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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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I have had him move before, after i attakce him once, although i don't know if that was because i passed a certain turn, or because i attacked him.

The other thing I can think of is that Leonardo and Eddie go way to the east (like WAY to the east) and avoid reinforcements/enemies while nolan hits the boss once, then Micaiah goes for the kill. The problem with this is the fact that the other guy can move and attack I think... so I guess a better idea was having Micaiah weaken and Nolan go for the kill. I'll check how much a Dracoshield helps, while I'm at it.

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The other thing I can think of is that Leonardo and Eddie go way to the east (like WAY to the east) and avoid reinforcements/enemies while nolan hits the boss once, then Micaiah goes for the kill. The problem with this is the fact that the other guy can move and attack I think... so I guess a better idea was having Micaiah weaken and Nolan go for the kill. I'll check how much a Dracoshield helps, while I'm at it.

But you don't need to kill the 1-1 boss. Just kill his lacky. With a little luck, you can clear the map in 6 turns with just Nolan and Micaiah.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Judging by HM stats, the boss is an easier kill, but the lacky is better i guess simply because I don't have to worry about a hand axe to the face right after beating the boss... but I could also wait until we actually start the draft. I may start my playthrough depending on Leonardo's status as taken in the near future.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Judging by HM stats, the boss is an easier kill, but the lacky is better i guess simply because I don't have to worry about a hand axe to the face right after beating the boss... but I could also wait until we actually start the draft. I may start my playthrough depending on Leonardo's status as taken in the near future.

Well, I haven't looked at stats, but I'm pretty sure Nolan 2HKOs the lacky (player phase + enemy phase or heal + enemy phase + player phase) and, yeah, no flying Hand Axes.

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I'm worried about part 2 right now. 2-P and 2-1 are easy enough, but I don't have any units for 2-2, nor will I have anyone for 2-3 so far (except Geoffrey, but he can come pretty close to soloing the map anyway). I'm not quite there yet as far as thinking goes anyway, so while I'm worried I still have hope.

It's common to take at least one penalty on 2-2, and 2-3 can be soloed by Geoffrey in something like 7 turns, maybe 6.

But I think it's too soon in the drafting for you to be really worried about this.

2-F will hopefully end up somewhat straightforward, I just need to figure out a practical way to lure out the boss and then have Elincia kill him. The only thing I can really think of to do is bring all my yellow units to the center and take the entire 15 turns to beat it, while Geoffrey's group can (err... just Geoffrey, in other words) can take out the bottom.

There's a sweet spot you can move Elincia (or Haar) to as soon as turn 1 that will force Ludveck to attack up close.

If I end up getting ZiharkxMicaiah to A

It depends on your personal speed, of course, but I'd call that highly unlikely in a draft. I generally just leave SothexMicaiah because anything else for the DB is too slow, unless you get something like Edward/Nolan + Leonardo.

And I think it's WAY too early to think about Part 4 now.

Strange as this might sound, not necessarily. Part 4 effectiveness is very important in drafting.

Needs to be remade :/.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Fuck. This. Shit.

Hey bro I had to see every single DB unit save Zihark (I still think that's the ideal first pick so I can get past Part 3 chapters, by the way!) and like 7 units on top of that, I deserve it :(
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Hey bro I had to see every single DB unit save Zihark (I still think that's the ideal first pick so I can get past Part 3 chapters, by the way!) and like 7 units on top of that, I deserve it :(

And you had to take Elincia too? In the second round, really?


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It's been shown to not always work.

It works really fine if you only have Micaiah and Sothe. I didn't need to have her tank a Tiger, IIRC.

Hey bro I had to see every single DB unit save Zihark (I still think that's the ideal first pick so I can get past Part 3 chapters, by the way!) and like 7 units on top of that, I deserve it :(

Yeah, well, Shinon for a 2nd pick tends to be "too early". ;/ You could've easily waited to at least the 4th round but, oh well. :awesome:

hey some other dude took Volug, I wanted to snag him

Volug is always a 1rst round pick. You can't honestly expect him to last that long. Now, Zihark...

Hm, this seems to be going slowly compared to how quickly I remember drafting going.

That's because I'm not the host. ;)

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It works really fine if you only have Micaiah and Sothe. I didn't need to have her tank a Tiger, IIRC.

How do you deal with the Tiger that can't suicide on Sothe turn 2, and continues to follow them around the map?

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Why did nolan last so much? Also, i dont like that edward and nolan are free for 1-p 1-1 and 1-2. Im not participating but the rule kinda bothers me. It takes away a bit of what makes them likeable to draft.

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Why did nolan last so much?

No idea.

Also, i dont like that edward and nolan are free for 1-p 1-1 and 1-2. Im not participating but the rule kinda bothers me. It takes away a bit of what makes them likeable to draft.

One of them is free because one of them is necessary to complete those chapters (except 1-2), so the ones who don't get the chance to draft them (well, everyone had the chance to draft Nolan here, but that was an anomaly) have to use one of them anyway. Although I would not let them be free for 1-2 if I could.

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I preferred Zihark for endgame stuff more than Nolan -- don't debate me on this but I feel like Zihark would've been more handy in part 1 than Nolan once Zihark comes in. I was actually thinking of hard mode more than normal mode, too, which affected my decision (I barely had any use for Nolan in Hard Mode past the beginning chapters). I honestly felt like there was nothing Nolan could do at some point that Sothe/Zihark couldn't do after Nolan loses those 2 chapters I can use him for.

As for Shinon, since most of the GMs disappeared, I went with him. I contemplated Gatrie but for some reason picking Gatrie didn't quite strike a chord with me; during the endgame I'd think Shinon has more use, especially considering 3-1 and 3-3 aren't really an issue.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Maybe ur personal experience with nolan is bad. The times ive used hes beast from beginning to end. He has raep bases and (i think) the highest growth total after micaiah. If u give him lots of favoritism (the limited amount of chars in a draft makes this easy) he should be really good all the time. Slap a robe and a draco then a beastfoe + tarvos in 3-6 and he becomes a one man army. I'd definetely pick him over frailhark any day if given the choice :p. But its alright, zihark is really good too. :P

elincia and shinon are pretty damn good. Those were great picks. I think gatrie is better than shinon if u lack units in part 3 though. Mainly because he has better 1 range and celerity makes his bad move a non issue plus he can promote really early and keep being ridiculous. His spd cap in tier 3 makes him worse than shinon in endgame though.

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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Not necessarily personal experience, but Zihark's much easier to manage once he comes in than Nolan is for the next couple chapters. He'll get me through Part 1 easier than Nolan would (Sothe picks up the slack prior to that) and Part 3 will be irritating (except 3-12) regardless of whether or not I pick Nolan or Zihark.

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