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(FE10) Draft EX


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It was a bit sneaky.

What do you mean.

Can they shove drafted units?

That's exactly what I mean. The Rescue, however, can only be dne between undrafted units. It's not to say draftees can't rescue between themselves.

Edited by Angru Mainya
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Hmmm... Nope I'm still not buying it, I mean sothe is just not going to be doing much he is far too frail to be taking on 2 figthers a Draco and a javelin halberdier. Bane on draco is not the only thing to be rigging as even a 50% hit is going to be hitting Sothe reliably. The figthers do not have horrible hit, lets not forget lvl1 sothe has ~87 percent hit, while enemies have hit range from 135-150. Thats hit rates that range from 48-63%. Its far too dangerous for Sothe to be there alone. No one should be relying on him since he requires extreme luck.

I'm with you, Sothe can't do anything reliably this chapter. With Micaiah support he's facing ~50 chance at getting hit, so I can imagine how terrible that would be to try and solo the top with him. Though I guess if someone's desperate they can try.

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I've been trying to get oscar in my past couple drafts, he always seems to go very high in round 2. & I never get him :(

Hes amazing. He can promote as early as 3-3 and has great 1-2 range. Definetely good for drafts. 3-4 is kinda a problem though when ur only part 3 unit is oscar x_x. I used that map to use blossom on him :)

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Hes amazing. He can promote as early as 3-3 and has great 1-2 range. Definetely good for drafts. 3-4 is kinda a problem though when ur only part 3 unit is oscar x_x. I used that map to use blossom on him :)

Did you promote him before or during 3-3? just curious. I had the same problem using Titan, a Ranulf penalty is all you have to deal with however.

I didnt shove anyone except laura in 1-2 with undrafteds. Because shes undrafted too.

I always do this in drafts... it is legal?

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Rules dont say anything about it so it should be legal. And i promoted him at the base of 3-3. Normal mode bexp+favoritism because hes my only unit in early part 3.

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ok, I'm changing that silly rule.

From now on, undrafted units can't shove drafted ones!

Undrafted > Undrafted? only should come into effect on 1-2, 2-2 and 3-4 I think.

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Undrafted units can and should be allowed to shove each other, for the same reasons they're allowed to rescue each other. Similarly, they're not allowed to shove drafted units for some of the same reasons they're not allowed to rescue drafted units.

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Im at 3-10 with just oscar and ike. Those priests are annoying. Calill is breaking her meteor too...

I've always hated how the CPU breaks your Meteor. In drafts where i have mages i usually trade it to astrid so that it stays in one piece.

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Im now on 3-11. Maan its a lot i have to write so ill do it tomorrow. I gotta do it little by little and keep editing each chapter in. If i write too much at once, the phone "times out" and erases everything.

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1-P: 5 turns

Win a coin flip.

1-1: 6 turns

Leonardo outperforms Nolan. Pretty generic so far.

1-2: 5 turns

I have a lot of units here. Micaiah blocks and Leo and Edward go up a tier. Sothe appears and enemies disappear. Shoving leads to success. Skip all treasures.

1-3: 7 turns

Went left, recruited a sleep staff. Typical stuff with Sothe doing work.

1-4: 5 turns

Gave Edward the dracoshield. Sothe feints south while the breakable wall is broken and Laura dares the boss to attack her. The parties (Sothe; other units) switch sides and Sothe moves to pick up Beastfoe and kill the reinforcements while other units use teamwork to overcome the right side. Only open the 3000g chest.

1-5: 6 turns

This chapter sucks.

At this point, I haven't checked, but stats seem pretty average. However, Edward's probably really underleveled (10.99) and 1-6-1 is a pain.

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1-8 5+4 tormod

1-9 4 turns

Mic 20.00 30* 3 19 15 18 25 6* 20 resolve

1-E 8 turns

mic 1 32* 6 20 16 19 25 9* 21

sothe 8.36 39 22 5 25 23 20 15 10 savior

zihark 7.01 40* 19 6 26 25 13 13 13 adept paragon cancel

Fiona 1.25 31 13 8 13 20 11 14 12 imbue shade

Sothe ferries mic. Bk clears the throne room then mic seizes. Fiona and zihark stayed behind.

total part 1: 85 not 87 according to calc.

2-p 9 turns

Marcia and nea (my free) team up on everything. Marcia gets all kills including boss.

marcia 7.01 36 17 7 17 22 14 17 15

2-1 6+8 turns 14/23

brom opens way then neph wrath kills boss. Got heather too.

2-2 7+4 turns 11/34

lucia does her usual stuff armordidnt block way.

2-3 5+4 turns 9/43

marcia bexpd to 7.99. Standard except i rigged a killer crit on the boss with marcia for the kill

Marcia 9.17 38 19 8 18 23 15 19 15

2-e 1+4 turms 5/48


marcia 9.24 same

calill 6.07 base

part 2 total 48

total 133

3-P 8 turns

ike kills boss skrimir arrives. Adept oscar rocked.

ike 12.97 44 24 2 29 24 14 21 7

Oscar 14.28 40 22 7 23 22 20 19 14 adept

3-1 8+4 titania 12/20

standard stuff.

Ike 15.23 47 26 2 30 26 14 21 8

oscar 19.00 (bexp forgot to grab stats b4) 43 25 9 24 24 24 22 14 adept

3-2 4 turns 4/24

Lured boss. Oscar kills with adept + ilyana silver lance after ike wind edges.

ike 16.14 48 27 2 30 26 14 22 8

oscar 20.00 44 25 9 24 24 24 22 15 adept

3-3 10 turns 10/34 (gatrie free)

Got the hammerne blossom and white gem no crown. Oscar promoted b4 chapter with bexp.

ike 18.43 49 27 2 30 26 15 24 9

provoke celerity

Oscar 2.83 49 28 13 26 26 24 24 19 adept

3-4 10 turns /44

wanted to avoid ranulf penalty and i did. Oscar got blossom.

ike 20.00 50 27 2 30 28 17 26 9

same skills

oscar 3.18 49 29 13 27 27 25 25 20 blossom

3-5 2 turns /46

bexpd monster in a horse to 3.99. Then gave him adept. Celerity on reyson. Killed boss with adept javelin.

ike same

Oscar 4.90 no stats :/ thanks to db switch

3-6 9 turns /55

Resolvezihark goes north while mic and sothe take down eastern enemies bk arrives and goes east too.

Mic 6.09 35 6 24 18 20 30 10 26 paragon

sothe 10.81 39 22 5 26 25 22 15 10 beastfoe

zihark 14.87 40* 21 6 30 30 17 14 15 adept cancel resolve

fiona 2.95 31 14 8 13 21 12 14 12 imbue shade

3-7 13 turns /68

stayed behind to build ike oscar support. Got a few kills.

ike same

oscar 5.42 50 31 14 28 28 26 26 20 adept

3-8 6 turns /74

javelin forge adept madness. Ike went east with edges and ettard. Oscar killed the boss part on his own.

No stats thanks to crk

3-9 3 turns /77

bexpd marcia to 9.99 and gave her paragon. Calill bexpd to 12 and given adept. Marcia clears way for calill who adept meteors boss (not rigged)then marcia crits with killer lance (not rigged either).

marcia 12.05 40 20 9 19 25 18 19 17 paragon

calill 12.55 32 9 21 23 22 22 11 18 adept

3-10 6 turns


ike goes east with pass and wind edges. Lures the bishops then starts attacking after theyre all dead. Adept javelin forges monster with a horse went north east.

ike same pass daunt

oscar 9.00 53 33 14 30 32 29 28 21 adept

3-11 7 turns


marcia ferry (wo savior) ike while oscar calill tibarn handle enemies. Tibarn kills boss and ike equips slim sword and seizes!

ike same

oscar 9.38 same

marcia 4.99 (bexp to 20/1.99) 46 28 14 26 30 28 26 25 paragon

calill 3.99 45 (bexp to 20 crown 1.99 then bexp in 3-e which is where i grabbed stats) 45* 17 28 26 29 30 16 28 paragon robe

3-12 5 turns /95

Promoted zihawk after bexping him to 17 (str x3, lckx3 and def x3). Then roflstomped everyone with killing edges.

micaiah 8.03 36 7 26 18 20 32 10 28 paragon

sothe 11.07 39 22 6 26 26 23 15 10

zihark 2.08 44 27 10 32 33 20 19 20 resolve

fiona 9.00 (more bexp eating in 3-13) 32 16 9 13 24 19 18 15 imbue shade

3-13 3 turns /98

pass on haark. Then brave sword astra ike. Didnt get hit ever wtf. Micaiah purged and physic for exp.

micaiah 10.?? 38 8 28 19 21 34 10 30 paragon

sothe 11.?? Same

zihark 4.?? 45 27 10 32 35 20 19 20

fiona 9.?? Same

3-e 5 turns


Pretty straightforward. Ike got rescue.

Part 3 total: 103

total: 236?

Team distribution:

silver: micaiah sothe naesala skrimir calill leanne

greil: ike oscar zihark rafiel

hawk: marcia fiona reyson

Is it alright?

Edited by PegKnightLover
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4-p team distributed just as i said. 3 turns

bexp'd sothe til he capped speed. Calill gets vantage adept. Bexp skrimir to 30 and sign him. Resolve on micaiah. Easy chapter. Calill murdered everything up north while micaiah skrimir and naesala handle the east. Mostly micaiah though.

Stats when i get to 4-3. Sold the rexbolt btw.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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