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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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Great, I'm done part 3. :lol:

3-P 9/177, I had Ike and Mist stand next to each other for the bond benefits.

3-1 16/193, This chapter was difficult, I had Ike and Mist split half way, and I criticalled the boss. Took a Titania penalty.

3-2 7/200, This one was quick, I had them rush south and lure the boss.

3-3 10/210, I cleared this chapter by using celerity and pass. :lol:

3-4 8/218, Boy, was this chapter annoying. I promoted Mist so Ike had to solo the top area...

3-5 4/212, I had given Mist Celerity and Pass, so she could run over to the boss and critical.

3-6 10/232, This one was quite annoying also. Leonardo and Sothe went north, while Volug had Beastfoe and Paragon. :D:

3-7 12/244, I had Ike go south, with Mist staying behind to prevent a Ranulf penalty.

3-8 8/252, Boy do I hate this chapter. Ike went south and Mist went east, eventually meeting at the boss area.

3-9 3/255, I BEXPed Calill and crowned her. She Meteored the boss.

3-10 6/261, This was a long chapter. I had Ike go north and Mist go east. Maybe I should turn my animations off...

3-11 12/273, I BEXPed Sigrun to 20 and crowned her. I gave her Celerity and Pass to ferry Ike over to the other side.

3-12 3/276, Gave Tauroneo a little bit of BEXP and sent him down the ramp. Leonardo had a Crossbow and Volug tanked.

3-13 3/279, Gave Tauroneo the boots, BEXP and Crown. Sent him south to annihilate Ike.

3-E 7/285, Promoted Astrid and gave her a lance forge. I didn't want her or Calill to die so I kept Mist in the front.

This is your editted version correct? Let's see... what's still wrong...

3-4: Still a promoted mist, Which I think is HIGHLY improbable, since you didn't get many Turn limit BExp, Ike needs TWO turns minimum to kill the two generals, and arrive, three turns, He has a total of 5 turns to get to the top, which he has to solo. Getting to the top in 5 turns is impossible for Ike, unless mist carried him, with celerity, well, that mist would be dead meat. This is just impossible.

3-5: Mist cannot equip celerity and pass at the same time.

3-8: I still find it dubious, 8 turns still seems low, but ok....

3-9: Literally impossible, as said before by RFOF.

3-10: I still deem this impossible with only Ike and Mist.

3-E: Still improbable, this is still a real stretch, so i'd like a Turn By turn. Especially when you have only two combatants, one is mist. The OP and EP should be really lucky with their kills.

Oh, for 3-12 I loaded Tauroneo with 1-2 rangeds and the units suicided on him... I made so many mistakes, sorry, I wasn't really logging my playthrough. I was just trying to recall what I did, because whenever I play I usually don't have access to my computer. OH, yes I meant Saviour, Rescued Ike and cantoed, the turn count was 12, sorry. The next turn I had Leanne Galdr and suicide. I'm really not sure what happened for 3-8... Hope I didn't mess up or something.

Edit : I fixed my turn counts to what I believe I did, because I remember having trouble with all of them...

Oh yeah, by the way you can get a crown in 3-3 from the visits.

Log your playthrough, otherwise you get this, and we can't deem your turncounts trustworthy that way. Pen and paper still exist. ;) If you have trouble with all of them, these turns seem even stranger...

And I know from the crown in 3-3, so that's how you promoted Mist? I don't believe you. =/

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3-8: I still find it dubious, 8 turns still seems low, but ok....

3-E: Still improbable, this is still a real stretch, so i'd like a Turn By turn. Especially when you have only two combatants, one is mist. The OP and EP should be really lucky with their kills.

These ones I can see happening, especially with the NPCs for 3-E. The others I agree with you on.

And I know from the crown in 3-3, so that's how you promoted Mist? I don't believe you. =/

At least according to the site, Mist can't promote with a Master Crown.

EDIT: And 3-11 wasn't edited for Savior, but yeah.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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These ones I can see happening, especially with the NPCs for 3-E. The others I agree with you on.

At least according to the site, Mist can't promote with a Master Crown.

EDIT: And 3-11 wasn't edited for Savior, but yeah.

I know, I just wanted to have anderson say that he did and rub it in his face! You spoiled it for me!

I am mean sometimes 8D

Mist would need every drop of Bexp. Which means Ike would need to be speed blessed, otherwise a 6 turns of 3-10 wouldn't be possible etc.

But we don't know that because, no stats...

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I find his turncount extremely dubious too...i had worse or equal turns to him and i had mia/rolf AND mist. I know its normal mode, but theres not enough bexp to insta-promote a unit like mist who starts at lv.1 and cant see much combat due to being frail.Plus, she sucks at combat, i find extremely dubious that a mist can 4 turn 3-5 let alone survive the paladin horde. Theres also the things rfof and sal pointed out. Mist cant promote with a crown and thanks to canto and sol, celerity+pass is impossible.

Oh and 3-e is imposible too. I had marcia rolf mia ike mist and ranulf and i still struggled to get a 5 turn. 3-10 is imposible too...sigrun being able to equip celerity pass too in 3-11. Wtf must be a broken game or i call bull...

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I can't believe I messed up my first draft... :sob:

I've revised it once again, since now I myself don't believe my own turncount...

Oh yeah, I'll definitely use pen and paper for part 4, don't want to mess THAT up, too. :cry:

Edit : Oh yeah I meant Mist promoted in the middle, so she couldn't get up on 3-4. Sorry about that.

Edited by Anderson88
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I can't believe I messed up my first draft... :sob:

I've revised it once again, since now I myself don't believe my own turncount...

Oh yeah, I'll definitely use pen and paper for part 4, don't want to mess THAT up, too. :cry:

Edit : Oh yeah I meant Mist promoted in the middle, so she couldn't get up on 3-4. Sorry about that.

Simply not possible, mist Cannot use a Master Crown, and the amount of BEXP needed is just to high iirc for getting here there. I should do the math for that, but i'm busy with a draft myself. ;o

Great, I'm done part 3. :lol:

3-P 9/177, I had Ike and Mist stand next to each other for the bond benefits.

3-1 16/193, This chapter was difficult, I had Ike and Mist split half way, and I criticalled the boss. Took a Titania penalty.

3-2 7/200, This one was quick, I had them rush south and lure the boss.

3-3 10/210, I cleared this chapter by using celerity and pass. :lol:

3-4 11/221, Boy, was this chapter annoying. I promoted Mist so Ike had to solo the top area...

3-5 5/226, I had given Mist Pass, so she could run over to the boss and critical.

3-6 10/236, This one was quite annoying also. Leonardo and Sothe went north, while Volug had Beastfoe and Paragon. :D:

3-7 12/248, I had Ike go south, with Mist staying behind to prevent a Ranulf penalty.

3-8 10/258, Boy do I hate this chapter. Ike went south and Mist went east, eventually meeting at the boss area. Ike had Adept.

3-9 3/261, I BEXPed Calill and crowned her. She Meteored the boss, with Adept and Flare.

3-10 6/267, This was a long chapter. I had Ike go north and Mist go east. Maybe I should turn my animations off...

3-11 13/280, I BEXPed Sigrun to 20 and crowned her. I gave her Saviour and Pass to ferry Ike over to the other side.

3-12 3/283, Gave Tauroneo a little bit of BEXP and sent him down the ramp. Leonardo had a Crossbow and Volug tanked.

3-13 3/286, Gave Tauroneo the boots, BEXP and Crown. Sent him south to annihilate Ike.

3-E 9/295, Promoted Astrid and gave her a lance forge. I didn't want her or Calill to die so I kept Mist in the front. Calill and Ike had adept. I did battle saving for crits.

These I find dubious but plausible now:3-3 I still find dubious, since I only got ten, with SOren & Rolf, & Mist, & Gatrie the freebie, but ok... Maybe it's possible ;o3-5: Still a stretch, but with your promoted mist... Could be possible... probly?3-E: Sound more like it, impressive with holding back units...

STill impossible3-9: 3 Turns is impossible, even with skills, it seems, so still no.3-10: I still don't think it's possible with two units, one hates magic, the other hates doing damage. And so many two range and stationary units...

Sorry for being a prick though... But I still find it wrong. Sorry. :( However, good that you are going for pen and paper! ;)

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Simply not possible, mist Cannot use a Master Crown, and the amount of BEXP needed is just to high iirc for getting here there. I should do the math for that, but i'm busy with a draft myself. ;o

She can't gain 9 levels in 4 chapters? this sounds reasonable to me.

Let's just get his final turncount, then he can add on all the penalties. no big deal

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Oh great. Now I'm stuck on 4-3, Calill is pulling off 2% criticals but she's not pulling off any flares... Stupid biorhythm. :Ilyana:

Edit : Oh yes, I also need to mention that whenever I play my little cousin comes over and I entertain him with the game, so sometimes I get carried away lose my memory because how loud he is when he's jumping around copying the movements of the things in the game (he's 6)...

Edited by Anderson88
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She can't gain 9 levels in 4 chapters? this sounds reasonable to me.

Let's just get his final turncount, then he can add on all the penalties. no big deal

She needs 20 levels to get to level 1 third tier in 3-4.

I calculated, with horses, priest, clear BEXp, gallian survival, and turn bexp (according to his turns), mist could as maximum, optimized that is (starting from level 1 cleric, since that means the least BEXP costs (1-10 costs less BEXP than 10 - 20 ofc)) get to level 15, which means 45 stat points up. With STR and Def being her two lowest growths, a Luck cap of 40, HP of 40, and Res of 28, it is very unlikely that she will cap Def & Str, when the other stats have a total of 80 possible points for stat ups. She cannot crown on level 10. With still low Def & Str, and a speed cap that does not allow her to double much, I do not think she can get those extra 6 levels for being 20/20/1.

Damn that was nitpicky. >__<

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She can't gain 9 levels in 4 chapters? this sounds reasonable to me.

You misunderstood. Mist can't promote with a Master Crown, only her own Holy Crown or by going past level 20.

I do not think she can get those extra 6 levels for being 20/20/1.

He did take a long time in the early maps, particularly 3-3. I can see her being fed kills enough for this to happen. A bit out there, but it's not like he was pulling minimum turn counts.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Anderson88, please try to remember your real turncounts, as with all the proof the members have gathered, I also have a hard time believing these. I do understand forgeting to write it down, but if you are going to do it in the future, that's OK with me.

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Hmmm... 3-9 is definately possible, i fifgured out a way... but first i'd like to know if Anderson did something with the Ally units.

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Hmmm... 3-9 is definately possible, i fifgured out a way... but first i'd like to know if Anderson did something with the Ally units.

"Figured out" how? Counting squares or actually play-testing it? And also remember that Meteor can't shoot over houses.

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"Figured out" how? Counting squares or actually play-testing it? And also remember that Meteor can't shoot over houses.

Remember i said that Geoff needed to bring one of the Halberdiers onto his range? Well i was thinking maybe the Allies can do that as well. A promoted Callil only needs that spot the Halb blocks. then you'd need to be lucky and Adept/Flare the boss.

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Remember i said that Geoff needed to bring one of the Halberdiers onto his range? Well i was thinking maybe the Allies can do that as well. A promoted Callil only needs that spot the Halb blocks. then you'd need to be lucky and Adept/Flare the boss.

They only have two turns, and the Paladins need to go all the way around. I'll admit I never tried that myself, but I doubt they can make it far enough.

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They only have two turns, and the Paladins need to go all the way around. I'll admit I never tried that myself, but I doubt they can make it far enough.

Perhaps the bishop... no... he'd die... Yeah you are probably right. I'll try to see if they can reach it though on my other draft PT.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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You misunderstood. Mist can't promote with a Master Crown, only her own Holy Crown or by going past level 20.

Oh wow. I don't have much experience with mist obviously :P:

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Every way I tried had enemies blocking the way, so forgive me for wanting to know specifics.

Yeah, I did it a while ago in a HM efficiency playthrough, but since I'm close to 3-9 on a save file I'll work it out and post a turn by turn later.

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3-10: 10

3-11: 13

3-12: 10

3-13: 3

3-E: 6

20/20/01 Nolan rapes everything in sight, even Ike. Best draftee ever! Except that he was very annoying in 3-E...Anyway!

Part 3 total: 146 turns

Micaiah      7  32   8 27  20  14  29  11  27
Sothe        8  39  20  4  26  24  18  15  10
Ike          1  54  29  7  32  29  15  25  14
Nolan        4  59  24 10  30  32  28  26  14
Mia          4  46  29 14  33  34  24  21  15
Shinon       5  51  26 14  35  30  20  28  15
Brom         5  52  29  8  27  26  30  36  16
Ranulf      31  60  15  6  20  18  25  13  10  
Tanith       2  40  26 14  27  28  23  25  27
Kieran       2  50  28 12  26  27  18  25  18 

Here is how I divided my team

Silver Team:







Greil Team:





Hawk Team:




Thoughts on my team? Did I divide them well?

4-P: 11

4-1: 11

Edited by Lilmik11
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I did 4-4 last nite in 17 turns... I fucking hate that mansion.

Lilmik, your teams look good. Only thing I'd consider tweaking is Nolan > Hawk army. But that kinda depends how competent your miccy/sothe are.

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