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Build My Endgame Team.

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This is NM

So I'm going to do another PT, and I'm letting the first 10 posts decide my endgame team. Nothing batshit crazy, im not using meg/fiona/lyre or anyone stupid. The next few people(depends how good my endgame team is) decide the only other characters not on my endgame team i can use. again nothing too batshit crazy, but for this I'll make more exceptions.

Im using all the forced characters. Snaki/Ike/kurth/ena/miccy/sothe

Endgame team:

1. Jill

2. Ilyana

3. Marcia

4. Volke

5. Kieran(using Urvan)

6. Mist

7. Stefan

8. Tauroneo

9. Insanity wolf

10. Zihark

The rest:

1. Pelleas

2. Kyza

3. Fiona

4. lolnardo Shinnon

5. Shinnon Sigrun

So these are the only characters im using, and on maps without them, I'll just speedrush through.

Edited by Fenrir
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Haha, i meant like you say 1 character. and 10 different people do it. hehe :newyears::newyears:

Meg and Fiona take skill to use and it's your fault if they suck.

Lyre really does suck, though.


On second thought. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. but only if people tell me to use them

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Fiona sucks though, even trained, she doesn't do much in her DB chapters.

She can be a beast come part 4, though. You just have to have skill, and maybe a few stat boosters. (This isn't the tier list)

Plus we don't even know if this is easy, normal, or hard. If it isn't hard, then using bad characters is so much easier.

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Fiona isnt that bad in endgame if trained. Shes an ok Wishblade candidate. Of course there are units who do it better. Its all on you if you wanna use her or not.


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She can be a beast come part 4, though. You just have to have skill, and maybe a few stat boosters. (This isn't the tier list)

Plus we don't even know if this is easy, normal, or hard. If it isn't hard, then using bad characters is so much easier.

Yes, im still deciding between normal and hard. using only 15 units could be difficult on HM, but might not be challenging enough on NM.

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She can be a beast come part 4, though. You just have to have skill, and maybe a few stat boosters. (This isn't the tier list)

Plus we don't even know if this is easy, normal, or hard. If it isn't hard, then using bad characters is so much easier.

I know i used her and Meg on normal mode. Fiona just doesn't have much incentive to be trained IMO.

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I forgot to put but im using the required characters as well... so sothe would be one of those, and it would be mean if i didnt have a full endgame team.

Neither does Ilyana.

You guys just can't stop arguing :D: But i would never use either of them in a normal playthrough

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It's totally feasible in NM. If it's HM, go for something badass: VolugxZihark & ShinonxBoyd.

i know its possible, but I've used her in drafts and it takes to much resources and isnt fun. Pick again please please pleasse

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Neither does Ilyana.

Except she's the character with most availability. Atleast she can be used to some extent. Fiona can only be used for ~7 chapters properly.

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i know its possible, but I've used her in drafts and it takes to much resources and isnt fun. Pick again please please pleasse

I agree with this. Even in Easy I find Lyre just annoying to use.

Except she's the character with most availability. Atleast she can be used to some extent. Fiona can only be used for ~7 chapters properly.

With the possible exception of her first few maps, Ilyana is never a very good character, no matter which team she's on. As far as "incentive" goes, she's quite lacking.

...The only plausible reason could be Rexbolt? :/

Rexbolt as a tome is not that special, so the only real reason for this would be if the player wanted to bless all the SS weapons.

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