything.

Dear <SNIP>, you are Hank Hill.

You are a spy in the service of Britain and James Bond ain't got shit on you. yu want everybody to know yo kill the bin laden myself, not the us. you fucking kill him fuck his ass make him humble. And that's the reason why you're here.

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Send MI-6 to dig up information on <USER>" in your message. <USER>'s Role PM will be revealed to you at the start of the next phase. You will not find out <USER>'s alliance or alias.


You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Laura Morett.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

A bowl of flowers was dropped on someone's head repeatedly. Somebody seriously needs to stop whoever does that.

Dear Royal LudrothBalcerzak, you are Pickwick.

You are Pickwick, Thursday Next's pet dodo. She thought that you were a guy until you laid an egg which means that all British women are lesbians since they can't tell the difference between guys and girls. Awesome.

During the day, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Day X - Have Thursday Next guard <USER>" in your message. You will then call upon your owner, Thursday Next, who will be <USER>'s personal bodyguard. Thursday will thwart any kill attempts on <USER> during that day, lynches excluded.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Have Thursday Next threaten <USER1> to vote for <USER2>" in your message. You will then call upon your owner, Thursday Next, who will threaten <USER1> to vote for <USER2>. If <USER1> does not comply, Thursday will throw their ass straight into the jail in Sword of the Zenobians, effectively killing <USER1>.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Jonathan Penner.

You are allied with the Animal Legion. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

When the bodies have been cleaned up, you're ready for another day.

It is now Day 10. Phase ends in a little over 21 hours from now. Sorry for the late update.

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I guess i can be good at being in the shadows eh? Although once you bring a lantern i'm dead :/ :lol:

Anywho... Persuader?

Edit: I have lost most interest in this game so i guess thats why i have been rather quiet and unnoticed.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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