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(FE3) The great FE3 Draft!


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Was just going to quietly edit my last post, but eh, I should announce that I finally went home on the weekend and got my save file.

Chapter 10: The Only Boots in Existence, Apparently

Turns Taken: 15

Took a few extra turns to get the Boots for Marth to runseize things, hopefully my turncount will go down. D;

Biraku did wonders with the Armour Kill, Maji sadly couldn't pull his weight, and I fear he may fall behind, just like how Jeigan is slowly. Raddy gained expected rad levels, Linda chased the Thieves and OHKO'd the Sniper via critical, waited for the Thieves to open the door, then hurt the boss for Raddy to do the final blow. For the Dragon, Lightning Sword!Marth, followed by the others did the job. Everything else went normal and happy. Oh, and Marth has this Res growth fetish, which I endorse.

No one tell Integ that I killed Midia.

WIN moment: WINda herself CRIT'ing a shittonne in this chapter, I should probably conserve some Aura-ness of more worthy foes, eh

Marth   18 03 33 17 10 17 16 16 10 02 Thunder Sword, Rapier, Silver Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Relive, NiteCrt
Jeigan  10 78 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Kill Sword, Door Key
Gordon 	12 18 19 10 10 12 09 13 06 00 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Elfire, Vulnery (x2), Door Key
Doga	09 87 28 08 05 08 02 08 11 01 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    07 64 22 08 06 10 07 06 06 00 Broken Axe, Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key
Biraku  09 54 25 09 04 09 02 07 09 00 Armour Kill, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Door Key
Raddy   05 54 21 06 11 12 09 08 07 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Rapier, Hero Proof, Orion Bolt
Linda   03 52 19 05 06 09 08 08 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Manual, Goddess Icon
Thomas   		BASE
Boa              BASE


Chapter 11: Beginning Adventure of Marth the Solo!

Turns Taken: 8

I'm getting my ass kicked in this draft, so I had to solo this to avoid the penalty. Marth pissed around an extra turn so Katua can catch up (I wasn't heartless enough to kill Paola for EXP, so her Silver Lance helped Katua). While Marth pressed on to wreck the boss, Katua killed things with her sister's lance.

WIN moment: Marth 20'ing it out with 19 STR, YEAH!

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Thunder Sword, Rapier, Silver Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Relive, NiteCrt
Jeigan  10 78 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Kill Sword, Door Key
Gordon 	12 18 19 10 10 12 09 13 06 00 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Elfire, Vulnery (x2), Door Key
Doga	09 87 28 08 05 08 02 08 11 01 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    07 73 22 08 06 10 07 06 06 00 Broken Axe, Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key
Biraku  09 54 25 09 04 09 02 07 09 00 Armour Kill, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Door Key
Raddy   05 54 21 06 11 12 09 08 07 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Rapier, Hero Proof, Orion Bolt
Linda   03 93 19 05 06 09 08 08 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Manual, Goddess Icon
Thomas   		BASE
Boa              BASE


Chapter 12: A Desert, and Not

Turns Taken: 5

Five turn capture, YEAH! Not much to say, Marth dashed ahead, Linda cockblocked Garnef and his cronies, the Dragon Knights went for the main force, not Marth allowing Thomas to Partia them for 60 and 90 EXP, it was a nice, easy chapter.

WIN moment: Continuation of TOTAL MARTH DOMINATION, and Gordon promoted, woo!

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Thunder Sword, Rapier, Silver Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem
Jeigan  10 88 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Kill Sword, Door Key
Gordon  01 50 24 12 15 17 09 13 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery (x2), Door Key,
Doga	09 87 28 08 05 08 02 08 11 01 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    07 73 22 08 06 10 07 06 06 00 Broken Axe, Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key
Biraku  09 54 25 09 04 09 02 07 09 00 Armour Kill, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Door Key
Raddy   05 86 21 06 11 12 09 08 07 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Rapier, Hero Proof
Linda   06 28 20 06 09 10 11 10 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder
Thomas  10 31 22 08 06 07 04 15 06 00 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow
Boa   BASE
Katua  BASE


Chapter 13: Gimme Back My- Oh, Thanks!

Turns Taken: 9

Marth ran ahead, killed the Socials, Boa supported him with Reblow while everyone sans Katua sat around the unvisited villages and picked their nails. Katua kinda sucks without practice, I should really start using her sometime..

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Silver Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Dragon Shield
Jeigan  11 88 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Silver Lance, Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Javelin Door Key
Gordon  01 50 24 12 15 17 09 13 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery, Door Key,
Doga	09 87 28 08 05 08 02 08 11 01 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    08 18 22 09 06 11 07 06 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key
Biraku  09 59 25 09 04 09 02 07 09 00 Steel Lance, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin, Door Key
Raddy   05 86 21 06 11 12 09 08 07 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Hero Proof
Linda   06 48 20 06 09 10 11 10 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder
Thomas  11 21 22 09 06 08 04 16 06 00 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow
Boa 	02 62 22 04 07 11 04 12 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   05 06 21 07 06 14 08 11 07 06 Silver Lance, Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Javelin


Chapter 14: 99 DMG

Turns taken: 4

Could'a three turned it, but two reasons that held me back:

1.) Biraku had the only Door Key, so he had to come back (too lazy to restart) to unlock the door

2.) Wanted some of the shit the Thieves stole (sadly, I missed the Secret Book sad.gif)

This was fun, as the title read, Marth CRTC'd Moses and parted his body in half, it was amusing, I quite like Marth, and I look forward to feeding him that Dragon Shield!

WIN moment: Marth gets the limelight again with the 99 DMG, and Doga ate a Goddess if that counts.

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Dragon Kill, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Dragon Shield, Speed Ring
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Door Key
Gordon  02 85 25 12 16 18 09 13 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery, Door Key, Orion Bolt, Knight Crest
Doga    10 29 29 08 06 08 07 09 11 01 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    08 90 22 09 06 11 07 06 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key, Warp
Biraku  09 59 25 09 04 09 02 07 09 00 Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Armour Kill, Knight Crest
Raddy   06 41 22 07 11 13 09 08 07 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Hero Proof
Linda   06 88 20 06 09 10 11 10 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Membership Card
Thomas  12 01 22 09 07 08 04 17 06 00 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Reserve Staff
Boa 	02 92 22 04 07 11 04 12 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   05 38 21 07 06 14 08 11 07 06 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword


Chapter 15: Treasures Weigh Me Down, as Does Bringing in Someone I Never Used

Turns Taken: 10

Banutu walks so slow, nor did I have a Dragon Stone to give to him to hope that his movement increases, but this let me collect all the treasure, a lot of people promoted, and I'm scared that Katua may not be useful in the end. D;

On the bright side, Thomas gained countless levels thanks to Partia, and fantastic ones thanks to the Star Orb. Forgot once again to give Marth that Dragon Shield. :P

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Dragon Kill, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Dragon Shield
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Door Key
Gordon  03 05 25 12 17 18 10 14 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    01 79 29 10 07 16 07 10 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key, Pure Water
Biraku  01 23 25 09 05 09 02 08 09 00 Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Armour Kill
Raddy   08 09 24 08 12 14 10 09 08 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   07 28 21 06 10 12 11 10 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Angel Robe, Earth Orb 
Thomas  04 41 25 12 14 14 06 19 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Sword, Star Orb, Light Orb, Power Ring, Dragon Whip
Boa 	03 22 22 04 07 11 05 12 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   07 00 22 09 04 13 09 13 07 00 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword


Edited by Maji
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Chapter 17 : Fun with recruits. 6/296

Since I don't have any Bridge Keys, I'm forced to leave part of my team behind, so they head for the shops while fighting the Dragon Knights.

The rest of the team goes south while avoiding to kill Gra recruits. Once Sheema and Samson are recruited, Astria and Est are having a jolly good time killing those losers blocking the way for easy experience.

Marth used a Skill Book and Banutu used a Goddess Statue.

Marth      20.00  |46|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Steel Sword, Rapier, Rapier, Thunder Sword, Earth Orb
Alan       15.00  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin, Killer Lance
Ryan        4.83  |33|19|20|20| 5|18|14| 5|Broken Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow
Oguma       3.09  |38|20|20|20|10|20|15| 9|Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Silver Sword, Light Orb
Yumina     13.18  |18| 7| 5|14|13|20| 2| 7|Reblow, Reserve, Recover
Kashim     18.90  |32|17|13|17|10| 9| 8| 0|Killer Bow, Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Relive
Sheeda      8.44  |35|20|20|20|20|20|20| 2|Broken Killer Lance, Steel Sword, Silver Lance, Knight Killer, Member Card
Wendel     20.00  |31|14|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Elfire, Blizzard, Volcanon, Live, Reblow
Banutu     16.41  |25| 6|20| 7| 6| 2| 6| 3|Fire Stone
George     11.87  |29|13|12|16| 6|20|10| 3|Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow
Est         8.06  |21| 8| 9|16|13|13| 9| 7|Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Silver Sword, Knight Killer
Astria      8.98  |31|14|18|19| 7|18|12| 4|Miracle, Silver Sword, Star Orb

Chapter 18 : Buster Wolf. 5/301

Marth goes all the way back west to get the Life Orb from Hardin's way older brother. It doesn't increase attack power at the cost of HP, but HP recovery at the end of each turn is pretty neat.

Astria parks himself on the fort along with Ryan and Est nearby. He decimated most of the knights using the Miracle while gaining a near complete level every time.

Eastwards, Banutu, Oguma, Kashim, Wendel and Sheeda fought Generals, Bishops, Ballistae and reinforcements Dragon Knights not without difficulty, but they managed to prevail. Kashim finally promoted as well.

Marth      20.00  |46|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Thunder Sword, Steel Sword, Rapier, Rapier, Light Orb, Life Orb
Alan       15.40  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Silver Lance, Iron Lance, Javelin, Killer Lance
Ryan        6.13  |35|19|20|20| 5|18|15| 5|Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow
Oguma       6.04  |40|20|20|20|12|20|15| 9|Silver Sword, Steel Sword, Armorkiller, Killer Sword
Yumina     14.38  |18| 8| 6|15|14|20| 2| 8|Reblow, Reserve
Kashim      1.00  |33|18|16|18|10| 9|10| 0|Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow
Sheeda     10.61  |37|20|20|20|20|20|20| 2|Silver Lance, Steel Sword, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Member Card, Iote Shield
Wendel     20.00  |31|14|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Elfire, Blizzard, Volcanon, Live, Relive, Relive
Banutu     17.83  |25| 6|20| 7| 6| 2| 6| 3|Fire Stone
George     12.32  |30|13|12|16| 6|20|10| 3|Killer Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Iron Bow
Est         9.66  |22| 8|10|16|14|14|10| 7|Silver Lance, Killer Lance, Silver Sword, Knight Killer
Astria     13.48  |38|19|20|20|10|20|13| 5|Miracle, Silver Sword, Star Orb

Chapter 19 : Marth and Sheeda forever. 6/307

Sheeda goes north, Est goes east and everyone else goes aroudn the mountain. Most of the fighting was done by Sheeda, helped by the Life Orb and the Iote Shield. Est did some fighting in the arena and is now able to promote.

Marth killed Nailring, survived the reinforcement's assault with the help of Sheeda's support and seized.

Marth      20.00  |46|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Rapier, Steel Sword, Thunder Sword, Rapier, Light Orb, Libro
Alan       15.60  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Javelin, Silver Lance, Iron Lance, Killer Lance
Ryan        6.13  |35|19|20|20| 5|18|15| 5|Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow
Oguma       6.04  |40|20|20|20|12|20|15| 9|Silver Sword, Steel Sword, Armorkiller, Killer Sword
Yumina     15.58  |18| 8| 7|15|15|20| 2| 8|Reblow, Reserve, Recover
Kashim      1.85  |33|18|16|18|10| 9|10| 0|Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow, Earth Orb
Sheeda     17.99  |38|20|20|20|20|20|20| 3|Killer Lance, Broken Silver Lance, Knight Killer, Armorkiller, Member Card, Iote Shield, Life Orb
Wendel     20.00  |31|14|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Elfire, Blizzard, Volcanon, Live, Relive, Relive
Banutu     17.83  |25| 6|20| 7| 6| 2| 6| 3|Fire Stone
George     12.32  |30|13|12|16| 6|20|10| 3|Killer Bow, Silver Bow
Est        11.02  |23|10|12|17|16|16|10| 7|Silver Lance, Killer Lance, Silver Sword, Knight Killer
Astria     15.18  |42|20|20|20|12|20|15| 6|Miracle, Silver Sword, Star Orb

Chapter 20 : The Dark Emperor. 8 + 4 (Midia penalty)/319

Everyone rushes west. The ones with more movement go south while Knights, Bishops, George and kashim go north to get the Lady Sword. Marth is helped early on by an M Shield cast by Yumina.

Hardin was fought using Marth with the Miracle with Oguma nearby holding the Earth Orb. A single charge and he fell down. Most chests were taken, except the Devil Sword.

And since why the hell not, Est promoted.

Marth      20.00  |46|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Miracle, Killer Sword, Silver Sword, Rapier
Alan       15.60  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Silver Sword, Javelin, Silver Lance, Killer Lance
Ryan        7.78  |36|20|20|20| 5|18|15| 5|Killer Bow, Broken Killer Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow
Oguma       7.34  |40|20|20|20|13|20|15| 9|Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Swordkiller, Armorkiller
Yumina     17.08  |18| 9| 7|16|15|20| 3| 8|Reblow, Reserve, M Shield, Recover
Kashim      2.17  |33|19|17|18|10| 9|10| 0|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow
Sheeda     18.39  |39|20|20|20|20|20|20| 3|Silver Sword, Killer Lance, Knight Killer, Armorkiller, Iote Shield
Wendel     20.00  |31|14|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Elfire, Blizzard, Volcanon, Live, Relive, Relive, Libro
Banutu     18.47  |25| 6|20| 7| 7| 2| 6| 3|Fire Stone
George     13.44  |30|13|12|16| 7|20|10| 3|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Steel Bow
Est         1.02  |23|13|12|17|16|16|14| 1|Silver Sword, Silver Lance, Killer Lance, Knight Killer
Astria     16.88  |43|20|20|20|13|20|15| 6|Silver Sword, Armorkiller

Comments :

Marth : Moves to the throne quickly and fights like a boss. Bad 1-2 range is his only issue at this point.

Alan : Always fielded, rarely used. I don't think I'll even field him past chapter 21.

Ryan : A very competant Sniper. Basically Oguma with bows.

Oguma : Not slowing down, especially indoors. He does have a new rival now.

Yumina : Gains a lot more experience with near constant Libros. I'm going to promote her a bit before chapter 23 to have a secondary Starlight user.

Kashim : It's too bad he got a horse so late. Sheeda made him useless for chapter 19 and four of the other maps are indoors. He'll like chapter 21, though.

Sheeda : Flies, kill shit, recovers with Life Orb. Winged goddess.

Wendel : I probably should give him Thoron because his damage output is slowing down a notch. He's still great otherwise, especially with Shaver criticals.

Banutu : Doesn't miss anymore and crits happen very often for easy kills. A steal for how late I drafted him.

George : If it doesn't fly or use magic, he's likely going to have problems killing it. He's still pretty decent.

Est : Not much to say. She does the job fine at killing weaker enemies I suppose.

Astria : Miracle + Star Orb turned him from an average prepromote into a walking death machine. He's surpassing even Oguma at this point.

Edited by Bender B. Rodríguez
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Chapter 16: Camus is Still a Dick

Turns Taken: 5

Marth, and the Snipers, Katua and Chiki walk on water/fly across and the rest of the guys sit on spawn position fighting what few Pallys charge towards them. Katua was like a vulture, picking on the remains of what Marth left behind, while Chiki was just an all round dragon of WIN, the Snipers slowly made their way to Camus who was handled by Marth, Chiki and Katua. It was kind of risky bringing Katua out there, but five turns, so this chapter is my pride n' joy. Marth didn't have time to eat those stat boosters yet. :P

Marth   20 -- 35 19 10 19 16 18 10 03 Steel Sword, Rapier, Dragon Kill, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Dragon Shield, Knight Crest, Angel Robe
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Gordon  03 82 25 12 17 18 10 14 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    01 79 29 10 07 16 07 10 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery
Biraku  01 53 25 11 08 12 02 08 11 06 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Raddy   08 09 24 08 12 14 10 09 08 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   08 18 22 10 11 10 13 11 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Bishop Ring
Thomas  05 31 25 12 15 14 06 19 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Kill Bow
Boa 	03 62 22 04 07 11 05 12 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   08 22 23 09 08 17 09 13 08 06 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Chiki   06 75 16 04 04 05 13 10 03 10 Divine Orb, Star Orb


Chapter 17: Lol, Misheil

Turns Taken: 9

Could'a 8 turned it, but nooooooooo, apparently Gato can't use his goddamn magic to take the Star Orb off Chiki, so I waited an extra turn for her to fly on over and give the orb to Marth. Katua promoted, woo! This chapter was rather easy, Chiki to the rescue! And my vultures picked at anything she didn't kill. I am loving my Mamkute as much as Dio does to his only mine has growths and flies and 1HKOs other Mamkutes tongue.gif

Marth   20 -- 42 19 10 19 16 18 13 03 Steel Sword, Rapier, Dragon Kill, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Knight Crest
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Gordon  03 82 25 12 17 18 10 14 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    01 79 29 10 07 16 07 10 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery
Biraku  01 85 25 11 08 12 02 08 11 06 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Raddy   08 73 24 08 12 14 10 09 08 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   08 63 22 10 11 10 13 11 02 04 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Bishop Ring
Thomas  06 21 26 12 15 15 06 19 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Kill Bow
Boa 	03 92 22 04 07 11 05 12 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   01 31 24 12 10 18 11 15 12 00 Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Javelin
Chiki   09 19 17 07 07 08 16 12 03 11 Divine Orb


Chapter 18: inb4 Lawrence's BOOM!

Turns Taken: 8

Sadly, all I had was a poorly levelled Linda and a tank Marth to progress fast and safe (Those Heroes, lawd..), so with Marth who ate a Dragon Shield, he guarded Linda from the Heroes, while Thomas and Gordon killed the initial 1~2 RG Snipers while Chiki ran around eating things. Linda drank some Jesus Water and fought Garnef and won, and promoted on the phase of Marth seizing.

Marth   20 -- 42 19 10 19 16 18 16 03 Falchion, Rapier, Fire Emblem, Pure Water, Bishop Ring
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Silver Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin, Door Key
Gordon  07 80 26 14 19 20 12 16 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    01 79 29 10 07 16 07 10 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key, Pure Water
Biraku  01 85 25 09 05 09 02 08 09 00 Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Javelin, Silver Spear
Raddy   08 73 24 08 12 14 10 09 08 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   01 37 22 12 14 12 15 13 03 07 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Starlight 
Thomas  06 21 26 12 15 15 06 19 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow
Boa 	04 52 22 04 07 11 05 13 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   01 31 24 09 07 15 11 15 08 00 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin
Chiki   10 23 34 18 18 06 17 12 12 11 Divine Orb


Chapter 19: Flying Things and Manly Mountain Men

Turns Taken: 4

Easy Chapter, Katua flew to the other side of the mountain, positioned herself comfortably in a mountain, dismounted and with a Dragon Killer sword, cleaned up shop while Chiki came in next turn to reinforce her. Marth walked through the mountains and seized on turn 4.

Marth   20 -- 42 19 10 19 16 18 16 03 Falchion, Rapier, Fire Emblem, Pure Water, Bishop Ring
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Silver Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin, Door Key
Gordon  08 60 26 15 19 20 12 17 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    01 79 29 10 07 16 07 10 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key, Pure Water
Biraku  01 85 25 09 05 09 02 08 09 00 Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Javelin, Silver Spear
Raddy   08 73 24 08 12 14 10 09 08 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   01 67 22 12 14 12 15 13 03 07 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Starlight 
Thomas  06 66 26 12 15 15 06 19 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow
Boa 	04 52 22 04 07 11 05 13 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   02 86 24 09 08 16 12 16 08 00 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin
Chiki   11 83 34 19 19 07 17 12 12 12 Divine Orb



Turns Taken: 11

With all the resources I have given Marth, he wrecked everything, like everything, everyone else ran around like pansies and lolkilled things. Raddy ALMOST promoted, but didn't, and after all that training I gave to Linda, she ended up being the staff bitch with Boa, so good for them. Katua and Thomas were pretty much the only other people who got to see more than just the spawn point.

No one died, FTW!

Marth   20 -- 42 19 10 19 16 18 16 03 Falchion, Rapier, Fire Emblem, Pure Water, Vulnery
Jeigan  11 28 25 07 13 08 01 10 09 07 Iron Sword, Silver Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin, Door Key
Gordon  10 30 27 15 20 20 14 18 07 03 Partia, Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Vulnery,
Doga    02 74 30 11 07 17 07 11 15 04 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Vulnery, Door Key
Maji    09 50 22 10 06 11 07 07 07 00 Hand Axe, Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Vulnery, Door Key, Pure Water
Biraku  02 75 25 09 05 09 02 09 09 00 Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Javelin, Silver Spear
Raddy   09 13 25 08 12 14 10 09 09 00 Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Kill Sword, Steel Bow, Hero Proof
Linda   04 37 25 13 17 13 18 14 04 07 Aura, Blizzard, Fire, Starlight, Reserve, Reblow, Relive
Thomas  08 46 26 12 17 15 06 19 07 03 Steel Bow, Iron Bow, Silver Bow, Killer Bow
Boa 	05 72 22 04 07 11 05 13 05 06 Fire, Elfire, Blizzard, Thunder, Live, Reblow, Relive, Vulnery
Katua   03 36 25 10 09 17 12 17 08 01 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Silver Lance, Javelin
Chiki   13 53 36 20 20 09 19 12 12 12 Divine Orb

Book 1 Total: 169

Edited by Maji
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Chapter 21 : Valley of Death. 9/328

Flyers, Priests, Marth and Banutu are the ones going east or northeast while everyone else mostly fight a few Barbarians up north.

Why my turncount is rather high is mostly because I fed stat boosters to worthy recipients tagging with Marth.

Marth      20.00  |52|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Killer Sword, Silver Sword, Rapier, Dragon Killer
Alan       15.60  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Killer Lance, Javelin, Silver Sword, Silver Lance
Ryan        8.28  |38|20|20|20| 6|19|15| 5|Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow
Oguma       8.14  |41|20|20|20|14|20|15| 9|Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Dragon Killer, Killer Sword
Yumina     19.16  |28|13| 8|16|16|20| 5| 8|Reserve
Kashim      3.07  |34|19|17|19|10| 9|11| 0|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow
Sheeda     20.00  |40|20|20|20|20|20|20| 3|Silver Lance, Iote Shield, Member Card
Wendel     20.00  |31|20|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Volcanon, Shaver, Shaver, Thoron, Relive, Libro
Banutu     19.07  |25|12|20| 7| 7| 2| 9| 3|Fire Stone, Fire Stone
George     14.34  |30|13|12|16| 7|20|10| 3|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Steel Bow, Partia
Est         3.61  |25|14|14|17|18|18|14| 1|Silver Sword, Dragon Killer, Dragon Killer
Astria     17.38  |44|20|20|20|13|20|15| 6|Silver Sword, Dragon Killer, Miracle

Chapter 22 : Dungeons and Dragons. 6/334

Alan is sitting out this final arc because he's puking blood and sucktitude. This way I was able to bring the sister savers.

Simple map, really. Everyone heads north and fight Barbarians, Dark Mages and Demon Dragons along the way. Marth opens the right door and goes inside alone to seize the throne.

Yumina also promotes.

Marth      20.00  |52|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Dragon Killer, Silver Sword, Killer Sword, Rapier
Alan       15.60  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Killer Lance, Javelin, Silver Sword, Silver Lance
Ryan        8.68  |38|20|20|20| 6|19|15| 5|Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow
Oguma       9.34  |41|20|20|20|15|20|15| 9|Master Sword, Thunder Sword, Silver Sword, Dragon Killer
Yumina      1.00  |29|15|10|19|16|20| 5|10|Resire, Libro, Reserve, Libro
Kashim      3.97  |34|19|15|19|10| 9| 9| 0|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow
Sheeda     20.00  |40|18|20|20|20|20|16| 3|Lady Sword, Silver Sword, Dragon Killer, Iote Shield, Member Card
Wendel     20.00  |31|20|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Volcanon, Starlight, Thoron, Recover, Libro, M Shield, Again
Banutu     20.00  |25|12|20| 7| 7| 2| 9| 3|Fire Stone
George     15.14  |31|17|12|20| 7|20|11| 3|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Steel Bow, Partia
Est         3.61  |25|14|14|17|18|18|14| 1|Silver Sword, Dragon Killer
Astria     17.88  |44|20|20|20|13|20|15| 6|Dragon Killer, Silver Sword, Miracle

Chapter 23 : Wizard showdown. 5/339

Another rush to the throne. Yumina and Wendel exchanged the M Shield staff so they can cast it on themselves and Marth. Marth had to retreat a bit for Wendel to blast Garnef with astral magic.

Following that, Marth blocked the way for the final Dark Mages, Oguma killed the one blocking his way and Marth seized.

Marth      20.00  |52|20|17|20|14|20|14| 7|Silver Sword, Dragon Killer, Killer Sword, Rapier
Alan       15.60  |24| 8|10|18| 4|11|12| 6|Killer Lance, Javelin, Silver Sword, Silver Lance
Ryan        8.68  |38|20|20|20| 6|19|15| 5|Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow
Oguma       9.34  |41|20|20|20|15|20|15| 9|Master Sword, Thunder Sword, Silver Sword, Dragon Killer
Yumina      1.90  |29|15|10|19|16|20| 5|10|Resire, Libro, Reserve, M Shield, Libro
Kashim      3.97  |34|19|15|19|10| 9| 9| 0|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow
Sheeda     20.00  |40|18|20|20|20|20|16| 3|Lady Sword, Silver Sword, Dragon Killer, Iote Shield, Member Card
Wendel     20.00  |31|20|17|20|13|20| 6| 8|Shaver, Volcanon, Starlight, Thoron, Recover, Libro, M Shield, Again
Banutu     20.00  |25|12|20| 7| 7| 2| 9| 3|Fire Stone
George     15.14  |31|17|12|20| 7|20|11| 3|Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Steel Bow, Partia
Est         3.61  |25|14|14|17|18|18|14| 1|Silver Sword, Dragon Killer
Astria     17.88  |44|20|20|20|13|20|15| 6|Dragon Killer, Silver Sword, Miracle

Chapter 24 : Again, again and again. 2/341

Everyone rushes north. Sadly, because Marich was way behind, I had to play another turn. Astria recorded the kill on Medeus after he, George, Ryan and Kashim weakened him.

Final comments :

Marth (79 kills) : Great unit from start to end. Boots are very important for him in order to get low turn counts and he uses them very well. A few other stat boosters for HP and Defense are very helpful as well.

Alan (29 kills) : All around, Jeigan was more useful than him in his book since he could use his horse more often. Perhaps I should've orbed him more but the enemy quality in Book 2 is much higher.

Ryan (68 kills) : I only wanted a safety net for the early game with him but he turned out to be very awesome once chapter 15 rolled in. A fairly useful unit thanks to the good amount of enemy flyers he can snipe with ease.

Oguma (54 kills) : For both books he remains an excellent choice. Appears early, does great from start to finish and very versatile thanks to the different swords available.

Yumina (Pacifist) : I suppose I should've promoted her earlier, but she did just fine once Libro staves were available in good quantity.

Kashim (41 kills) : Since he's available early in both books, he's another rather good choice, though he doesn't equal Oguma despite the horse.

Sheeda (92 kills) : While I know Katua and Paola are better in Book 2, all around she's better than them when both books are combined since she comes early in both. Excellent first pick, would choose again.

Wendel (36 kills) : A wonderful pick. Easily the game's best healer and one of the game's best magical fighters.

Banutu (41 kills) : Yet another dual book pick. While he does cost turns in both books to recruit, he's good against heavily armored walls with a few Skill Books. Also a potent tank against anything not using ice.

George (25 kills) : The game's high enemy flyer count is his saving grace. He's otherwise a fairly average prepromote, though he gets bonus points for being there in both games around midgame.

Est (19 kills) : Low availability ruins her in drafts. It doesn't help she's annoying to recruit in Book 1 considering how much time you need to recruit Maria, Minerva and her sisters.

Astria (17 kills) : While not as available as his buddy George, he certainly makes up for it with a better class and better stats. The Miracle sword he comes with and the Star Orb aren't too much to ask for him to become Oguma's equal.

Book 2 total : 196 turns

Edited by Bender B. Rodríguez
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I finished Book 1 last night if no one saw, so I'm posting to say I finished Book 1.

Marth- He was free, the only person who could seize, loved him the most, so he got most of the resources.

Jeigan- Absolute beast in the first half, then he was never used again.

Doga- Wasn't so useful after Marth got his Boots as he couldn't really keep up that well.

Gordon- Both my Archers were absolute beasts, Partia is my favourite weapon in FE3.

Maji- As much as I wanted him to be good, he wasn't, both a combination of his bad movement, and FE3 lolAxefighter, he kinda blows. Still better than Saji though. tongue.gif

Biraku- Eh, he promoted, but wasn't really good, as he promoted when Marth started sprinting.

Raddy- Didn't even get to promote, I wouldn't recommend him in a draft as 9/10, you skip the Miracle Sword, leaving him to fend for himself when it comes to levels, which he can't really do.

Linda- Aura really helped her catch up, but in the last few chapters when she promoted, she only got to use staffs.

Boa- Only used him as a staff bitch, and he did his job, so I'm not going to complain.

Thomas- The combination of Partia, Manual and Starsphere helped him catch up really, really, REALLY fast, in fact besides Marth, he was my second best offence.

Katua- I was concerned for her as she came in late and didn't have much time to develop, but she got on fine once she promoted. My only good swordsperson sans Marth.

Chiki- My only other flier, and although she came in a gross part of the game, she did fine given her circumstances.

-Will post Book 2's chapter 1 sometime, I did really well! Then again, I had insta-four people to play with. >_>

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I really should keep up with this soon. I kinda stopped bothering after I missed Falchion the first time. Seriously, having only Boa and Maria for Starlight sucks, and Marths str was crap. Maybe this time I'll find more promotion items.

Or I can just do Draft II

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I don't want to work on my essay, or study for my final exams, instead, I choose to put those off for the last moment, which leads to:

No one posted, so I edited this over and over D; so it's in a spoiler tag cause it's really long.

Chapter 1: Fat People, and Children Can't Climb Mountains

Turns Taken: 7

Book 1 taught me to trust in Marth, ram into shit with Doga and kill things with Gordon, so I did exactly that. Doga and Gordon couldn't cross the mountains, so they remained behind and picked on things/protected the fresh recruits who will forever be fresh for EXP (while weapon trade chains took place) while Marth and Alan went on ahead and that somehow cause Lawrence to explode, why not?

Marth   06 93 23 07 10 10 10 09 07 00 Rapier, Iron Sword, Vulnery (x3)
Alan    04 06 22 08 08 11 04 11 10 06 Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Steel Sword
Gordon  06 04 22 07 07 07 05 07 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Doga    06 20 22 08 04 04 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Javelin


Chapter 2: "Thief Had a Lady, Katua Took the Lady"

^ Fanart plz.

Turns Taken: 5

Oh hey, Katua can equip the Silver Lance! Granted, that'll make Alan stinky, Katua will be able the kill things easier! So she did that, and impaled her own friend with it, while Alan killed the other Hunter (the third wasn't in Katua's range luckily), and she OHKO'd anything that came near her with the exception of the Dragon Knights where she 2/3HKO'd them all. Gordon was a great choice for this chapter as well, hopefully Doga can keep up.. Marth gaining STR points in two consecutive levels? I'm liking this Marth already!

Marth   08 21 25 09 10 11 11 11 07 00 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Lance, Vulnery (x3)
Alan    04 38 22 08 08 11 04 11 10 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance
Gordon  07 56 22 07 08 07 06 08 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Knight Killer
Doga    06 20 22 08 04 04 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance
Katua   08 52 22 08 09 16 11 12 08 06 Silver Lance, Lady Sword, Iron Sword, Javelin


Chapter 3: Chapter, FROM HELL!

Turns Taken: 11

Paola was only used to help ease the initial onslaught of Dragon Knights, other than that, it was WINda!Resire to the rescue and Katua flying around. Alan unlocked the bridge from the late Warren's Bridge Key, and Marth scurried along. Eventually, WINda caught up, lolfought the boss (lol 1~1 RN) and Katua killed the northern Dragon Knights for free stuff. Julian miraculously wasn't attacked, Katua and WINda were awesome picks!

Marth   10 43 27 11 10 13 11 13 07 00 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Lance, Fire Emblem, Vulnery (x2)
Alan    04 70 22 08 08 11 04 11 10 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance
Gordon  08 01 23 07 09 07 07 09 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Doga    06 52 22 08 04 04 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer
Katua   12 21 26 08 13 19 13 14 10 06 Silver Lance (x2), Lady Sword, Javelin, Knight Crest, Vulnery
Linda   06 25 22 02 07 09 10 10 02 04 Thunder, Aura, Resire, Taurus


Chapter 4: Enemy Bow Users Suck

Turns Taken: 4 + 4

Yumina Rescued Marth, I took advantage of Oguma's free-ness and they tried their best to clear the bow users out, Katua and Gordon teamed up on the thief who ruins the southern village to get his Armour Kill, while Linda tanks the north with Resire. No one got their heads chopped off, so that's always good in my books at least.

Marth   14 03 31 15 10 16 12 17 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Lance, Silver Axe, Fire Emblem, Vulnery (x2)
Alan    05 12 22 08 08 11 04 12 10 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance
Gordon  08 73 23 07 09 07 07 09 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Armour Kill
Doga    06 94 22 08 04 04 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Knight Crest
Katua   12 95 26 08 13 19 13 14 10 06 Silver Lance (x2), Lady Sword, Javelin, Vulnery, Taurus, Iote Shield
Linda   06 87 22 02 07 09 10 10 02 04 Thunder, Aura, Resire
Yubello 01 50 18 01 01 06 05 06 03 03 Fire, Devil Sword


Chapter 5: Lang Sucks

Turns Taken: 6

Because of a tactical error by Lang, I didn't get raped by Snipers, yay, I also had to bring in undrafted characters (none of them did anything) to mess with the placement so Julian could recruit Ricardo and run to the corner, which they did. I like Ricardo. :(

Most of the troops stayed in the main part connecting to the bridge killing all the oncoming Social Knights and Mages while Katua and Marth fought their way to the boss, Katua wrecked him and Marth seized.

Marth   15 95 32 16 10 17 13 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Kill, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    06 36 22 08 08 11 04 12 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance
Gordon  09 14 23 08 09 08 07 09 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Doga    07 36 23 09 04 05 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Knight Crest
Katua   14 39 28 09 15 20 13 15 11 07 Silver Lance, Broken Lance,  Silver Axe, Javelin, Vulnery, Taurus, Iote Shield, Gemini
Linda   07 29 22 02 07 10 11 11 02 04 Thunder, Aura, Resire
Yubello 02 46 18 02 01 07 05 07 03 03 Fire


Chapter 6: Lang Still Sucks

Turns Taken: 10

On one hand: no Ricardo Penalty, I made Marth get the orb, yay! On the other, that chapter was hellish. Had to bring in naked Oguma, make sure he didn't get hit, Katua killed the Armour for the Door Key, waiting until Oguma was adjacent to her, and go get Samto. Linda on the other hand, went to go kill the Bishops, and she got trapped by the reinforcements, but thanks to chokepoints and Resire, she got through just fine. Near the end, I didn't want to piss around for more than ten turns, and Katua was the only one who could hurt Lang decently, so I did a trade chain to give her the Armour Killer, and she ORKO'd him! I really need to pay a visit to a shop and buy stuff for Linda and Yubello, Linda is running out of Thunder, and I like to save Aura, and Yubello is almost depleted as well, and because I didn't stop to get the Shaver, that's all he has.

Marth   15 95 32 16 10 17 13 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Libra
Alan    06 98 22 06 05 08 04 12 09 00 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance*
Gordon  10 42 23 08 09 09 07 10 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Doga    08 18 24 09 05 05 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Live
Katua   16 30 30 11 13 19 14 17 11 02 Lady Sword, Armour Kill, Steel Sword, Javelin, Vulnery, Taurus, Iote Shield, Cancer*
Linda   09 45 22 02 09 10 13 13 02 04 Thunder, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Secret Book
Yubello 03 80 19 03 01 08 05 07 03 03 Fire
Samto   05 82 22 06 10 11 03 07 07 00 Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Aquarus, Live

*Loses stats when dismounted


Chapter 7: Aggressive Thieves

Turns Taken: 6 + 8 (Navarre and Feena)

Some Thieves attack the two regardless of if you avoid them or not, jus' sayin', so a reset later, I took the penalty like a man and got some promotion items for everyone (Katua mostly). I deployed a bunch of people just so Katua's placement could be at the top so she can hound people sooner, and Ricardo, who had a posse to protect him from the Fire Dragon so he could get the Reblow staff. Marth ventured through the forest, and no one really had to do crazy shit this chapter, minus Katua, but she's used to it. :P Other things being Yubello reading a book, and Linda Auraing the shit out of a dragon.

I'm going to wait until she 20's it out to promote her.

Marth   15 95 32 16 10 17 13 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    07 88 22 09 08 11 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Steel Sword
Gordon  10 42 23 08 09 09 07 10 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow
Doga    08 18 24 09 05 05 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Live
Katua   19 34 32 12 16 20 15 19 12 02 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Silver Lance Vulnery, Taurus, Iote Shield, Orion Bolt*
Linda   10 59 23 02 10 11 14 13 03 04 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Secret Book, Fire Stone
Yubello 03 80 19 03 06 08 05 07 03 03 Fire
Samto   06 22 23 07 10 12 03 08 07 00 Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Iron Sword, Aquarus

*Loses stats when dismounted


Chapter 8: Katua's Pony's Evolving! Katua's Pony Is Now A Deathbot!

Turns Taken 5:

Katua killed the Leo Thief, flew off, helped kill the Generals, promoted, flew south, but by the time she got around to teasing the Heroes, Marth already seized, so no Miracle Sword yet. :( Maybe next chapter! Other than that, Gordon promoted, so he could get to George faster, but kinda sucks, Marth wandered to the gate while Linda killed the Manual General, Gordon shall get it so he can use Partia. Finally, Kain shopped and Samto ranged killed with the Thunder Sword to get level ups he desperately needs.

Marth   16 47 33 16 11 17 14 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 11 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Scorpio
Gordon  10 42 23 08 09 09 07 10 08 00 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Libra Sagittarius
Doga    08 68 24 09 05 05 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Fire Stone
Katua   01 64 32 16 20 20 16 20 16 02 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Silver Lance Vulnery, Taurus, Leo
Linda   11 94 23 03 11 12 15 14 03 04 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Manual
Yubello 04 35 19 04 06 09 05 08 04 03 Thunder, Cancer
Samto   06 87 23 07 10 12 03 08 07 00 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Aquarus, Hero Proof


Chapter 9: LOLtua

Turns Taken: 12

Katua was used a lot in this chapter, with a Javelin, nuff' said. Minerva recruited, and I missed the Miracle Sword again. angry.gif (mainly because Katua was too busy clearing out the top-right enemies). After Katua finished mass slaughtering the foes, she shopped, and the result is dry funding, but flowing magical weaponry, and keys a-plenty!

Marth   16 47 33 16 11 17 14 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 11 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Scorpio
Gordon  01 87 24 10 14 15 08 16 09 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Libra Sagittarius
Doga    08 68 24 09 05 05 02 06 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Fire Stone
Katua   09 27 39 20 20 20 18 20 20 03 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Taurus, Dragon Whip, Speed Ring, Bishop Ring
Linda   13 74 24 05 12 14 16 15 04 04 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Leo, Thief
Yubello 05 15 20 04 06 10 05 08 05 03 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Cancer
Samto   06 87 23 07 10 12 03 08 07 00 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Aquarus, Hero Proof


Chapter 10: Ellewat?

Turns Taken: 4

Gordon submarine'd it and sniped off the Bishops with Partia for easy level ups, while Marth crossed the river, by the time he got to the other side, Ellerean was already blown to hell. Yubello guarded the left wing of the spawn point with none other than LOLtua killing the Mercs around him, while Linda (who also promoted- hello staff access!), Samto and Doga took on the right wing, I liked this chapter!

Marth   16 79 33 16 11 17 14 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 11 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Scorpio*
Gordon  04 11 24 12 17 18 09 19 09 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Libra Sagittarius
Doga    09 00 25 10 05 06 02 07 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Speed Ring
Katua   09 69 39 20 20 20 18 20 20 03 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Taurus, Iote's Shield, Virgo*
Linda   01 06 24 08 14 16 17 16 05 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Leo
Yubello 06 08 20 04 07 10 06 09 05 03 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Cancer
Samto   07 51 23 07 11 13 03 09 07 00 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Aquarus, Hero Proof

* Refer to dismount loss page


Chapter 11: FE4 Style

Turns Taken: 15

A combined effort of Katua (mainly) guarding Yubello and Ricardo from scary muscle men, Linda Thundering things up, and Marth running. After all the scary people were gone, Linda made a dash to kill the boss for Marth to seize and Katua with her 20% of finding stuff found some stuff.

Marth   16 79 33 16 11 17 14 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 11 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Scorpio
Gordon  05 10 24 12 18 19 10 20 09 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Libra Sagittarius
Doga    09 00 25 10 05 11 02 07 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Speed Ring
Katua   13 21 42 20 20 20 20 20 20 04 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Taurus, Iote's Shield, Virgo, Power Ring
Linda   03 76 25 10 15 18 19 17 05 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Leo
Yubello 08 40 21 04 09 10 08 11 05 03 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Cancer
Samto   07 51 23 07 11 13 03 09 07 00 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Thunder Sword, Aquarus, Hero Proof


Chapter 12: I'm Running Out of Creative Things to Say About Katua!

Turns Taken: 8

Katua walks off the no mount area, gets on her Dragon and proceeds to clean up, people ate stat boosters from the last chapter, Marth runs as fast as he can, while people guard him, Gordon gets a lot of levelling thanks to the flying units he can snipe with Partia, and Samto promotes because he destroyed Dragons with the Dragon Killer!

Marth   16 79 33 16 16 17 14 18 07 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Angel Robe
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 16 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Scorpio
Gordon  09 37 26 13 20 20 13 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Libra Sagittarius
Doga    09 40 25 10 05 11 07 12 11 00 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Knight Crest, Speed Ring
Katua   14 11 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 04 Lady Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Taurus, Iote's Shield, Virgo, Orion Bolt
Linda   04 66 26 11 16 18 20 17 08 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Leo
Yubello 10 40 21 04 11 10 10 13 05 03 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Cancer, Chest Key
Samto   01 51 24 13 15 17 03 10 09 03 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill, Aquarus, Manual


Chapter 13: *Looks Out My Bedroom Window*- Cold? Hah! Marth is a Wuss

Turns Taken: 7

Marth crossed rivers with Samto and Gordon and fought things while Linda healed them with her Libro staff, Katua flew around stabbing thieves and the odd Dragon who crossed her path. Doga can double things now, wat. Gave Alan orbs so he can hopefully gain levels, and I'm still looking around for a Ring to promote Yubello, Doga promoted though!

Marth   18 29 33 16 17 17 16 18 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Angel Robe
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 16 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Libra, Sagittarius
Gordon  14 93 28 14 20 20 18 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Scorpio, Pisces
Doga    01 30 28 12 06 15 08 12 15 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Aries
Katua   16 71 44 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Broken Lance, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Taurus, Iote's Shield, Virgo
Linda   05 36 26 12 17 18 20 18 08 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Gemini, Leo, Reblow, Relive
Yubello 11 60 21 05 11 11 10 14 06 04 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Cancer
Samto   02 51 24 13 16 17 03 15 09 03 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill, Aquarus


Chapter 14: The Moment of Truth

Turns Taken: 10

Yay, I didn't miss anything! This chapter was a nightmare with the combination of Ice Dragons and Devil Sword!Thieves, but I pulled through thanks to Elfire spamming, and Dragon Kill fun. It was long though as I needed Chiki, and I used all my Chest Keys but one, but I got all the things I need, I don't think I need any more chest raids?

Marth   19 49 35 17 17 17 17 19 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Angel Robe
Alan    08 08 22 09 09 16 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill*
Gordon  17 52 28 16 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Partia, Again
Doga    01 70 28 12 06 15 08 12 15 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance
Katua   17 21 45 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Broken Lance, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Iote's Shield*
Linda   06 86 26 13 18 19 20 19 08 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Reblow, Relive
Yubello 01 10 22 07 14 12 12 16 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Chest Key
Samto   03 51 24 13 17 17 03 16 09 03 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   06 00 36 16 16 03 13 10 14 10 Divine Stone


Chapter 15: Est and Paola now Live Happily Ever After

Turns Taken: 8

Oh God, I'm one of "those" people, Pegasus Sisters lover that is, and made sure Est survived. D; I also realised that the female Knight dodge animation looks rather silly without a sword, try it sometime, it looks like an average girl when I walk by them! Anyway, Katua's now not the only person dominating the fields, Chiki gladly joined the conquest of the fliers. Marth lost a couple of steps cause damn Thieves kept getting in his way, Linda, Samto and Gordon went left and everyone else fought the advancing army, it was fun. Partia's dead, but meh, Gordon is near 20 anyway.

Marth   19 89 35 17 17 17 17 19 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Angel Robe
Alan    08 53 22 09 09 16 04 13 11 06 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Star Orb
Gordon  18 64 28 17 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Broken Bow
Doga    02 95 29 12 07 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Reblow
Katua   19 65 47 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Broken Lance, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Iote's Shield
Linda   08 65 27 14 19 20 20 20 08 07 Elfire, Aura, Resire, Reblow, Relive
Yubello 01 95 22 07 14 12 12 16 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Knight Killer, Chest Key
Samto   04 23 25 13 17 17 03 16 10 03 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   10 18 38 18 17 07 15 10 14 10 Divine Stone


Chapter 16: Miracle Sword! Finally! Astria's Head Rolling Never Felt Better!

Turns Taken: 7

Alan chased the Thief, while Chiki, Linda, Doga and Katua, Samto slaughtered the Heroes, everyone else went east to take over the throne. Doga and Samto had problems later on, so they hid behind Chiki and Katua while Linda staff bitch'd things. The Thief was tougher than I anticipated, but fortunately, he doesn't strike back, so Alan did fine.

Marth   20 -- 36 18 17 18 17 20 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Angel Robe
Alan    09 43 22 09 09 16 04 13 11 07 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Star Orb
Gordon  20 -- 28 17 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Broken Bow
Doga    03 35 29 12 08 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Reblow
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Broken Lance, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Iote's Shield, Reblow
Linda   09 80 27 15 20 20 20 20 08 07 Aura, Resire, Reblow, Relive
Yubello 03 43 24 09 14 13 13 17 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live (x2)
Samto   06 08 26 14 18 18 03 17 10 03 Armour Kill, Devil Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   11 58 39 18 18 07 16 10 14 10 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


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Double post, yeah yeah, will take the charges, but I felt as though my previous post was getting too long. :(

Chapter 17: Alan and Samto, GO!

Turns Taken: 7

I felt bad about killing a pretty girl in pink armour, so I let the soldiers live, besides, what if I missed when I was striking Sheema? That'd waste a turn. D; So other than that, this was a nitpicky fight, and only the Dragon Knights were a hassle, everyone else dropped, Samto's loving the Miracle Sword, and so is Alan with his Orb. Oh, and Marth is wearing Angelic Clothes finally as is Chiki with a Speed Ring.

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Armour Killer, Fire Emblem, Vulnery
Alan    10 20 23 10 09 17 05 14 12 07 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Star Orb, Earth Orb
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Silver Bow
Doga    03 35 29 12 08 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Reblow
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Iron Lance, Silver Lance, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Door Key (x3)
Linda   11 17 27 16 20 20 20 20 08 08 Aura, Resire, Elfire, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Live, Again
Yubello 03 63 24 09 14 13 13 17 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live, Reblow, Chest Key
Samto   08 05 28 14 19 19 03 19 10 03 Armour Kill, Miracle Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   12 03 39 19 18 13 16 10 14 11 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


Chapter 18: Wolf Can't do Anything Right

Turns Taken: 5

1.) Run to Village

2.) Lure Generals with Chiki

3.) Kill Dragon Knights with Katua

4.) Swarm the remaining Generals with everyone before Marth arrives

5.) ??????

6.) Profit!

Everyone, but Roshe died by the way, and he will sadly remain in a village in Akaneia for the rest of his life.

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Broken Sword, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Life Orb
Alan    11 85 23 11 09 17 06 15 12 08 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Star Orb, Earth Orb
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Silver Bow
Doga    04 43 30 12 09 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Reblow
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Broken Lance (x2), Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Door Key (x3)
Linda   13 87 29 17 20 20 20 20 08 08 Aura, Resire, Elfire, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Live, Again
Yubello 05 53 25 09 16 13 15 18 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live, Reblow, Chest Key
Samto   09 65 29 14 19 20 03 20 10 03 Armour Kill, Miracle Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   13 28 39 19 18 14 16 10 14 11 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


Chapter 19: OH JESUS CHRIST!

Turns Taken: 5

I was suddenly reminded why I hate this chapter: violent reinforcements. Katua killed, and killed, and killed with the somewhat helpful hand of Chiki. When the reinforcements came a-pouring, fuck that, I Again'd it so I didn't have to put up with that shit and seized with just a minor arrow wound for Marth. God I hate this chapter. :(

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 08 01 Rapier, Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Broken Sword, Fire Emblem, Vulnery, Life Orb, Dragon Shield
Alan    12 65 24 12 09 18 06 15 13 08 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill, Star Orb, Earth Orb
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Silver Bow, Silver Bow
Doga    04 43 30 12 09 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance, Reblow
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Lance, Kill Lance, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield
Linda   15 03 31 17 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Elfire, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Live, Again
Yubello 05 53 25 13 16 13 15 18 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live, Reblow, Chest Key
Samto   09 65 29 14 19 20 03 20 10 03 Armour Kill, Miracle Sword, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill
Chiki   15 76 40 20 18 15 17 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


Chapter 20: The Miracle of Miracle Sword

Turns Taken: 7

Katua got the Earth Orb, and protected everyone, while Life Orb!Marth pressed on and destroyed everything with the Miracle Sword. Get this: I wasn't expecting this to happen but, BAM! Critical'd OHKO'd Hardin with the sword, it was cooool! Sadly, I missed the Thief, but eh, he only picked useless (as of now) promotional items, so meh. The Meteor Bishops became a slight problem after Marth stole the Earth Orb and shoved it onto the shield, but constant Reserve, everyone was fine). Midia survived!

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 11 01 Rapier, Silver Sword, Miracle Sword, Dragon Kill, Shield of Seals
Alan    13 50 24 13 09 18 06 15 13 08 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow (x2)
Doga    04 88 30 12 09 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Lance, Kill Lance, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield
Linda   15 63 31 17 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Elfire, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Live, Again
Yubello 05 63 25 13 16 13 15 18 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live, Reblow
Samto   10 37 30 14 19 20 03 20 11 03 Armour Kill, Kill Sword, Dragon Kill, Master Sword
Chiki   16 71 41 20 19 15 18 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


Chapter 21: Where Chiki Intercepts and Considers Joining a Football League

Turns Taken: 9

Chiki killed all the Thieves, and some Barbarians, while Katua protected Marth, everyone else sort of sat there killing things Chiki didn't kill and staff bitch. Marth is cool! Flying Dragons are assholes!

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 11 01 Rapier, Silver Sword, Sword Killer, Dragon Kill, Shield of Seals
Alan    16 30 25 13 10 18 06 15 13 08 Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Slim Lance, Armour Kill
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow (x2)
Doga    04 88 30 12 09 15 08 12 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Killer Lance
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Lance, Kill Lance, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Pure Water (x3)
Linda   16 53 31 17 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Elfire, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Live, Again
Yubello 06 53 25 13 17 13 16 19 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Live, Reblow
Samto   12 16 31 15 20 20 03 20 11 03 Armour Kill, Kill Sword, Miracle Sword, Master Sword
Chiki   19 51 43 20 19 17 20 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone


Endgame Pt 1: Katua: Giving Pro-Femininity a New Name

Turns Taken: 7

Marth runs ahead, everyone follows, sound familiar? Doga and Samto got some good levels with their weapons, and Katua slapped some men around 99 DMG at a time, typical stuff in FE3 draft for me. Chiki 20'd it out!

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 11 01 Rapier, Silver Sword, Sword Killer, Dragon Kill, Shield of Seals
Alan    16 50 25 13 10 18 06 15 13 08 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Devil Sword, Armour Kill
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow (x2), Door Key
Doga    07 28 31 13 11 16 10 14 16 03 Steel Lance, Slim Lance, Knight Killer, Gradius, Door Key
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Door Key
Linda   17 13 31 18 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Starlight, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Again, Pure Water
Yubello 06 93 25 13 17 13 16 19 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Elfire, Relive, Reblow, Pure Water
Samto   14 95 33 15 20 20 04 20 11 03 Armour Kill, Kill Sword, Miracle Sword, Master Sword
Chiki   20 -- 43 20 20 17 20 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone, Door Key


Endgame Pt. 2: Garnef Just Doesn't Get the Point..

Turns Taken: 5

Marth (as usual) dashed ahead, fun stuff, yeah, yeah, got intercepted by dragons, so Katua and Samto had to save his ass, Gordon ate a lot of Meteors, but Linda to the rescue! Garnef got intergalactic explosions to the face and died thanks to Yubello, and Katua killed the last dragon for Marth to dash up to the throne.

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 11 01 Rapier, Silver Sword, Sword Killer, Dragon Kill, Shield of Seals
Alan    16 50 25 13 10 18 06 15 13 08 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Devil Sword, Armour Kill
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow (x2), Door Key
Doga    08 08 32 13 11 17 10 14 16 03 Steel Lance, Elfire, Knight Killer, Gradius, Door Key
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Door Key
Linda   17 73 31 18 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Starlight, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Again, Pure Water
Yubello 08 33 25 13 19 13 18 20 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Starlight, Relive, Reblow, Pure Water
Samto   16 74 34 15 20 20 05 20 11 03 Armour Kill, Kill Sword, Miracle Sword, Master Sword
Chiki   20 -- 43 20 20 17 20 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone, Door Key


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Chapter 19: Roshe doesn't - 7 turns

Minerva baits some of the Paladins whilst the others go around. Matthis gets a nice crit on the boss with the Miracle Sword!

Unit 	LV XP HP ST SK SP LK WL DF RS Notable items
Marth	20 -- 35 19 14 20 18 14 13 00 Rapier, Kill Sword
Arran*  20 -- 33 15 12 19 04 12 15 01 Silver Sword
Matthis 11 66 36 20 20 20 06 20 17 03 Miracle Sword
Julian  20 -- 32 19 18 20 20 20 16 03 Kill Sword, Swordkill
Navarre 20 -- 52 20 20 20 20 20 30 08 Orbs
Minerva 20 -- 28 17 14 18 14 20 14 02 Iote Shield
Marich  08 86 37 17 14 20 12 20 10 08 Shaver, Reblow



Chapter 20: Hardin and Midia don't fare too well either - 9+4 turns

An absolute nightmare! Those Meteor bishops are really accurate. Navarre gets Hardin in the end, lucky me! Midia dies, apparently waiting is seen as a form of escaping.

Unit 	LV XP HP ST SK SP LK WL DF RS Notable items
Marth	20 -- 35 19 14 20 18 14 13 00 Rapier, Kill Sword
Arran*  20 -- 33 17 15 20 04 12 17 07 Silver Sword
Matthis 12 12 37 20 20 20 07 20 20 09 Miracle Sword
Julian  20 -- 32 19 18 20 20 20 16 03 Kill Sword, Swordkill
Navarre 20 -- 52 20 20 20 20 20 30 08 Orbs
Minerva 20 -- 28 20 17 20 14 20 18 02 Iote Shield
Marich  09 91 38 17 15 20 13 20 10 08 Shaver, Reblow



Chapter 21: Dragon's Snail - 10 turns

The dragons all hate Julian, Marth gets Starlight and I blow the rest of my money and stuff buying Angel Robes!

Unit 	LV XP HP ST SK SP LK WL DF RS Notable items
Marth	20 -- 35 19 14 20 18 14 13 00 Rapier, Kill Sword
Arran*  20 -- 33 15 12 19 04 12 15 01 Silver Sword
Matthis 19 47 39 20 20 20 07 20 18 04 
Julian  20 -- 32 19 18 20 20 20 16 03 Kill Sword, Swordkill
Navarre 20 -- 52 20 20 20 20 20 30 08 
Minerva 20 -- 28 17 14 18 14 20 14 02 Iote Shield
Marich  11 71 40 18 16 20 14 20 11 08 Shaver, Reblow



Finale: Part 1 - 9 turns

Everyone robes up and runs ahead. Navarre kills the boss, letting Marth capture

Finale: Part 2 - 6 turns

Marth and Navarre boogied up, killing dragons. Marich kiled Gharnef and Minerva ate a lot of Meteor.

Finale: Part 3 - 6 turns

I managed to rescue Lena and Maria using my last Again staff usage. However, Mediuth killed himself on Marth and ate the other two. Oh well!


397 turns!

Marth, Pantsless Boy Wonder - 92 kills


Only really hindered by the fact he gains too many levels before the good orbs arrive. He got a few nice things and held out pretty well.

Arran, Great despite the constant vomiting - 65 kills


I kid you not, this is the mighty Arran! He got a lot of resources, but it meant that he remained useful throughout the game.

Matthis, My voice gives me strength! - 72 kills


A pain to recruit but he got pretty good as time went by. Inferior to Arran until he promoted. Solid stuff!

Julian, No Penalties for Me! - 33 kills


Practically a second Marth. He should probably be free in drafts, it's not that fair you guys can't open stuff.

Navarre, Captain Capping - 72 kills


Those stats say it all. Incredibly powerful and tough!

Minerva, Better this time around - 40 kills


Considering you need her to complete the game this time, the extra turns didn't matter. She didn't turn out half-bad either.

Marich, the Pope - 37 kills


My only magic user, except when I used Linde and got penalties. He got a lot of good orbs, meaning his strength is amazing. Yay!

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Turns Taken: 2

Everyone, but Nina dies, frankly, they all deserve it, bitches. Anyway, with the two uses of Again I had, it provided Gordon to snipe Rena, leaving an open space. Second Again, I forget who, but someone kills Maria, but Ellis still lived, and she staff bitch'd the hurt Marth put on Mediuth. Second phase, Chiki casually flew up, breathed on Mediuth, and Samto poked him, and now he's in hell, yayyyyy!

I like Nina, okay? sad.gif

Marth   20 -- 43 18 17 18 17 20 11 01 Rapier, Silver Sword, Falchion, Dragon Kill, Shield of Seals
Alan    16 72 25 13 10 18 06 15 13 08 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Devil Sword, Armour Kill
Gordon  20 -- 30 18 20 20 19 20 10 03 Iron Bow, Killer Bow, Silver Bow (x2), Door Key
Doga    08 08 32 13 11 17 10 14 16 03 Steel Lance, Elfire, Knight Killer, Gradius, Door Key
Katua   20 -- 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 05 Lady Sword, Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Kill Sword, Iote's Shield, Door Key
Linda   18 29 31 18 20 20 20 20 09 08 Aura, Resire, Starlight, Blizzard, Reblow, Relive, Again, Pure Water
Yubello 08 89 25 13 19 13 18 20 06 07 Thunder, Blizzard, Fire, Starlight, Relive, Reblow, Pure Water
Samto   16 ?? 35 16 20 20 05 20 11 03 Armour Kill, Kill Sword, Miracle Sword, Master Sword
Chiki   20 -- 43 20 20 17 20 10 14 12 Divine Stone, Fire Stone, Door Key

Marth- Wasn't as good as Book I, as the general quality of enemies were a lot worse, but he still did fine.

Alan- With the Star Orb, he was decent, probably the worst on my team later on, but he could still kill most magic users with the Silver Sword and high SPD!

Gordon- Archers are fantastic in FE3, Partia really helped him. Like every Archer, he was bad at the start, but promotion gains turned him into a total bro'.

Doga- Bad movement, sorry Doga, I like you n' all, but you're not the best character to draft in a draft. Granted, he was my only Gradius user, but too late for improvement

Katua- MVP, absolute beast, flew, killed things and protected. Even if Sheeda is better in theory, she was fantastic in Book 2.

Linda- Like Book 1, she became a staff bitch later on, but did very well at it.

Yubello- A weaker Linda, but eh, he made a decent staff bitch, so I can't complain.

Samto- The Miracle Sword made him good, but for a Hero who is supposed to specialize in criticals, he had abysmal LCK.

Chiki- The other Katua, Katua vs. Chiki though? Katua wins in terms of being able to double, and availability.


169 + 184 = 353

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Note to self, actually pick people who appear in Book 2. Oh, and avoid Minerva and Arran.

My priority was to have people able to appear in both books, whatever the cost, hence the choices of George, Astria and BANUTU.

The Whitewings are such a pain to recruit in Book 1. Fuck Maria and Minerva.

Still, you guys did good.

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I suppose they're a pickle to recruit, as well as make recruitable. Minerva actually wasn't a bad pick for Book 2, since you need to get her to complete the game. Her HP was a little low, and she didn't really get a chance to cap her stats.

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