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(FE10) Draft EX


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@soul- i fixed it sorry.

1-2 6 turns + 4 nolan 10/29

got the thani but not the energy drop. Having laura undrafted was an advantage because she could get shoved...

Micaiah 4.40 17 2 9 8 9 13 4* 7

Sothe 1.14 base

1-3 7 turns 7/36

took the LHS for cexp. Mic got the boss and aran. Poor aran...

Micaiah 6.05 18 2 11 9 10 15 4* 8

Sothe 1.71 base

1-4 7 turns 7/43

Used the rfof/sho strategy. Got the robe and beastfoe. Beast killer broke.

Micaiah 7.49 18 2 11 9 10 16 5 9

Sothe 4.53 36 19 5 22 22 18 15 10

1-5 6 turns 6/49

the problem was jill as always but pretty standard. Mic got some cexp.

Micaiah 8.81 26* 2 11 9 11 17 5* 10 wrath

Sothe 4.94 same

1-6-1 5 turns 5/54

Mic got resolve. Sothe cancel and 3 forges with max mt and 2 more in the convoy. Crits on the armors made this easier. Mic handled the generals to the north and some pegasus.

1-6-2 3 turns 3/57

battle saved just before boss attacked but to my surprise, sothe crits with his first knife throw. Mic tauro volug hid while zihark killed stuff.

Micaiah 11.99 27* 3 14 10 13 19 5* 13 resolve

Sothe 6.71 37 21 5 24 22 18 15 10 savior wrath (guard)

Zihark 3.99 base (adept) paragon cancel

fiona base (imbue)

1-7 on sunday cuz tomorrow ill be busy. And i got a smash tournament on saturday.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I got started too.

1-P: 6 + 4 turns - 10/10 MVP: Micaiah

Eddy wrathcrits Pugo.

1-1: 8 + 4 Nolan - 12/22' MVP: Nolan

Pretty simple. Brolan killed the fighter on the escape point rather than the boss. Micaiah visits the hand axe house.

1-2: 7 + 4 Nolan - 11/33 MVP: Sothe

Micaiah takes the dracoshield, Sothe grabs the Thani.

1-3: 8/41 MVP: Sothe

Aimee and Kurthnaga made very nice neatsheilds allies. Recruited Aran so as not to have to fight him. Dumped BEXP into Meg at base.

1-4: 8/49 MVP: Sothe

Got the beastfoe, Meg eats up more BEXP. Ilyana takes up some to bump up from 13.91-14.

1-5: 6/55 MVP: Sothe

Meg is finally starting to look like a competent unit. An enemy decided to not attack a 2-hp Jill on turn 2, fortunately. Miccy got a great level up. Forged a thunder tome for Ilyana, bought the Wind Edge for Meg, who consumes some more bexp.

Micaiah 7.02 - 3 STR 12 MAG 11 Skill 10 Speed 15 Luck 4 Def 10 Res Resolve

Sothe 4.79 21 STR 4 MAG 23 Skill 21 Speed 16 Luck 15 Def 9 Res

Ilyana 14.82 6 STR 14 MAG 13 Skill 14 Speed 7 Luck 3 Def 9 Res Shade

Megan 10.00 14 STR 1 MAG 11 Skill 12 Speed 12 Luck 10 Def 8 Res

Edited by Duke Tanas
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Very good picks, Sal. Thanks. A bit mage-heavy, but it's cool because I usually favor my mages anyway

I only missed balberith & Rexflame 8D

Edited by Vicious Sal
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And Duke tanas has only one units who hates the desert. 8D

Blame your representative. :P

Your team is quite solid, qou'll hate the desert indeed though. =/

yeah, i should be good everywhere besides the desert haha.

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It's Haar. Use him well.


Has a crapload of chapters, uses magic, and is just cute. Has bexp ready for her. Give her Fire magic ASAP!


Nailah is great, no 1-8 problems, she's just great. Needs more chapters though. :( And she's a fucking royal!


I really have to upload that stupid video, so you'll get a Nealuchi with S strike at 2-P. If he gets that, he's a murdermachine. He'll certainly get SS that way.


4-4 Killer, 1 turn 3-5, 5 turn 3-8, etc etc, celerity & provoke, with high Mag and a speedwing(possible) make him a unit you can drop ANYWHERE! He's greil route forced, so no desert, but 4-4 with Elfires can really simplify. Also, No sleep staff fear.


A DB that stays. Meg can get good. She needs the investment, she and Ilyana pair together well btw, in battle, in a love pairing Meg would end up on the barby.


Your desert Magic user extra deluxe.


1-8 is a breeze!


She's still mediocre?

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As for my thoughts:

Volug: Not sure if I would've preferred Volug or Jill, but Volug is more consistent so It's all good. After looking at my desert team, though...

Nephenee: Helps avoid Part 2 penalties and is around for the majority of Part 3. She should be very useful.

Elincia: One of my favorite characters. You can't really go wrong with a flying staff user with a 15mt Brave weapon and good stats.

Ulki: Better than Janaff for RD drafts in my opinion, due to higher avoid and proc chances with higher speed. I'd like to avoid having to give him Adept, to get his strike up, but we'll see what happens.

Rolf: I guess Red Fox thought I needed an early Part 3 unit? At least Bowguns exist, his stats aren't that bad, and he'll be great come Endgame. Still, no good 1-range for most of the game is going to hurt.

Muarim: Great Part 1 unit, and still solid in Part 4 (with some BEXP) thanks to his great (for his level) bases. It doesn't look like anyone else will need my Speedwings, anyway.

Danved: A unit I've never used seriously, but he should be good with some BEXP. I'll have to look at his and Astrid's growths to decide when would be best to give them BEXP.

Astrid: I'm not expecting much of anything from her until 3-11 comes around, where she can get some BEXP. Still, her growths are pretty bad for BEXP levels if I recall correctly, but she should be decent in Part 4.

Volke: I love using him, and he can double Auras without Nasir. I nice last pick, in my opinion.

Aside from the desert (I knew my Jill bias would come back to get me eventually), I'm really happy about this team. Besides, it's not as though I can win, since someone has Haar (although the rest of Vicious Sal's team isn't that threatening, I suppose).

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I'm assuming I can start playing and bitching about my shitty drafts now?

III. Excellen Browning (Life as representative drafter) - Titania, Janaff, Aran, Heather, Kieran, Tormod, Lucia, Kyza, Renning.

Thats far from shitty.

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Well, I'll just post my thoughts as well.

Titania: Supposedly she's the top of high or top tier, I forget which one, but I really really dislike Cavaliers in this game. She's the best one hands down, though.I'm probably gonna try to promote her as soon as I possibly can. Or feed her a speedwing or something. I have really no idea how this game is played efficiently.

Janaff: NEVER used Laguz outside of herons, Volug, the dragons and royals in this game. Let's see how this guy performs. I think this guy will do a desert map or something.

Aran: Joins and is subpar. Has in previous PT's always stayed subpar. I'll see how he does, but I suspect I'll be relying Sothe a lot more, even come part 3.

Heather: Stealing and chest opening has decreased value in a draft as the number of items you want becomes significantly smaller. What's left is a mediocre combat unit. Also not pleased about having to take a second knife user to endgame.

Kieran: See Titania's comments. He's alright in part 2 I suppose, but because I've never used him outside of that, I have no idea at all how he'll perform. Again, I'll just see how it goes.

Tormod: Yay, the second unit that appears some time and then only reappears for endgame severely underleveled. Again, never used this one outside of the part he first appears in, but I'll just see how it goes, I guess.

Lucia: The third unit who makes one appearance before endgame, I am not pleased.

Kyza: Never having used Laguz in this game also applies to this guy.

Renning: Another Cav and this one waits till endgame to join me. He has decent bases I suppose, access to Amiti and of course Earth affinity, so I guess he'll be alright.

Edited by Excelkitty
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