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Well this is odd.


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It seems that one of my facebook buddies is friends with people from both SF and my school, and then a random guy from osu!

But he lives completely across the country and I'm pretty sure he never went to my school.

This is quite the predicament >w<~.

Edited by Nestling
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EDIT: whoops, wrong thread.

And I use facebook to keep up with my friends. and/or stalk them

Edited by Jack - Keeper of the Dead
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Whoa what? Why does facebbok friends have to do with sending suggestive pictures or cybersex?

It really doesn't. I think Obviam is the only person I've cybersexed in my life. And that was like, licking his elbow while he was dead. I'm just joking around dude.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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That is something we have in common. Only my version is somewhat more graphic.

Eww. I probably don't want to know then. But if you really want to you can tell me. It can't be any darker than my own miserable little pile of secrets.

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Soul was Facebook friends with my brother. It is still top of this year's whatthefuck-o-meter.

It would be funnier if you were not friends with soul.

(assuming he added your brother or vice versa because of you)

Edited by Fenrir
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It would be funnier if you were not friends with soul.

(assuming he added your brother or vice versa because of you)

My brother was friends with him before I was. I found Soul by looking through my brother's friends list.

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