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Make Characters Older!


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This is my first thread on this forum and I have been spriting random mugs so far.

I got an idea to make characters older, but I'm not that great at it.

I tried to make Hugh look about 15-20 years older than his fe6 age, 22, through a recolor and slight edit.


note: The blueish hair is a result of aging (kind of like graying hair)

Please post your own character agings and comment on other peoples agings.

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His hair needs an outline, and the color hurts my eyes, to be honest. Try using someone elses hair color. (Can't think of anyone with blue hair like that at the moment...)

Make sure to use colors from the same FE.

Also: the mug is really blurry, did you put an effect over it in GIMP or something or is my copypasting screwing it up?

There should be a 'make a character look older contest. :V unless there already is one?

Edited by L95
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There's way too much saturation in the hair colors. It's too bright. Although the FE6/7 cool colors are usually more saturated than the warm colors you need to tone down that hair's saturation. The contrast looks fine though.

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The contrast looks fine though.

This is coming from a person who is constantly reminded that his custom colors are especially lacking in this particular area. Not to publicly spite you or anything, but...you're kidding, right?

Those colors don't have enough contrast. Contrast refers to the difference in value between shades. If you really need to look at contrast, desaturate the entire thing first, then check it again. Part of the illusion is not only using value, but also balancing the mix with saturation. For example, the hair here is so goddamn bright, it looks like an utter mess at face value. However, if you were to desaturate it, there could almost be considered decent.


The shirt, on the other hand, is practically disappearing into itself.

@Knighthawk - Please don't recolor sprites with Photoshop or whatever strange overlay method you're using. It puts a million unnecessary colors in the sprite. There are plenty of recolor tutorials just about everywhere.

Edited by · j e a l o k i t t y ·
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Okay, whatever. My eye was off. Sue me.

The colors don't even work for Hugh anyway. If you look at the colors, they're highly saturated blues. Hugh has purple hair. Even if he got older his hair would be a duller purple and not blue. hair dye also didn't exist

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The colors don't even work for Hugh anyway. If you look at the colors, they're highly saturated blues. Hugh has purple hair. Even if he got older his hair would be a duller purple and not blue. hair dye also didn't exist
note: The blueish hair is a result of aging (kind of like graying hair)

:B Like someone who's going to use overlay is going to get anything duller than they started with.

Don't go all sour grapes on us just because we called you out on something. The mug's a piece of recolored radioactive waste - we all know that, already. Let it go.

Edited by · j e a l o k i t t y ·
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I just realized how truly awful this recolor is.

My laptop's colors are off and when I was working on this it looked fine.

I then saw it on my home computer and realized how bright the hair was, it looked duller and kind of like it would be a graying purple. The shirt also looked a little better but I think I just messed up on that.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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I'm not really sure how to check the saturation, and I pretty much gave up on the Hugh. I tried again to make a character look older, though.

Here is my older Gerik


What do you think? All constructive criticism is appreciated.

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I tried to make his clothes look older and if you look closely I added wrinkles under his eyes, removed the muscle lines from his arm and added a new scar to his arm.

Also, mustaches don't work with Gerik, he looks pretty funny.

Edited by Knighthawk
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