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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Dubbed Project

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  1. I haven't already recorded the playthrough. My computer wouldn't be able to keep the files for long. (I need to wipe it clean once a year or so. Hard-drive goes *raspberry*)
  2. I'll have people do battle cries IF they want to. I mean, I would think people like Kieran would do a battle cry anyways. I mean, tell me you can picture Kieran silent when entering a battle. Tell me you can. |:[*]For sure, Mist, Rolf, Ilyana, Nephenee, Ike (Derp), and Boyd. Oscar/Kieran maybe, if they turn out good. (RNG Goddess is a pain) And before you recommend they "Fixed" growths mode, I literally hate that mode. I've had better units on Random mode, so, I'm using that.
  3. I would like to try a new character on the playthrough. Hence my "Characters I should try out" topic. I'm already doing one playthrough right now, and I plan to at least try Brom. I believe I used him once, but I forgot how well he is/isn't.

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Bah, I would never suggest using Fixed growths, that takes away from what makes this game Fire Emblem. By the way, use Makalov, you must discover just how Bro he is

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In order to record my "Everyone Kills Ashera" video, I trained Makalov in Radiant Dawn, and he turned out pretty good.

Is he better in PoR?

Because two people I know who've played PoR said not to use Makalov.

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In order to record my "Everyone Kills Ashera" video, I trained Makalov in Radiant Dawn, and he turned out pretty good.

Is he better in PoR?

Because two people I know who've played PoR said not to use Makalov.

Makalov has 9 Move and sits on a horse, that's all you really need in PoR...

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I tried to record my Oliver voice yesterday for a while, but I realized dynamic and interesting voices are something I can only admire from afar.

I kind of wish that i could make my voice more pompous and less young-sounding. I wouldnt mind others trying for oliver even after the deadline.

Off topic, but i love your avatar XD If im not mistaken, did you get that from the Fire Emblem General on 4chan a while back? if so, im the one who posted that first image :D

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I kind of wish that i could make my voice more pompous and less young-sounding. I wouldnt mind others trying for oliver even after the deadline.

Off topic, but i love your avatar XD If im not mistaken, did you get that from the Fire Emblem General on 4chan a while back? if so, im the one who posted that first image :D

Yeah, it's from the chan.

I went to my friends house to get my mic back so I could re-record my Oliver before the deadline. He wasn't there, so I'll try again later.

If I don't get this audition in, even if it's bad, it'll bug me for a while. The deadline is midnight tonight, right? Or has the deadline already passed?

Edited by Stomoman
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It's by Midnight tonight, yes.

But let's say your friend can only give it to you tomorrow. I'll still listen to it, if you tell me why. (If you can tell me why, that is.)

Technically, not all the voices are safe right now, but when it hits Midnight, chances are, they will be.

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I just listened to the both of them, and I must say, Stonoman rocked Oliver. I would have liked them both a little better if they had made their voices deeper, but they both were excellent.

What I liked most about Stonoman's Oliver was that you could hear the gushing of admiration and obsession in the words. Especially with the "ooh"'s.

I'm really sorry Boomsickle. Your Oliver was fantastic, but I liked Stonoman's better.

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Welp. It is (Canadian time) December 4, 2011, 3:21 AM. So I have updated the first post. I put all the confirmed cast below.


Will be voiced By: Boomsickle


Will be voiced By: CR-S01


Will be voiced By: rubydarling


Will be voiced By: CR-S01

Zawana (1):

Will be voiced By: Boomsickle

Petrine (23):

Will be voiced By: rubydarling

Bertram (26):

Will be voiced By: Boomsickle

Anna (Tutorial girl):

Will be voiced By: rubydarling


Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl

Catwoman Laguz:

Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl


Will be voiced By: rubydarling


Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl

Lady 1:

Will be voiced By: rubydarling

Lady 2:

Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl


Will be voiced By: rubydarling

Pegasus Knight:

Will be voiced By: rubydarling


Will be voiced By: TheTinyImp


Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl

Woman 1:

Will be voiced By: readingwritinggirl

Woman 2:

Will be voiced By: rubydarling

Now, Boomsickle, I'm sorry to say, but we tend to enjoy Stomoman's Oliver a bit more than yours (No offense, man!) so, I put this.

Oliver (17):

Will be voiced By: At the moment: Stomoman

Deadline for a new voice: December 18, 2011. (2 weeks from now)


Will be voiced By: At the moment: Hoss

Deadline for a new voice: December 18, 2011. (2 weeks from now)

Nedata (9):

Will be voiced By: At the moment: Stomoman

Deadline for a new voice: December 18, 2011. (2 weeks from now)

Hoss, people -- including myself -- did enjoy your Rhys. So it's up there now. Now, I'm sorry for not listening to them sooner, but I have judgment for Stomoman's Nedata, Bertram, and Bastian.

Bastian (Stomoman) | Toothache Bastian 1 | Toothache Bastian 2 | Toothache Bastian 3

I enjoyed your Bastian, but, I'm sorry to say -- and this isn't "bad" -- your Bastian instantly reminds me of Hank Hill. I like Toothache and your Bastian, but I think I enjoy Toothache's a bit more.

Nedata (Stomoman)

Nedata I quite enjoyed. *Puts on front post*

Bertram (Stomoman) | Bertram (Boomsickle)

While your Bertram was freaky -- as in, good for the character -- I liked Boomsickle's more, sorry.

Edited by etern
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I dunno maybe Ike for one, we had a couple guys going for him right? I think hoss, Boom, and I all tried for Shinon so maybe him as well. Heck I'd like to get something going on anybody that I auditioned for

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*runs off to attempt to improve her voice, so she doesn't embarrass herself*

If I'm ever not busy (HAHA!), I might try for Sothe and Tormod, if I think my vocal range can handle it.

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I dunno maybe Ike for one, we had a couple guys going for him right? I think hoss, Boom, and I all tried for Shinon so maybe him as well. Heck I'd like to get something going on anybody that I auditioned for

I will backtrack to all the pages, and my e-mails, to listen to all the Shinon/Ike's.

Not to be mean, but not everyone is going to get a voice. Yes, I did enjoy some right away, but that doesn't mean every single voice will instantly be added.

I will go re-listen to some voices now. *Off I go~*

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Kind of glad I didn't get bertram. It hurt my throat too much.

As for Bastian, I just sort of threw it in there. I wasn't expecting it to be good.

Oliver was the voice I was least expecting to get. Thank you, all.

And Nedata, well, everyone has a pirate voice.

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