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(FE7) EHM Draft

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Chapter 16: 8/45

Once again, Marcus charged forth while everyone followed behind and played cleanup. My lack of non-Marcus mounted units made a few things more difficult than they could have been, but it all ended rather well.

Chapter 16x: 7/52

Eliwood and Erk headed up the northern route while everyone else engaged the pirates. Marcus got a critical hit on Damien with a steel sword (oh, the irony) and Lyn and Hector got a few lucky kills.

Chapter 17: 3/55

Marcus went west. Everyone else held the center. Pretty standard stuff.

Chapter 18: 6/61

Marcus hounded Uhai while everyone else defended the main island. I got a bit lucky with a few dodges, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Chapter 18x: 8/69 (Giggity)

Hector handled the Pegasus knights that came over the mountain while everyone else headed to the west. Serra visited the ruins for the Goddess Icon (which went to Hector). I was sad that Marcus had to get the boss-kill, but it was the only way to get a decent turn-count (though I'm sure that everyone else did better).

Chapter 19: 11/80

Lost a few turns getting the Guiding Ring, but it may be worth it in the long run, once I promote Erk. Either way, what's done is done.

Eliwood 	11.53 	27    10 	12 	11 	12 	9 	3 	Sword-A 	Hector-C

Marcus 	10.91 	35 	16 	20 	16 	9 	10 	11 	Lance-S Sword-A Axe-A

Hector 	16.87 	32 	17 	12 	10 	12 	12 	3 	Axe-A 	Eliwood-C

Serra 	4.71 	18 	4 	8 	9 	8 	3 	7 	Staff-C

Erk 	10.62 	21 	9 	8 	12 	7 	6 	8 	Anima-C

Lyn 	10.95 	22 	7 	16 	12 	7 	4 	2 	Sword-B

When would you guys suggest that I promote Erk? Level 11? Or should I wait a few more levels, first? I know we're in a contest, but as you guys can see from the numbers, I'm not really posing a threat to anyone. (I'm still having tons of fun with this, though.)

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Chapter 16: 8/45

Once again, Marcus charged forth while everyone followed behind and played cleanup. My lack of non-Marcus mounted units made a few things more difficult than they could have been, but it all ended rather well.

Chapter 16x: 7/52

Eliwood and Erk headed up the northern route while everyone else engaged the pirates. Marcus got a critical hit on Damien with a steel sword (oh, the irony) and Lyn and Hector got a few lucky kills.

Chapter 17: 3/55

Marcus went west. Everyone else held the center. Pretty standard stuff.

Chapter 18: 6/61

Marcus hounded Uhai while everyone else defended the main island. I got a bit lucky with a few dodges, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Chapter 18x: 8/69 (Giggity)

Hector handled the Pegasus knights that came over the mountain while everyone else headed to the west. Serra visited the ruins for the Goddess Icon (which went to Hector). I was sad that Marcus had to get the boss-kill, but it was the only way to get a decent turn-count (though I'm sure that everyone else did better).

Chapter 19: 11/80

Lost a few turns getting the Guiding Ring, but it may be worth it in the long run, once I promote Erk. Either way, what's done is done.

Eliwood 	11.53 	27    10 	12 	11 	12 	9 	3 	Sword-A 	Hector-C

Marcus 	10.91 	35 	16 	20 	16 	9 	10 	11 	Lance-S Sword-A Axe-A

Hector 	16.87 	32 	17 	12 	10 	12 	12 	3 	Axe-A 	Eliwood-C

Serra 	4.71 	18 	4 	8 	9 	8 	3 	7 	Staff-C

Erk 	10.62 	21 	9 	8 	12 	7 	6 	8 	Anima-C

Lyn 	10.95 	22 	7 	16 	12 	7 	4 	2 	Sword-B

When would you guys suggest that I promote Erk? Level 11? Or should I wait a few more levels, first? I know we're in a contest, but as you guys can see from the numbers, I'm not really posing a threat to anyone. (I'm still having tons of fun with this, though.)

It depends on how he is currently performing. Is he ORKOing stuff? How often is he in danger of dieing? Do you need him to be able to use staves? But most likely, it will be better to promote him level 11/12

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His Magic and Speed are high enough that he's usually doubling and therefore ORKOing things. And I have Serra, but it certainly couldn't hurt to have another staff user around.

Thanks for the input.

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His Magic and Speed are high enough that he's usually doubling and therefore ORKOing things. And I have Serra, but it certainly couldn't hurt to have another staff user around.

Thanks for the input.

You'll want to wait until he can ORKO Wyverns with Thunder. Your turncounts will be much better when you can drop Erk on a forest and watch him obliterate piles of Wyverns.

That said, I don't know how much HP/Res midgame Wyvs have, but I'm rather certain 17-18 attack will be enough to kill them in one round.

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Do you mean that I should wait until he can ORKO them as a mage, or when he'll be able to do that as a promoted unit? Because considering the number of units I have at the moment (none of which are mounted) I may need all of the help I can get.

Edit. Oh. Erk already has 17 Attack with Thunder. Derp.

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Awesome. Thanks a bunch.

Chapter 20: 7/87

No more Marcus. This is where things get interesting. Erk busied himself killing Monks while the others went after Oleg. Erk ended up promoting at level 12, and Hector got the boss kill because Erk didn't have enough uses of Thunder and no one else was close enough to get the job done.

Chapter 21: 4/91

This one went better (and quicker) than I expected. The group moved south until Eubans attacked Hector and died from a critical. I didn't get a chance to try to kill the enemy thief and take the pilfered Brave Axe, but it's all good.

Chapter 22: 8/99

This chapter is a lot easier without the sandstorm you get in HHM. Pent handled his side of the map handily enough, especially once Erk joined him on his rampage. The only buried item I found was the Ocean Seal (A.K.A. Big Money). My lack of fliers hurt me, but it could have gone worse, I suppose.

Chapter 23: 10/109

Well, my lords' levels fell just a bit short to qualify for the map with Geitz, so I got to get Wallace after all. Word. I had to resort to sending a suicidal Florina after Wallace, who held his side of the map quite well, and even gained a couple of levels for his trouble. Meanwhile, Hector grabbed a Swordreaver and played Marcus, with Eliwood and Lyn following him to finish the scraps. Erk gave them covering fire and a bit of healing while Serra and Ninian followed out of ballista range, helping out where they were needed. Lloyd was tough, but in the end, Hector was tougher.

Eliwood 	15.51 	29 	12 	14 	13 	14 	9 	4 	Sword-A 	Hector-C

Hector 	20.00 	35 	19 	14 	12 	14 	15 	4 	Axe-A 	Eliwood-C

Serra 	8.15 	19 	6 	10 	10 	9 	3 	10 	Staff-B

Erk 	3.21 	33 	13 	10 	12 	9 	10 	13 	Anima-A Staff-E

Lyn 	15.12 	26 	9 	17 	13 	9 	4 	3 	Sword-B

Ninian 	3.76 	16 	0 	0 	13 	101    6 	6

Wallace 	3.11 	36 	16 	11 	8 	10 	20 	7 	Lance-A Axe-E

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Well visiting villages is prohibited and usually is prohibited. It was stated in the rules that visiting villages is not something a unit is allowed to use. Just take some penalties or start over.

Since I really don't feel like restarting, having played each chapter up to this point multiple times to maximize efficiency, I think I'll just drop out and finish this run on my own time. Thank you for signing me up, and good luck on your own play-through.

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Since I really don't feel like restarting, having played each chapter up to this point multiple times to maximize efficiency, I think I'll just drop out and finish this run on my own time. Thank you for signing me up, and good luck on your own play-through.

Aww, man. You sure? It's not like you're going to come in last if you take the penalties--I'm definitely getting that prize.

Chapter 24: 12/121

I normally promote Lyn first, but since Hector has been at level 20 for a while now, and Lyn has a few levels to go, I decided to promote Hector. he and the other two lords did a bit of scrambling to get out of the way of the incoming enemies without Pent and Louise engaging in combat. Serra swiped Pent's Physic staff, and Elfire will go to Erk, who--let's face it--can use every little boost he can get at this point. I tried to get to the Hammerne village, before time ran out, but the chapter ended with me standing a whopping 2 spaces away. Since I don't have save states, I think I'll just save myself the trouble and move on. I have few enough units that I figure the only thing I'm really missing out on by not getting the Hammerne staff are the lords' special weapons. Oh, well. Also, Erk is the first non-Marcus unit to reach weapon rank S. Woot.

Chapter 25: 14/135

Obviously, I ended up at Kenneth's version of this chapter. Erk and Wallace handled the left-hand side (and all of the wyvern reinforcements) nicely while the rest of the gang barged through the front door, with the newly-upgraded Hector decimating the puny mages who stood in his path. Serra healed a lot and promoted. I recruited Harken with an unarmed Marcus, who followed in Wallace's wake, out of enemy range. Harken proved his worth almost immediately by ORKOing the boss with his Brave Sword. I could have had a better turn count if I hadn't had to hold off on killing the bishop so that Harken would appear, but I can't complain too much overall.

Chapter 26: 16/151

This proved (as I'd expected) to be the msot difficult chapter yet. I must have restarted more than a dozen times before I figured out a strategy that worked. My lack of mounted units proved ill for me, but I ended up sending Eliwood, Lyn, Legault, and Serra to the right while everyone else headed in the left entrance. Hector, Harken, and Wallace all proved themselves indispensable, especially in that area in front of the left treasure room, where Ursula can reach with Bolting and Heroes, Generals, and Mages lurk. Erk and Ninian made sure that Jaffar talked to Nino, and Erk made it back to the others just in time to heal a massive and potentially fatal Bolting-induced wound on Wallace.

Chapter 26x: 16/167

I promoted Lyn at the beginning of the chapter. Anyway, a water-trap map with no flying or mounted units proved to be an interesting endeavor. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but this really was the best I could have done, given the paths and units I was faced with. Jaffar pleasantly surprised me by getting a few Silences off, saving my army's collective ass in the process. Hector (with the Boots) charged Sonia and ORKOed her while Harken followed and dropped Eliwood on the throne for the seize.

Chapter 27: 14/181

Ah, Cog of Destiny. So many frustrating memories. This time, Jaffar, Erk, and Ninian went west; Hector and Wallace took the middle route; and Lyn, Harken, and Serra trekked up the eastern path. I had a couple of scares involving Heroes and ballistas, but nothing too terrible. Erk battled Linus from a distance while Jaffar ran up and stabbed him, but it was Erk who ultimately won the day. Special props to Wallace and Hector for being the best defensive walls in the history of the words, "Brace yourselves!"

Chapter 28: 9/190

I probably shouldn't have done this chapter with my Lords, but I wanted the novelty of it, I suppose. Anyway, Eliwood had a bit of trouble with the mix of swords and axes, Lyn had a little less with the archers, and Hector absolutely destroyed the magic users. Hector also killed the shit out of Georg. It was rather impressive.

Eliwood   1.50 	36 	15 	16 	15 	14 	10 	8 	Sword-A Lance-D 	Hector-C

Hector 	13.66 	49 	25 	20 	18 	14 	21 	11 	Axe-S Sword-D 	Eliwood-C

Serra 	5.19 	24 	9 	13 	13 	10 	5 	15 	Staff-S Light-D

Erk 	12.50 	40 	19 	14 	19 	13 	13 	17 	Anima-S Staff-D

Lyn 	3.27 	32 	15 	20 	15 	10 	8 	8 	Sword-A Bow-D

Wallace   10.60 	39 	19 	13 	8 	13 	22 	10 	Lance-S Axe-B

Harken 	13.34 	43 	23 	20 	18 	12 	16 	11 	Sword-B Axe-A

Jaffar 	14.86 	35 	19 	25 	24 	10 	15 	11 	Sword-A

Vaida 	9.50 	43 	20 	19 	13 	11 	21 	6 	Sword-A Lance-A

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I am embarrassed by how much Wallace is in this thread.

Free tank is free.

Chapter 29: 12/202 Turns

Standard rush-Denning-while-swiping-everything-from-the-chests strategy. Luckily for me, Jaffar can use lock picks. Hector killed Denning and the Thief who took the Body Ring before I could get there. Eliwood almost died from a Luna attack by one of the Druid reinforcements, but it was nothing too dire.

Chapter 29x: 6/208 Turns

Shoppin', yo. And a few trips to the arena.

Chapter 30: 11/219 Turns

Classic 3-way split: Vaida and Wallace went north, Erk and Harken took the middle, and everyone else went south. I had some trouble keeping Serra alive with all of the Boltings and ballista arrows flying around, and I eventually ended up confining her mostly to the forest tiles. I'm glad I gave the Boots to Hector, because he was able to charge right up to Limstella and 2RKO her with a Killer Axe while Eliwood followed behind to seize. Jaffar taught the Wyvern Riders a thing or two about how buster weapons affect the weapon triangle, and Harken killed an obscene amount of canon fodder. All in all, it was a good run.

Eliwood   5.28     40     17     17 	16     15     13     9     Sword-A Lance-D 	Hector-C

Hector 	17.28     52     28     21     20     14 	23     11 	Axe-S Sword-D 	Eliwood-C

Serra     6.08     24     10     14     13 	10 	5 	15 	Staff-S Light-D

Erk 	12391     41     20     14     20     13 	13 	18     Anima-S Staff-C

Lyn     6.22     34     15 	23     17     11     10     8     Sword-A Bow-C

Wallace   13.57     41     21     14 	8 	13 	22 	11     Lance-S Axe-A

Harken 	15.69     45     24     20 	18 	14     17     11 	Sword-B Axe-S

Jaffar 	16.32     36 	19 	27 	24 	11 	16 	11 	Sword-S

Vaida     12.80     45     21     22     14     11 	21 	6 	Sword-A Lance-A

Nils 	12.13 	24     0 	0 	21     19     9 	11

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Final Chapter: Light: 18/237 Turns

Not all that much to say about this. I had a few close calls, and I did end up losing Wallace (he died heroically... And laughing), but I ended up having Athos and Hector team up on Nergal. I'd somehow missed Luna on my play through, so I had to resort to using Aureola, which took a bit longer. Jaffar, Hector, and Athos were vital--Jaffar managed to Silence at least three of the boss morphs, and Hector and Athos did all of the damage to Nergal and the Dragon. Everyone else (with the exceptions of Erk and Serra, who proved their worth in the staff department) basically stood by and couldn't do much of anything, although Harken did kill Brendan. Here are my final stats:

Eliwood   5.43    40 	17 	17    16 	15    13 	9 	Sword-A Lance-D	Hector-C

Hector    20.00 	55    28 	23    21 	15 	24 	12	Axe-S Sword-D 	Eliwood-C

Serra 	9.46    25 	11    14 	13 	13 	6	17 	Staff-S Light-D

Erk 	15.26    42 	20    15 	20 	13 	14	18 	Anima-S Staff-C

Lyn    6.22 	34 	15    23 	17    11 	10 	8    Sword-A Bow-C

Wallace  13.57 	41    21 	14 	8 	13	22 	11 	Lance-SAxe-A

Harken    16.90 	46    25 	20 	18    15 	17 	11    Sword-A Axe-S

Jaffar    19.18 	38 	20 	29	25 	11 	16	11 	Sword-S

Vaida    12.80 	45    21 	22    14 	11 	21 	6	Sword-A Lance-A

Nils 	13.16	25 	0 	0	21 	20 	10	12

Chapter 11: 5/5Turns.

Chapter 12: 5/10

Chapter 13: 6/16

Chapter 13x: 8/24

Chapter 14: 7/31

Chapter 15: 6/37

Chapter 16: 8/45

Chapter 16x: 7/52

Chapter 17: 3/55

Chapter 18: 6/61

Chapter 18x: 8/69

Chapter 19: 11/80

Chapter 20: 7/87

Chapter 21: 4/91

Chapter 22: 8/99

Chapter 23: 10/109

Chapter 24: 12/121

Chapter 25: 14/135

Chapter 26: 16/151

Chapter 27: 14/181

Chapter 28: 9/190

Chapter 29: 12/202Turns

Chapter 29x: 6/208Turns

Chapter 30: 11/219Turns

Final Chapter:Light: 18/237 Turns

Total Turns (minus 26x): 221 Turns

Well, I certainly won't be taking the gold for this, but I'd say that it wasn't bad for my first draft ever (I'd never even played for efficiency before this). I took a lot more chances than I normally do, and I had a lot of fun with a game that I've beaten countless times. And while I may have done a bit better with save states, I'm actually glad that I did this on a cartridge.

Good game, guys. It was fun as hell.

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Chapter 19: 8/67 Turns

Through luck and perhaps divine intervention, I did this in 8 turns while getting the brave bow AND the guiding ring. Marcus gets mvp for critblicking Darin, Then following the thieves to kill the guiding ring one.

Chapter 20: 3/70 Turns

Base: Lowen promoted

This was quite impressive, I thought. Florina went up and got the whip, Marcus went shopping. Kent, Eliwood, Dorcas, Wil stayed in the middle to deal with AKs. Lowen and Lucius dashed for the boss. Lowen got within range of Oleg on Turn 2, he countered. Then on turn 3, Lucius could reach him to attack, and Lowen attacked again, with a lucky dodge to survive, to kill Oleg

Chapter 21: 4/74 Turns

I was very surprised at how difficult Eubans was to kill. In the end, I gave Lowen a devil axe to do most of the damage. Other than that...Lucius was awesome at dodgetanking, and now I have some more people ready for promotion.

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Chapter 23 8 turns

I bought Florina to recruit Wallace. Newly promoted Raven went up the left along with Bartre and Matt. While everyone else went left. I got the Earth Seal and recruited Wallace. He is really good and is a great Wall. I had Raven get the boss kill.

Chapter 24 12 turns

Eliwood blocked off the East while Raven came up to help. I got Wallace to B rank axes using the Devil's Axe. Rebecca was great against Wyverns even though she has little strength. Isadora and Bartre helped with the Wyverns to the west using their axes.

Name    Level   HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level              Support
Eliwood 19.18   33      12      17      14      16      13      7       A Swords 
Matt    16.80   28      7       9       20      10      7       2       A Swords 
Raven   14/5.58 39      16      19      24      6       8       4       A Swords C Axes           C Prissy 
Prissy  15.23   20      13      9       11      13      3       11      A Staves                  C Raven
Rebecca 15.97   28      9       12      15      9       6       5       A Bows 
Bartre  18.19   41      14      17      11      7       8       8       A Axes
Ninian  4.40    22      1       2       14      13      6       6      
Isadora ?/3.74  29      14      12      17      10      8       7       A Sowrds B Lances D Axes
Wallace ?/2.69  35      17      9       8       10      20      5       A Lances C Axes

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Chapter 25 20/151 turns

This map is my least favorite in the game. Jerme's map should be a seize map. It is so hard to go everywhere and kill all the enemies. I just don't want to try to get a lower turn count.

Chapter 26 15/166 turns

I missed the boots and promoted everyone but Matthew. Wallace is just and absolute tank and Raven is uber useful. I got Nino to talk to Jaffar so yay Gaiden.

Chapter 26x (20)/166 turns

This map is simple Nino is annoying but them's the breaks. I only got the speedwing and after Raven killed the boss Matt promoted. Yay all my team is promoted. Also my Bartre had 13 res with no stat boosters at 20/1. that's 5.5 over his average. He actualy is able to somewhat tank mages.

Name    Level    HP      Pow     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Weapon level              Support
Eliwood 20.00    34      13      18      15      16      13      7       A Swords 
Matt    20/1.00  34      9       12      20      13      10      4       A Swords 
Raven   14/14.89 48      19      22      26*     8       11      5       S Swords A Axes           C Prissy 
Prissy  20/5.97  28      17      15      13      18      6       18      S Staves D Anima          C Raven
Rebecca 20/4.49  37      15      14      20      15      9       8       S Bows 
Bartre  20/3.95  47      17      21      11      7       12      13      A Axes D Bows
Ninian  9.37     27      1       3       18      17      6       10      
Isadora ?/9.48   31      18      14      20      13      9       8       S Sowrds A Lances C Axes
Wallace ?/6.85   39      17      10      9       11      21      8       A Lances S Axes

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I'm finishing this in this post

Chapter 27 19/185 turns

I had Raven and Rebecca go one one way as everyone else went the other way. Raven and his axes are great against lances and Rebecca cleaned up after him. The other group was stacked and had no problems. Bartre and Matt took on the Wyverns with Matt silencing Vaida. Raven got some lucky crits and killed the boss.

Chapter 28 11/196 turns

I brought Wallace for the archer side and Raven for the Mage side. Eliwood is a beast with his Javelin and Wallace helped him on the boss. Eliwood claimed a spot on turn 11.

Chapter 29 12/208 turns

I defended got all the treasure and that's it. I killed Denning on the last turn.

Chapter 29x 5/213 turns

Shopping. Brought mostly fliers and mounted to shop. Got a hell of a lot of mends and finally got Priscilla thunders.

Chapter 30 9/222 turns

Used Priscilla and Warp to easily clear this map. Once I got in range I warped Eliwood who was rescuing Raven in. Raven killed Limstella and Eliwood seized.

Final Chapter Part 1 6/228 turns

Used up my warp rescue and unlock staves. Isadora, Rebecca, Raven, and Athos killed Nergal.

Final Chapter Part 2 3/231 turns

Athos got in some hits but ELiwood could not because he gets doubled by the Dragon. Athos did 20 on PP and EP because on Prissy's Recover staff. That comes out to 120 HP lost in three turns. Unit Analysis an Final stats next.

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My Final Thoughts

 Eliwood      20/06.71     43  16   21    18   19  15   13   A Sword C Lance

Did okay but his best part is horse utility when promoted.

 Rebecca        20/13.41     42  18   21    25   19  11    13   S Bow

Rebecca is a good unit and can sit on a forest or fort and dodge hits all day. Other than that she only gained strength the last few levels and she couldn't kill for squat.

Bartre         20/10.72     53  20   25    15   8  14    14   S Axe C Bow

Very helpful for killing fliers when promoted. He was also very useful against mages and once he got going he was golden

Raven        14/20.00     54  22   24    26    11  14   6   S Sword A Axe

My 2nd most helpful unit for sure. He promoted and with those manly ending stats one can only believe what would've happened had he promoted at 20. Once he promoted and got 1-2 range combat he was unstoppable

Prissy      20/18.01     35  21   20    18   27  7   21   S Staves B Anima

Did what she was supposed to and was good with Warp. However Pent is a better choice.

Wallace      ??/13.05     42  22   12    11   13  24   9   A Lance S Axe

Wallace is a killer in this mode. Once he was recruited he walled up and he was nearly invincible.

Isadora      ??/17.32     37  20   19    23   16   10   8   S Sword A Lance B Axe

This is odd for me to say for a Pre-Promote but she started off slow but after a few levels really got going. A paladin is always welcome on my team

Matt         ??/14.57     46  14   18    28   19  15   5   S Sword           

Meh, He was good for thief utility and he got me the silver card. Matt silenced a few bosses which is always nice.

Nil/Ninian         12.71     29  2   3   21   19  7   13   Dancer

Refreshed people, NUFF SAID.

Marcus and Athos      Total Beasts

Both Amazing. Athos with bolting killed 5 morphs in the last chapter and he soloed the dragon. Marcus is always good and I was sad to see him go.

My team killed. My only regret is I got to Jerme's chapter, my least favorite in the game. I'm no beast at drafts and this is no exception in recap, my team ranked by performance










Utility. Matt and Ninian/Nils

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