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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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New record.


Told you.

And there's my answer. Thanks and Congratulations are due, Red Fox.

Answer to what? And thanks.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Answer to what?

I've been wondering if it's necessary to ban Haar in RD drafts. And while I have to admit that your score wasn't due to Haar alone (your team as a whole is pretty awesome), I feel that banning him in future drafts may be the way to go.

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I've been wondering if it's necessary to ban Haar in RD drafts. And while I have to admit that your score wasn't due to Haar alone (your team as a whole is pretty awesome), I feel that banning him in future drafts may be the way to go.

I see. Well, I don't have time now, but later I'll try to do an analysis on how Haar changes things compared to other units. I've now done part 3 in drafts with Haar, Titania (once normal, once transferred, both Hard mode), and neither, so I think I have a good grasp on it. I was actually not expecting Haar to perform a whole lot better than Titania but my mind may be changed on that now.

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I see. Well, I don't have time now, but later I'll try to do an analysis on how Haar changes things compared to other units. I've now done part 3 in drafts with Haar, Titania (once normal, once transferred, both Hard mode), and neither, so I think I have a good grasp on it. I was actually not expecting Haar to perform a whole lot better than Titania but my mind may be changed on that now.

I was wondering on Haar vs. Titania as well, but I'm thinking that his superiority in 3-3, 3-4, 3-7 (for what that's worth), 3-11 and Part 4, along with being slightly better for 3-5 and 3-8 greatly outweigh her 3-P and 3-1 contributions while being mostly equal in the other maps not mentioned.

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I'm running into a bit of a problem here. I can't get past 2-E since I only have Brom that is trained. Kieran has the speedwing and the hammer.What should I do?

Elincia, with 3 points of Strength gained through BEXP, can fly down and stand to the left of the Sniper in Ludveck's range (might as well kill him). Due to the way the enemy moves, Ludveck is forced to attack Elincia at 1 range and get ORKO'd. Or you can hope for Stun.

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Elincia, with 3 points of Strength gained through BEXP, can fly down and stand to the left of the Sniper in Ludveck's range (might as well kill him). Due to the way the enemy moves, Ludveck is forced to attack Elincia at 1 range and get ORKO'd. Or you can hope for Stun.

I don't have any bexp left.

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Yay, I did it, thanks to everyone's advice. I waited until Elincia's biorythm was at Best. Luckily, I also managed to snatch the energy drop and the speedwing from Kieran.

2-E: 8+5(Elincia)

Part 2 total: 67 turns.

3-P: 10

Mia and Shinon ROCK!

Edited by Lilmik11
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Here's the entirety of Part 3. Ike's Ike, Jill and Geoffrey are blessed, Kyza's decent and Gatrie is probably the best Armor Knight in all of FE.

Prologue (8/136)

I give Mia's swords to Ike and Titania and Boyd's axes to Gatrie.

Ike - Miracle, Provoke, Counter.

Gatrie - Adept, Vantage.

Ike and Gatrie aren't very effective at clearing a path for Skrimir by themselves, but they managed to get it done in the end. Counter allowed Ike to 2HKO the boss. It wasn't necessary, but

Chapter 1 (8/144)

Gatrie gets 4 levels of BEXP, capping his HP, Strength and Speed.

Ike - Miracle, Provoke, Counter.

Gatrie - Adept, Vantage.

This was much simpler than I thought it would be. Ike deals with the Generals near the Blue Gem house, then grabs the Gem on his way to intercept the western reinforcements and some enemies chasing Gatrie. Gatrie goes northeast, getting the Seraph Robe and then looping around to deal with some enemies that lingered in the northwest.

Chapter 2 (4/148)

I sell a bunch of things I transfered over, buy the Wyrmslayer, then forge a max might/+15 hit Steel Sword, and two max might/hit Steel Axes (one got a Twin Swords card, and I didn't want to waste it). I BEXP Gatrie to level 19.

Ike - Celerity, Cancel.

Gatrie - Adept, Disarm.

Ike and Gatrie charge south, with Gatrie heading back north to get some more EXP while Ike baited and killed the boss.

Chapter 3 (10/158)

I buy the Dracoshield, and BEXP Gatrie to promotion.

Ike - Pass, Cancel.

Gatrie - Pass, Vantage.

Brom - Celerity, Shade.

I choose Brom as my free unit, and he got a bunch of levels killing Halberdiers and the Thunder Sage in the south, before heading to burn the central supplies as well. Gatrie and Ike moved north as quickly as they could, Gatrie burning the northeast supplies and Ike getting the northwestern ones. Since Ike was one square short of finishing a turn early, I decided to grab Hammerne in case it might be useful.

Chapter 4 (8/166)

I buy the Olivi Grasses, then BEXP Ike a level for a point of Speed, and BEXP Kyza three levels for some Strength (this took a few resets, admittedly). Kyza also got one of my Speedwings and my Dracoshield.

Ike - Pass, Provoke.

Gatrie - Celerity, Vantage.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Pass, Smite.

Ike heads up the east side alone, while Gatrie and Kyza work together to clear the west side and protect Ranulf. Gatrie got the boss kill, so Ike could take his place and eliminate the General blocking the other Arrive point. Kyza's performance is somewhat lackluster considering the resources poured into him, but it's serviceable (besides, he makes a fine distraction for Ranulf).

Chapter 5 (3/169)

I replace Ike and Gatrie's 1-2 range weaponry, then BEXP Gatrie a level so he can double the boss.

Ike - Adpet, Vantage.

Gatrie - Celerity, Provoke.

Haar - Shade.

Gatrie kills the initial eastern General to his south, then Haar trades up a Hand Axe so the Thunder Sage won't block him. With the Hammer equiped (plus Shade and Provoke working together), the other Generals went for Gatrie, since he dealt less damage. From there, it was simple to move Gatrie down to the boss while Haar flew onto the Defend point, with Ike in front of him.

Chapter 6 (7/176)

I buy the Storm Sword and Short Spear (I was planning on recruiting Zihark, but decided against it), Short Axe, Physic, Silver Dagger, and Beastkiller. Jill gets BEXP to .99.

Micaiah - Paragon.

Sothe - Guard, Cancel, Resolve.

Jill - Beastfoe.

Jill heads north while Sothe and Micaiah go east. Jill moves into Lethe and Mordecai's range on the last turn while Sothe makes it to the island just south of them. Volug was deployed to light the initial Laguz, and he also revealed one for the Black Knight to kill on the last turn (although the Allies could've done this too, I suppose). Lethe was the last laguz to be defeated.

Chapter 7 (13/189)

I buy one of the Olivi Grasses, then BEXP Kyza up a level for a point of Strength.

Ike - Adept, Shade.

Gatrie - Celerity, Provoke.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Smite, Cancel, Miracle (I was just kind of randomly assigning skills).

The goal is to get Kyza to S Strike so he can ORKO Generals next chapter, so Ike takes Shade to avoid getting attacked and Gatrie takes Provoke to distract 2-range enemies. Ike also engages the Black Knight, because I still want the Ashera Staff. I make sure to avoid Jill, since Beastfoe meant almost certain death for Kyza (plus, Ike and Kyza couldn't double her).

Chapter 8 (7/196)

I forge two max might/hit Hand Axes for Gatrie, then BEXP Kyza up a level.

Ike - Adept, Disarm.

Gatrie - Celerity, Vantage.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Wildheart, Cancel, Daunt.

Gatrie goes east, then south to solo the boss area. Ike heads down the middle, back tracks for a Sage Gatrie bypassed, and killed the Bishop near the boss. Kyza took the west side, and finished by eliminating the eastern reinforcements.

Chapter 9 (5/201)

I Crown Geoffrey, then give him 3 levels of BEXP so he can ORKO the boss (he needed 2 points of Strength and 1 point of Speed). I also buy the Adept from the bargain bin. I don't bother removing Geoffrey's Paragon because no one else will need it, and he'll want it to catch up come 4-5.

Geoffrey - Paragon.

Geoffrey charges straight for the boss, taking out everything in his way with a simple Javelin until he gets to the boss, where he uses a Steel Greatlance for the kill. The Allies simply distract the southern enemies and put out the fires down there.

Chapter 10 (6/207)

I BEXP Kyza for another point of strength (it took 4 levels...).

Ike - Adept, Disarm.

Gatrie - Celerity, Vantage.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Wildheart, Cancel, Daunt.

Gatrie solos the south while Ike and Kyza head northeast to get a start on clearing the boss area. After finishing in the south, Gatrie heads north to kill the boss, while Ike and Kyza finish the remaining enemies. The Other units helped out a lot by killing the southern reinforcements, so Gatrie could focus on moving north.

Chapter 11 (8/215)

I BEXP Kyza to level 30 for the extra capacity. Gatrie also gets a level, since he's capped Speed and Defense. I forge another max might/hit Hand Axe for Gatrie.

Ike - Adept, Cancel.

Gatrie - Provoke, Pass.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Wildheart, Celerity, Pass, Savior.

Gauge severely limited how much combat I can expose Kyza to, which slowed me down by at least 2 turns. I make great use of the Pass glitch to avoid pitfalls and use the rest of my Laguz Stones to keep Kyza trucking. Gatrie rescued Leanne on turn 2, then followed Kyza as best as his move would allow, Provoke again being used to keep 2 range enemies away from Kyza. I'm not sure why I gave Ike Adept, but at least I remembered to unequip Ragnell.

Chapter 12 (2/217)

Jill gets BEXP to level 19, and caps all of her stats except HP (which is 2 away from capping), so I crown her. I also BEXP Micaiah to .99.

Micaiah - Resolve.

Sothe - Guard, Wrath.

Jill - Cancel, Paragon.

Jill starts in the southwestern-most square, and flies south on the first turn. Then she flies as far west as possible on turn 2, to reach as many enemies as possible. The Allies take care of some enemies in the east and northwest.

Chapter 13 (3/220)

I buy the Storm Sword and Short Axe, then BEXP Micaiah and Jill to .99.

Micaiah - Beastfoe (I hadn't realized Micaiah didn't have the rank for Purge).

Sothe - Guard, Paragon.

Jill - Resolve, Cancel.

Jill flies down, gets put into Resolve by the Tigers and Soren, then 3HKO's Ike with the Brave Axe.

Endgame (5/225)

I sell the Crossbow that I got in 3-11 and the Silencer, along with Reyson and Leanne's Sky Boons and Kieran's Gamble, and forge 4 max might/hit Hand Axes and a max might/hit Steel Axe. I also give Gatrie and Kyza a level of BEXP each. Kyza uses a Satori Sign.

Ike - none.

Gatrie - Celerity, Provoke.

Kyza - Quickclaw, Wildheart.

I charge up the middle, with Ike and Kyza hang back the first turn, due to either not ORKOing the Generals or needing to wait to transform. Gatrie does most of the fighting, with Ike and Kyza getting kills where they can. The Sleep Bishop kept himself busy going after the Gallians, while Ike picked up the Rescue staff in case I need it later.

Name     Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah  20/05/--  33^ 07  24  14  14  26  07  25  | A Sothe
Sothe    --/12/--  38  22  05  26  26  23  17  15  | A Micaiah
Ike      --/20/01  54  29  07  32  30  16  28  13^ | B Gatrie
Rafiel         13  32  01  07  01  06  32  03  14  | 
Elincia  --/--/05  36  22  17  23  25  32  19  24  |
Jill     20/19/05  53^ 33^ 10  30  30  31  29^ 18  |
Gatrie   --/20/09  55  33  09  30  31  22  37  22  | B Ike
Kyza           31  68  18  04  16  15^ 19  15^ 06  |
Geoffrey --/20/05  47  29  14  27  28  20  22  22  |

Planned Unit Distribution:

Silver - Micaiah, Sothe, Jill, Naesala

Greil - Ike, Rafiel, Gatrie, Kyza

Hawk - Elincia gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Unless anyone has any ideas on how to do 4-1 with only 2 units.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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