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(FE10) Draft EX


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4-p team distributed just as i said. 3 turns

bexp'd sothe til he capped speed. Calill gets vantage adept. Bexp skrimir to 30 and sign him. Resolve on micaiah. Easy chapter. Calill murdered everything up north while micaiah skrimir and naesala handle the east. Mostly micaiah though.

What was your 3-E turnscount?

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What was your 3-E turnscount?

wow i forgot to post 3-E :/. It was 5 turns. Marcia oscar took out of zihark from range. Had to battle save because resolve would make him dodge. Then it was easy mode with marcia oscar and calill killing stuff. Ike got rescue.

4-1 5 turns /8

Ike gets paragon. Oscar keeps adept and zihark unequips resolve and gets wrath. Oscar takes the general side. Ike goes south and zihark takes the left.

stats when i play again (im at 4-4)

4-2 7 turns


fiona gets bexpd to 20 then crowned then i give her bexp to 1.99 and paragon. Marcia gets celerity. Marcia with javelin forges murders everything. Surprisingly, fiona was awesome she capped and could double swordmasters. Reyson stayed by her side and she headed back to take care of reinforcements.

stats when i get to 4-5

4-3 6 turns


as promised stats b4 starting:

mic 14.80 38 8 30 20 23 38 10 30 resolve

sothe 1.00 44 24 10 28 32 27 18 16 adept

naesala 27.21 60 17 7 20 21 20 13 14

skrimir 30.04 71 21 3 17 15 25 17 10


calill 12.68 49 18 32 30 32 30 19 34 adept vantage nihil

i bexp calill to 14.00 then give her the other resolve over adept. Mic gets bexpd to 15.00. Mic handles east. Sothe gets dragonfoe. Calill with a bunch of elfires bolganone and arcfires rapes face to the south. Naesala took west and skrimir would help whoever needed it. Mic recruited stefan and she got baselard (skrimir smite) too.

stats in 4-e

Edited by PegKnightLover
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4-2 7 turns

fiona gets bexpd to 20 then crowned then i give her bexp to 1.99 and paragon. Marcia gets celerity. Marcia with javelin forges murders everything. Surprisingly, fiona was awesome she capped and could double swordmasters. Reyson stayed by her side and she headed back to take care of reinforcements.

stats when i get to 4-5

Yay you got Fiona up and running :D: see she's pretty good in NM :^_^:!

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Yay you got Fiona up and running :D: see she's pretty good in NM :^_^:!

Yeah, shes usable in normal mode thanks to bexp. She actually didnt see much, if any combat until part 4 xd.

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4-4 8 turns /29

rafiel and zihark go west then north. Vika rescues tormod and flees. Muarim too. Ike goes to olivers room chugging a pure water on the way. Oscar goes east and takes care of turn 5 reinforcements. Got fortify.

Ike 20 65 37 6 40 37 24 32 17 pass daunt

zihark 12.37 49 29 11 39 40 25 20 23 adept cancel wrath

oscar 18.64 59 35 16 34 32 30 30 22 adept

4-5 2 turns

celerity on marcia and reyson gets pelleas' miracle. Fiona kills stuff for exp. Marcia got bexp'd to 17.00 b4 chapter iirc.

marcia 18.47 50 32 18 33 36 35 28 29 celerity

fiona 14.87 50 27 15 24 33 35 28 25 imbue paragon

ike 20.00 65 37 6 40 37 24 32 17micaiah 19.82 40 8 30 23 24 40 13 30

sothe 1.14 same

Oscar 18.64 59 35 16 34 32 30 30 22

Zihark 12.37 49 29 11 39 40 25 20 23

skrimir 30.24 71 21 3 17 15 25 17 10

naesala 29.04 61 17 7 20 21 21 13 15

marcia 18.47 50 32 18 33 36 35 28 29

stefan 8.74 53 27 7 37 36 20 21 16

calill 18.34 49 19 37 34 32 30 20 37

fiona 14.87 50 27 15 24 33 35 28 25

giffca 36.00 73 21 4 22 18 28 20 11

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Part 1:


Edward does not like taking damage and thus dodges all but one attack. Clear in 6 turns, Micaiah gets the boss kill. Penalty for using Eddie is taken

Chapter 1:

I decide to take a penalty with using Nolan. Nolan goes up and takes a lot of enemies. Miccy uses the dracoshield. Come next turn he's down to a few HP so I move him next to the soldier and heal him. I decide to ignore the hand axe because I didn't draft Nolan. I manage a 7 turn clear with 4 turn penalty. Amazingly, micaiah using the draco means the archer won't attack her but nolan.

Chapter 2:

So I by now understand there's a LOT more RNG manipulation involved in drafts than most drafters will let on. I think it's cheap to try and force the game to do what you want when it should be the other way around, but whatever.

I use Nolan once again. Leo and Eddie block off the ledge, Nolan and Miccy go out to kill. Laura trails behind. Turn 3 Sothe arrives to save me. Except, of course, the saving bit has to wait for a while to actually start happening. Laura goes up the ledge and gets shoved by Eddie and Leo. They're all undrafted so it's all good and I won't penalize myself for doing that.

Like usual, Sothe goes to grab the energy drop while Miccy and nolan go get Thani. Beceause of the draco, Miccy can take the myrm there. I clock 8 turns, with 4 penalty.

Chapter 3:

Woop de fucking doo it's chapter 3. I decide to follow RFoF's steps to a 7 turn clear because Micaiah passes all requirements. Aran manages to kill an archer and a fighter.

Chapter 4:

BEXP for Miccy or Aran? Regardless of that, Wrath goes to Miccy, Guard goes off Sothe and Cancel goes on. All Thunder tomes, swords, axes, bows, fortune and shade are sold. BEXP is divided pretty evenly among Aran and Miccy. Max MT knife for Sothe, max MT and +hit forge for Aran. Max MT +crit light for Miccy. Beastkiller and javelin bought.

As for the chapter itself, I adapt Sho's 7 turn strategy to my scenario. I notice Aran not getting doubled and doing decent damage in this NM flick. I like it. Chapter is cleared in 7 turns without the 3000G, however an 8 turn clear where the 3000G is gotten is something I have also achieved. Because I'm not in money trouble though, I opted for the 1 turn less to somewhat make up for all the hax RNG manipulation going on in other people's games.

Chapter 5:

Aran eats the Seraph robe for increased durability. I buy a bronze knife for Sothe. That's about it. In the actual chapter Sothe goes up the platform while Miccy and Aran try the south. This works well for the first few turns and they kill a lot of enemies yay. Sothe moves into the bosses range on turn 4, on turn 5 he moves up so he can grab the concoction by turn 6.

Chapter 6-1:

Aran gets 2 levels of BEXP and a Steel lance, Sothe gets some more knife forges and Resolve. Should be good to go. It's a fucking rout and I got only one good unit. I clear in 10 turns because one fucking armor decided to run instead of suicide.

Chapter 6-2:

I have unfortunately gone through a lot of knife uses so I have very few left for this chapter. After a few tries, I realize I can't protect Micaiah with only one good unit on the field, so I decide to use Volug this chapter and take the turn penalty. I have to forego the Master Seal, but 5 turn clear + 4 of volug penalty. Not to mention the Micaiah boss kill. I am not pleased with my performance this chapter. If I had given Sothe more and stronger knives, I am quite sure I could have Sothe bossrush while Micaiah and the forced dudes played hide and seek.

Chapter 7:

I decide to pour all the BEXP I got in chapter 6 in to Aran. He ends up at level 18, 96 EXP. He has maxed skl and def, but still only 11 speed and this troubles me. He also receives Savior, so he can carry Miccy throughout this chapter. Speaking of which, she gets Paragon. Sothe gets an inventory full of Iron Knife forges.

I'm annoyed by the fact I still have to deploy Volug. I seize on turn 8 and don't bother with the people locked up. It's not terrible but not great either. If I had used Sothe to carry Micaiah around, I reckon I'd pull a lower count. Vika dies when she's still an NPC.

Chapter 8:

Aran promotes. Given Adept even though I expect low activation rates out of him due to his low speed. Oh well, better than nothing. Micaiah is given all of last chapter's BEXP. Tormod is given Resolve, Sothe Wrath.

Woop de shoop, another rout. And this time I'm loaded with quite some units in quite vulnerable positions that I'm not supposed to use. NOT TO EVEN FUCKING MENTION I HAVE TO GUARD SOME NPCS WITH A TOTALLY INEPT TEAM. Better yet, the RNG decides it's time to fuck me over. Nailah goes to solo the west part of the map while Tormod goes around and tries his best to protect the NPC's on the right. Miccy, Sothe and Aran go right as well to kill the boss and whatnot. I manage a 7 turn clear, plus 4 for using Nailah.

Chapter 9:

Oval strategy, 8 turns.


Endgame time. Ilyana gets the hammer, killing edge, red and blue gems, celerity and the brave sword. Micaiah uses the Seraph robe whats-his-face came with. Aran receives a max MT steel lance forge. Sothe gets Savior. I definitely want the speedwings this chapter. As it stands, Aran is speedfucked and that equals shitty offense. Kinda just like I said he would. And you know what really takes the cake? He has insane Skl, but still manages to miss whenever he equips a goddamn lance!

On to the actual chapter and away from other people idiocy and failure to properly judge a team for it's worth. BK makes a run for it up the stairs. Sothe saviors Micaiah and follows BK. Eventually Sothe rushes towards the speedwing, while BK has to fall back to save Rafiel's ass. After that episode I continue to move up and eventually drop Micaiah near the throne on turn 10. There was unfortunately no other way because the Meteor mage was guaranteed a kill on turn 9 if I didn't heal Aran and Sothe. So I drop her on turn 10. And then on turn 11 I kill Jarod and seize.

Part 1 Ending thoughts:

"great team"? Yea right. IF I had a great team, I wouldn't be clocking in 110 turns including penalties. I wouldn't have seen the need of taking penalties in SOME chapters if my team were actually decent. Aran? He has nice Str, Skl and Def. Yet the fucker misses all the fucking time. To boot, he's 2 hit KO'd by EVERY mage in the game. Yes. A seraph just barely brings him to a 3HKO. And the best for last, his speed sucks a big fat one. No, he's not getting doubled (often), but he's definitely not doubling at any moment in the game. And guess what? He lacks the attack power to OHKO anything but mages. EVERY physical unit can OHKO mages when they've been given as much of a level boost as him.

So we've now hopefully established Aran is mediocre. Let's see what Tormod brings. Well, to begin with he joins late. He has the best offense on my team, no doubt about that, and move, BUT NOTHING else. This is NM and he's still getting 2HKO'd on occasion, at considerably good hit rates even. What does all that leave him at? Mediocrity. That's what. Mediocrity. I can't even fucking use him for the desert map. Why was this miserable bitch given to me? Hell, why am I stuck with mediocre drafts all around save one or two? Why do certain people think my team is any good?

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So we've now hopefully established Aran is mediocre. Let's see what Tormod brings. Well, to begin with he joins late. He has the best offense on my team, no doubt about that, and move, BUT NOTHING else. This is NM and he's still getting 2HKO'd on occasion, at considerably good hit rates even. What does all that leave him at? Mediocrity. That's what. Mediocrity. I can't even fucking use him for the desert map. Why was this miserable bitch given to me? Hell, why am I stuck with mediocre drafts all around save one or two? Why do certain people think my team is any good?

They're too busy focusing on the fact that you've got Titania who although good can't carry your turncounts through the whole game like Haar.

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They're too busy focusing on the fact that you've got Titania who although good can't carry your turncounts through the whole game like Haar.

He has decent units on every part. I don't see why he's complaining.

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He has decent units on every part. I don't see why he's complaining.

Decent units doesn't mean a good team. Aran is at best Mediocre, and is his only DB unit. He'll be taking penalties on 2-E and likely 2-1. Titania is his only GM until Janaff comes along. He has 9 units to distribute amongst 3 teams come part 4, and if he takes his only flier for the Silver army, he'll have to take penalties on 4-5. All of his units bar Titania Janaff and Renning will need a bexp dump and though there's plenty of bexp on normal mode, it's not infinite. He has good reason to complain.

Edit: Even an experienced drafter would run into problems

Edited by Xander
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Decent units doesn't mean a good team. Aran is at best Mediocre, and is his only DB unit. He'll be taking penalties on 2-E and likely 2-1. Titania is his only GM until Janaff comes along. He has 9 units to distribute amongst 3 teams come part 4, and if he takes his only flier for the Silver army, he'll have to take penalties on 4-5. He has good reason to complain.

4-5 has been done in 3 turns before without fliers with only a few other units. Also, if you come into a draft expecting the dream team you are way wrong and should just get the hell out of them.

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Aran is at best Mediocre, and is his only DB unit.

With Beastfoe and a Steel forge, he ORKO's every laguz in 3-6. Then he gets BEXP to promotion (his Str/Skl/Def should be capped, meaning Speed every level) for 3-12, and is great for the rest of the game.

He'll be taking penalties on 2-E and likely 2-1.

Who doesn't? The one person who gets Elincia, and that's it.

Titania is his only GM until Janaff comes along.

Wrong. He also has Heather and Kyza. And if I can pull good turncounts in Part 3 with just Ike, Gatrie and Kyza, he should easily be able to do better with Ike, Titania, Heather and Kyza.

He has 9 units to distribute amongst 3 teams come part 4, and if he takes his only flier for the Silver army, he'll have to take penalties on 4-5.

@Underlined: That's bad how? Most people are lucky if they get that many. Also, Fenrir, myself and maybe Weapons are also going to have problems in the Desert.

He has good reason to complain.

No, he doesn't.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Its a draft guys. You play with chumps you never knew exist and find out how great they are when you throw all your resources on them. Even Fiona and Lyre can perform well!

thats the fun of these drafts.

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Its a draft guys. You play with chumps you never knew exist and find out how great they are when you throw all your resources on them. Even Fiona and Lyre can perform well!

Exactly. and if you don't like it, Why did you sign up?

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Its a draft guys. You play with chumps you never knew exist and find out how great they are when you throw all your resources on them. Even Fiona and Lyre can perform well!

That's true. Either way just let him complain, it's not hurting anyone.

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I still dont see why his team is so bad. I pulled good turns with oscar (blessed) and ike. My only good db unit was zihark and he comes late. Sothe and micaiah can handle most of part 1 on their own with better turncounts and no rng manipulation. I had never used zihark or fiona b4. Even though zihark growths and screwage bothers me, it was fun using a different db unit. And i learned blessed oscar plus bexp = haar but with a horse and lances.

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Part 1 Ending thoughts:

"great team"? Yea right. IF I had a great team, I wouldn't be clocking in 110 turns including penalties. I wouldn't have seen the need of taking penalties in SOME chapters if my team were actually decent. Aran? He has nice Str, Skl and Def. Yet the fucker misses all the fucking time. To boot, he's 2 hit KO'd by EVERY mage in the game. Yes. A seraph just barely brings him to a 3HKO. And the best for last, his speed sucks a big fat one. No, he's not getting doubled (often), but he's definitely not doubling at any moment in the game. And guess what? He lacks the attack power to OHKO anything but mages. EVERY physical unit can OHKO mages when they've been given as much of a level boost as him.

So we've now hopefully established Aran is mediocre. Let's see what Tormod brings. Well, to begin with he joins late. He has the best offense on my team, no doubt about that, and move, BUT NOTHING else. This is NM and he's still getting 2HKO'd on occasion, at considerably good hit rates even. What does all that leave him at? Mediocrity. That's what. Mediocrity. I can't even fucking use him for the desert map. Why was this miserable bitch given to me? Hell, why am I stuck with mediocre drafts all around save one or two? Why do certain people think my team is any good?





How much fucking whining are you going to do? Have you even drafted RD before? Honestly, this is damned pathetic. You have Titania, who is quite possibly the best draftee under the current ruleset (EDIT: Nvm, no banned Haar. Next best, though). You have Aran, an early DBer to help out in part 1 and carry part 3 (you only need one for part 3) and Tormod to pick up the extra work later in part 1. Heather and Kieran are there to help avoid some part 2 penalties even though neither are the greatest. Heather and Kyza will pick up where Titania leaves off in 3-4 if you're just smart, and then adding Janaff will honestly make things easy. You have a wide spread for part 4 and an extra hand for Endgame.

Quit. fucking. complaining.

110 turns at the end of part 1? Your fault. With that team I guarantee I could pull off <90 turns. After all, I've done it with a very similar team (trade Tormod for Muarim and no Rafiel) in an old penalties draft. If you have time to complain, use it to become a competent player.

I wouldn't be saying any of this if you had drafted for yourself, but what you are doing is extremely insulting to Life. Life does not deserve this; he drafted a good team. So if you're just going to bitch about it, don't play it.

4-5 has been done in 3 turns before without fliers with only a few other units. Also, if you come into a draft expecting the dream team you are way wrong and should just get the hell out of them.

Precisely correct (both statements). Excellen even has Heather, whom may have been necessary for what I did on account of her movement type. With smart use of Reyson, he may be able to pull it off in two turns the same way I did in 3 turns.

And learn this lesson, Excellen: if you come into a draft expecting to get awesome units all around, you deserve to be disappointed. You will get mediocre units and you will get bad units. Deal with it or get out.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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