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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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You have alot of resources you can pour on him, like Angelic Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield, Secret Book. All of those help him BEXP slowplay once he caps HP/Skill/Spd/Res.

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1-P 6 turns

This was standard fare, Micaiah got the boss kill and had an okay level up. Leonardo got in one chip attack on the boss.

1-1 6 turns

I used Nolan here, and together with Micaiah and Leo I could have done it in 5 turns thanks to my clever positioning (I think, I did this yesterday) but I chose to spend an extra turn to get Nolan the Hand Axe.

1-2 7 turns

I chose to use Nolan again, and again it was pretty standard. Micaiah blocked the chokepoint while Leo and Nolan guided Laura up the ledge. Nolan and Leo teamed up on the myrmidon in the treasure room to help me get Thani, and I took an extra turn to get the Energy Drop.

1-3 7 turns

I did the usual thing through the RHS, I spent an extra turn to get the Discipline for some reason.

1-4 7 turns

Standard strategy, but Ilyana had fun tanking Tigers and healing in the north while Micaiah healed her for extra exp. I got the Beastfoe and the Robe, which went to Micaiah who hadn't grown a single point in HP up to this point.

1-5 6 turns

Sothe stole the Master Seal and Ilyana got to level 15 while Leonardo and Micaiah also used this level for some training.

1-6-1 4 turns

Ilyana got sealed and I gave her resolve and she did well up north while Micaiah and Leo cleaned up in the middle of the field and Sothe ran left and did what he does with his forges.

1-6-2 2 turns

standard fair.

1-7 6 turns

I bexpd Fiona up to level 13 and made her a forge and gave Sothe Savior and Micaiah resolve. He carried her before dropping her off by the boss who she proceeded to OHKO on enemy phase. Sothe also picked up another Master Seal.

1-8 5 turns + 4 (Nailah)

Leonardo got bexp and a Master Seal as well as Celerity while Sothe got Adept. Leonardo and Ilyana went south while Sothe went east and Nailah dealt with the LHS. Micaiah hunted down and killed the Dracoknight.

1-9 4 turns

Ok. Micaiah got an Ashera Icon before going into this level iirc.

1-E 7 turns

Bexpd Fiona up to level 20 and sealed her, and gave Sothe Pass and Savior. Sothe ferried Micaiah all the way up to the finish line with the help of the BK along the way. Ilyana and Leonardo dealt with reinforcements while Fiona did her own thing and killed many things she came across. I got the Parity scroll thanks to Sothe, and Ilyana transferred Celerity to the GMs. Micaiah promoted somewhere in the mid teens.

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You have alot of resources you can pour on him, like Angelic Robe, Energy Drop, Dracoshield, Secret Book. All of those help him BEXP slowplay once he caps HP/Skill/Spd/Res.

Dracoshield was used on Sothe, and taking 2 less damage per hit allowed me to more easily do some strategies. For example, Sothe was left with literally 5 HP at the end of 1-8 with terrible biorhythm, and he had close to around 6-8 HP left in 1-E.

Micaiah got reamed by her HP growth -- she grew 2 HP before I gave her my second Angelic Robe.

Getting the Energy Drop was not at all worth the extra couple turn it would take to do so. Zihark was nowhere near 4 (or even 6, for a 3HKO/2RHKO) away from killing something. I didn't even get the Secret Book considering I burned through Iron Knives really quickly.

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I didn't like his BEXP level ups. You can't soft reset for BEXP level-ups either.

Yes, you can. You'll always get 3, but you can get a different three.

Getting the Energy Drop was not at all worth the extra couple turn it would take to do so. Zihark was nowhere near 4 (or even 6, for a 3HKO/2RHKO) away from killing something. I didn't even get the Secret Book considering I burned through Iron Knives really quickly.

You can get the Energy Drop and Thani while finishing in 7 turns with only Micaiah, Sothe, and Nolan. If Micaiah is defensive enough to take a hit from a Fighter, you can do it in 6 turns.

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If Micaiah is defensive enough to take a hit from a Fighter, you can do it in 6 turns.

How much HP/Def does Micaiah need to proc to not get OHKO'd by Fighters (unless you're talking about a Bronze Axe one, but I wasn't aware there were any on that map)?

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How much HP/Def does Micaiah need to proc to not get OHKO'd by Fighters (unless you're talking about a Bronze Axe one, but I wasn't aware there were any on that map)?

I think she needs a combined 20 (he'd have 19 atk). It's the Figher immediately up the ledge. Taking a hit (or dodging, I guess) and killing him allows Laura to start moving up a turn sooner and also means Sothe doesn't need to go down there.

Yeah, I know. I 6 turned and got Wind Edge AND Thani, Sothe killed the Soldier blocking that room.

Oh, I see. I don't think Wind Edge is generally worth it because they're buyable later, though I've never had Edward so it might be good for him.

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I think she needs a combined 20 (he'd have 19 atk). It's the Figher immediately up the ledge. Taking a hit (or dodging, I guess) and killing him allows Laura to start moving up a turn sooner and also means Sothe doesn't need to go down there.

Hmm... She starts with 17, so that's at least 2 level ups, although the chances of her getting the 3 points she needs are quite small, and I don't think it's feasible to get her 3 level ups in 1-P and 1-1.

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Hmm... She starts with 17, so that's at least 2 level ups, although the chances of her getting the 3 points she needs are quite small, and I don't think it's feasible to get her 3 level ups in 1-P and 1-1.

In the Mega Awesome Draft I had her at level 4 at the start of 1-2. It requires her to take some hits in 1-1, but it should be possible without sacrificing turns.

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I used Wind Edge with Zihark on 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 and onwards. I only unlocked that chest because Nolan was right there and I had a Turn to spare (he went on Turn 6), and Sothe actually wasn't able to reach where I needed him to reach in time anyway in order to get the Energy Drop.


-- Injected 3 Levels of BEXP into Geoffrey. +2 HP, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res

-- One Level of BEXP into Danved. +1 Spd, Lck, Res

Deployed: Geoffrey, Danved, Kieran

Turn 3 I try to proc the Horseslayer missing. The generally strategy is to go north a whole fucking lot, after all. I have to use the Short Spear so that asshole bow knight doesnt block the door (something he really likes to do). Attacking the rightmost Warrior with the Crossbow/Steel Axe lures the Speedwing Halberdier in case there's a situation where I'll be able to fight it.

Turn 4: Geoffrey Brave Lances the door and moves in front of the boss. He kills the boss on Turn 4 EP, and Seizes Turn 5. Danved manages to kill the Speedwing Halberdier on Turn 5 as well; I plan on using that on Geoffrey.

Danved's biorhythm was pretty fucking ridiculous this chapter; he had something like 90+ evade the entire chapter.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Geoffrey     19   48   40   25    8   24   21   12   20   16
Danved       10   74   39   17    8   23   22   19   15   13

Turns: 5

Total Turns (Part 2): 32

Total Turns (Overall): 114

BEXP: 8631 (Red Army Survived = 4K :O)


-- BEXP'd Elincia to l5.00, +1 HP, +3 Str, +1 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Res

deployed: Elincia, Leanne

Erm... 2 turns. You read it right... This is the easiest chapter in the draft, in my honest opinion. It's not very straightforward, so I'll outline the steps.

Turn 1: Move Elincia right in front of the breakable wall. Have Leanne vigor her. Have Elincia kill the Steel Longbow Archer, move down one.

Turn 2: ... attack Ludveck. Elincia's +3 Str and +4 Spd from BEXP REALLY helped me here. She does a straight 4HKO (Amiti did 12x4 damage) and he only has a 33% chance of hitting her with a Tomahawk -- she would've survived the hit anyway.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Elincia       5   51   37   22   17   22   26   31   18   25
Geoffrey     19   48   40   25    8   24   21   12   20   16
Danved       10   74   39   17    8   23   22   19   15   13

Turns: 2

Total Turns (Part 2): 34

Total Turns (Overall): 116

BEXP: 3617 (a bit more than that, actually, I pressed 2 way too quickly)

Part 2

2-P: 9 Turns

2-1: 8 Turns

2-2: 10 Turns (6+4)

2-3: 5 Turns

2-E: 2 Turns

Tot: 34 Turns

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I used Wind Edge with Zihark on 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 and onwards. I only unlocked that chest because Nolan was right there and I had a Turn to spare (he went on Turn 6), and Sothe actually wasn't able to reach where I needed him to reach in time anyway in order to get the Energy Drop.


-- Injected 3 Levels of BEXP into Geoffrey. +2 HP, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res

-- One Level of BEXP into Danved. +1 Spd, Lck, Res

Deployed: Geoffrey, Danved, Kieran

Turn 3 I try to proc the Horseslayer missing. The generally strategy is to go north a whole fucking lot, after all. I have to use the Short Spear so that asshole bow knight doesnt block the door (something he really likes to do). Attacking the rightmost Warrior with the Crossbow/Steel Axe lures the Speedwing Halberdier in case there's a situation where I'll be able to fight it.

Turn 4: Geoffrey Brave Lances the door and moves in front of the boss. He kills the boss on Turn 4 EP, and Seizes Turn 5. Danved manages to kill the Speedwing Halberdier on Turn 5 as well; I plan on using that on Geoffrey.

Danved's biorhythm was pretty fucking ridiculous this chapter; he had something like 90+ evade the entire chapter.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Geoffrey 	19   48   40   25    8   24   21   12   20   16
Danved   	10   74   39   17    8   23   22   19   15   13

Turns: 5

Total Turns (Part 2): 32

Total Turns (Overall): 114

BEXP: 8631 (Red Army Survived = 4K :O)


-- BEXP'd Elincia to l5.00, +1 HP, +3 Str, +1 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Res

deployed: Elincia, Leanne

Erm... 2 turns. You read it right... This is the easiest chapter in the draft, in my honest opinion. It's not very straightforward, so I'll outline the steps.

Turn 1: Move Elincia right in front of the breakable wall. Have Leanne vigor her. Have Elincia kill the Steel Longbow Archer, move down one.

Turn 2: ... attack Ludveck. Elincia's +3 Str and +4 Spd from BEXP REALLY helped me here. She does a straight 4HKO (Amiti did 12x4 damage) and he only has a 33% chance of hitting her with a Tomahawk -- she would've survived the hit anyway.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Elincia   	5   51   37   22   17   22   26   31   18   25
Geoffrey 	19   48   40   25    8   24   21   12   20   16
Danved   	10   74   39   17    8   23   22   19   15   13

Turns: 2

Total Turns (Part 2): 34

Total Turns (Overall): 116

BEXP: 3617 (a bit more than that, actually, I pressed 2 way too quickly)

Part 2

2-P: 9 Turns

2-1: 8 Turns

2-2: 10 Turns (6+4)

2-3: 5 Turns

2-E: 2 Turns

Tot: 34 Turns

For future reference, it's possible to 1 turn 2-E with Elincia and Leanne if you just move right next to the longbow archer and don't attack him.

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damn... and I really fucked up part 3:


-- Adept, Counter to Shinon

-- Vantage, Provoke to Ike

I can't think of a way to describe this chapter nor can I think of a way to explain just how infuriated I am. Took me 9 turns because Skrimir made some stupid move on Turn 1 and got untransformed on Turn 8 NPC Phase. I got Shinon to get the kill on Turn 9 Player phase and Skrimir seized then -- thank God for that at least, I feel like the Crossbow will be pretty useful next chapter.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike          12   ??   45   27    2   30   25   14   23    7
Shinon       14   53   44   21    7   28   25   16   20   14

Turns: 9

Total Turns (Part 3): 9

Total Turns (Overall): 125

BEXP: 5392


-- Ike to 15.00, +3 HP, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +2 Def

-- Shinon to 15.00, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Def

BEXP left: 377

My extra unit is Gatrie, outfitted with every single ranged weapon I have (and a Killer Axe for fun).

On Turn 2 EP Ike managed to take down the entire line of Generals in the South... I battle saved the moment it happened.

This chapter was irritating overall because I only had three units to kill with; Lethe and Lyre did nothing (Lyre did 5x1 transformed and her gauge went down REALLY slowly). I managed to prevent anyone undrafted/free from getting hit, and the Crossbow is now at like 10 uses. |:

Lethe and Lyre both got killed. Those dumbasses...

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike          17   15   49   27    2   30   29   15   26    7
Shinon       16   69   45   23    7   30   25   16   22   14

Turns: 10

Total Turns (Part 3): 19

Total Turns (Overall): 135

BEXP: 3398


-- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Sword for Ike (got +5 Crit from a coin)

-- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Bow for Shinon (got +2 Mt from a coin)

-- Shinon to 17.00, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def

-- Ike to 18.00, +1 HP, +1 Spd, +1 Lck

-- Removed Vantage from Ike, replaced with Pass

-- 2 Bowguns for Shinon, 3 Wind Edges for Ike

1209 BEXP remaining

In order to kill the boss with his forged Steel Bow, I have to either get a Critical (~30%) or Adept (at least 26%). I like these odds.

My basic strategy here is Crossbow/Bowgun on Shinon, and Ike uses the Wind Edge at the start of the chapter. We go straight down and, when we get to turn 3, Ike shoves Shinon so Shinon can get into the boss' range; then Shinon hopefully delivers a ORKO to the boss (3HKO, but once again 30% crit rate and 26% adept are vital). I have to proc the final hit and Shinon's getting shoved (Shinon needs to be able to kill one of the Paladins so they're not covering two adjacent sides, which will prevent Ike from shoving him).

This chapter was easier to deal with than 2-E, because this strategy came to me as I was about to 5-turn it.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike          18   51   50   27    2   30   30   16   26    7
Shinon       17   80   45   24    7   30   26   16   23   14

Turns: 3

Total Turns (Part 3): 22

Total Turns (Overall): 138

BEXP: 4959


-- Removed Adept from Shinon, gave him Wrath

-- BEXP Ike to 19.00, +1 Mag, Lck, Res

-- BEXP Shinon to 19.00, +2 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res

-- Pass goes to Titania

BEXP Remaining: 1674

Extra unit: Titania

Titania burns the Northwestern, southwestern, northeaster set of supplies, Ike burns the one behind the boss, Shinon burns the one in the middle and I think Ike got the one to the right. I'm not satisfied with this turncount, but without Haar it's tough.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Ike          20   --   50   27    3   30   30   18   26    8
Shinon       20   52   45   27    9   30   26   17   23   15

Turns: 11+4 = 15

Total Turns (Part 3): 37

Total Turns (Overall): 153

BEXP: 7024

I accidentally saved over the file again... dammit, 11 turns SUCKS.

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It does. He took a penalty for using Titania. Although I'm surprised he didn't deploy the free six-move unit regardless.

I was talking to someone who pointed that out right after I saved over the chapter smh.. just teaches me to be better about save states. First draft's the worst, anyway.

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I was talking to someone who pointed that out right after I saved over the chapter smh.. just teaches me to be better about save states. First draft's the worst, anyway.

Ah. Yeah, after the first draft you get much more familiar with chapters, units and strategies.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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This is my first draft. I'll try my hardest, but I doubt I'll win

Also, has anyone tried to do 3-1 with Ike, Gatrie, and Rhys?

Word of advice, DONT. It's terrible. Its still crazy hard even when I take a penalty and use Titania :(

Oh well, still working on it!

Edited by Nytefahr
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Attack the boss from the South and ignore the enemies that come up north. Pass on Ike may not be a bad idea either; the purpose is to kill the boss with a ranged weapon.

I can easily see you getting a nice 4 or 5 turn clear if you go directly South. I got 3 turns with Shinon, but that's not advised when you haven't drafted him and can get less than 7 without him.

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Attack the boss from the South and ignore the enemies that come up north. Pass on Ike may not be a bad idea either; the purpose is to kill the boss with a ranged weapon.

I can easily see you getting a nice 4 or 5 turn clear if you go directly South. I got 3 turns with Shinon, but that's not advised when you haven't drafted him and can get less than 7 without him.

That would be 3-2....

3-1 Is the stupid Mugill battle, where you have to murder units everywhere, and the map is almost completely split by a horizontal wall & House.

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hey who wants to PM me every night at like midnight filled with flaming and insults and motivations to make me sleep on time? in other words, i'm sorry, for some reason i stop thinking clearly whenever i go to this site... so in the future if you hear me rambling or saying something completely stupid/nonsensical its because of that

How viable is getting Rhys to the Forest tiles up north, exactly? My Ike actually criticaled his way through the bottom portion and Shinon crossbow'd the fuck out of the top enemy units, whereas Gatrie hung back and took on reinforcements (he aided Ike and Shinon too). I had Oscar, Titania, Mia, and Boyd rescue people so that they would be easily transported in case the needed arose (and it obviously did, there ARE reinforcements with 7 mov that show up on some turn). Just check hitrates up there and see what happens. Did you inject BEXP to bolster Rhys' speed at all?

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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This is my first draft. I'll try my hardest, but I doubt I'll win

It's my second draft, although I haven't finished my SS one yet. It's also Raven's first draft. We're probably all going to blown away by Soul, but he never finishes his drafts anyway.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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