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Bull(crap) Mafia


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Yes, StK is on the edge of a precipice. I was all for leaving it alone, but then what do I hear? That you're PMing other players to try to get me lynched. Why should I stop trying to kill you when you never stopped trying to kill me?

You can look back at the post sequence. You tried to have me lynched first and started offering rewards for it before I even opened my mouth.

I'm just bargaining with what I have, I'm all for hearing what I shouldn't be doing. You were the one who started bargaining with the entire spreadsheet first, I just stepped you up one.

I never intended to pass the spreadsheet around, how many times do I have to tell you that?

But, as I said, it was my role to do so. My entire role was centered around lying to you. What do you think I should've done when you asked me if I was the mole? "Oh yes, I'm the mole, kill me now"? I lied to you and passed the info I gained along, as per my role. Where in your role does it say that you'll tell me one thing and then go do another? Because I'm pretty certain that that part doesn't exist.

Your moling is over now. What is your grudge on STK for?

Actually, no, I'm not wrong. When I asked Life about my PM before the game started, he told me that my job wasn't to get info back to my faction, it was to ruin you guys. See, here's a fun fact about moles. We cannot directly report back to our real faction with any and all info we gain by moleing another faction. So my number one priority was to ruin you guys. I just found a loophole in this rule and utilized it. And I would love to lynch someone else, but wait, I wouldn't. Why not? Because you're the only one trying to kill me. Why don't you get that? You're trying to get me killed, so I'm trying to get you killed. Simple as that.

Except you're the one who started trying to get me killed. Stop acting like you're doing it to save yourself. You weren't in any real danger when you voted for me.

You certainly didn't help him not to be lynched. Of course I brought up the "let's leave him to die", I wanted the real mole for StK dead. So while you didn't actively participate, you didn't try to help him.

I actually intended to help him by voting for the other guy, but I was a little too late. I honestly did not want him to be lynched.

Then how do you explain offering it the Radiant Dragon? How do you explain this?

01:51:46: <Radiant> In an interesting turn of events, Proto says he'll give me the spreadsheet if I vote for you.

Yeah, thanks for lying again, you're just digging yourself a hole~

Go talk to Radiant Dragon now. He actually agreed to that, only just I didn't. I didn't give him the spreadsheet and I never intended to. You can ask him yourself right now.

Dude, really? You keep saying that I have nothing to fear from you, yet you want me dead. I think that alone is something to fear from you. I would be happy to leave this information exclusive, but you're forcing me to offer it publicly because you're trying to kill me. I will make and honor deals to share this information if it keeps me alive.

You say you kill me, me no want to die. Me offer information so me no die.

For the last time, you're the one who wanted me dead first.

No, you haven't. That's what IRC is for. You said that you're going to kill me, but you did it on IRC. A lot of you threatening to kill me has been through PM. And no, I didn't, I took the initiative. Why should I wait for you to attack me on the forum? I would like to live, so I'm not going to twiddle my thumbs as you take your sweet time to try to get me killed.

How could I have killed you? I suppose I could have had you shot but your alias would survive. I had nothing to convince anyone to lynch you, until you publicly mole-claimed and started offering info. Why would I have wanted you dead anyway? Yes, you're the mole but now that we know, we'd stop trusting you and it wouldn't matter anymore.

Soooooooo, let me get this straight. You told them that you're going to give them the spreadsheet, but you don't actually intend to give it to them? Because that's what it looks like to me. It looks like "vote for Pika and I'll give you this, but once he's dead there's no way I'm going to give you this. At least, not with the names of the people in my faction."

No, you misunderstood it. It was more like seeing how far I need to go to get them to change their mind. More like "Would you change your vote even if I were to resort to giving you the entire spreadsheet?" He said yes, I considered it, realized that I would be betraying far too many people, and decided not to stoop so low. I have not made a deal with anyone about giving anyone the spreadsheet and I'm going to declare right now that I am NOT going to give anyone the spreadsheet even if you do die. I suppose if they desperately want something to match your offer, I could construct a fake spreadsheet with none of our true aliases but I actually think the Town is smart enough not to be allured by spreadsheets being willingly offered.

Um... Yeah... See the little section right above this? You did sell it to someone. So you're contradicting yourself. Ya know, you really shouldn't do that while you're trying to argue a point, it's not exactly good. You say you're not trying to sell it and you don't want anyone else to see it, but you did sell it, and you're probably not going to pony up with the information.

Tell me one person that I sold it to that isn't part of my faction. I never sold it to Radiant Dragon, I only wanted to know the price of his vote. It was too expensive for me.

See, here's the thing. You could do this, sure. Go ahead and try. Yes, I'm interested in lynching you because you claimed on IRC that I'm dead and you're going to kill me. No, I don't think they'll fall for something like that, or that they'll fall for you grasping at straws. You keep saying that I'm trying to lynch to so I can spread the information. But why bother? I would rather not be fighting to stay alive and not spread any information.

How many times do I have to point this out? You're the one who voted for me first and started offering up info for my death.

But, unfortunately you've made it come to this. Kudos to you for finally taking down the original document, btw. Too bad I already made my copy a while ago. Yes, I could edit stuff, yes I could say things that aren't true. But why? I don't care if X thinks that Y is in another faction, they don't have to believe everything on the sheet. But there's the StK faction and their aliases and roles on it.

Anyone can make a spreadsheet and put in anything. But yes, the only thing that the other players can be sure of is the STK faction and their aliases. That's really the only thing on your modified spreadsheet that they can be sure of as the truth. And in the current situation that STK is in, why would people actually lynch one of us, solely to gain info on the rest of us? Especially when you're the one who knows a whole lot about everyone else and is a much bigger threat?

And of course, it's not all about STK. You would obviously spill info on other factions, obviously, and I doubt they would be happy with that.

I've already said what I meant. You've been talking about how I've been offering this information, but neglecting to say that you're offering the same information. You're asking why I want you dead, but failing to say that you're the one who threatened to kill me first. Little things, but you're leaving them out to appear innocent and make me the only bad guy.

I never intended to give anyone the information. That little conversation with Raymond was for me to find the minimum price I had to pay for changing his vote. Which was to pass the entire spreadsheet, which I definitely was not going to do.

Me threatening to kill you? You know all of our aliases, we don't know yours. You seriously need to think about whose life is really at the mercy of the other. Lynching eliminates aliases as well, but I sure did not start voting for you and begin offering info for it.

Oh, I never believed you, but you said it. Therefore, you lied when you said it. So why did you bother saying it? You told me that you were all for getting Kaoz lynched. Would I actually believe someone who threatened to kill me? Not a chance. But you told me that you wanted to team up. So you admitted that you lied right here. Contradicting yourself again, are you?

Say what? Yes, I offered to team up and when I did, I truly meant it. But nooooo, you just had to offer the spreadsheet up to have me lynched. So I withdrew my offer and decided to have you lynched. I did not lie, since we never actually made a deal. At least not one which you kept your side to.

Actually, there's another faction that has the same info with four people and five aliases alive, are you going to say that they're a huge threat, too? Actually, it looks like I'm offering to give this info to the two other factions that have four people and five aliases alive! One of which who's "bad" mole is dead! Imagine that! What am I offering to stay alive? My advantage in the game. I live, the playing field is leveled for everyone but StK. But that's just because a successful mission to ruin you was successful. Your move again, Proto. I'm getting a little tired, why don't you step it up, if you can?

Your advantage of the game? It's also your mission to destroy those other factions, so why on Weyard would you be offering a database of info for them, if not for misleading them? Everyone can see that you're offering it to anyone that has me lynched, but really, what could you ever achieve through my death? Your faction, knowing our aliases, has complete power over us and we're already in a really big disadvantage. And you're still desperately trying to have me lynched. Suspicious, isn't it?

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##Erase: Fear The Pika

I really am not reading this, but Proto's a bro.

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For the record.

Stealth lynching is absolutely acceptable. But if I see anything resembling a Fuck Tiger, your faction will regret it. If you're getting lynched, push it off with logic. Not with breaking the rules so that someone else can die and you get off scottfree.

Update will also be a bit late but deadline still stands at 2:30 my time.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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After some finger~waggling and yelling and a little bit of a cockfight, the assassins decide to dispose of either FearThePika or Kiku-Ichimonji. You don't really care who so your first order of business is to check the usual bulletin board.

Paperblade has reappeared and JBCWK's no longer in quarantine. However now Kevin is missing. Hallelujah?
Radiant Dragon has been the second victim to an overdose of Slipknot. Someone needs to shoot that band now.
Dear Radiant Dragon, you are a Bowl of Petunias.

You are a bowl of petunias that materialized over the ancient planet of Magrathea. And the last thought that went through your brain before you smashed into the ground was "Oh no, not again". Now why the fuck would you think that?


You are a bowl of petunias and somehow, you inspire your team to kill efficiently and in style. Every night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "<Teammate>, would you kindly kill <USER>?" in your message. <Teammate> will then kill <USER> with their own specific flavour. If you are killed, your faction's killing ability is greatly reduced.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

Pariah has suddenly gone missing. But the book "Sword of the Zenobians" just appeared in her house and there's a pretty good description of her in jail there.
Dear Pariah, you are Batman.

You are the goddamn Batman. That is all.


During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Offer <USER> a ride in the Batmobile" in your message. You will give <USER> a ride in your Batmobile and keep them safe from all malicious actions done to them that night. However, as soon as they step out of the Batmobile, they will be killed if someone has targeted them for death.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with the Latter-day Renaissance Men. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

Royal Ludroth got married today and then poisoned tonight. Sucker.
Dear Royal Ludroth, you are Pickwick.

You are Pickwick, Thursday Next's pet dodo. She thought that you were a guy until you laid an egg which means that all British women are lesbians since they can't tell the difference between guys and girls. Awesome.


During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Have Thursday Next threaten <USER1> to vote for <USER2>" in your message. You will then call upon your owner, Thursday Next, who will threaten <USER1> to vote for <USER2>. If <USER1> does not comply, Thursday will throw their ass straight into the jail in Sword of the Zenobians, effectively killing <USER1>.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with the Animal Legion. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

An hour later, Kiku-Ichimonji comes over to find you. He points up at the top of the church where the now still body of FearThePika hangs.

Dear Fear The Pika, you are You Basterd.

You are You Basterd, the mathematical camel whiz. But you can't run fast because even if x bullets are being shot at you and you need to get out of the way in t time, by the time t happens, you still haven't worked it out and you're lying dead on the ground. Basically you're a dumbass but at least you're not as stupid as Slayer.

Since you are a mathematical genius, the Skillz That Killz believe that they have recruited you into their gang. If you are inspected, your role PM will be as follows. But you remain loyal to the Animal Legion's cause and know that they are also being moled so be careful when talking to your allies.

Dear Fear The Pika, you are You Basterd.

You are You Basterd, the mathematical camel whiz. But you can't run fast because even if x bullets are being shot at you and you need to get out of the way in t time, by the time t happens, you still haven't worked it out and you're lying dead on the ground. Basically you're a dumbass but at least you're not as stupid as Slayer.

Since your math skills are so great, the first two times that you are targeted with malicious day actions, they will fail since you have calculated the amount of time needed to move out of the way. However, after these two times, every future malicious day action will succeed. Malicious day actions do not include lynches which will work 100% of the time.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Calculate <USER>'s alligence" in your message. You will then use your incredible math skills to find out which faction <USER> belongs to.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Robb Zbanik.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Calculate <USER>'s alligence" in your message. You will then use your incredible math skills to find out which faction <USER> belongs to.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is Robb Zbanik.

You are allied with the Animal Legion. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends... 12:30 GMT on July 6th. Go get 'em, tigers.

Edited by Kitty Admiral
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Also, forgot something.

You hear a weird beeping going on. Then you see Snike reach into his coat pocket and pull out his phone.


One explosion later and Snike's head is missing.

Dear Loki Laufeyjarson/Snike, you are Megaman.

You are Megaman. You died once but your dad was smart enough to turn you into data rather than stick you in a deep freezer. So you became a crimefighter on the Net and haven't been deleted even ONCE. Well, there's always a first for everything.


During the night, you may send a PM to Life and Excellen with "Night X - Upload Timpani against <USER>" in your message. You will then use Timpani to confuse <USER> and for the next day and night, they will have a posting restriction of your choice. There are no restrictions on whatever you want them to say.

You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>.

Your alias is <SNIP>.

You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing.

You then hear a loud-speaker coming from the Tournament headquarters.

Please remember that failure to follow the rules results in a punishment. For example, Snike got his head blown off because someone ignored the rules. If you are not sure if something is legal or not, please ask us or read the rulebook. Thank you and good day.

Snike is dead, his alias is still alive.

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What the fuck.



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Lynched AL: Pika

Dead AL: WoMC, me, Emerald

Living: ??????

I've got a hole in a place where there shouldn't be one.

I like how I know more members of your faction than you yourself seem to do.

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