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[FE11] (H...5?) FE11 Draft the Next


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C13: 9 turns clear = 206 turns total

Had a 7, decided to reset and save my boosters for Catria. Had an 8, Wolf whiffed the boss kill. I decided to keep the 9 that ensued anyway because dignity.

C14: 10 turns clear = 216 turns total

Catria get! All the things get!

C15: 7 turns clear = 223 turns total

Golly I love me some Catria.

C16: 12 turns clear = 235 turns total


Holy shit.

Gonna promote Maria now.

Wolf is the man.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

Merric, Chapter 5: Distracted a Pegasus away from Jagen.

Roshea, Chapter 5: Deliberately suicided to start to make progress towards Duadexa.

Hardin, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Vyland, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Cord, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Lena, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Barst, Chapter 6: Pulled the final Knight + Archer in the throne room out.

Quatro I, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to make progress towards Duadexa.

Athena, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to raise the party's average level. For Duadexa.

Roger, Chapter 9: Died in the spawn to the first two pirates. He sucked anyway.

Penvo, Chapter 10: Distracted the Hero for a critical single turn.

Rickard, Chapter 11: Pointlessly suicided in the spawn to the first Ballista to improve my average.

Tomas, Chapter 12: Mmhmm.

Dolph, Chapter 12: Yeah.

Boah, Chapter 12: Yep.

Midia, Chapter 12: :(

Caeda, Chapter 13: Bye-bye. You served honorably.

Wendell, Chapter 14: He's taking up room, anymore. We need people to die for GENERICS!

Palla, Chapter 14: Hurt as it does to sacrifice hotness, yeah.

Sedgar, Chapter 15: Sacrificed to GHARNEF.

Horace, Chapter 15: Sacrificed to GHARNEF.

Xane, Chapter 16: Met the merciless blade of ...Julian?

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C17: 11 turns clear = 246 turns total

Detoured to grab the treasure in Treasurestan because fuck winning. Now it's time to farm a Gaiden!

EDIT: Y'know, let's roll this into a stats post.

MARF      Lrd  19.78  39/15/ 0/ 9/20/24/11/ 1
Ogma      Hro   5.92  45/16/ 1/21/18/13/15/ 3
Castor    Hnt  15.69  26/11/ 0/ 8/10/ 6/ 7/ 0
Julian    Thf   6.18  20/ 6/ 0/ 7/14/10/ 6/ 0
Trim      DKt   3.15  26/11/ 1/11/17/ 0/12/ 3
Wolf      War  16.43  54/24/ 0/14/20/13/14/ 0
Maria     Sge   1.69  27/ 3/10/10/ 6/11/ 6/16
Minerva   Snp   4.50  29/ 9/ 0/10/15/ 7/10/ 3
Macellan  DMg   6.47  19/ 2/ 4/ 6/ 8/ 5/ 5/ 5
Radd      Cav   5.58  23/ 8/ 0/ 2/ 6/ 2/ 9/ 0
Beck      Bal   7.58  23/ 8/ 0/ 6/ 4/ 7/16/ 0
Catria    Peg  11.83  24/14/ 2/10/20/10/11/ 6
Wrys      Cur  18.37  19/ 0/ 5/ 9/ 9/ 8/ 3/15
Jagen     DKt   6.42  21/ 8/ 1/11/ 9/ 2/11/ 3


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Chapter 19 - 6/147 Turns

Got all the treasure except the bottom right room. I'm scared of Chapter 20. Might sacrifice Gaggles, Tomas, Rickard and Xane to get generics.

On Second thought, the brave sword dudes are rather unimpressive, 5HKO'ing Barst. Brave Lance dudes... 10HKO...

And Integ, that Trim is sexy.

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Chapter 20 - 5/152 Turns

Killer Lance forge is running low :(

Hardin got an angelic robe prior to this chapter. He flew around with the Killer Lance forge, and killed stuff, including the OHKO of Camus. Roshea promoted as well, and is awful. Sacrificed Rickard and Gordin, kept Tomas because he'll be able to use Parthia upon promotion. I can't remember if I had Lorenz or not, but I killed him anyhow.

Chapter 20x - 17 Turns

Yes killer weapons

This chapter is a complete joke, the enemies are weaker than they were in chapter 16.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         14.70   Lord              37  13   11    17   17   9    0   B Sword
Jeigan    ??/10.03   Dracoknight       21   9   14    10    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       Deceased
WRYSSSSSS    15.53   Mage              19  15    9     7    9   2    6   C Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/16.89   Hero              47  21   27    26   16  19    3   A Axe D Sword (C Lance)
Lena      19/05.38   Sage              25  15   14    13   20   5   15   A Staff D Tome
Roshea    11/02.66   Cavalier          31  13   13     9    6  11    3   B Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/11.31   Dracoknight       41  22   20    22   13  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena    14/06.80   Swordmaster       37  13   17    21    9   9    3   A Sword
Roger     10/01.97   Hunter            27   9    8    14    7   9    3   C Bow E Sword
Rickard      Descesed
Tomas        10.53   Archer            24   8    7     7    4   6    0   C Bow
Xane         Nobody Cares
Etzel     ??/08.00   Sorcerer          31  11   14    11    8   7   13   B Tome D Staff

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(
Rickard - Chapter 20, OHKO'd by Ballistae while opening the drawbridge
Gordin - Chapter 20, Brave Lanced for more Generics

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Don't know how you've got so far :blink: , and besides such a good turn count for H5 :awesome:

After Chapter 12 was over, Barst has pretty much just wrecked everything, and Hardin does now as well, albeit with worse durability. Chapter 21, 24 and Endgame might be tough though.

I actually think Barst might be the best unit in H5 drafting (excluding Shiida, obviously) because of his early hammer useage and massive strength early on. He's pretty close to not ORKOing (he needs Silver now), but he should be good till the end. Athena isn't half bad with Mercurius either.

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Once you beat the first 10-12 chapters, the rest is easier, excluding the last 4-5 chapters, especially 23, 24 and endgame.

Also, Barst's steel axe does pretty decent damage and bonus damage weapons are useful as well, especially if Marth is lol'd by the first chapter's enemies.

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I find the first few chapters the hardest in H5. Regardless, Ive done H5 5 times already so Im obv used to the harsh enviroment :p. I imagine a draft would be ridiculous though. Its hard enough with all units lol. The first time I did H5, I did it with both Wolf and Sedgar as generals and stalled the game. It was really easy that way obv. I then did it, with Caeda and Wolf only and it was very easy and I got a much better turncount. Then I did with Caeda Marth and Merric and it was easier. Fourth time, I think it was warp abuse with Lena lol. I used Cain as a myrm/swordmaster first then sniper (lol) and Caeda. I used Cain as a sniper to use Parthia on Medeus and then gradivus to finish him off. The last run was cut short because I got bored.

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The first ten and last three are the only hard chapters in H5, and that's mostly due to being annoying.

Actually, most of H5 is just annoying.

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Chapter 21- 3/155 Turns

Reclassed Barst to Berserker, and gave him an energy drop so he would ORKO the boss without a crit. He critted anyway. Roshea bought 2 energy rings and 2 Speedwings from the secret shop for Barst. I don't have enough money to make Hardin my Medeus killer, so Berserker!Barst with a forged Silver Axe will have to do. Or maybe Hero!Barst with Mercurius would have been better. Oh well. Got either Tomas's Master Seal from the boss, Parthia time!

Ass, he can't even use Parthia yet >.< Silvers it is.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         14.70   Lord              37  13   11    17   17   9    0   B Sword
Jeigan    ??/10.26   Dracoknight       21   9   14    10    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       Deceased
WRYSSSSSS    15.73   Mage              19  15    9     7    9   2    6   C Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/17.81   Berserker         49  29   20    27   16  18    0   A Axe D Sword (C Lance)
Lena      19/05.69   Sage              25  15   14    13   20   5   15   A Staff D Tome
Roshea    11/02.66   Dracoknight       31  13   13     9    6  11    3   B Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/11.66   Dracoknight       41  22   20    22   13  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena    14/07.35   Swordmaster       38  14   18    22    9   9    3   A Sword
Roger     10/02.61   Hunter            27  10    8    15    8  10    3   C Bow E Sword
Rickard      Descesed
Tomas     10/01.00   Sniper            32  10   12    12    4   7    3   B Bow
Xane         Nobody Cares
Etzel     ??/08.30   Sorcerer          31  11   14    11    8   7   13   B Tome D Staff

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(
Rickard - Chapter 20, OHKO'd by Ballistae while opening the drawbridge
Gordin - Chapter 20, Brave Lanced for more Generics

Chapter 22 - 9/164 Turns

I was one square away from an 8 turn clear, but I didn't feel like restarting. Sacrificed Wrys, although I would have liked another fortify user now that I think about it. Xane should do.

Also, just did a calc, after 3 Geosphere uses, Max Strength Berserker Barst misses the Medeus kill by 1 HP, as does max strength Dracoknight Hardin with Gradivus. GAHHHHH

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If I recall, Geosphere doesn't actually damage Medeus anyway.

Plus, you aren't going to save it until the end are you? :P

wait, it doesn't? ASS

I need to save it till the end, otherwise those chodebag curates with fortify in final will keep healing Medeus. I suppose Suicide!Tomas and Suicide!Roger could kill them with Killer Bow crits. I don't really know where else I would need it, actually.

Tested it, yeah, it doesn't damage him, although I should have known that already.

FUN FACT: In normal mode, 3 uses of the geosphere kills all enemy units on the map, except for 3 generals (who have 1 HP remaining) and Medeus himself.

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I also thought I could damage Medeus with Geospher but no :facepalm: , his HP remained full. Maybe it could result useful in Garnef's map with those swarm annoying bishops.

Has there been any problem with Marth? He seems a bit attractive for enemies...

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  • 3 weeks later...


C17x: 21 turns clear = 246 turns total

Those motherlovin' Paladin reinforcements were OODLES of XP for archer!Catria. Ran out of shit to kill at 21 turns so decided to Seize.

EDIT: jesus god catria is so fine

15/1  DKt  30|20| 1|13|23|10|19| 3




C18: 11 turns clear = 257 turns total

So I'm getting raped by Horace in turns. Expected/10.

Catria actually WENT TO THE ARENA for SOME AMOUNT OF TIME. She managed a 3-win streak in one turn. :D

C19: 13 turns clear = 270 turns total

Could EASILY have been done ~5 turns earlier except I wanted loot. Embarrassingly, Rickard could have shaved a turn or two here because I wouldn't have had to use Marth.

Also got a final level on Castor before his promotion, and it was blank. FFFFFF

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C20: 12 turns clear = 282 turns total

Took an extra turn to recruit Lorenz because free Silver. LET'S GO OFF HIM.

C20x: 21 turns clear = 282 turns total

Ran out of shit to kill. Fed Ymir to Julian and the boss - accidentally - to Radd.



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C21: 6 turns clear = 288 turns total

MARTH cheated me out of a 5 thanks to I forgot gates apparently have a 2-cost.

And I may be losing but at least I'M ENJOYING MYSELF DAMMIT.

C22: 11 turns clear = 299 turns total

Good old 11 turns of straight walking. Bootless Marth is a little depressing.

Now, Gharnef...

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Through sheer balls, pure abuse and true grit:

C23: 12 turns clear = 311 turns total

And so, like a remarkably attractive thief in the night, he steals the spot of "furthest in the draft". Suck it, Gharnef.

Everything ALMOST went to pot when I found out that the "boss" referenced on the site to stop reinforcements was TruGharnef, not the Bishop blocking the throne. But we prevailed with a hearty dose of Fortify and PURE WATER.

Onwards to 24!



EDIT: Man, woulda been nice to have had Xane here.

C24: 8 turns clear = 319 turns total

Just noticed Marth can go over the mountains. Cool.

Took some h4rdc0r3 abuse early on, with Catria needing to hit 2x70% and Beck needing to land a 40%, but there was a save point so no biggie. It all worked.

C24x: whogivesafuck = 319 turns total

Training ground for Marth and Catria, primarily. Trim got a kill and a blank level. Julian got a kill (:D) but no level. Cat hit A Lances, Gradivus time!

EDIT2: Final Chapter Progress!

I'm playing RussiaFE here, dividing kills. RADD and MACELLAN have both killed enemies in the Final Chapter. I cannot express how hilarious this is to me.

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