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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup!


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Chapter 6


Yeah, sorry about that. My DS card was on the fritz, and now it's suddenly working again (but God knows for how long)

Marth rushed forward, Lena navigated out of archer danger, Julian nabbed money. Merric chipped the boss and Lena killed him with her forge. Enough people died so I can go to 6x. Excellent. Also Norne is still terrible.

Chapter 6x


Getting Athena isn't unusual for me, though I did have to sacrifice turns for her. Unlike Lena though, she makes an amazing pegasus knight.

Vyland was my lasy member of the Wolfguard to die. XD

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Oh, I forgot/didn't know about that. Too bad, I couldv'e spent more time getting EXP on my units. I'll know that for 12x now. I'm guessing turncounts 20 and over do count though?

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Chapter 7


Cain killed Minerva. He's actually not that bad!


Marth 13

Cain 11

Lena 11

Athena 11

Julian 9

Merric 7

Norne 4

I can admit to not using Norne much, her strength is pathetically low

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Chapter 8


Radd and Caesar got to delay their death by shopping, Norne gained defense, and Marth gained strength, it was an all around wonderful day! Also, I love the lulz forge. LOVE IT

Chapter 9


Uh, no one died. Looks like I'll have to waste turns on generics now.

Chapter 10


Got Physic and Master Seal, which will be saved for a bit, skipped Hauteclere. :(

Chapter 11


Recruited Linde. Athena reached D Lances, woohoo! A lot of generics (and Caesar) died too. Linde bought a Rapier for Marth.

Chapter 12


I needed the boots on Marth. Kept Midia alive for Astram. Also Cain is a badass.

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Chapter 12x


Bumrushed through Horace, killing him and all his Archanean Knights, skipped villages, Turn 7 seize.

Linde got D staves, I'm getting closer to Warp Access.

Chapter 13


Got Astram. Marth got lucky and didn't die here. Kept Athena and Lena out of Arrowspate range.

Chapter 14


Having free Julian is helpful, I like opening the drawbridge. Catria recruited herself and got Longbow'd on the same turn, lol. Also PALLA PALLA PALLA JDIWUDIVIAUAUFIFUS YAAAAAAY.

Chapter 15


Yay boots.

It's almost promotion time for Cain and Athena.


Marth - 21

Cain - 17

Norne - 8

Julian - 12

Lena - 15

Merric - 14

Athena - 17

Linde - 7

Astram - 1

Palla - 10

Chapter 16


Recruited Xane. He imitated Marth and killed stuff with Rapier. Linde got C staves. WARP TIEM!

Chapter 17


Got another Warp staff and Longbows. The reason the turns is so high is because of the Secret Shop. <_<

Chapter 17x


Got Etzel, killed things. Yay.

Chapter 18


Etzel sucks. Wasted a few turns for Mercurius. Promoted Athena.

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Chapter 19


Killed Tiki. Got both spheres, a Seraph Robe, Bolganone, and money.

Chapter 20


Oh. My. Frigging. God. I reset at least 10 times doing this chapter. Worst. Chapter. Ever.

Chapter 20x


....yup. Got some treasure. Linde, Merric, and Palla promoted. Norne is still only level 9.

Chapter 21



Chapter 22


"Ha, the Whitewings? Trying to come and slay your king?"

And then Palla 1RKO'd Michalis.

Chapter 23


Got Falchion. Merric died. Oh well, there's like 3 chapters left. Palla ate a ton of stat boosters.

Chapter 24


Elice and Norne promoted. Palla ORKOd Xemcel on turn 2, after that it was Marth running. Some generic died with Falchion.

Chapter 24x


Linde got A Staves, about time. OMG ALMOST DONE.

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Guys, I did it and finally beat a FEDS draft.

Darros' finished draft count: 3

Linde reserve spammed, and Palla, Nagi, Cain, and Marth ran to Medeus. Marth killed him on Turn 7.


Marth: Holy crap. He actually turned out good. He capped speed, and didn't get skill screwed. 21 Strength is nice, but that 12 def..

Cain: What an amazing fellow. For an archer he sure kicked plenty of ass. When he got Longbows and Parthia he was unstoppable.

Linde: Healing, and after promotion, Aura. She never doubled though. :/

Palla: Palla is a sexy goddess on wings. Amazing unit. Capped Strength, high everything else sans luck.

Etzel: Worst General Evar.

Julian: Only got to Level 15, but he saved me a lot of headache because of thieving.

Elice: Got an entire 22 EXP the three chapters she was in. She survived, I guess.

Nagi: Hi.

Merric: Noble sacrifice in Chapter 23. He got to kill Gharnef, so he shall be remembered.

Lena: Caeda without Wing Spear or semi good strength. 8 strength was depressing, but her speed/skill/luck was awesome. Died in Endgame.

Athena: Almost as awesome as Palla, but had lower speed, weapon levels, and defense. Died.

Norne: 2 Strength is facepalm worthy and she only gained strength twice. Died in Endgame.

Astram: Ugh. Died in Endgame.

Xane: Didn't do much outside of join chapter. Died in endgame.

Bantu: lolwasn'trecruited

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