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(FE7) EHM Draft

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Surprised you turned down Geitz when you have both Hector and Lyn. Oh well, he would still be hard to recruit if you're playing at a competitive speed.

Well, if no one else picks him (and I don't know why anyone would, besides to screw me over) I won't have to--the character that isn't selected is free, right?

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Chapter 11: 4/4 Turns

Same strategy as General_Horace except Dorcas was able to snag the dragon shield(Unless undrafteds are allowed to visit villages?idk). And Lowen was key because he ORKO'd an archer that was in Marcus' way.

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Chapter 11: 4/4 Turns

Same strategy as General_Horace except Dorcas was able to snag the dragon shield(Unless undrafteds are allowed to visit villages?idk). And Lowen was key because he ORKO'd an archer that was in Marcus' way.

No, I missed the dragonshield.

Uh, ass.


Chapter 13 - 6/15 Turns

I probably lost a turn here because I only had Eliwoop and Marcus.

Marcus smashed the snag, then the archer, then got the village and rescued Eliwood and ...

Marcus soloed the chapter while Eliwood was either a distraction or being carried by Marcus.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    03.55       20   6    6    7    7    6    0   C Sword
Marcus  ??/02.60       32  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe    

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Yay Wallace!

Chapter 13x - 8/23 Turns

Marcus got the gold, killed the boss, and killed some other shit.

Eliwood chugged Vulneraries. Lowen held a chokepoint till turn 7 when he eventually died, and Oswin just stood and held another taking no damage.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    05.39       21   6    7    8    9    7    2   B Sword
Marcus  ??/02.60       33  16   16   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe 

Chapter 14 - 5/28 Turns

It was sketch having Eliwood kill the loldiers, but he prevailed, with the help of vulneraries and Merlinus. Marcus had to hold up a little because of that damn pirate.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    06.40       22   6    8    8    9    8    3   B Sword
Marcus  ??/04.09       34  16   17   12    8   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe   

Finally get another unit, in Sain. I think Eliwood is using the energy ring, because nobody else on my team will need it.

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I'll get them both anyway so I'm picking Geitz because I don't want Dig to be the only one using the free character.

Aww. Now I'm the only one who probably won't get it. Drat.

I'm kidding. It makes sense.

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Chapter 12: 5/9 turns

Lowen went north to get some exp, Dorcas stayed where he was and fought nearby enemies, Eliwood went to get the skill book, And Marcus went and killed shit.

Unit      	Level  hp  str  skl  spd  lck  def res
Eliwood 	2.31   18   6	6    7      8 	6    1
Marcus  	1.90
Lowen   	3.83   24   7	5    7      3  	7   0
Dorcas  	3.44

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Chapter 15 - 6/34 Turns

Marcus carried Eliwood over the mountains, then dropped him off so he could kill the boss, and Eliwood seized. Sain booked it to the red gem village. Bought 1098439875 hand axes and javelins, because Eliwood mode gives you tons of money.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    06.41       22   6    8    8    9    8    3   B Sword
Marcus  ??/05.20       35  17   17   13    8   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe    
Sain       06.35       24  11    6    9    5    7    1   D Lance D Sword

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Chapter 11: 5/5 Turns.

I used a similar strategy to the General's, but I stopped off at the village and got the shield on the way to the throne, which cost me a turn. It may not have been worth it, but I'm much too lazy/impatient to redo it.

No one leveled, so no stat tables.

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Chapter 16 - 7/41 Turns

Sain used the heavy spear (GASP) on the knight, then Marcus cleared a path for Sain, who carried Eliwood quite a ways before passing him off to Marcus so he could got back and get exp. Marcus ORKO'd the boss with the Hammer.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    06.63       22   6    8    8    9    8    3   B Sword
Marcus  ??/06.31       36  18   17   14    8   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe    
Sain       07.99       25  11    6    9    5    7    1   D Lance D Sword

Holy Batman speed blessed Marcus.

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Chapter 16 - 7/41 Turns

Sain used the heavy spear (GASP) on the knight, then Marcus cleared a path for Sain, who carried Eliwood quite a ways before passing him off to Marcus so he could got back and get exp. Marcus ORKO'd the boss with the Hammer.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    06.63       22   6    8    8    9    8    3   B Sword
Marcus  ??/06.31       36  18   17   14    8   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe    
Sain       07.99       25  11    6    9    5    7    1   D Lance D Sword

Holy Batman speed blessed Marcus.

Woah, don't finish this draft first night bro.

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Woah, don't finish this draft first night bro.

I just might. It's way too easy with Marcus right now.

Chapter 17x - 3/44 Turns

Marcus blasted his way through the pirates, while Eliwoop went north, and Sain got one kill.

Also, Fargus:


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Chapter 13: 6/15 Turns

I was moderately annoyed that Eliwood wouldn't survive for me to be able to do this in 5 turns, but oh well. I easily finished it in 6.

Unit   		LEVEL	HP 	STR    SKL	SPD    LCK 	DEF     RES
Eliwood  	2.66  	18	6   	6  	7   	8   	6   	1   	
Marcus   	2.61   	32	16	16	11 	8   	10 	8
Lowen    	4.04   	25 	8  	5  	7  	3    	8   	0
Dorcas   	3.84

Can somebody PLEASE explain how to line this up?

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Chapter 17 - 3/47 Turns

Marcus rush blargh. Bought some door keys and tomes for Pent.

UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    07.67       23   7    8    9   10    8    3   B Sword
Marcus  ??/07.32       37  18   18   14   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword A Axe    
Sain       09.65       26  12    7   10    5    7    1   C Lance D Sword

Core, copy and paste my template into notepad, and see how they line up. You can just fill in your characters accordingly.

Chapter 18 - 4/51 Turns

Horseslayer Marcus brought down Uhai. Dart and Fiora joined me this chapter, and they both got a level up!


UNIT       LEVEL       HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Eliwood    08.88       24   7    8   10   11    8    3   B Sword 
Sain       10.43       27  13    7   10    5    7    1   C Lance D Sword
Dart       09.15       35  13    8    8    3    6    1   B Axe
Fiora      08.65       22   8   12   14    7    6    7   C Lance

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Chapter 12: 5/10 Turns

Marcus charged east while Eliwood trekked north for the book. Hector and Oswin cleanly handled things on their end while Marcus mopped up everything in his way. Marcus got a terrible level-up, but Hector got an amazing one. Wiggity word.

Eliwood is Lv. 1.72, Hector is 2.31, and Marcus is 2.14.



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Ch 13x: 8/23 Turns

It is 8 turns, correct?

Yeah this was pretty standard and easy, I still haven't killed anyone yet.

Elwd|03.80|19|06|07|07|08|06|01|C Sword
Mrcs|02.98|32|16|16|11|08|10|08|A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lwen|05.34|26|08|05|08|04|09|01|B Axe
Drcs|05.08|31|07|09|06|04|03|00|D Axe

It still doesn't work

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Did the first 3 chapters, same turn counts as GH. Things will get more interesting once the EXP leach gets kicked of the team.

Chapter 11: 4/4

Eliwood gets a critical on the first Brigand on turn 1, allowing Marcus to move ahead and wipe out 2 more that enemy phase. Bartre hits the village and Dorcas distracts the archer while on a fort. Marcus picks up Eliwood on turn 2, drops him on turn 3 and he seizes on turn 4.

Eliwood: 1.61

Marcus: 1.30

Chapter 12: 5/9

Marcus charges to the right, Eliwood camps on the fort for a few kills and Hector and Oswin take care of the top.

Eliwood: 3.11

Marcus: 1.97

Oswin: 1.31

Chapter 13: 6/15

Drafting Oswin lets me break the first snag on turn 1, allowing Marcus to have the second broken by turn 2. With a SPD proc he can kill the Mercenary and Hand Axe Brigand on enemy phase, with the boss dead by the start of turn 5. I probably could have finished then had I not recruited Guy, but he should prove useful in the long run.

Eliwood: 3.11

Marcus: 2.75

Oswin: 9.31

Guy: 3.10

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Chapter 14: 5/28 Turns

Marcus went and took out the Bulk, Dorcas stayed for soldiers, Eliwood went South, and Lowen cleaned up Marcus's leftovers

Elwd|04.44|20|07|07|07|08|06|01|C Sword
Mrcs|03.80|32|17|17|12|08|10|08|A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lwen|05.34|27|08|05|08|04|09|01|D Lance D Sword
Drcs|05.88|31|07|09|06|04|03|00|D Axe

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When it says that we can use Marcus "up to Chapter 19," does that include being able to use him on 19? Because I may be in some trouble if that's not the case.

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End of chapter 19. Although the boss of 19x is pretty dodgy and luck based too.

I think you're talking about the boss of chapter 18x, since this is Eliwood Mode. But thanks for clarifying.

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Chapter 13: 6/16 Turns

Like Core, I had some trouble keeping Eliwood alive, which made the 5-turn clear close enough to impossible for me to settle with finishing in 6 turns. What's funny is that I forgot that I drafted Serra until about halfway through, but it didn't really end up mattering.

Eliwood is Lv. 2. 32 with 19 HP, and Hector is 3.12 with 21 HP. Serra is still at base, and Marcus hasn't leveled since last time.


Edit: Crap. Sorry for the double post.

Chapter 13x: 8 Turns

Marcus got the fat loot from the village while Hector and Eliwood held off the enemy at the normal choke point with a bit of healing from Serra. Hector and Eliwood also reached C-Level Support with each other.

Eliwood is 3.46 with 20 HP

Hector is 4.46 with 22 HP. He also used the Secret Book.

Serra is at base

Marcus is 3.27 with 32 HP


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